speech of mu jiawei, northwest normal university in recent years, the development of the chinese economy has been incredibly fast, some might even call it miraculous.but behind the miracles lies a problem: the development is unbalanced in different regions.under the strategy of the chinese government, china has three major economic regions: the east, the middle and the west.with its advantageous position, the east is the fastest developing area, leaving the west far behind, and the middle somewhere in between.for instance, the gdp per capita in the east amounts to us$2000, while that of the west is only 40% of the east.furthermore, the gap between the urban and the rural, according to the state statistical bureau, has widened to more than 10 years.there are people in the big cities with large houses, expensive cars, other luxuries and better opportunities.however, there are people in the countryside, living on meager food, without the security of health, education, and so on.this is the diversity of the chinese economy.for the unity of the full national economic development, governments of all levels have decided on corresponding strategies, for example, the greater development of the western region, the continuing rise of the central china, and the faster development of the east.specifically, within the west, provinces alike have established programs of development, with financial and technological aid of the central government, making full use of the western natural resources.such strategies have turned out to be remarkably reminds me of the world.there are wealthy countries in north america and europe;there are poor ones in asia and africa.the aid from the rich world is far from enough to remove poverty in the developing countries.therefore, with the help of funds, technology, and management from wealthy countries, these developing countries now have the opportunity to establish their own right strategies of development, taking full advantage of their natural and human resources.speech of li mengxia, harbin engineering university unity and diversity--diversity talks this is a’s unity.we are the world because of enables the international co-operational manufacture by setting up unified standards for everything.a nail produced in china can be perfectly used in any corner of the world.therefore, it is unity that leads world into a perfect harmony!however, don’t you think it’s a little bit boring with unity ruling the world only? what would you do if someone orders you to do whatever he does without allowing you to do what you really want? apparently, you’ll be going nuts, because you are not leading a life of your, to us, diversity talks!before i went to college, my dad asked me: son, did you think of being outstanding? if you want to be outstanding, you have to stand out, stand out of normal routine which other people consider the only way to succe.but dad’s words went in one ear and out the other!i had no idea whether dad was right or wrong until the day i found i was no longer myself.i put myself in a jar full of people.i work when they work, i panic when they panic, and i waste time when they waste time.this is no laughing matter but a horrible disaster.afterwards, i kept telling myself: i am a student, and i do what a student should do.this is our unity.but does this mean we have to sacrifice our diversity to save the orderly image of unity? not exactly!unity stops us getting into chaos while diversity makes life colorful.from then on, my long-covered specialty was evoked and set me on a special track to my dreams.i got back what i had’s a great feeling that you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself: i found a part-time job as an oral-english teacher in a private school.i love english and work joyfully though my major has nothing to do with english at all.i stood out and made a difference.i found “i am what i am, and i am happy to be me.”
注:活动围绕外国文化艺术节 cctv杯英语演讲比赛
【活动宗旨】“外语学院英语演讲大赛”(原 “?cctv杯?全国英语演讲大赛”)是由由外
【活动口号】******* ******** 【主办单位】外语学院 学生会***部
活动负责人:******** 【活动时间】2011年****月***日 【活动地点】经法楼****** 【活动流程】
参赛资格: 每个初赛赛点应有不少于20人参赛。参赛学校应保证本校符合参赛资格的学生有公平的报名参赛机会。
比赛时间: 根据本省(市、自治区)大学外语教学研究会公布的时间安排举办,确保在本省(市、自治区)复赛之前完成初赛。
比赛环节: 可包括定题演讲、即兴演讲、回答问题等部分。可参考大赛决赛形式。演讲题目: 定题演讲可参考大赛决赛题目,也可自定。即兴演讲题目自定。
评委组成: 邀请的专业指导教师名单
赛场布置: 组委会秘书处将提供统一宣传海报模板和赛场背板设计模板(电子版)
参赛资格: 由各省复赛组织机构决定各初赛赛点进入复赛的名额。
比赛环节: 可包括定题演讲、即兴演讲、回答问题等部分。可参考大赛决赛形式。在进入决赛选手(前3名)中有并列名次时,须进行加赛。
演讲题目: 定题演讲可参考大赛决赛题目,也可自定。即兴演讲题目由复赛组织机构决定,在比赛前应严格保密。
赛场布置: 组委会秘书处将提供统一宣传海报模板和赛场背板设计模板(电子版),承办单位也可自行设计,但必须包含大赛名称和主办单位名称。
三、决赛 参赛资格:比赛时间: 2010年12月8日—12日
抽签规则: 决赛选手的选手号和各阶段出场次序均由抽签决定,所抽到的号码或次序为最终结果,不得与任何人交换。
评委组成: 评委人数不少于9 人,其中外籍评委不少于4 人。中国籍评委具有教授职称。比赛前应召开评委会,讨论并贯彻评分标准,以保证比赛的规范性、公平性与公正性。比赛环节: 分四个阶段进行。第一阶段
比赛时间:2011年***月**日 比赛程序: 1.定题演讲:每位选手演讲时间为3分钟,题目为 “ is my top concern”。2.回答问题:由提问评委就选手定题演讲内容提两个问题,选手回答时间为每个问题1 分钟; 3.第一阶段比赛结束后,排名前60名的选手进入第二阶段比赛。评委评分: 1.去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,其余评委的平均分为选手得分; 2.前5位选手的成绩在第5位选手结束演讲后,经评委商议后统一公布;其余选手演讲结束后当场亮分。评分标准(总分100分):
第一阶段晋级的60位选手抽签决定出场顺序。第一阶段分数不带入第二阶段。比赛时间:2010年12月9日下午-10日 比赛程序: 1.即兴演讲:赛题保密,选手上场前20分钟抽题,即兴演讲时间为3分钟; 2.回答问题:由提问评委针对选手即兴演讲的内容提出两个问题,选手回答时间为每个问题1分钟; 3.综合知识速答:赛题保密,选手比赛时当场回答4个问题,每题必须在题目显示后5秒钟内答出。每题0.25分,满分1分,直接记入总分。题目与回答均为英文,涉及常识、语言知识、历史、文化、时事等; 4.第二阶段比赛结束后,排名前18名的选手进入第三阶段比赛。评委评分: 1.去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,其余评委的平均分为选手得分; 2.前5位选手的成绩在第5位选手结束演讲后,经评委商议后统一公布;其余选手演讲结束后当场亮分。评分标准(总分101分):
第二阶段晋级的18位选手分为6组,每组3人。排名前6名的选手被分入6个不同小组,其余选手抽签进入各组。每组3位选手使用同一道题目,演讲顺序由现场抽签决定。第二阶段分数不带入第三阶段。比赛时间:2010年12月12日上午 比赛程序: 1.即兴演讲:赛题保密,每组3位选手上场前15分钟同时抽题,分开准备;同时上场后按抽签顺序依次演讲;即兴演讲时间为每人2分钟; 2.回答问题:3位选手全部完成演讲后,按演讲顺序依次接受其他两位选手的提问(两位选手各提一个问题),每位选手回答问题总时间为2分钟; 3.总结发言:3位选手根据前两个环节,依次进行1分钟的总结发言; 4.每组得分最高的选手进入下一轮比赛。评委评分:
第三阶段晋级的6名选手争夺冠军、亚军和季军。第三阶段分数不带入第四阶段。比赛形式待定,以组委会最终公布为准。比赛时间:2010年12月12日下午 决赛特别提示: 1.以上赛制如有变化,以组委会最终公布为准。2.关于抽签:选手在决赛前的抽签仪式上抽取各自选手号,如因特殊原因,选手未能及时到场,必须指定代理人代替本人抽签。代理人须将选手签名的书面代理人委托书交给组委会备案。抽签仪式开始后尚未指定代理人的,视为弃权。各阶段比赛次序的抽签必须由选手本人进行,任何人不得代理。如抽签结束前未到场,则视为弃权,由上一阶段选手顺次替补。3.关于加赛:决赛各阶段晋级最后一名出现并列时,进行加赛。加赛出场顺序由选手现场抽签决定。加赛包括两个环节:1)即兴演讲:每位选手抽取一道即兴演讲题目,准备10分钟。即兴演讲时间为2分钟;2)回答问题:每位选手回答两个与演讲内容有关的问题,每个问题回答时间为1分钟。所有选手演讲完毕后当场亮分,分数高者进入下一阶段比赛。4.关于颁奖仪式:所有进入决赛的选手必须出席总决赛与颁奖仪式。5.关于大赛证书:大赛决赛获奖证书将在颁奖仪式上颁发,未领取证书者视为放弃奖励,组委会不予补发。大赛复赛获奖证书将按照网上注册实名颁发。【奖项设置 】
特等奖:6名,进入决赛第四阶段的选手,设冠军1名、亚军2名、季军3名 一等奖:12名,进入决赛第三阶段但未进入第四阶段的选手 二等奖:42名,进入决赛第二阶段但未进入第三阶段的选手 三等奖:进入决赛第一阶段但未进入第二阶段的选手 单项奖:决赛过程中某一方面表现突出的选手
【经费预算】嘉宾评委牌:10个* 1元=10元
奖状证书: 水:
全国大学生英语演讲大赛视频(不看不知道,一看吓一跳!)第一名 曹丰 清华大学
第二名 吴相臣 天津师范大学
第三名 徐鸿达 外交学院
第四名 王冠 中国传媒大学
第五名 廖若琛 华南理工大学
第六名 崔笑笑 北京语言大学
第七名 王默 四川外国语学院 第九名 胡懿 复旦大学
第十名 赵婷 北京外国语大学
编号15 姓名 孙阳
self-confidence is the mother of succe as is known to us all, a famous proverb says “failure is the mother of succe”.yes , it’s true.history informs us that stories of succe are also stories of great a matter of fact.there are many factors that can contribute to a preson’s succe in i will give you a new idea―self-confidence is the mother of succe.succe is getting up one more time than you fall down.but when failures knocks you down.will you have the confidence to get up?so self-confidence is eential to succe.self-confidence means the firm belief that you can do things is believed to be the first secret of succe.if you want to succeed in doing anything, you must have confidence in your abilities.and i deeply aware that nothing can defeat a person who full of confidence.self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark, and gives you encouragement when you are is self-confidence that inspires you to cope with any hard task.with self-confidence, you believe that you can and will succeed, and this gives you the courage to try new things.some people find most of the things impoible, saying, “it is beyond my ability to do the task.” or “i am not fit for it.” these are only lame excuses.when our heart is void of self-confidence, every hope is gone, we will always living in the moments of fear and ladies and gentlemen do you have it in you? if you think you don’t, boost up youself as your mind is your greatest mentor.if you have a goal to pa cet 4 and cet 6 college english exam easily with high marks, just believe in yourself.yes you can if you want to be a great man in the future and never let your parent down.just believe in yourself.yes you can if you have a dream that conqur english to make china stronger.just believe in youself.yes you can.thank you so much for your listening.篇5:cctv杯英语演讲比赛即兴演讲的解题思路
即兴演讲题目范围和解题思路参考 1.people attend college or university for many different reasons(for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge).why do you think people attend college or university? use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.1、同意上大学好.(1)为未来工作进行准备
(3)系统的学习知识 you agree or disagree with the following statement? parents are the best teachers.use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.2、同意父母是最好的老师
6.if you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.6、一个重要的改变就是改变环境,让它变的更好
(3)环境好能够促进经济发展,吸引更多的商人来投资 do movies or television influence peoples behavior? use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.7、电影和电视影响人的行为
(3)电影和电视现在的设计很多是让家人朋友一起参与,这实际上也促进了交流 9.some people prefer to live in a small town.others prefer to live in a big city.which place would you prefer to live in? use specific reasons and details to support your answer.9、选择在大城市生活
(2)大城市生活相对方便,有很好的商店,交通等等 10.when people succeed, it is because of hard work.luck has nothing to do with you agree or disagree with the quotation above? use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.10不同意,实际上运气在人成功的过程中也很重要
(3)别人帮助可以根本不费努力而成功 you agree or disagree with the following statement? universities should give the same amount of money to their students sports activities as they give to their university libraries.use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.11、同意,对体育进行投入
(3)体育活动对于学校的名声是非常重要的。好的运动队能够提高学校的名气 12.many people visit museums when they travel to new places.why do you think people visit museums? use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.13.some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants.other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home.which do you prefer? use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.13、选择在饭馆吃饭
(3)能够促进和朋友的感情 14.some people believe that university students should be required to attend claes.others believe that going to claes should be optional for students.which point of view do you agree with? use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.14、应当要求学生上课
(3)学生上课是责任和纪律要求,如果学生想上课就上课,那么学校将无法管理 15.neighbors are the people who live near your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? use specific details and examples in your answer.15、邻居的素质
(3)当自己有难处的时候,能够尽可能的帮助自己 has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your you support or oppose this plan? why? use specific reasons and details to support your answer.16、同意新饭馆建立
(3)贡献税收,改进社区 17.some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher.others think that it is always better to have a teacher.which do you prefer? use specific reasons to develop your eay.17、应当和老师一起学习
(3)教师提供了学习的方法,这在未来学生学习其他知识的时候都很有帮助 18.what are some important qualities of a good supervisor(bo)? use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.18 一个好的上级应当是
(3)在自己工作遇到困难的时候,能够尽自己的努力帮助自己 19.should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should governments spend more money on improving public transportation(buses, trains, subways)? why? use specific reasons and details to develop your eay.19、应当改善交通
(3)公共交通能够带来更多人的就业,能够更好的促进经济的发展 is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big you agree or disagree? use specific reasons and examples to develop your eay.ds of your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker(someone you work clo 20、不同意,儿童应当长在大城市
(4)大城市的医疗设备比较好,儿童得病可以得到迅速治疗 general, people are living longer now.discu the causes of this phenomenon.use specific reasons and details to develop your eay.21、人们寿命延长的原因在于
(3)人们更加注意健康,积极参加体育活动,饮食也比以前合理。22.we all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinely with)? use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.22、一个好的同事的标准是
(3)在你有困难的时候,帮助你 some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still you think this is a good idea? support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.23、学习期间打工是一个好主意
(3)学习更加合理的管理时间 24.a person you know is planning to move to your town or city.what do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? why? use specific reasons and details to develop your eay.24、假设此城市是个大城市
不喜欢的(1)环境污染(2)人比较冷漠 has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built in your you support or oppose this plan? why? use specific reasons and details to support your answer.25、同意建一个大型的购物中心
(3)贡献税收,服务社区 has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in your you support or oppose this plan? why? use specific reasons and details to support your you agree or disagree with the following statement? people should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.27、同意人们有时候要做自己不喜欢作的事情
同意:吃某些东西对自己好,学习某些东西对自己发展好;对别人好,因为你爱他们是他们的亲人;顾全大局 you agree or disagree with the following statement? television, newspapers, magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities.use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.28、同意电视等媒体过分注重公众人物的报道
(1)媒体为了满足大众的好奇心(satisfy the curiosity),所以过分注重公众人物的报道。比如说,名人的食品和生活方式等等。
(3)媒体为了监督公众人物。所以经常报道他们的私生活。29.some people believe that the earth is being harmed(damaged)by human activity.others feel that human activity makes the earth a better place to live.what is your opinion? use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.29、不同意人们的活动将世界变成了一个更好的地方
(3)人类发动战争。人口、古迹、土地都受到了损失 30、同意建立高中
(3)学习另外一种文化,语言等等 it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.32、存钱比较好
(3)存钱放到未来花,可以更好的享受生活,如去欧洲,美洲旅游等等 have received a gift of money.the money is enough to buy either a piece of jewelry you like or tickets to a concert you want to attend.which would you buy? use specific reasons and details to support your answer.33、有钱可以去买音乐会的票
(3)去听音乐会可以和朋友家人一起去,增进朋友关系 34.businees should hire employees for their entire you agree or disagree? use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.34、不应当雇佣终身制。
(3)雇佣终身制无法使公司聘用更好的员工 you agree or disagree with the following statement? attending a live performance(for example, a play, concert, or sporting event)is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television.use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.35、参加现场表演比在家看电视好
(3)现场的表演经常还有抽奖活动等等,有时候有意想不到的收获 不同意:更舒适、省钱、省时间。36.choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed peoples lives.o automobiles o bicycles o airplanes use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.36、飞机改变了人们的生活
(3)飞机还使旅行更为安全。 you agree or disagree that progre is always good? use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.37、发展不一定都是好的(1)经济发展带来了环境的破坏,污染
(3)媒体的发展另人们变的更加懒惰 38.learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the you agree or disagree? use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.38、学习过去对于我们现在是有很大的价值的(1)学习过去的历史,能够更好的在现在避免错误。
(活动策划模板)举例各位部长:请根据本部门的职能特点,举办不同的活动。依照此模板,尽快完成活动策划,上传于办公室两位主任的邮箱。发完邮件,附上短信,让她们二位注意接收。 发稿截......
My future Good evening.Ladies and gentlemen! I am honour to stand here to deliver my speech .And my topic today is about future.As we all know, man’s life is......
My future Good evening.Ladies and gentlemen! I am honour to stand here to deliver my speech .And my topic today is about future.As we all know, man‟s life is......
speech of mu jiawei, northwest normal university in recent years, the development of the chinese economy has been incredibly fast, some might even call it mira......
London 2009年CCTV杯英语演讲比赛半决赛演讲稿 (2010-07-04 23:44:00)转载标签:分类: 罗登英语演讲稿杂谈大题目 Culture Smart or Science Intelligent?小题目To be or not to......