
演讲稿 时间:2020-02-27 02:48:47 收藏本文下载本文
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first:iron man after being held captive in an afghan cave, an industrialist creates a unique weaponized suit of armor to fight evil.the incredible hulk bruce banner, a scientist on the run from the u.s.government, must find a cure for the monster he emerges whenever he loses his temper.however, banner then must fight a soldier whom unleashes himself as a threat stronger than he.iron man 2 with the world now aware of his identity as iron man, tony stark must contend with both his declining health and a vengeful mad man with ties to his fathers legacy.thor captain america: the first avenger the avengers the next viewing sequence should be: iron man 3 thor: the dark world captain america: the winter soldier guardians of the galaxy avengers: age of ultron ant-man next year,two marvel films will be shown,they are captain america:civil war and doctor strange.they are worth looking forward to.thats all,thanks for your listening.篇2:皮克斯与梦工厂ppt附带英语演讲稿 your guys all have heard about toy story and sherk.yes, they are both very succeful animation.one is made by pixar and the other one is made by dreamworks.they have got the highest level 3d technologies and their works have symbolized that the animation had already stepped in to a new time.i love animation and i watch animation very often, especially the works of pixar and dreamworks.it is the unusual and exaggerates design of their characters, free and diverse creation and the meaningful story which impreed me the most.i like walle very much, and it is a animation which is full of love and touching.the art challenges technology while the technology enlighten art.by now, it has produced over 50 animation works in short or long.they are toy story a bugs life toy story 2 monsters inc finding nemo the incredibles cars ratatouille walle up toy 3 cars 2 pixar provides new works every year, no exception in this summer.another magnate of animation is dreamworks, which is short for dream works animation skg dreamworks was established in 1994,by steven spielburg,which refers to the s in skg,and the s-—— jeffery katzenberg, and the g---david geffen.and katzenberg is the present ceo of dream works.dreamworks also has a lot of good works, such as: the prince of egypt antz the road to the ei dorado chicken run sherk spirit: stallion of the cimarron sinbad: legend of the seven seas shrek 2 shark tale madagascar and so on.and in the recent year,they pubulished: how to train your dragon shrek 4 mega mind kung fu panda pu in boots madagascar 3 dreamworks provides several new works per year, obviously more than p in amount.and its works usually published in the summer.so they two can always be the rivals.although the p starts the new stage of animation, dreamworks followed closely and the fight between them will never end.every year, they may caught in the similar theme.such as the following works: great minds think alike, they choose the same topic not means the simple copy to each other.as a audience what i like the most is to watch more interesting films in the future rather than who gets a better box office.let us just waiting for this summer!篇3:ppt英语演讲稿 why you will fail [fel] to have a great career [k?r??(r)]你为什么不会成就伟业 中英对照演讲稿: i want to discu with you this morning why youre going to fail to have a great career.(laughter)今天上午我想和你们讨论一下,你为什么不会成就伟业。(笑声)i know some of you have already decided you want a good career.youre going to fail(laughter).those trying to have good careers are going to fail, because, really, good jobs are now disappearing.there are great jobs and great careers, and then there are the high-workload, high-stre, bloodsucking[bl?ds?k??], soul-destroying [d??str??] kinds of jobs, and almost nothing in between.我知道你们有些人已经决定了,你们想要一个成功的事业。你们也会失败的-(笑声)-。(笑声)想事业有成的人会失败,因为,真的,现在好工作都在消失。有好工作,和好事业,也有工作量大,压力大,吸食血液,侵蚀灵魂的那种工作,而且几乎没有工作能好点的。so the people looking for good jobs are going to fail.im going to talk about those looking for great jobs, great careers, and why youre going to, why youre going to fail.first reason is that no matter how many times people tell you, if you want a great career, you have to pursue [p?sju:] your paion [?p???n], you have to pursue your dreams, you have to pursue, the greatest fascination [?f?s??ne??n] in your life, you hear it again and again and then you decide not to do it.所以想找好工作的人会失败。我谈谈那些寻找伟业的人,你们为什么要寻找,为什么会失败。第一个原因是不管多少次别人告诉你,“如果你想成就伟业,你就必须追随你的热忱,你必须追随你的梦想,你必须追随,你人生中最大的吸引,“ 你听过这句话一遍又一遍,然后你决定,不去这样做。im not quite sure why you decide not to do it.youre too lazy to do it.its too hard.youre afraid if you look for your paion and dont find it, youll feel like youre an idiot [??di?t], so then you make excuses [?k?skjuz] about why youre not going to look for your paion.and they are excuses, boys and girls.were going to go through a whole long list, your creativity, and thinking of excuses not to do what you really need to do if you want to have a great career.我不太确定你为什么决定不去做。你太懒了。这事太难。你害怕如果你去寻找梦想然后找不到,你会觉得你像个白痴,所以你给自己找借口,为什么你不去追寻你的梦想。这些都是借口,女士们先生们。我们要列一个长单子,你的创造力,想想你不去做成就伟业该做的事情的借口。so, for example, one of your great excuses is, well, great careers are really and truly, for most people, just a matter of luck, so im going to stand around, im going to try to be lucky, and if im lucky, ill have a great career.if not, ill have a good career.but a good career is an impoibility, so thats not going to work.所以,举例来说,你众多借口之一是,“嗯,伟业实际上对于大多数人来说,只是运气问题,所以我就在这待着,我就试试做那个幸运的人,然后如果我真幸运的话,我就能成就伟业。如果不能,我就找个还不错的事业。”,但是没有还不错的事业,所以这个行不通。then, your other excuse is, yes, there are special people who pursue their paions, but they are talent.im not a talent.when i was five, i thought i was a talent, but my 然后,你还有其他借口:“是的,有那些与众不同的人,追寻自己的梦想,但是他们是天才。我不是天才。我五岁的时候以为自己是天才,但是我的教授们早就把这个念头,打消了。或者“ 现在你看,如果这是在1950年,完全有能力,就能让你成就伟业。但是你知道么?现在几乎是2013年了。i have an interest!i have an interest!you tell me.i say, thats wonderful!and what, what are you trying to tell me? it is not paion.paion is your greatest love.paion is the thing that will help you create the highest expreion of your talent.paion, interest--its not the same thing.are you really going to go to your partner and say, marry me!youre interesting.and if that, you will die alone.(laughter)我有个兴趣!我有个兴趣!你告诉我。“我说,”太好了!“ 你想告诉我什么呢?那不是热枕。热忱是你最高程度的热爱。热忱是能帮助你最好地成就自己才华,的事情。热忱,兴趣-不是一回事。你真的会去找你的甜心然后说,“嫁给我吧!你很有意思。“(笑声)不会发生的。不会发生,然后你会孤独终老。(笑声)what you want is paion.it is beyond interest.you need 20 interests, and then one of them, one of them might be paion.你想要的是热忱。它超越兴趣。你需要20个兴趣,然后它们其中一个是你的热忱。but then, there are some of you, in spite of all these excuses, you will find, you will find your paion, and youll still fail.但是,你们当中有些人,抛开这些借口,你们会找到,你们会找到自己的热忱,然后你们还是失败了。你会失败,因为,因为你不会着手去做,因为你会想出新的借口,任何让你只说不做的借口,而且这个借口,我已经听过很多次了。“是的,我会追求一番伟业,但是相比成就,我更看重人与人之间的关系。我想做一个好朋友。我想做一个好伴侣。我想做一个好父母,而且我不会为了,伟大的成就而牺牲这些。” 你知道有一天会发生什么? 你的孩子有一天会跟你说,“我知道我想做什么。我知道我想怎么度过一生。”,你特别高兴。这种对话父母最爱听了,而且你知道你会爱听你孩子接下来的话。你孩子说,“我决定了,我想做个魔术师。我想在舞台上表演魔术。”,(笑声)

and what do you say? umm...thats risky, kid.might fail.cant make a lot of money at that.you know , you should think about that again , why not —

然后你说什么? 你说,你说,“嗯...那样比较不保险,孩子。有可能会失败,孩子。挣不了大钱,孩子。你知道的,我不知道,孩子,你应该再想想,孩子,为什么不-“ and the kid interrupts you, and says, but it is my dream.it is my dream to do this.and what are you going to say? like this look kid.i had a dream once, too, but--but.so how are you going to finish the sentence with your but?...but i was afraid to pursue it.or, are you going to tell him this? i had a dream once, kid.but then you were born.(laughter)然后你孩子打断你,说,”但是那是我的梦想。我梦想就是成为魔术师。“ 然后你要说什么? 像这样”你看,孩子,我过去也有过梦想。但是-但是。“ 所以你想怎么用”但是“结束你的句子? ”...但是我没敢去追随。“ 还是,你想告诉他这个? ”我过去有梦想,孩子。但是之后你出生了。“(笑声)do you, do you really want to use your family, do you really ever want to look at your spouse and your kid and see your jailers [?d?e?l?(r)]? there was something you could have said to your kid when he or she said, i have a dream.you could have said, looked the kid in the face, and said, go for it, kid, just like i did.but you wont be able to say that because you didnt.so you cant.(laughter)你真的,真的想利用你的家庭,你真的想把你的伴侣,和你的孩子当成狱卒吗? 你其实可以这么跟你孩子讲。当他/她说“我有个梦想”的时候,你可以说,面对你的孩子,说,“去追随它吧,孩子,就像我那样。但是你没法那么说,因为你没去追随梦想。所以你不能那么说。(笑声)youre afraid to pursue your paion.youre afraid to look ridiculous [r??d?kj?l?s].youre afraid to try.youre afraid you may fail.great friend, great spouse, great parent, great career.is that not a package? how can you be one without the other? but youre afraid.你不敢去追求梦想。你害怕自己看起来像个疯子。你不敢去尝试。你害怕失败。好朋友,好伴侣,好父母,伟业。不是打包在一起的吗?你怎么能符合其中一个却不符合另一个? 但是你害怕。and thats why youre not going to have a great career, unle--unle, that most evocative [??vɑk?t?v] of all english words--unle.but the unle word is also attached [??t?t?t] to that other, most terrifying [ter?fa??] phrase [fre?z], if only i had...if only i had...if you ever have that thought over and over again in your brain, it will hurt a lot.这就是为什么你不会成就伟业,除非-,除非,最引人回忆的词-,除非。但是除非这个词和另外一个,最可怕的短语是连着的,”如果我当初...“ ”如果我当初...“ 如果你曾经有过这个想法在你脑海里回旋,它会特别伤人。so, those are the many reasons why you are going to fail to have a great career, unle...所以,这些就是,你为什么不能成就伟业,的众多原因。除非...,unle.除非。

thank you.(applause)谢谢。(掌声),篇4:品味的改变 英文演讲稿 附有ppt 1.网络政治文化推动政治的变革和发展


双向互动的关系,政治文化源于政治实践,同时,源于政治实践的政治文化一经 形成,就会对政治生活产生反作用。政治体系得以维持和延续的一个条件是社会 政治关系的基本稳定,这需要社会成员对政治体系形成比较稳定的认识和态度。政治文化决定着政治体系中政治制度的实际运作状况。[18] 网络政治文化作为政治文化的一部分,也会影响着政治体系的运作情况。



政治发展的动力和力量形成具有强大的社会心理凝聚功能。” [19],因而网络政治

文化也是推动政治发展的动力之一。此外,网络政治文化对政治关系和政治行为 也有着重要影响。从对网络政治文化的功能探析中可以看出它是政治关系的润滑 剂,并且能够调节和规范人们的政治行为。

2.推动社会主义核心价值观大众化的迫切需要 党的十八大报告对社会主义核心价值观进行了最新的概括,十八大报告提



三个层面,对社会主义核心价值观的内涵进行了阐释。弘扬社会主义核心价值观,并将其更好地走进群众、引领群众,将全国各族人民团结和凝聚起来,就必须推 动社会主义核心价值观的通俗化和大众化。在网络信息时代,社会主义核心价值 观的培育必须要顺应网络化的潮流,以网络政治文化为载体,使其在网络中广泛

针对机械臂笛卡尔空间中的姿态轨迹过渡问题,提出三次均匀四元数样条插补算法。根据给定的姿态基本轨迹过渡点及其一阶导和二阶导,反解出过渡曲线的控制点和节点向量,从而构造出平滑的过渡四元数样条曲线。在此基础上,计算出姿态曲线的曲率,进一步得证曲线的c2连续。实验结果表明,该过渡算法构造出的过渡轨迹足够平滑,满足机器臂末端姿态轨迹规划的要求。for cartesian space manipulator pose trajectory transitional iues,that proposed cubic uniform quaternion spline interpolation algorithm.the basic attitude of the given track transition point and a first derivative and second derivative, reverse solution out of the control points and knot vector of transition curve, thereby build a smooth transition quaternion spline.on this basis, the calculated posture curve curvature, further evidence of a continuous curve c2.experimental results show that the transitional algorithm is constructed the transitional trajectory enough smooth to meet the end posture of the robotic arm trajectory planning requirements.篇5:英语演讲ppt的word演讲稿(主题:sciene)随着社会的发展,各国日益关注的科学问题。人类已经被从各种科学技术成果和正在享受这些好处。科学和技术的努力,我们现在生活得舒适,方便与空调装修房子,洗衣机和电视机等由于科学和技术,我们可以吃新鲜蔬菜全年交通运输技术。科学和技术的支持下,我们可以旅行堂在一秒钟的距离上飞机,火车和汽车。科学和技术的支持下,我们甚至可以更紧密的沟通交流。如果说20世纪最伟大的科学和科技成果的互联网,那么19世纪最伟大的科学和技术在球场上的成就应该电话。

毫无疑问,电话使事情在很多方面容易。特别是在移动电话出现后,沟通变得更容易,如果去经商的人远离家园,电话可以缩短他们与家人的距离。因此,他们会得到安慰他们想家时,或他们遇到麻烦。随着电话的帮助下,人们能继续保持联系与在任何时间,任何人紧急帮助。总之,电话是如此有用,我们可以说,现在我们不能生活在没有我们的日常生活中的电话。科学还可以进一步提高手机的性能,因此人们创造更好的条件交换。however, science is a two-edged sword.while research is exerting it positive function, its negative influence might be harmful to human or encumber our development.first, because of the many breakthroughs in the field of medicine, people are now living much longer than they used to.as a result, the population of the world is increasing, causing tots of problems.second, because of the development of industry, tots of the wastes from factories pour into the air and rivers, causing pollution of att kinds.third, some terrorists are using science and technology against mankind.they use biological, chemical and unclear weapons to threaten world peace.然而,科学是一把双刃剑。而研究是发挥它的积极作用,其负面影响可能对人体有害或抵押我们的发展。第一,因为在医学领域的许多突破,人民现在的生活比以前更长的时间来。因此,世界人口不断增加,造成的问题小孩子。其次,由于工业的发展,小孩们从工厂的废弃物倒入空气和河流,造成污染的交通运输技术种。第三,一些恐怖分子使用的是对人类科学和技术。他们利用生物,化学武器和不明确的威胁世界和平。



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