change the unchangeable good morning everyone, i am from sport university.it is my pleasure to deliver this speech here.before starting my speech i would like to ask you a question.what are the “unchangeable”.some of you might say the gender, family and so on.well, as for me, it was a bit different.i think nothing is unchangeable.when i was a child, i was told by my parents, teachers, and society that i learning from the past ,setting detailed goals for the future and brave stepping forward ,not fettered by the rules of people-s eyes is to changing the unchangeable what the foundation is to skyscraper.like what the water is to fish, the heart is to human.if we want to be a succeful person, we need to change.thirty years after women became 50 percent of the college graduates , men still hold the vast majority of leadership position in government and industry.this means that women’s voices are still not heard equally in the decisions that most affect our lives.one of my most admire person—sheryl sandberg, who is the chief operating officer of face book and is ranked on fortune’s list of the 50 most powerful women in busine and as one of time’s 100 most influntiontial people in the world.in her new book lean in, she inspires women to change, change the conversation from what women can’t do what they can.--succe is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence.the importance of changing the unchangeable is to succe
can never be exaggerated.we try to change , maybe we would feel disturbing , helple and sadne.maybe we want give up.however, this is we must experience adolescent.and we call it growing up.change the unchangeable, find the things we truly love, and lean in.thank you!篇2:改变不能改变的的演讲稿 good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.thanks for raising your attention.today i’ll give you a speech named “change the unchangeable”;——my mother’s experience of defeating illne.do you believe the phrase that “change the unchangeable”? yes, i do.my mother is a great woman!she let me know the phrase that “change the unchangeable” is a truth.my mother having cancer and tuberculosis she now.time go back to two years ago, my mother fall in a faint when she heard the bad news that these diseases.the bad news for is a bolt from the blue it is!treatment in was diagnosed to my she decided to be family under hospital, but after two months, because my family has been deeply in debt.and her condition were not improved, eventually she must be stay at home and rest, in other words she just waiting to die.that is my mother’s unchangeable.it makes my mother felt extremely desperation and loneline.at that time she tell me about the bucket list.she when i heard these let me keep the deposit, even almost words.broke down because to help us find a stepmother.i there are nothing i can do for my mother.god is merciful!my mother’s friends introduced the folk prescription that took the herbal medicine of zhuang to my mother.my father dislike and avoid that her she body.drink chinese traditional medicine to treat family.she although insist on ever because my father think my mother is a burden of my eat herbal medicine bullied by my fatheruntil now、abandon from relatives, and desolated by neighbour.my mother is a great woman!her body is gradually getting better now!this is a big wedding for my family!at that time she is very proud of her persistence!i also want to thanks for her persistence.you know , a child having a mother is very happy.now she have control over my familys finances.her body ‘s condition is getting better and better.this is my mothers real experience, it let me believe that: if you have strong persistence, you can change the unchangeable!that’s all, thank you~篇3:改变不能改变的演讲稿
所以,让我们都来学会改变不能改变的,为了更长足的的进步,我们要善于改变,要敢于改变,从而获得崭新的世界!life is often not easy, sometimes, in order to further progre, we need to change a lot of things can not be changed.change can not be changed, is a self-improvement proce.soochow famous three kingdoms period meng is a good example.meng just know when you start brandish not diligent in fostering a culture of knowledge, sun quan lu meng pointed out at a later point, meng strenuously reading, and later even lu su said: who do three days, when admiration.meng quans remarks because, changed his place can not be changed, truly civil and military, to lay the foundation for the achievement of wu dominance.and you used to naturally improve their personality and self-cultivation, changing succe.change can not be changed, so that we can better adapt to life.each persons life can not be all plain sailing, encountered a new living environment, how would you do? the answer is to change yourself.because you can not ask for your social or someone else what to change.change can not be changed, fundamentally speaking, is then re-creation of knowledge and a lot of things.when you find yourself needing to change some things, this means you have a very clear mind.able to realize that they need to make some changes in order to live better.this is to enhance the level of self-awarene.this is what we need to improve, and in this knowledge driven again, you made a re-creation of their own, can change their own people are not ordinary people, this re-creation will help later in life.when we face adversity or frustrations when, immediately realize that they need to change and can be put into action immediately, has been able to achieve change realm.so, let us all learn to change can not be changed, in order to more rapid progre, we should be good to change, to dare to change, resulting in a new world!篇4:如何改变人生 英语演讲稿
如何改变人生 英语演讲稿 change the world? change ourselves good evening, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen.frankly speaking, i don’t quite agree with them.indeed, we should never neglect or even discard our traditonal festivals as china boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions.(examples).but why can’t we absorb the meaningful western holidays and culture.there are obvious reasons why some western holidays are so popular in china.on the one hand, some of the western holidays which we chinese don’t have are reasonable and meaningful, such as father’s day and april fool’s day etc.on the other hand,the(转载自本网,请保留此标记。)prevalence of globalization enables western culture to prevail in china.overwhelmed by such a trend,chinese unconsiciously get involved in western holidays and culture.at last i’d like to share a famouse saying of gandhi with all of you ,that is:if you want to change the world, then you must change yourself first.” change is indispensable to life a action, perhaps, you will change their career, maybe youll change your status, but whatever oneself forever is the most important.change, can make you more harmonious and his colleagues, can make you look more excellent, can make other people to you is very satisfied, can make you more up a level!change, is the best choice.change your, make oneself more outstanding, more perfect, let life shine for change.意思:改变是人生不可缺少的一次行动,或许,你会改变自己的职业,或许你会改变自己的地位,但是,无论自己永远是最重要的。改变自己,可以使你与同事更加融洽,可以使你看起来更加优秀,可以使别人对你十分满意,可以使你更上一层楼!改变,是最好的选择。一个年轻人来到一家公司工作,起初他抱着各种宏伟的目标想干一番大事业,可后来他发现;公司上上下下都像在排挤他,他就像空气一般,看不见,摸不着,就像不存在一般„„种种压力和不满促使他想要到另一家公司去,从新开始自己的工作旅程,然而一个至交对他说:“现在找一份合适的工作太不容易,你为什么不先审视一下自己,再作决定呢?”他抱着试试看的想法留了下来。果然他发现,自己的业绩不够突出,对同事的态度不够友好,对工作不够积极„„终于他如梦初醒,此后,他变得更加友好、积极、努力„„也不再像往常那样一意孤行,当他再次遇到那个至交,这个年轻人已经升职为经理了。
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