This afternoon, our class held a class cadre campaign.We successively selected the squad leader, deputy squad leader, sports committee, etc., the students seriously selected the class cadres approved, and the atmosphere was tight.
After the election is over, I chose the deputy squad leader.I am somewhat happy and some disappointment.Happy because I have never been a parallel leader; disappointment is because I feel a bit of stress, because my achievements are not so good, occasionally make some small mistakes.As a deputy squad, I want to give the classmates to the classmates, try to increase the results, and I have to change the previous mistakes, such as speaking in the corridor, running leads to deductions.
This game made me grow up, I will definitely be a good deputy leader, conscientiously and responsible, serve everyone wholeheartedly!
1.竞选班干部发言稿 亲爱的老师们、同学们:你们好!我是五(4)班的黄蕴琪,我很荣幸能站在这里发言,此时此刻,我很激动,也很紧张,不过我有信心,因为我要竞选的是班干部这个位置。班长是一......