2010-11-01 21:09来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1167次
Speech at the Expo 2010 Shanghai China Summit Forum
BIE Secretary General Vicente Loscertales
Shanghai, Oct.31, 2010
国际展览局秘书长 洛塞泰斯
2010年10月31日 上海
Your Excellency Premier Wen Jiabao,Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,尊敬的温家宝总理,尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们:
For the last 184 days we have worked hand in hand for a World Expo that has united us around a major goal: to create a grand international gathering of nations and cultures with the goal of educating citizens and promoting progre for “Better City and Better Life” for today and tomorrow.在过去的184天中,我们在世博会携手合作,团结在一个重要目标周围:创建一场全球参与的各国和各文化之间交流的国际盛会,在当前和未来进一步推进“城市,让生活更美好”的理念,普及大众对这一理念的认识。
Shanghai 2010 has inspired a mindset of cooperation, solidarity and openne which are eential to tackle the major challenges facing humanity.For visitors and participants alike, this Expo has offered unmatched opportunities to experience cultural differences, to understand ongoing global efforts and to learn about different paths for future progre.2010年上海世博会所激发的合作、团结、开放精神对全人类应对各种重大挑战至关重要。无论是对参观者或参展方,本届世博会都提供了前所未有的机遇,让人们得以体验文化差异,了解正在进行的努力,知晓未来前进的各种道路。
Today’s Summit Forum is the tip of the iceberg: it reflects the thematic wisdom of Shanghai 2010;and it is the product of a cooperation effort between participants, governments and international organizations that is unprecedented in Expo history.今天举行的高峰论坛是冰山的一角,它反映了2010年上海世博会的主题智慧,也是世博会历史上参展方、各国政府和国际组织空前合作的成果。
In this sense, Shanghai 2010 has truly materialized the vision for the World Expos of the 21st Century.由此看来,2010年上海世博会的确体现了21世纪世博会的发展愿景。
In a world where the channels by which we interact and learn about one another are completely transformed and in a world where actions have global impact, Expos are called to fulfill a new role, which is potentially more powerful than the one in the past.当今世界,人类互动与学习的渠道发生了翻天覆地的变化,同时人们的行为也会产生全球性影响。人们因此希望世博会扮演新的角色,一个比过去更为强大的角色。
Today, to be effective platforms for education and progre, Expos must inspire and connect the actions of governments and civil society in their common effort to develop and implement sustainable solutions to the universal challenges we all face.今天,为了有效履行教育与进步平台的职责,世博会必须唤起政府和公民社会的共同行动,使之共同努力寻找并实施可持续的解决方案,应对我们面临的共同挑战。
Expos build bridges that connect different spheres of society.As such, they help promote ideas and initiatives with new publics, they foster the development of new forms of cooperation and, last but not least, they introduce a degree accountability for the actions of governmental institutions and civil society alike, as we are all called to contribute solutions to our common problems.世博会架起桥梁,沟通了社会的方方面面。因此,世博会能够借助新政策推动人们的思想和创意,培养新型合作模式,并为政府机构和公民社会的行动引入问责制度,因为我们需要为
This is why more recent Expos have elected the theme as their central core and organizing principle.这就是为什么最近几届世博会越来越多地选择将这种主题作为其核心理念与组织原则。
Since the year 2000, there is a strong connexion between the selection of Expo themes and the main agendas established by the United Nations, through different programmes and agreements such as Agenda 21 from the 1992 Rio Conference and the Millennium Development Goals.自2000年起,世博会主题的选择就与联合国主要议程紧密相连,例如1992年里约热内卢地球峰会通过的《21世纪议程》及千年发展目标等计划与协议。
These have inspired Hannover 2000, Humankind, Nature and Technology: A New World Arising, Aichi 2005 Nature’s Wisdom, Zaragoza 2008 Water and Sustainable Development and Shanghai 2010 Better city, Better Life.这些项目激发了灵感:德国2000年汉诺威世博会的主题为“人类—自然—科技:一个诞生中的新世界”;日本2005年爱知世博会的主题为“自然的睿智”;西班牙2008年萨拉戈萨世博会的主题为“水与可持续发展”;而中国2010年上海世博会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”。
The future Expo of Yeosu 2012 focued on the environmental protection of oceans and coasts makes reference to the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development.Milan 2015, with its theme Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life, will help promote the Millennium Development Goals.下一届韩国2012年丽水世博会将聚焦海洋与海岸的环境保护,这正契合了2012年联合国可持续发展大会。意大利2015年米兰世博会的主题 “滋养地球,生命之源”也将有助于宣传联合国的千年发展目标。
As you can see, Expos are becoming key aets for governments and international organizations in their effort to communicate to the public the major iues at the top of their global agendas.They are new platforms for multilateral public diplomacy that help fill the existing awarene and knowledge gaps amongst citizens.如大家所见,世博会正成为政府与国际组织的重要财富,帮助他们就其全球议程上的重要议题与民众展开交流。世博会也为多边公共外交提供了新的平台,有助于弥补公民在意识和知识方面的现有差距。
As Shanghai 2010 has proven, in the 21st century, Expos are engines of change that strongly support the top-down policy efforts of governments and international organizations.上海世博会已经证明,世博会是21世纪变革的推动引擎,能有力地支持政府和国际组织自上而下贯彻政策的各种努力。
They translate complex and high-level concept into a visual language that is easily acceible to people from all walks of life.They show change by implementing it directly in both material and intangible ways through architecture, urban planning, services, culture and education.世博会将复杂、高层次的概念转化为社会各界人士都易理解的视觉语言,通过建筑、城市规划、服务、文化与教育等实物展示或抽象方式直接向人们呈现世界的变化。
The efforts of Shanghai 2010 to reach a true “universal” status, however, do not end here.然而,将上海世博会办成真正具有普遍性的世博会的努力并未就此停止。
Recognizing that cities hold the keys to implement the solutions for building quality environments for urban life, it has invited them to be part of the Expo to exchange practices and to enhance the connection and the involvement of citizens.由于认识到城市手中握有建设更美好生活环境的钥匙,上海世博会邀请了世界各国城市来参与,以开展实践交流,增强公众联系,提高公众参与度。
Shanghai 2010 has created an educational experience that is much greater than the sum of its parts by engaging cities in organizing the physical presentations in the Urban Best Practices area and by involving directly major international organizations in developing the framework for content.通过邀请各国城市以实物形式参展“城市最佳实践区”,以及直接邀请各类重要国际组织参与制定其内容框架,上海世博会创建了“个体融汇大于简单叠加”的教育性体验。
Shanghai 2010 has fostered innovation and cooperation by making the Expo a place where we have been learning from each other in a spirit of cooperation, and, where we have been learning with each other, in a spirit of innovation.上海世博会有力地推动了创新与合作,为我们呈现了一个精诚合作、互相学习和共同学习、立志创新的世博园。
This Expo has given us a common laboratory for urban future where we have been allowed to exchange, discu and experiment in a non-confrontational, constructive, practical and truly universal way.本届世博会创造了一个我们可以共享的城市未来实验室,让我们以互不冲突的、建设性的、实用和可广泛应用的方式进行交流、探讨和实验。
The end of an Expo carries with it a certain degree of sadne.Parting from companions after sharing a major endeavour is never easy.However, the cooperation initiatives that have been launched within this Expo show that only the event is over, our relationships will continue.一届世博会的落幕总会令人感到伤感,共同努力奋斗后与同伴挥手告别也从来不是容易的事。但是,本届世博会所启动的合作倡议表明,结束的只是世博会本身,而我们彼此间的关系将持续下去。
I wish to expre a particular appreciation to the United Nations for how the different organizations, agencies and programs have actively and enthusiastically contributed their expertise and know-how to support, to develop and to promote the theme of Shanghai 2010.我要特别感谢联合国各组织、机构和项目,感谢他们积极热情地提供各类专业知识和技术来支持、发展和推进2010年上海世博会的主题。
Through this Expo, the BIE and the UN have worked together hand in hand for the first time.It has been a succeful experience that has highlighted important synergies that can only
strengthen the educational impact of future Expos amongst citizens as well as local and global leaders alike.本届世博会是,国际展览局和联合国首次携手合作。此次成功合作强调了协同作用的重要性,它能够加强未来各届世博会对公民乃至地方和世界领导人的启示和影响。
Finally, I wish to congratulate China and Shanghai, our generous host and highly capable organizers, for their commitment and their ambition to support the BIE in advancing the role of Expos in this new century.最后,请允许我向我们慷慨的主人及世博会的杰出组织者——中国和上海表示祝贺!祝贺他们以承诺和雄心支持国展局在新世纪中继续推动世博会的作用。
They have led the way showing that Expos are at the service of the ideals of our global society and function as powerful instruments that engage the world’s citizens to contribute to the efforts of our international community.他们也证明了世博会可以服务于全球人类社会的共同理想,有力地促进全世界人民为国际社会所作的努力。
In this sense, Shanghai 2010 has established even stronger foundations on which to expand Expos in the 21st Century: Shanghai has succefully demonstrated that Expo can be a core venue where citizens and global institutions come together to actively and constructively contribute to the solution of humanity’s challenges through peace, creativity and solidarity.由此看来,2010年上海世博会为21世纪接下来的各届世博会进一步壮大打下了更加坚实的基础:上海成功地证明了世博会能提供一个核心场所,将各国民众与全球机构凝聚到一起,本着和平、创意与团结的精神,为应对人类共同面对的挑战做出积极的、建设性的贡献。
Thank you.谢谢
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