应对气候变化 我们不断努力
We Are Striving to Addre Climate Change
It’s hard to imagine how we could live without air conditioner in the hot summer.Unfortunately, the more terrible thing could happen if we hadn’t decreased the greenhouse effect and coped with the global warming.Now it is neceary for us devote more effort to protect our planet, which will offer a big “air-conditioner” to help you and your families free from the hot summer forever.Why global temperature is climbing
According to experts, the reason for climate warming is intensifying greenhouse effect that is aroused by the increase of CO2 and other greenhouse gaes.The earth
we live on is surrounded by atmosphere composed of CO2 and other gases.This atmosphere is like a thick gla to turn earth into a big warm house.Being vital to lives on the earth, the gla reduces solar radiation intensity and ground reflection ability, warms up nights and decreases temperature difference between days and nights, making the earth a paradise for all kinds of creatures.If there is no atmosphere, average temperature of the earth’s surface will drop down to-18℃.But the present average temperature is 15℃, which means temperature of the earth’s surface will jump 33℃ due to greenhouse effect.Moderate greenhouse effect is beneficial for human;however, if greenhouse gaes are too concentrated, the temperature of the earth surface will increase too much and finally brings global climate warming.Scientists have found out that the past 5 decades saw a dramatic climbing in temperature of the earth’s surface whose pace tops the record for the past
6.5 million years.This is because man’s industrial production releases vast amount of greenhouse gaes into the atmosphere and make the “gla” thicker and thicker, further weakening the earth’s reflection capacity and boosting up the earth’s temperature.What climate change brings to human being
With dramatic increase of population and rapid development of industry, demand of energy sources is upgrading and CO2 releasing into the atmosphere is increasing;with chop-off of a large number of forests, CO2 is not absorbed by forests, as a result, greenhouse effect is correspondingly enhanced.It is analyzed that carbon dioxide concentrations have risen from an estimated 280 parts per million(ppm)before the industrial revolution, to 360 ppm today.Report of UN points out that during the last century as the earth’s surface temperature rose by about 0.3℃-0.6°C, the sea level rose 10-25cm correspondingly.The likely effects of global warming including a greater frequency of extreme weather
conditions: droughts, desertization, sandstorm, glacier melting, islands disappearing and Indian Ocean Tsunami, all strike the alarm for human beings.
感恩演讲稿——感恩敬孝,回报社会.txt丶︶ ̄喜欢的歌,静静的听,喜欢的人,远远的看我笑了当初你不挺傲的吗现在您这是又玩哪出呢?感恩演讲稿——感恩敬孝,回报社会尊敬的各位领导,朋友......