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美国商务部长中国上海旅游业颁奖仪式讲话时间:2012-05-11 10:30来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:2781次

Remarks at Tourism Award Ceremony, Shanghai, China Commerce Secretary John Bryson Monday, May 7, 2012

在中国上海旅游业颁奖仪式上的讲话 美国商务部长 约翰·布赖森 2012年5月7日

This is a very special occasion.We are here to recognize the top five tour operators in the Shanghai region who arrange group travel to the U.S.Travel and tourism between our countries is crucial to building stronger cultural and economic ties.This generates greater understanding and friendship between our people.And it also generates greater prosperity.这是一个很特殊的场合,我们在这里表彰上海地区积极组团赴美国旅游的5家顶尖的旅行社。我们两国之间的旅游业对于建设更为牢固的文化与经济纽带十分重要,它能增进两国人民之间的了解与友谊,并能促进经济繁荣。

As you all know, the U.S.-China Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Travel and Tourism was signed in 2007.It opened the door for packaged leisure travel to our country by Chinese groups.Since then, the number of Chinese people traveling to the U.S.has grown significantly.So far this year, travelers from China have increased 40 percent over the same period in 2011!We are very happy to welcome these visitors, and we look forward to welcoming many more.正如我们大家所知,美中旅游合作谅解备忘录签订于2007年,它为中国组团去我们国家进行休闲旅游打开了大门。从那以后,中国公民前往美国旅行的人数大大增加。今年到目前为止,来自中国的旅游者比2011年同期增加了40%!我们非常高兴地欢迎这些来访者,我们还期待着欢迎更多的来访者。

And under the leadership of the Department of Commerce, the United States government is taking a number of steps to ensure continued growth in travel and tourism from China to America.As you no doubt know, at the direction of President Obama, our State Department has increased our capacity to proce visa applications here in China.Also, we are working with America’s travel and tourism leaders to make sure that our travel hubs–such as airports–are easier to navigate.In addition, we are working to educate our hotel owners and service providers about the needs and wants of Chinese travelers.And we are doing more to share information about all of the diverse cultural, recreational and entertainment opportunities that America offers.由商务部牵头,美国政府正在采取一系列步骤来保证从中国到美国的旅游活动持续不断地发展。你们肯定都知道,根据欧巴马总统的指示,我们的国务院已经提高了在中国处理赴美签证申请的能力。我们也正在与美国旅游业的负责人共同努力以保证我们的机场等交通枢纽更为通畅。此外,我们还在向旅馆业主和服务业人员大力介绍中国游客的需要和要求。而且,我们也在更努力地宣传有关美国提供的多种多样的文化、休闲与娱乐机会的信息。

These are important steps, because over the next five years, the number of international visitors traveling to the U.S.from all over the world is expected to grow significantly.We expect over 65 million visitors in 2012 alone.This reflects the fact that travel and tourism is America’s number-one services export–and it continues to get stronger each day.We project that China will–by far–have the largest percentage growth in tourism to the U.S.over the next five years, at nearly 200 percent.Our meage to China and people acro the globe is clear: “the United States welcomes you.”


Before I go any further, let me recognize two groups.First, thank you to the National Tour Aociation for developing the program that qualifies the U.S.-inbound tour operators.Without this program we could not have entered into the agreement that allows selling packaged travel to the United States.Second, thank you to the China National Tourism Administration, which has been a good partner in developing travel and tourism for both countries.We look forward to working with all of you to strengthen U.S.-China ties and reap all the economic and cultural benefits that flow from our relationship.在我接着往下讲之前,请允许我来表彰两个机构。首先要感谢中国旅游协会就经营赴美旅游业务制定了一个旅行社资格审核程序,要是没有这个程序,我们就不可能达成特许组团赴美旅游的协议。其次,要感谢中国国家旅游局,它是发展美中两国旅游业的一个很好的合作伙伴。我们期待着与你们大家一起共同努力来加强美中联系,享受我们两国关系所带来的所有经济与文化惠益。

And finally, thank you to the Shanghai Commercial Service and Shanghai Tourism Bureau for all their work to support this event and to continue promoting U.S.-China travel and tourism.最后,感谢上海商务局和上海旅游局为这次活动提供的支持,以及它们对促进美中两国旅游业的不懈支持。

Now let me turn the microphone back over before we officially present today’s awards.现在,让我在今天正式颁奖之前把麦克风交还回去。



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