My Definition of Succe
It is often too easy, and it is often too simplistic to define succe as something external, something objective, something dealing with money, fame or reputation.But what I believe succe is that it is not external.It comes from within.That is internal.I believe succe is that you have to have your own ideals, and that you have faith in those ideals, even in the face of extreme adversity.[əd'və:səti] 逆境And that is my definition of succe.A good example of this is the composer [kəm'pəuzə] Beethoven, ['bei,təuvən]a man who all of us know has created great symphonies.This man was deaf.This man was unable to hear his own majestic pieces of work.And yet, he held to his ideal of creation of music to the very end最佳.Then what exactly does the definition of succe mean to me? I believe that is having your own ideas as well as faith in those ideas.Charles Chaplin, one of the famous American actors, he said you have to believe in yourselves and that's the secret of succe.It is quite right.Although we are born differently, everyone has his own chances to achieve succe.To sum up, the best way to define succe is “to have your own ideals, and that you have faith in those ideals, even in the face of extreme adversity.”
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