
主持词 时间:2020-02-27 09:06:09 收藏本文下载本文
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Honorable leaders, teachers, dear students, ladies and gentlemen, good evening!尊敬的领导们,老师们,亲爱的同学们,女士们先生们,大家晚上好!In order to promote the cultural construction in our collage, and enrich students’ campus life, our collage decides to hold the first cultural festival of foreign languages.为促进我院校园文化建设,丰富学生的校园文化生活,我院决定举办首届外语文化节活动。

Tonight, we gather together to celebrate the opening of the first part of the festival.Tonight, we gather together to take part in furious and interesting final competition.今晚,我们欢聚一堂庆祝首届外语文化节的开幕,今晚,我们欢聚一堂加入紧张有趣的我爱记单词决赛活动。

First of all, on behalf of the applied foreign language department, I would like to extend our sincere welcome to all the guests here.Thanks for your coming and cooperation.Now, let me introduce our distinguished judges and leaders from our college.They are the vice president of our college profeor Chen huaizhong, Director of foreign affairs department profeor Liang, director of academic administration department profeor Shen, secretary of CYL committee zhushaoyong, secretary of CPC committee of applied foreign language department, profeor Yu director of the applied foreign languages department profeor zhang, profeor zhu, profeor Yang, and all the staff of applied foreign languages department.Thanks for your coming.首先,我谨代表应用外语系,向今晚所有的来宾致以真诚的问候的欢迎。感谢你们的到来和加入。现在,请允许我向大家介绍来自我校尊贵的领导和评委老师们,他们是副院长程淮中教授,外事办梁风主任,教务处沈艾林处长,院团委朱绍勇书记,外语系于龙飞书记,外语系张晓红主任,朱桂平主任,杨志主任,以及外语系全体教师。欢迎你们的到来。

Now let’s welcome the vice president profeor Chen to addre the opening speech with warm applause.下面,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎程院长作开幕辞。

After the furious competition in the previous two weeks, 12 best teams gained the honor to take part in tonight’s final competition.Who will laugh to the last? I believe all of you are eager to know.So before starting, please allow me to explain the rules and regulations.经过上两周激烈的角逐和选拔,12支最优秀的队伍脱颖而出。谁将获得最后的荣耀?我相信大家都迫切地想知道结果。在开始之前,请允许我先解释下比赛规则。

The final competitions include two groups: English major group and public English group.The final score is the accumulated result of the four parts.比赛分专业组合非专业组两个部分。过程包括四个环节,最终成绩取四个环节的累计得分。

Now let’s welcome the 6 English major teams by loud applause to enter the stadium.下面让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎专业组队员入场。

Fellow competitors, nice to see you again!We are going to start the final competition.Are you ready?

选手们大家好。很高兴再次见到你们。我们即将进入决赛环节,你们准备好了吗? Part 1: “one tells another guees”

In this part, each team sends two delegates to take part in the competition.One delegate stands against the screen, another faces the screen and describe the word on the screen within two minute.20 marks will be given for each correct word.Telling the word directly by the describer is seen as foul.No score will be given in this case.“你说我猜”:每队派出两名代表进行比赛。一位队员背对屏幕,另一位面对屏幕,用英语描述屏幕上的单词,时间限制为2分钟,规定时间内每猜对一个词得到10分,描述人说出单词视为犯规。

Now, let’s welcome team No.1 to come to the stage.…..The first part focuses on corporation and brings joy to all the audience present.A team with the spirit of cooperation makes a good result.Now, let’s move to the intense and simulative part Two~~


Part 2: Racing in telling words

The compere tells in Chinese, the competitors race in tell the corresponding English word.20 marks will be given if the answer is correct.10 marks will be lost if the answer is wrong.Pay attention to your pronunciation.B.单词抢答:主持人念汉语,参赛队抢答对应英语单词,答对得20分,答错扣除10分。请选手们注意自己的发音,单词发音错误不得分。

After this breath-taking racing in telling words, let’s cooperate side by side.Now, let’s move on to part 3



Part 3 Words in sequences

Each team chooses a number.List the relevent words for the corresponding catalogue.10 marks will be given for each correct word.请选手们选择题号,在30秒内列举出相应类别的单词。列出一个得10分。

Here comes to the last part of the competition.Part 4 Filling the blanks

This part includes two kinds of questions: compulsory questions and voluntary questions.Each team is required to finish the compulsory questions with 20 marks first.After that, you can choose different questions with differ marks(30 or 50)basing on your score and expectation.The questions are the blanks in the given sentences.The participants should fill the right word by the clues.The time limit is 30 seconds.4.选词填空:本环节分必选题和自选题两个部分。每队必须先完成一道分值为20的必选题。然后可以根据各队不同的情况自由选择30分或者50分的自选题。参赛题目为设空的语句,参赛队要利用上下文的线索填出正确的单词,时间限制为30秒。

After the furious and interesting competition, the final score is coming soon.All the competitors please have a break.紧张刺激的竞赛告一段落,请选手们先下台休息。最终结果马上出来。

We have prepared various gifts for the audience present tonight.If you love English, if you are brave enough, please come to the stage and take the challenge.下面让我们进入观众互动环节。如果你热爱英语又有勇气,欢迎上台。我们为大家准备了丰厚的礼品。

“Master of English words” aims to let students improve their ability of English in a relaxed atmosphere.It also aims to let students feel the charm of English in the funny activities.Once again, let’s give a warm applause to the teachers of the applied foreign language department for hosting this event.Thanks for your contribution and hardworking.我爱记单词趣味竞赛旨在为同学们营造一个轻松的氛围来提高自己的英语水平。同时带领大家在有趣的活动中领略英语魅力。让我们再次把掌声送给承办此次活动的应用外语系的老师们。感谢你们的付出和努力。

Now please allow me to announce the final results of today’s competition.XX team wins the first prize.XX wins the second prize.。


Honorable leaders and dear students, interest is the best teacher.We sincerely hope your love for English never declines.We all look forward to your better performance in your future study.That’s for your attending.尊敬的领导们,亲爱的同学们,兴趣是最好的老师。我们真诚地希望你们永远喜爱英语。期待大家在以后英语学习中取得进步。感谢大家的光临。今晚的比赛到此结束。谢谢。


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