20年来英国议会最棒的演讲 150秒凝聚两党人心_英国议会制辩论赛讲座

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20年来英国议会最棒的演讲 150秒凝聚两党人心由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“英国议会制辩论赛讲座”。







最后的最后,工党影子外交大臣Hilary Benn为反方做总结陈词时,情况发生了巨大的反转!他支持的居然是他的对手——卡梅伦!

Hilary Benn动之以情晓之以理的最后一番说辞,在议会里掀起了轩然大波。



以下就是Hialry Benn的演讲视频、英语全文和中文摘要,一睹为快:


Thank you very much Mr Speaker.Before I respond to the debate, I would like to say this directly to the Prime Minister: Although my right honourable friend the Leader of the Opposition and I will walk into different division lobbies tonight, I am proud to speak from the same Despatch Box as him.My right honourable friend is not a terrorist sympathiser, he is an honest, a principled, a decent and a good man and I think the Prime Minister must now regret what he said yesterday and his failure to do what he should have done today, which is simply to say 'I am sorry'.Now Mr Speaker, we have had an intense and impaioned debate and rightly so, given the clear and present threat from Daesh, the gravity of the decision that rests upon the shoulders and the conscience of every single one of us and the lives we hold in our hands tonight.And whatever we decision we reach, I hope we will treat one another with respect.Now we have heard a number of outstanding speeches and sadly time will prevent me from acknowledging them all.But I would just like to single out the contributions both for and against the motion from my honourable and right honourable friends the members for Derby South, Kingston upon Hull West and Hele, Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford, Barnsley Central, Wakefield, Wolverhampton South East, Brent North, Liverpool, West Derby, Wirral West, Stoke-on-Trent North, Birmingham Ladywood and the honourable members for Reigate, South West Wiltshire, Tonbridge and Malling, Chichester and Wells.The question which confronts us in a very, very complex conflict is at its heart very simple.What should we do with others to confront this threat to our citizens, our nation, other nations and the people who suffer under the yoke, the cruel yoke, of Daesh? The carnage in Paris brought home to us the clear and present danger we face from them.It could have just as easily been London, or Glasgow, or Leeds or Birmingham and it could still be.And I believe that we have a moral and a practical duty to extend the action we are already taking in Iraq to Syria.And I am also clear, and I say this to my colleagues, that the conditions set out in the emergency resolution paed at the Labour party conference in September have been met.We now have a clear and unambiguous UN Security Council Resolution 2249, paragraph 5 of which specifically calls on member states to take all neceary measures to redouble and co-ordinate their efforts to prevent and suppre terrorist acts committed specifically by Isil, and to eradicate the safe haven they have established over significant parts of Iraq and Syria.So the United Nations is asking us to do something.It is asking us to do something now.It is asking us to act in Syria as well as in Iraq.And it was a Labour government that helped to found the United Nations at the end of the Second World War.And why did we do so? Because we wanted the nations of the world, working together, to deal with threats to international peace and securitybecause every state has the right to defend itselfin trying to justify their bloody slaughterand for our national securityincluding Iraq and our ally, France.Now, France wants us to stand with them and President Hollandehas asked for our aistance and help.And as we are undertaking airstrikes in Iraq where Daesh's hold has been reduced and we are already doing everything but engage in airstrikes in Syriabut they make a difference.Because they are giving them a hard timewho target innocent people.Now on the subject of ground troops to defeat Daesh, there's been much debate about the figure of 70,000 and the government must, I think, better explain that.But we know that most of them are currently engaged in fighting President Aad.But I'll tell you what else we know, is whatever the numberthe current size of the opposition forces mean the longer we leave taking action, the longer Daesh will have to decrease that number.And so to suggest, Mr Speaker, that airstrikes should not take place until the Syrian civil war has come to an end is, I think, to mi the urgency of the terrorist threat that Daesh poses to us and others, and I think misunderstands the nature and objectives of the extension to airstrikes that is being proposed.And of course we should take action.It is not a contradiction between the two to cut off Daesh's support in the form of money and fighters and weapons, and of course we should give humanitarian aid, and of course we should offer shelter to more refugees including in this country and yes we should commit to play our full part in helping to rebuild Syria when the war is over.Now I accept that there are legitimate arguments, and we have heard them in the debate, for not taking this form of action now.And it is also clear that many members have wrestled, and who knows, in the time that is left, may still be wrestling, with what the right thing to do is.But I say the threat is now, and there are rarely, if ever, perfect circumstances in which to deploy military forces.Now we heard very powerful testimony from the honorable member for Eddisbury earlier when she quoted that paage, and I just want to read what Karwan Jamal Tahir, the Kurdistan regional government high representative in London, said last week and I quote: 'Last June, Daesh captured one third of Iraq over night and a few months later attacked the Kurdistan region.Swift airstrikes by Britain, America and France, and the actions of our own Peshmerga, saved us.We now have a border of 650 miles with Daesh.We've pushed them back, and recently captured Sinjar.Again, Western airstrikes were vital.But the old border between Iraq and Syria does not exist.Daesh fighters come and go acro this fictional boundary.' And that is the argument Mr Speaker, for treating the two countries as one, if we are serious about defeating Daesh.Now Mr Speaker, I hope the house will bear with me if I direct my closing remarks to my Labour friends and colleagues on this side of the House.As a party we have always been defined by our internationalism.We believe we have a responsibility one to another.We never havewalk by on the other side of the road.And we are here faced by fascists.Not just their calculated brutality, but their belief that they are superior to every single one of us in this chamber tonight, and all of the people that we represent.They hold us in contempt.They hold our values in contempt.They hold our belief in tolerance and decency in contempt.They hold our democracy, the means by which we will make our decision tonight, in contempt.And what we know about fascists is that they need to be defeated.And it is why, as we have heard tonight, socialists and trade unionists and others joined the International Brigade in the 1930s to fight against Franco.It's why this entire House stood up against Hitler and Muolini.It is why our party has always stood up against the denial of human rights and for justice.And my view, Mr Speaker, is that we must now confront this evil.It is now time for us to do our bit in Syria.And that is why I ask my colleagues to vote for the motion tonight.【内容摘要】



【 然而现在,ISIS就是其中的一个大家共同的敌人。】


【所以现在的问题是:我们都已经知道他们是恶魔了,那么我们该不该跟法国人一起并肩作战,对抗他们? 】












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