VE Party 主持词 中英对照_教师节晚会主持词范本

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Cheers 2011 VE Annual Party Host主持人串词

Host:Echo JIANG, Wenrui MA

18:30-19:00 嘉宾签到

19:15-19:20 红鼓舞

19:20-19:22 主持人出场,介绍到场嘉宾

女士们先生们,伴随着精彩的红鼓舞,“Cheers 2011 威立雅新春派对”拉开了序幕!我是xx.Ladies and gentlemen, with the excellent “Red Drum Dance”, the “Cheers 2011 VE Annual Party” opened!I’m xx.我是xx.I’m xx.合:大家晚上好。Together: Good evening.首先,让我们用热力的掌声欢迎威立雅环境集团执行副总裁,Denis Gasquet先生到访。至此中国春节来临之前,我们威立雅环境集团中国区的所有员工欢聚一堂,共庆佳节。

First, let’s welcome the visit of Mr Denis Gasquet, Chief Operating Officer of Veolia environment.Before the Chinese New Year, all employees of Veolia Environment gather here and celebrate the festival together.今天的晚会现场,不仅有许多伴随威立雅成长的员工,更有集团的领导与我们一起见证辉煌!首先,请允许我介绍一下出席今天晚会的集团领导,他们是: 威立雅环境集团执行副总裁vp, Denis Gasquet先生 威立雅环境集团亚太区总裁CEO,Jorge Mora先生

威立雅环境集团亚太区首席运营官COO,Regis Calmels先生 威立雅交通,Daniel Cukierman先生 威立雅能源,Roland Schoorl先生 威立雅环境服务,Luc Zeller先生

Tonight, we have not only all the employees at the party, but we also have our Bo here.Now please allowed me to introduce our VIPs, there are: COO of VE, Mr.Denis Gasquet.CEO of VE Asia Pacific, Mr.Jorge Mora.COO of VE, Mr.Regis Calmels.Veolia Transportation, Mr.Daniel Cukierman.Veolia Environment Service, Mr.Luc Zeller.首先掌声欢迎威立雅环境集团执行副总裁, Denis Gasquet先生为我们今天的晚会做开幕致辞,有请!

Please welcome VE COO, Mr Denise Gasquet to give us the opening speech for the ceremony.19:22-19:27 Denis Gasquet致辞中„„


回顾2010年,在Jorge Mora先生的带领下,威立雅环境集团在中国取得了骄人业绩。下面,就有请威立雅环境集团总裁Jorge Mora先生为我们做新年致辞,有请Mora先生!Thanks for Mr Gasquet’s paionate speech.In 2010, under the leadership of Mr.Mora, VE has rapid developed in China, now let’s welcome VE President Mr.Jorge Mora to give us the New Year’s Speech.19:28-19:32 Jorge Mora致辞中„„

请Mora先生留步。感谢Mora先生的精彩致辞!下面让我们以热烈的掌声再次有请Denis Gasquet先生,以及Regis Calmels先生,Daniel Cukierman先生,Roland Schoorl先生,和Luc Zeller先生为晚会开启香槟!

Mr.Mora, please wait.Thanks for your speech.Now let’s welcome Mr.Denis Gasquet, Mr.Regis Calmels, Mr.Daniel Cukierman, Mr.Roland Schoorl and Mr.Luc Zeller by the warm applause to open the champagne tower for tonight!

19:33-19:38 开启香槟,宣布酒会开始


Thanks for the Bo.Now, please enjoy the Chinese traditional Sichuan Opera show---Face Changing show!

19:39-19:45 变脸

欣赏了这么精彩的变脸表演后,下面即将进入的是激动人心的抽奖环节,我们第一轮的抽奖活动马上就要开始了,首先揭晓的是三等奖(欧舒丹礼盒一份)!有请抽奖嘉宾Luc Zeller先生,Roland Schoorl(Dalkia)先生,Daniel Cukierman先生。After the wonderful Face Changing show, the following is the exciting lucky draw, our first

rdround of lucky draw will begin, let’s start from 3 Prize, Gift of l’occitane.Please welcome Mr.Luc

19:45-20:00 第一轮抽奖(三等奖24个)



Let’s welcome the winner!Congratulations!

下面是晚宴时间,请大家尽情享受今晚的美酒佳肴。Now it’s time for dinner, please enjoy it.我们还准备了丰富多彩的娱乐节目,并有多项大奖即将揭晓,朋友们,待会儿见!

And we’ll have different kinds of entertainment and prizes later, see you later!

20:00-20:30 就餐、交流,背景音乐


Ladies and gentlemen, as we know Veolia Environment is the biggest environment service group in the world, so we do not only have the profeional experts, but also have a lot of special talent.Now let’s welcome the magic show from Veolia Water----the magic moment!

20:30-20:36 魔术表演 VW


Amazing!Thanks you!The following is the performance from VES??

20:36-20:42 VES


Thanks!We all know that the girls in Veolia Energy are beautiful, so let’s enjoy the Mysterious Indian dance from Veolia energy!

20:42-20:48 印度舞表演 Dalkia

谢谢我们员工们的精彩表演!下面,又到了激动人心的抽奖时间,有请Regis Calmels先生为我们抽取二等奖5名,奖品是apple nano。

Thanks for all the performers!Now, it’s time for lucky draw again, let’s welcome Mr Regis Calmes to draw the 2nd Prize for 5 persons, and the prize is apple nano!

20:48-20:55 第二轮抽奖(二等奖、一等奖)


Let’s welcome the winner!Congratulations!

下面有请Jorge Mora先生为我们抽取一等奖2名,奖品是wii!

Now let’s welcome Mr.Jorge Mora to draw 2 1st Prize, the prize is wii!


Let’s welcome the winner!Congratulations!

转眼间一等奖也各归其主了,台下没有获奖的朋友们要坚持住,让我们稍事休息,一会儿还有更大更惊喜的大奖等着大家。After the the 1st prize, let’s take a rest, for those who haven’t awarded, please be patient, we’ll have surprise prize later!

20:55-21:15 就餐、交流

亲爱的朋友们,游戏时间到了,让我们请出“BOSS”队,有请Denis Gasquet/ Jorge Mora/ Regis Calmels/Daniel Cukierman/Roland Schoorl/ Luc Zeller。下面出场的是我们的“Bonnie”队!游戏规则是,分别在两队队员脚上系上气球,游戏开始后两队互相踩对方脚上的气球,最后,哪一队最先将对方的气球全踩爆,就获胜。


Ladies and gentlemen, now it’s time for game!Let’s welcome “BOSS” team, Mr Denis Gasquet, Mr.Jorge Mora, Mr.Regis Calmels, Mr.Daniel Cukierman, Mr Roland Schoorl, Mr.Luc Zeller!Another team is “BONNIE”!Let me introduce the game rule, first, all the players have to tied balloons on their foot, then the two team start to blow up each other the balloons by their foot, the team who has no balloons at the end will be the loser!Now, let’s start the game!

21:15-21:25 游戏


谢谢我们的”BOSS”队和“BONNIE”队!下面请欣赏舞蹈“梁祝”.Thanks for our “BOSS” team and “BONNIE” team!Now please enjoy the dance of “liangshanbo and zhuyingtai”

21:25-21:30 舞蹈:梁祝

接下来是传统表演“舞狮”,让我们掌声有请Denis Gasquet先生和Jorge Mora先生为狮子点睛!

Now is the traditional show “Lion dancing”, please welcome Mr.Denis Gasquet and Mr.Jorge Mora to draw the eyes of lion!

21:30-21:35 舞狮表演



Perfect performance!Thank you very much!

最激动人心的时刻到了,让我们有请Denis Gasquet先生为我们抽取今天的特等奖,奖品是ipad!Now is the most exciting moment for tonight, please welcome Mr.Denis Gasquet to draw the special prize, an ipad!

21:35-21:40 第三轮抽奖(特等奖)


Welcome the luckiest winner!

欢乐的时光总是特别的短暂,今天的新春派对到这里就要结束了,感谢今天所有到场的领导和朋友们,特别是Denis Gasquet先生。祝大家春节快乐,兔年大吉!我们明年见!

Happy time is so short, the annual party has to say goodbye, thanks for all the Bo and friends here, especially for Mr Denis Gasquet.Happy Spring Festival and good luck, the Year of the rabbit!See you next year!


Please come to the front and take a photo for souvenir!

21:40 主持人宣布活动结束,合影留念

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