I would like to tell you all that you are all actually cyborgs, but not the
cyborgs that you think.You’re not RoboCop, and you’re not Terminator, but
you’re cyborgs every time you look at a computer screen or use one of your cell
phone devices.So what’s a good definition for cyborg? Well, traditional
definition is an organism “to which exogenous components have been added for the
purpose of adapting to new environments.” That came from a 1960 paper on space
travel.Because, if you think about it, space is pretty awkward;people aren’t
supposed to be there.But humans are curious, and they like to add things to
their bodies so they can go to the Alps one day and then become a fish in the
sea the next.我想告诉大家,你们其实都是生化机器人,但不是你们认为的那种生化机器人。你们不是机器战警、不是魔鬼终结者,但每当你们看着计算机屏幕,或用手机装置时,就成了生化机器人。那么,如何妥善定义生化机器人?嗯,传统的定义是,一个有机体「被加上外部组成,以达成适应新环境之目的。」这出自1960年的太空旅行文献。因为,想想看,太空相当令人不自在,不是人类想待的地方。但人类很好奇,喜欢在自己身体上加东加西,这样就可以今天登阿尔卑斯山,隔天变成一条海中鱼。
So let’s look at the concept of traditional anthropology.Somebody goes to
another country, says, “How fascinating these people are, how interesting their
tools are, how curious their culture is.” And then they write a paper, and maybe
a few other anthropologists read it, and we think it’s very exotic.Well, what’s
happening is that we’ve suddenly found a new species.I, as a cyborg
anthropologist, have suddenly said, “Oh, wow.Now suddenly we’re a new form of
homo sapiens.And look at these fascinating cultures.And look at these curious
rituals that everybody’s doing around this technology.They’re clicking on
things and staring at screens.”
Now there’s a reason why I study this, versus traditional anthropology.And
the reason is that tool use, in the beginning, for thousands and thousands of
years, everything has been a physical modification of self.It has helped us to
extend our physical selves, go faster, hit things harder, and there’s been a
limit on that.But now what we’re looking at is not an extension of the physical
self, but an extension of the mental self.And because of that, we’re able to
travel faster, communicate differently.And the other thing that happens is that
we’re all carrying around little Mary Poppins technology.We can put anything we
want into it, and it doesn’t get heavier, and then then we can take anything
out.What does the inside of your computer actually look like? Well, if you
print it out, it looks like a thousand pounds of material that you’re carrying
around all the time.And if you actually lose that information, it means that
you suddenly have this lo in your mind, that you suddenly feel like
something’s miing, except you aren’t able to see it, so it feels like a very
strange emotion.我研究这个有个原因,与传统人类学对照,原因是工具的使用。最初,在千万年前,一切均是物体本质的改变,这有助于扩展人体本质,使我们走得更快、击打物体力道加重,但却有限制。现在我们审视的,不是人体本质的扩展,而是心智本质的扩展。因此我们能更快速传讯,用不同方式通讯。而发生的另一个情况是,我们都随身携带小仙女Mary
The other thing that happens is you have a second self.Whether you like it
or not, you’re starting to show up online, and people are interacting with your
second self when you’re not there.And so you have to be careful about leaving
your front line open, which is basically your Facebook wall, so that people
don’t write on it in the middle of the night--because it’s very much the
equivalent.And suddenly we have to start to maintain our second self.You have
to present yourself in digital life in a similar way that you would in your
analog life.So, in the same way that you wake up, take a shower and get
dreed, you have to learn to do that for your digital self.And the problem is
that a lot of people now, especially adolescents, have to go through two
adolescencies.They have to go through their primary one, that’s already
awkward, and then they go through their second self’s adolescence.And that’s even more awkward because there’s an actual history of what they’ve gone through
online.And anybody coming in new to technology, is an adolescent online right
now.And so it’s very awkward, and it’s very difficult for them to do those
So when I was little, my dad would sit me down at night and say, “I’m going
to teach you about time and space in the future.” And I said, “Great.” And he
said one day, “What’s the shortest distance between two points?” And I said,“Well, that’s a straight line.You told me that yesterday.I thought I was very
clever.” He said, “No, no, no.Here’s a better way.” He took a piece of paper,drew A and B on one side and the other and folded them together so where A and B
touched.And he said, “That is the shortest distance between two points.” And I
said, “Dad, dad, dad, how do you do that?” He said, “Well, you just bend time
and space, it takes an awful lot of energy, and that’s just how you do it.” And
I said, “I want to do that.” And he said, “Well, okay.” And so, when I went to
sleep for the next 10 or 20 years, I was thinking at night, “I want to be the
first person to create a wormhole, to make things accelerate faster.And I want
to make a time machine.” I was always sending meages to my future self using
tape recorders.小时候,我爸会在晚上要我坐下,说,「我要教你未来的时间和空间。」我说,「太好了!」有一天他说,「两点间最短的距离是什么?」我说,「嗯,是直线,你昨天告诉过我,我想我很聪明。」他说,「不,不,有个更好的解答。」他拿起一张纸,在两侧各画上AB两点,将它折叠在一起,使AB两点接触。他说,「这是两点之间最短的距离。」我说,「爸爸,爸爸,你怎么办到的?」他说,「嗯,你刚刚扭曲了时间和空间,这需要非常多能量,就是这么办到的。」我说,「我想试试看。」他说,「嗯,好吧!」之后一、二十年间,当我入睡时,我在夜里思考,「我想成为第一个创造虫洞的人,让事物能加速得更快,我想制造一个时光机器。」我一直使用录音机发送讯息给未来的自己。
But then what I realized when I went to college is that technology doesn’t
just get adoptedbecause it works;it gets adopted because people use it and it’s
made for humans.So I started studying anthropology.And when I was writing my
thesis on cell phones, I realized that everyone was carrying around wormholes in
their pocket.They weren’t physically transporting themselves, they were
mentally transporting themselves.They would click on a button, and they would
be connected as A to B immediately.And I thought, “Oh, wow.I found it.This is
So over time, time and space have compreed because of this.You can stand
on one side of the world, whisper something and be heard on the other.One of
the other ideas that comes around is that you have a different type of time on
every single device that you use.Every single browser tab gives you a different
type of time.And because of that, you start to dig around for your external
memories--where did you leave them? So now we’re all thesepaleontologists that
are digging for things that we’ve lost on our external brains that we’re
carrying around in our pockets.And that incites a sort of panic architecture.Oh no, where’s this thing? We’re all “I Love Lucy” on a great aembly line of
information, and we can’t keep up.随着时间推移,时间和空间已因此而压缩。你可以站在世界的一头低声说几句话,在世界另一头就可以听见。另一个涌现的想法是,在你所使用的每个设备上,都形成不同类型的时间。每个浏览器分页提供不同类型的时间,正因为如此,你开始挖掘你的外在记忆,你将它们遗留在何处?所以,现在我们都是古生物学家,正挖掘我们遗留在口袋里、随身携带的外在大脑中的东西。这激起了一种恐慌状态,哦,不,这东西在哪?我们都是一个神奇信息装配在线的《我爱露西》,但我们跟不上它。
And so what happens is, when we bring all that into the social space, we end
up checking our phones all the time.So we have this thing called ambient
intimacy.It’s not that we’re always connected to everybody, but at anytime we
can connect to anyone we want.And if you were able to print out everybody in
your cell phone, the room would be very crowded.These are the people that you
have acce to right now, in general--all of these people, all of your friends
and family that you can connect to.发生的情况是,当我们把这所有都带入社交空间,最后结果是我们老是检查手机,所以有个叫做环境亲密度的东西。这不是说我们总是联系每个人,但我们随时都可以联系想联络的人。如果能打印出手机中的每日讯息,这房间将会很拥挤。这些是你可以立即联系的人,一般来说是所有这些人,所有你可以联络的朋友和家人。
And so there are some psychological effects that happen with this.One I’m
really worried about is that people aren’t taking time for mental reflection
anymore, and that they aren’t slowing down and stopping, being around all those
people in the room all the time that are trying to compete for their attention
on the simultaneous time interfaces, paleontology and panic architecture.They’re not just sitting there.And really, when you have no external input,that is a time when there is a creation of self, when you can do long-term
planning, when you can try and figure out who you really are.And then, once you
do that, you can figure out how to present your second self in a legitimate way,instead of just dealing with everything as it comes in--and oh, I have to do
this, and I have to do this, and I have to do this.And so this is very
important.I’m really worried that, especially kids today, they’re not going to
be dealing with this down time, that they have an instantaneous button-clicking
culture, and that everything comes to them, and that they become very excited
about it and very addicted to it.也有一些心理效应随之发生。我确实很担心的一点是,当总是被所有人包围在这空间中时,人们不再花时间自省,他们无法放慢及停下脚步,这一切都试图争夺他们的注意力,在古生物学和恐慌状态同时发生的交界点上,他们不只是坐在那里。确实,当没有外在信息输入,正是拥有自我创造的时刻,此时你可以做长期规划,可以设法弄清楚自己到底是谁。一旦你这么做,就可以了解如何以合理的方式呈现第二个自我。不只是处理所有迎面而来的事,哦,我必须做这个、这个、或这个,这是非常重要的。我真的很担心,特别是当今的孩子,他们还无法处理这个尴尬期。他们有个快速点击鼠标的文化,一切向他们迎面而来的事都使他们非常兴奋、极度上瘾。
So if you think about it, the world hasn’t stopped either.It has its own
external prosthetic devices, and these devices are helping us all to communicate
and interact with each other.But when you actually visualize it, all the
connections that we’re doing right now--this is an image of the mapping of the
Internet--it doesn’t look technological;it actually looks very organic.This
is the first time in the entire history of humanity that we’ve connected in this
way.And it’s not that machines are taking over;it’s that they’re helping us to
be more human, helping us to connect with each other.如果想想这一点,世界并没有停住脚步。它拥有自己的外部人造装置,这些装置正帮助我们所有人沟通及彼此交流,但当你实际将其可视化,所有我们目前进行的连接,是一个因特网所映射的形象。它看起来不像科技,事实上相当像有机体。这在人类历史中是第一次,我们以这种方式连接。并不是说机器正接管一切,而是它们正帮助我们更加人性化,帮助我们彼此联系。
The most succeful technology gets out of the way and helps us live our
lives.And really, it ends up being more human than technology, because we’re
co-creating each other all the time.And so this is the important point that I
like to study: that things are beautiful, that it’s still a human connection;
it’s just done in a different way.We’re just increasing our humanne and our
ability to connect with each other, regardle of geography.So that’s why I
study cyborg anthropology.最成功的科技开了一条路,帮助我们过生活。事实上,它最终将变得更具人性而非技术性,因为我们一直彼此共同创造,所以这是我想研究很重要的一点。这些事物是美丽的,仍是一种人类连结,只是用不同方式进行。我们只是增加了我们的人性、彼此联系的能力,不受地理限制,这就是为什么我研究生化机器人类学。
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