Ladies and Gentlemen:
Today, the topic of my speech is happine.When talking about happine, many people think that when they become rich and succeful, happine will naturally follow.Let me tell you that is not true.The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were living in hell.We have read stories about movie stars who committed suicide or died from drugs.Quite clearly, money is not the only answer to all problems.Wealth obtained through dishonest means does not bring happine.Lottery winnings do not bring happine.Gamble winnings do not bring happine.To my mind, the secret to happine lies in your succeful work, in your contribution towards others’ happine and in your wealth you have earned through your own honest effort.If you obtain wealth through luck or dishonest means, you will know that it is ill earned money.If you get your money by taking advantage of others or by hurting others, you will not be happy with it.You will think you are a base person.Long-term happine is based on honesty, productive work, and contribution.Happine is not an end;it is a proce.It is a continuous proce of honest, productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel you are a useful, worthy person.As a famous person says “There is no way to happine.Happine is the way.” There is no use saying “Some day when I achieve these goals, when I get a car, build a house and own my own busine, then I will be really happy.” Life just does not work that way.If you wait for certain things to happen and depend on external circumstances of life to make you happy, you will always feel unfulfilled.There will always be something miing.The happiest of people do not neceary have the best of everything;they just make the best of everything that comes along their way.Happine lies for those who cry, who hurt, who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who touched their lives.That is all.Thank you!