A: Good evening!Ladies and gentlemen.B: Good evening!Dear teachers and friends.A:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾。
A: Welcome to the English story-telling Contest.(停顿一下,掌声!)Firstly let me introduce today's honorable judges.B:下面,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎担任今天大赛的评委们,他们分别是: 教学部主任XXX(Mr.X , welcome)….A:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位评委的到来!
B: Welcome!
B:Ok, let’s start.A:马上开始今天的比赛环节,首先要请出场的是一号选手。from Cla Three.Sheis going to tell us a story Let’s welcome.A: What a nice story!Isn’t it?
B: Yes.You are right.Here comes From Contestant ’s welcome.A: Hey,_ do you like cats?
B:Very much.A: Great!The next story is about.Please welcome B: Let’s enjoy.A: It’the boy who cried the wolf > from Cla Eight.Let’s welcome.B: The next story is from Cla Ten.Please ’s welcome.A: How lovely!What’s the next? Let’s enjoy the story
B: How interesting!Now let’’s going to tell us a story.from Cla Two.A: Here comes a handson boy, he wants to tell us a story.Please welcome Contestant NO.Cla One.A: The next story is about.Let’s welcome contestant NO.9.B: So nice!Thank you!Do you want to be an emperor? That’s cool.The next story is about.Please welcome
A: Good evening!ladies and gentlemen.B: Good evening!Dear teachers and friends.A: Our story-telling Contest is going to the end.B: Now Let’s welcome Mr Ji to give us a speech.A: Thank you, Mr Ji.Here comes the result.B: 现在请允许我宣布比赛结果。获得二等奖的选手是。。。A: Congratulations!
B: Please welcome Mi Li to give them award.A: 现在请允许我宣布获得一等奖的选手是。。。
B: Congratulations!
A: Please welcome Mi Zhang to give them award.B: Let’s welcome.A: 最激动人心的时刻到了。获得特等奖的选手是。。。B: Congratulations!
A: Let’s welcome Mr.Ji to give them award.B: Let’s welcome.A: Good evening!ladies and gentlemen.B: Good evening!Dear teachers and friends.合: This is the end of our story-telling Contest.See you next time.
尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 男:今天我们相约在这里,缅怀红色历史,追忆峥嵘岁月。女:今天我们相约在这里,回望激情燃烧的岁月,用赤诚的心曲缅怀革命先驱不朽的足迹。男:今天,我们......
Good evening, my distinguished judges, guests and dear students.Welcome to The Preliminary Contest of the 5th Science and Technology Foreign Language Contest fo......
尊敬的家长朋友,亲爱的小朋友们。大家上午好!故事是我们每个人成长历程中不可缺少的亲密伙伴,它像阳光雨露,滋润着我们的梦想。为了给幼儿提供一个展示自我的舞台, 提高幼儿的语......
尊敬的家长朋友,亲爱的小朋友们。大家下午好! 故事是我们每个人成长历程中不可缺少的亲密伙伴,它像阳光雨露,滋润着我们的梦想。为了给幼儿提供一个展示自我的舞台, 提高幼儿的......
Distinguished leaders,Respected teachersDear studentsGood eveningWelcome to our …….I’m WilliamI’m DeboraWith the holding of tonight’s party, please allow m......