大学生英语演讲赛话题选编.时间:09-06-17 11:18:03来源:点击:11451、在遇到困难时,放弃也是正确的选择吗?
Do you think it’s proper to give up, if it just seems too hard.2、人们经常把老师比作蜡烛或园丁,你会选择那种比喻你的老师?为什么?
People usually compare teachers to candles or gardeners, which of these would you compare
your teacher to? Why ?
If you are to write to the mayor of your city about the problem that you are most concerned
about, what would you write to him?
What would you do if your parents or friends misunderstand you?
Some people complain that is difficult learning English because there isn’t English
environment.What do you think of this problem and how do you solve it?
What makes a boy Cool?
If Yao Ming was here today, what would you say to him?
Some people say the real enemy of life is ourselves.Do you agree? Why ?
What do you do or how do you cope or deal with the preure of your campus life?
Everybody wants the dreams come true.Can you tell us how you understand the meaning
of the phrase “Dreams come true.”?
How do you prefer to communicate with your clamates, by talking on the phone, going
online or face to face? And why?
What is your favorite saying? Can you explain it?
13.Which foreign film do you like best? Please give me your reason.你最喜欢哪部外国电影?为什么?
14.Which of the four characters in the Journey to the West,Xi You Ji, would you most
like to make friend with?
15.Who do you most admire? What’s the one thing he or she said has the most influence
on you?
16、Have you ever taken part in a military training? If so, how did the military training
change you?
17.what are the characteristics for a good teacher ? Use reasons and examples to support
your response
一个好老师应该具备什么样的性格? 列举理由和事例说明.18.Environment protection is not just a governmental iue.What can you do as an
19.Suppose you are president of our university, what is your major concern at the moment?
假如你是我们学校的校长, 你目前最关心的是什么?为什么?
20.Could you make some suggestions to railway administration to solve the Spring
Festival transportation problem?
.Do you think it is rational that sportsmen get high salary? What do you think of sports
stars earning money through commercial advertising?
2.Why do more and more people want to move to large cities? What are advantages and
disadvantages of this trend to the country’s economic development?
23.Do you think the cet-4 or cet-6 test should be cancelled? Give your reasons.大学英语四六级考试应该取消吗?为什么?
.What do you think of the discount tactic in today’s market? Is discount a good or bad
25.Who should be mostly blamed for difficulties in job hunting for college
2011年度中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛全国预选赛大学组即兴演讲题目1.In recent years, the college entrance examination has undergone a series of changes.What......
教 务 处国际文化传播学院浙传教?2010?84号关于举办“浙江传媒学院第八届英语演讲比赛”的通知各二级学院:为进一步培养和提高我校学生对英语学习的热情,营造浓厚的语言学习......
第四届全国大学生英语演讲赛题目1.How to behave when applying for a job?2.I am proud of being Chinese3.Happy is he who is content4.How to make our campus life more mea......
英语演讲赛主持词Good afternoon, teachers and students! We are very happy to gather here to hold an English speech contest.各位老师,各位同学,下午好!很高兴我们今天能......