公共演讲public speech_公卫励志演讲稿

演讲稿 时间:2020-02-28 09:52:31 收藏本文下载本文
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公共演讲public speech由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“公卫励志演讲稿”。

Exercise every day

Some of you may get bored when hearing what I’m going to persuade you today.Exercise, something we have been told throughout our life.Most of the college students don’t even take a damn about it.Why do I have to do the time-consuming and energy-wasting thing when I really have much more interesting things to do? What is the meaning of exercising when I’m in perfect condition? Isn't it something exclusive for senior pople?

Well, that is why I’m here---to clarify all your false impreions.Let’s start with what our body need.is just like a working machine, and exercise is the lubricant.Long-time working machines need lubricant to get the gears to move more smoothly, to keep preure from the friction.Just like our body need exercise to refresh itself, to get more oxygen, to function better.And the refreshment must be provided regularly.As the saying goes Life lies in the movement.If you fail to exercise regularly, there is a poibility that you get some disease out of blue.Rest breeds rust.It’s not a threaten or curse, it is the fact.It may fall on anyone of us.Although the chance is not so high, but if it strikes you, you’re the one hundred percent person who suffers from it.Now that we know what our body need, then we focus on emotional aspect.exercise every day is not just a healthy way of life, it is also a kind of attitude, a method by which you can release what troubles you.Every day, we meet various of things that are le satisfactory.Every day it happens.Nobody dares to say without hesitation that I have had an absolutely perfect day.Those things affect our emotion and make us upset, which is bad for our health.And that makes exercise efficient to get rid of those negative emotions and be happy.It feels good to get tired from exercising.You feel the heartbeat, the gasp and the sweat.Something like every cell in your body has a shower.The most important thing is, you’ll feel better.Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, what are you waiting for? Come and join the exercise group.Don’t focus your eyes on the computer screen when you have energy to exercise.Don’t exercise in the morning when you can do it in the evening.Spare a little time every day, and you’ll get a brand new life.


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