吴邦国 10 1 中国国家馆日致辞_全国第24个助残日致辞

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吴邦国 10 1 中国国家馆日致辞由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“全国第24个助残日致辞”。

吴邦国委员长在上海世博会中国国家馆日官方仪式上的致辞 2010年10月1日

Speech at the Official Ceremony for the China National Pavilion Day on Shanghai Expo by Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congre Expo Center, World Expo Park, Oct.1, 2010


Your Excellencies Heads of State and Speakers of Parliament, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,在隆重庆祝新中国成立61周年的喜庆日子里,我们又迎来上海世博会中国国家馆日,不仅给中国的国庆增添了欢乐的气氛,也把上海世博会推向了新的高潮。首先,我谨代表中国政府和人民,向出席中国国家馆日活动的各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢!

On this joyous day of grand celebration for the 61st anniversary of the People's Republic of China, we gather here to mark the China National Pavilion Day of Expo 2010 Shanghai.It adds to happine of the anniversary of the People's Republic, and it brings the Expo 2010 Shanghai event to a new height.At the outset, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, warm welcome and sincere thanks to all distinguished guests attending the China National Pavilion Day events.上海世博会是世博史上第一次在发展中国家举行的全球盛会。5个月来,参展的246个国家和国际组织汇集黄埔江畔,100多位外国领导人莅临世博园区,近6000万中外游客接踵而至,200多万中外志愿者真诚奉献,联袂演绎了“城市,让生活更美好”的华彩乐章。不到6平方公里的世博园,千姿百态的万国建筑毗邻而居,独具匠心的创意布展争奇斗艳,丰富多彩的文艺演出竞相绽放,各领风骚的最佳实践区熠熠生辉,启迪智慧的论坛对话精彩纷呈,| 生动体现了世界的多样性,构成一幅多元文化、多种文明和谐共融的美好画卷。

Expo 2010 Shanghai is the first such global event hosted by a developing country in the history of the world expo.In the past five months, participants from 246 countries and international organizations have gathered by the Huangpu River to attend the Expo.The Expo site has hosted over 100 foreign leaders and nearly 60 million Chinese and foreign visitors.Together with the over two million dedicated volunteers from home and abroad, they have made “Better City, Better Life” a living reality.In the le than six square kilometer Expo Park, pavilions of diverse styles bearing distinct features of different countries stand alongside each other, hosting creative exhibitions and various cultural performances, not to mention the unique Urban Best Practices Area and the inspiring forum dialogues.Together, they form a vivid picture of the diverse world and the harmonious co-existence of different cultures and civilizations.我们完全有理由相信,在各方共同努力下,上海世博会一定能够办成一届成功、精彩、难忘的世博会。借此机会,我谨对大力支持上海世博会的各国政府和人民、国际展览局和有关国际组织、各参展方以及所有为上海世博会作出贡献的朋友们,表示衷心的感谢!

We have every reason to believe that, with concerted efforts of all sides, Expo 2010 Shanghai will surely be a succeful, splendid and unforgettable event.Let me take this opportunity to expre sincere gratitude to the governments and peoples of other countries, to the International Exhibitions Bureau and relevant international organizations, to all participants for their great support for the Expo and to all friends who have contributed their share to the Expo.女士们、先生们、朋友们!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,屹立于上海世博园的中国馆“东方之冠”,光彩夺目,气势磅礴,它以“城市发展中的中华智慧”为主线,让人从中感受中国人民创造美好生活的生动实践,领略中华文化世代传承的和谐理念,畅想中国科学发展的美好未来。

Standing proudly in the Expo Park, the splendid and magnificent China Pavilion, the “Oriental Crown”, is a showcase of “Chinese Wisdom in Urban Development”.It is living proof of the effort by the Chinese people in pursuit of a better life.It gives expreion to the long-lasting belief in harmony as rooted in the Chinese culture and to the vision of a brighter future of China through scientific development.


吴邦国委员长在上海世博会中国国家馆日官方仪式上的致辞 2010年10月1日 Speech at the Official Ceremony for the China National Pavilion Day on Shanghai Expo by Wu Ba......








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