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香港民政事务局局长东亚运动会闭幕典礼致辞时间:2009-12-14 10:15来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:430次


民政事务局局长 曾德成2009年12月13日

Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games

by the Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-singDecember 2009


Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,大家好!香港2009东亚运动会举行以来,我们一直沉浸于炽热的体育竞赛气氛之中。现在,全部比赛已经完成,留下了我们共同创造的传奇!第五届东亚运即将圆满结束,我谨代表香港特别行政区政府热烈欢迎各位出席今晚的闭幕式,我更要衷心感谢各代表团团长、运动员、随团人员、赞助商、义工以及不同岗位的所有工作人员的积极参与和支持。多谢大家!

Good evening.Since the grand opening on December 5, we have had a great time together.Tonight, the Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games are coming to a succeful conclusion.On behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, I extend a very warm welcome to you for joining tonight’s ceremony.I would also like to expre sincere thanks to the heads of delegations, athletes, team officials, sponsors, volunteers and those behind the scene for your participation and great support.连日来,香港市民同各地来宾一起见证了各个国家和地区的健儿在比赛中奋勇拚搏,展现了不屈不挠的斗志及良好的体育风尚,为东亚运谱写了辉煌的篇章,将竞技体育演绎为团结共融的盛会,冲破了国籍、政治、宗教及语言的隔阂。东亚运不仅成为国际体坛盛事,亦是东亚地区人民建立友谊和文化交流的平台。

Since the commencement of the Games, friends acro boundaries have come together to witne the legendary moments of the Games.All our athletes have competed fairly and done their best, displaying strong determination, great perseverance and true sportsmanship.You have created the proudest moment of the Games and shown us the unifying power of sport by overriding national, political, religious and language barriers.A tremendous spirit of friendship has also been clearly evident throughout the Games.The exemplary participation of you all has promoted the

spirit of solidarity.The Games have become an important event on the international sports calendar as well as a platform for friendship and cultural exchanges acro the region.我希望藉此机会向香港市民衷心致谢。市民大众的热情投入,展示了东道主的风范,与各地访客一同分享东亚运的激情和欢乐。在大家的鼓励打气、欢呼喝采声中,各地选手不断刷新东亚运纪录。传奇就是这样创造的!

I would like to take this opportunity to expre my sincere gratitude to the people of Hong Kong.You have warmly embraced all the guests and shared with people from acro the world the joys and emotions of the East Asian Games.With your cheers of encouragement, athletes have set many EAG new records and the legend is made.我亦感谢媒体的积极报道。在连续多日里,香港市民聚焦于东亚运,运动员成为万众瞩目的主角,市民对体育运动的兴趣由此大增。

Special thanks also go to the media and the broadcasters for their wonderful coverage of this spectacular event.第五届东亚运是香港有史以来首次举办的大型国际综合运动会。今天,香港人可以自豪地说,我们成功举办了东亚运。全赖社会各界的共同努力,使香港的体育发展迈向新里程,也为推动东亚运作出了我们的贡献。

The Fifth EAG is the first international multi-sports event ever held in Hong Kong.Without the concerted efforts of all parties involved, our dreams of making the Games a succe could not have been realised.Together, we have opened a new chapter of the sporting history of Hong Kong as well as showcased to the world our appeal as an events capital.各位,东亚运的圣火即将熄灭,此刻,让我们诚挚祝愿,东亚友谊团结和公平竞技的精神将薪火持续,永放光芒。

Dear friends, at this moment when the flame is about to be extinguished, let us make a sincere wish.May the spirit of the Games, of friendship and sportsmanship, live on in our hearts.我们期盼四年后在天津再相聚,展现更卓越的体育风采。

The time has come for us to say goodbye to the Fifth East Asian Games.I call upon the athletes from the Region to meet again in Tianjin, China, in four years time, where once again, you will inspire and excite the world with your sporting excellence.多谢各位。

Thank you.原文链接:


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