Summary of ‘scientists shouldn’t be surprised by the popularity of intelligent design’
In his article ’’ which addrees many scientists , grumps over the persistence of ID(intelligent design), scott Lilienfeld postulates that many Americans, approval of ID cannot be blamed on their lack of common sense but rather their dependence on their common sense or intuition in making judgments which turns them awayfrom the theory of natural selection.According to Lilienfeld ,the difficulty in intuiting how marvelous creatures and organisms have resulted from natural selection has prevented many Americans from accepting Darwinian Theory while the same common sense has made ID rather tempting to them.As is indicated by a multitude of examples of wrong beliefs based on common sense, intuition does not provide a reliable means of understanding the world.Unfortunately, scientists and science educators have failed to teach research methods and academic skills that can help debunk misconceptions compatible with people,s common sense.Finally , Lilienfeld concludes that a radical shift in science education has to be initiated so that scientists would not face a fiasco when confronting erroneous claims refuged by people,s common sense.Summary of ‘Empowerment and Restraint in Scientific Communication’ In his article “”, Philip Campbell highlights a dire likely consequence of biologists” increased ability to obtain and distribute scientific information that such information may be exploited by people with heinous intentions.Scientific communication, according to Campbell, has seen significant development due to the invention of powerful software and hardware that facilitate scientists” acquisition of information and reduce the trouble they may otherwise have to take in order to publicize their research.However, the resulting plethora of biological information spawns a hazard that the information may be used to build biological weapons, and this hazard has come to peoples attention with synthetic biologys recent development.Campbell points out that it is relatively easy to abuse biological knowledge while biological studies often bring about unexpected results.People using biological information for malicious purpose may be whoever have learnt to exploit simple biological technologies and are not necearily committed to terrorist agendas.Campbell believes that the decisions made by funding agencies and scientific journals who are the gatekeepers of biological research will be crucial in reducing the risks of information abuse and what proactive measure should be taken has to be considered by all related parties.Summary of ‘ethical, legal and social implications of autonomous systems’ In his article“”Austin Modine highlights that robot driver will control the vehicles which raises problems in different social levels.Autonomous robots will deprive people of their control.For Modines aume that human interaction is neceary,but human will make mistakes because of their wrong decision.Autonomous systems also have a tendency to make mistake.And there is a problem that who will be responsible for the failure.A concern that autonomous systems are held back until they dont make mistakes any more.The reaction to failures between autonomous systems and manned systems should be chosen if it make le mistakes than human-operators and technical systems.Finally,Austine Modine conclude that many questions should be solved in order to make autonomous systems accept legally and socially.Summary of ‘why do things become more complex’
In his article “Why Do Things Become More Complex” Carrington highlights a phenomenon that simplicity becomes more complex, and people are interested in the complexity.In the history, the turbojet engine invented by Frank Whittle just use a simple compreor-turbine combination as the motivation.After many years, the jet engine changed more complicated as the preure of commercial and military interests, usually by adding a subsystem.Modern engines have a vastly complex array of interconnected subsystems subaemblyes.The jet engines work like a cheetah both in the outside and inside, sleekly and complicatedly.In the proce of growing complexity, it has many obstacle for people to overcome, such as new bureaucratic offices and departments.The complexity brings a ma of problems to keep the performance like maintenance repairs, et.al..And functions and modifications tends to increase complexity through overcoming limitations, abnormal circumstances and adapting to the complex world.The renewable simplicity often emerges slowly after the growing complication.Finally, Carrington concludes that complexity should be checked so that it can evolves naturally and deliver powerful performance.And also need to final things to bring renewable simplicity after the complexity.
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