1、One morning a group of animals were playing happily in the jungle.Suddenly they heard someone crying “Help!Help!” What happened? Let’s share the play “Jungle Story”.清晨,一群小动物在森林里快乐地玩耍。突然,他们听到有人在喊:“救命啊!救命啊!”到底发生什么事了呢?让我们来看表演:“森林里的故事”。
2、The story《Pilgrimage To the West》is our favourite.Tang Monk is taking his three disciples on the way to our school.They are on Dongyue Mountain now.What are they meeting with? Please share the scene play “Pilgrimage to the West”.故事《西游记》是我们最喜欢的。唐曾带着他的三个徒弟正在来我们学校的路上,途径东岳山,他们会遭遇什么呢?请看情境剧:“西游记”。
3、There are five little ducks.They are very naughty.They like to go out and play far away.But the mother duck loves them very much.Look!They are coming now.Please enjoy the play “Five Little Ducks”.有五只小鸭子,他们很玩皮,他们总是喜欢跑到很远的地方去玩。然而,鸭妈妈仍然深爱着她们。瞧!他们已经来了。请欣赏表演:“五只小鸭子”。
4、Do you like English? Can you speak English well? How important English is for us.Now let’s learn English from “A B C”.Please enjoy the act “Happy A B C”.你喜欢英语吗?你能说好英语吗?英语对我们多重要啊!现在就让我们从“ABC”开始学吧。请欣赏节目“快乐ABC”。
5、“One World One Dream”.You and me from one world.Heart to heart.We are one family.Let’s listen to the song “You and me”
6、Thanks to the parents.Thanks to the teachers.Thanks to the schoolmates.Thanks to all the people who’d helped me.Have a heart of feel grateful.The world will be finer.Please listen to the song “Heart of Feel Grateful”.感谢父母,感谢老师,感谢同学,感谢所有帮助过我们的人。拥有一颗感恩的心,世界将变得更美好。请欣赏歌曲“感恩的心”。
7、The more we get together, the happier we will be.The more we get together, the stronger we will be.The story “Pull up the Turnip” tells us “The unity is the strength.” Look!Little animals are coming.They want to pull up the turnip together.我们聚集在一起,人越多,就越快乐。我们聚集在一起,人越多,就越强大。故事“拔罗卜”告诉我们“团结就是力量”。看!小动物们来了,他们要一起拔罗卜呢。
8、Let ourselves be pretty.Let ourselves be cool.Be a fashion student.Look!Our model team is coming.Let’s share the pretty clothes together.让自己美起来,让自己酷起来,做一个时尚的学生。瞧!我们的模特队来了,让我们一起分享漂亮的服装吧!
9、learning English, speaking English, loving English.English brings us happy life.English leads us to move towards the world.How can we speak English well? The next program is cro talk “Learning English”.Please listen!
10、Music makes us happy.Music makes us excited.Knight drum can knock the wonderful music.Now let’s listen and enjoy the song “China Girl”.音乐使我们快乐,音乐使我们激动,爵士鼓能敲出美妙的音乐。现在让我们一起来听并欣赏歌曲“陶瓷娃娃”。
11、I can fly.I’m proud I can fly.See me fly.I’m proud to fly up high.Nothing can stop me spread my winds so wide.I want to be a brave girl.How nice words!Please listen to the song “Proud of You”.我会飞,飞让我骄傲。看我飞,高飞让我骄傲。没有什么能停止我展翅高飞,我要做一个勇敢的女孩。多美的歌词啊!请听歌曲“挥着翅膀的女孩”。
12、Summer is coming.There are many flies here and there.They eat our food.They affect our health.They bother our life.Please enjoy the song “Shoo, fly, don’t bother me”
13、Are you happy today? If you are happy, clap your hands, stomp your feet, shout “Hooray!”.Let’s be happy together.Are you ready? Please enjoy the song and dance “If you are happy”.今天你快乐吗?如果你快乐,那就拍拍手,跺跺脚,大喊:“Hooray!”,让我们一起快乐吧,你准备好了吗?请欣赏歌舞:“如果你快乐!”
14、Apple red, apple round, apple juicy, apple sweet, apple, apple, I love you.What delicious apples!Look!They are coming!Welcome!Little apples!
15、The butterflies like flying.They fly high.They fly low.They fly in the meadow.They fly in the garden.How happy they are!Let’s enjoy the song and dance “The Butterfly”.蝴蝶喜欢飞,他们高飞飞,低飞飞,他们草地上飞飞,花坛里飞飞,他们多快乐呀!让我们一起欣赏歌舞:“蝴蝶”。
16、Speaking effective English!How enviable!Please learn English hard!Don’t be shy.Just try.I think you can.Now let’s listen to the cro talk “Speaking Effective English”.拥有一口地道的英语,多么令人羡慕的事情啊!请努力学习英语吧,别害羞,尽力尝试,我认为你行的。下面请听相声:“说地道的英语”。
1、One morning a group of animals were playing happily in the jungle.Suddenly they heard someone crying “Help! Help! ” What happened? Let’s share the play “......
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