
演讲稿 时间:2020-02-29 04:50:19 收藏本文下载本文
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Some people who have once committed crimes become good citizens.some people think they are the best people to talk to students about the dangers of committing a crime.To what extent do you agree or disagree? Those criminals who used to serve a prison term have reformed their behaviour and now act as law-abiding citizens.I do not think it is appropriate for these offenders to teach students the harmful effect of crime, although their speeches can be impreive.A警察讲犯罪的风险B 小孩更加熟悉法律和犯法的行为 C 遵守法律 解释(A-B):知道很多的案例

解释(WHY B hAPPENS):专业培训,法律比较熟悉


Children will learn more about laws and criminal activity, if they attend claes of police officers rather than ex-offenders.It is because these officers have experienced numerous criminal cases and can share their experience with listeners.They are familiar with laws and have received training to teach young people how to avoid crime.In contrast, ex-offenders lack an in-depth knowledge of laws and can talk about their personal experience only.As a consequence, what students learn from these people is limited.A罪犯给小孩讲犯罪的风险

B 可能会告诉小孩一些犯罪的技能 描述的非常有趣 C 引导小孩犯罪 解释(A-B):一些细节其他地方没听过

解释(B-C):罪犯最后服刑之后成为普通人,他们不会觉得犯罪有太大问题。解释(B-C):觉得挺刺激 对比:警察和老师强调危害

If ex-offenders communicate with children, they may give a vivid account of of a crime story and this may induce children to break laws.Children may have never heard about the detailed description of crime before.They may not regard crimes as extremely serious problems because these offenders have succefully reintegrated into society after serving a prison sentence.In addition, children may even have a mistaken idea that crime is a source of excitement.By contrast, policemen and teachers put emphasis on the dangers of committing a crime, rather than dramatising crime, thereby helping children fully realise consequences.(7+)A罪犯给小孩讲犯罪的风险 B 小孩才会知道犯罪的后果 C 减少行为 解释(A-B): 亲身经历

解释(B体现哪里):失去自由,监狱暴力也会影响,前科影响职业 对比:父母和警察的描述不是很在意

On the other hand, it may be acceptable to invite some ex-offenders to give a talk about the risks of crime, so children would not commit offences, such as violence and vandalism.The personal experience of people who were sentenced to jail can make a stronger impreion on children.The audience realise that prisoners will lose freedom, face the risk of physical violence in prison and deal with the potential effect on their career path.These children may not take the instructions of their parents, teachers or law enforcement agents seriously.(7+)










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