2013“外研社”杯全国英语演讲大赛安徽赛区半决赛主持词(上半场)毕鹏:Ladies and gentlemen, as the competition is about to start, please be seated and make sure your cell phone has been switched off or turned into mute mode.Please do not walk around or speak loudly during the competition.Thank you for your cooperation.陈晓娜:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!Welcome to the 2013 FLTRP cupEnglish Public Speaking Contest in Anhui Province.I’m Chen Xiaona from Anhui University.It’s my great honour to be the hoste for today’s contest.毕鹏:I’m Bi Peng from Anhui University.Today is the semi-final of this qualifying contestants from different universities will show their talents in English speaking today.I believe they will give us their best performance, and we also believe that you, the audience will enjoy the excitement.Firstly,please allow me to introduce our distinguished judges and guests.陈晓娜:Now may I have the pleasure to introduce the rules for today’s competition.Each of the contestants will have 3 minutes to give their prepared speech on the topic of When Socrates Meets Confucius.And two questions will be raised by the judges according to the given speech.For each question the answer should be within one minute.The speech and answer should be finished in 15 seconds under or above the time given.If the speech is not within the proper time limit, a time violation penalty will be aeed.毕鹏:During the prepared speech, a staff member will raise a yellow board as a signal that there is half a minute left.Then, at the end of 3minutes, a red board will be raised to let the speaker know that the time has run out.So, please raise the red board.Thank you!
陈晓娜:Now Let’s warmly welcome contestant No.1 ,and contestant No.2 please get ready.毕鹏:For the sake of fairne, the judges will give their scores after the first three competitors complete their performance.Now let’s warmly welcome contestant No.2
Now Let’s warmly welcome the last contestant.陈晓娜: Ladies and gentlemen, for now we have enjoyed the excellent performance of
毕鹏:A little more patience, in the afternoon we’ll see anotherbefore the winner stands out.陈晓娜:OK.That’s all for the first half of semi-final in A group.Thanks to the audience, thanks to all the judges and contestants, and thanks to the stuff for your hard work.Let’s meet again in the afternoon!
毕鹏:Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, I am sure that the first half of the competition has left you a great impreion.I believe the performance of the rest of contestants will also be excellent.陈晓娜:Firstly,please allow me to introduce our distinguished judges and guests.毕鹏: Now may I have the pleasure to introduce the rules for today’s competition.Each of the contestants will have 3 minutes to give their prepared speech on the topic of When Socrates Meets Confucius.And two questions will be raised by the judges according to the given speech.For each question the answer should be within one minute.The speech and answer should be finished in 15 seconds under or above the time given.If the speech is not within the proper time limit, a time violation penalty will be aeed.陈晓娜:Now Let’s warmly welcome contestant No.21
毕鹏:For now all the contestants have presented their speeches.Before we announce the final results,let’s warmly welcome____to give his comments on today’s performance of all the contestants.陈晓娜:Thank you Mr./Mrs.Xxx!Now, here comes the most exciting moment.First let’s announce the names of today’s excellence awards winners.他们
是……Congratulations!Let’s give them a big hand.Let us invite ********* to present the prizes.Now we come to the third prize winners他们是……Congratulations!Now let us invite *** to present the prizes. Now we come to the second prize winner and the first prize winner他们是„„.Congratulations!Now let us invite *** to present the prizes.毕鹏:Ladies and gentlemen, before we end todays performance, I'd like to expre thanks to all the listeners here today, and our thanks goes to the distinguished guest, contestants,and all the judges.Thank you all.陈晓娜:在此我宣布2013年“外研社杯”全国大学生英语演讲比赛安徽赛区选拔赛圆
西宁市第七中学2015第三届金秋艺术节主持词更:青春,是如火一般的舞姿,是如向日葵般的蓬勃成长,手 中的向日葵象征着他们对幸福生活的憧憬,那一面面火红的旗 帜,是对光与热的无限追......