2010年9月16日,驻美国大使张业遂应邀出席科恩集团董事长、美国前国防部长科恩举办的晚餐演讲会,就中美关系发表演讲并回答出席晚餐会的美国政府官员、国会议员、工商界、智库和媒体人士等的提问。张大使演讲全文如下: 驻美国大使张业遂在科恩集团晚餐演讲会的讲话 2010年9月16日
Remarks by Ambaador Zhang YesuiAt the Dinner Hosted by the Cohen Group September 16, 2010 尊敬的科恩前国防部长,女士们,先生们: Secretary Cohen, Ladies and Gentlemen, 首先,我感谢科恩前国防部长的热情介绍。我很高兴出席今天的晚餐会,同这么多重要人士见面。
Secretary Cohen, thank you for your kind introduction.It's a great pleasure and privilege to be among such a distinguished group.我的工作从联合国转到美国,刚好已有半年。按惯例,我该向国内提交述职报告了。我希望今晚同大家的互动交流,能为我准备述职报告带来一些启发。
Since I moved from the United Nations to the United States, six months have paed.And it's time for me to submit to Beijing my initial report on my job as Ambaador here.I hope my interaction tonight with you will give me useful inspirations for my report.在中美关系进入重要发展阶段之时出任中国驻美国大使,我倍感荣幸。当前,中美两国的利益联系日益紧密,相互依存不断加深。现在,两国互为第二大贸易伙伴,过去10年美国对华出口增长了330%,今年前8个月美国对华出口又增长了34.4%。美国对华直接投资总额达640亿美元,美国继续是中国最大的外资来源国。两国之间每年人员往来超过250万人次。约10万名中国留学生正在美国学习深造。中美之间已缔结161对友好城市和36对友好省州。两国还在一系列国际和地区问题上保持着密切沟通与合作。
I am honored to serve as Ambaador of China to the United States at such a historic juncture.The interests of our two countries are more closely tied to one another than ever before.Now we are each other's second largest trading partner.In the last ten years, US exports to China increased by 330%.In the first eight months of this year, US exports to China grew by 34.4%.US direct investment in China has topped 64 billion US dollars and the US remains the No.1 source of foreign direct investment for China.2.5 million visits are made every year acro the Pacific ocean.There are more than 100,000 Chinese students in the US.There have been 161 pairs of sister cities and 36 pairs of sister province/state relations between our two countries.We have also been working closely on numerous international and regional iues.我高兴地看到,经过双方共同努力,中美关系已经克服今年初的困难局面,回到正常发展的轨道。通过这半年来的工作,我深切地体会到,保持中美关系稳定发展,确实太重要了。怎么保持中美关系的稳定发展呢?我愿借此机会同大家分享以下三点看法。
Looking back to the days when I just arrived here, I am glad to see that China-US relations have overcome the difficulties we saw earlier this year and are now back on track.One thing that has derived from my six month experience is that it is extremely important to keep our relationship stable and avoid major ups and downs.I would like to share with you three observations on this subject.第一,要牢牢把握中美关系发展的正确方向。
First, we should keep to the positive direction of China-US relations.中美关系是当今世界最重要的双边关系之一,不仅关乎两国和两国人民的根本利益,而且具有日益重要的战略意义和全球影响。胡锦涛主席同奥巴马总统去年4月在英国伦敦首次会晤时,就共同努力建设21世纪积极合作全面的中美关系达成重要共识,为两国关系发展指明了方向。奥巴马总统今年3月29日接受我递交国书时也表示,“美中关系具有塑造21世纪的能力”。中美两国休戚与共,合则两利,斗则俱伤。显然,对话比对抗好,合作比遏制好,伙伴比对手好。
China-US relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships.It not only concerns the fundamental interests of the two countries and two peoples, but also aumes increasing strategic significance and global implications.I still remember when I presented my credentials to President Obama on March 29, he said that “our relationship has the ability to shape the 21st century.” I couldn't agree more.Both countries stand to benefit from cooperation, and confrontation would serve no one's interests.Since we are in the same boat, it is evident that dialogue is better than confrontation, cooperation is better than containment, and partnership is better than rivalry.President Hu Jintao and President Obama reached an important agreement to build a positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-US relationship for the 21st century when they met for the first time in London in April last year.This has set the direction for the growth of China-US relations and ought to be followed in good faith.第二,要积极拓展各领域务实合作。
Second, we should deepen cooperation in all areas.合作是中美关系发展的不竭动力。当前,中美两国都在积极转变发展方式。双方应支持彼此的经济结构调整,拓展在清洁能源、节能减排、环境保护和基础设施建设等领域的合作。中美在二十国集团峰会和应对国际金融危机方面进行了有效的磋商与协调,为两国经济恢复增长和世界经济的复苏作出了重要贡献。两国应继续密切关注全球经济复苏,与国际社会一道,加强宏观经济政策协调,继续推动国际金融机构改革。中美在维护亚太乃至世界的和平、稳定与发展方面拥有广泛的合作基础,也肩负着重要的共同责任。双方应加强在反恐、防扩散、朝核、伊朗核、气候变化等重大国际和地区问题上的磋商与合作。
Cooperation gives sustained driving force to the growth of our relationship.Both China and the US are transforming economic development patterns.We should support each other's structural adjustment, and expand cooperation in new areas such as clean energy, energy conservation, environment protection and infrastructure.China and the US have had productive consultation and coordination at the G20 summits and in coping with the financial crisis since 2008, which has greatly contributed to restoring the economic growth momentum in our two countries and acro the world.We should continue to focus on global economic recovery, and work with the international community to strengthen coordination on global economic policies and to advance the reform of international financial institutions.China and the US have an increasingly broad base of cooperation and share important common responsibilities in maintaining peace and stability in Asia-Pacific and the world at large.We need to strengthen consultation and cooperation on major international and regional iues including anti-terrorism, nuclear non-proliferation, Iranian and Korean Nuclear iues, and climate change.第三,要不断增进战略互信。
Third, we should enhance strategic mutual trust.不少有识之士指出,中美两国之间不时出现分歧和问题,根源在于双方缺乏充分的战略互信。实际上,两国政府早已认识到这一问题的重要性,并在继续努力加以解决。我认为,双方应重点在以下三个方面作出努力,不断增进战略互信:
Many insightful commentators have cited the lack of adequate strategic mutual trust as the main cause of problems in our relationship.This has long been recognized by the two governments, and we have been working hard to addre this problem.Let me outline three areas where both sides can work together to enhance strategic mutual trust.一是尊重和照顾彼此核心利益和重大关切。相互尊重主权和领土完整是指导中美关系的中美三个联合公报的核心。我们希望美方恪守在中美三个联合公报包括有关美售台武器问题的《八·一七公报》以及《中美联合声明》中所作的承诺。
1.To respect and accommodate each other's core interests and major concerns.Sovereignty and territorial integrity is at the core of the three Sino-US Joint Communiqués which guide China-US relations.We hope that the US side would honor and implement its commitments under the three Joint Communiqués, including the August 17 Communiqué on US arms sales to Taiwan, and the Joint Statement iued by our two countries.二是加强对话与沟通。面对面的沟通对于减少误解、增进相互理解和建立互信是不可或缺的。近期,崔天凯副外长来美国举行了中美副外长级政治磋商,美国总统国家安全事务副助理多尼隆和白宫国家经济委员会主任萨默斯联袂访华,双方就中美关系中的一系列重大问题进行了有效的讨论。事实证明,这种深入沟通具有重要积极建设性意义。下周,温家宝总理将在纽约出席联合国大会期间同奥巴马总统举行双边会见。胡锦涛主席已接受奥巴马总统的邀请,将对美国进行国事访问。两国元首还有机会在二十国集团首尔峰会和横滨亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议等场合举行会晤。中美双方正在积极努力,为上述重要高层交往作好准备。
2.To increase dialogue and communication.Face to face communication has an indispensable role to play in reducing misperceptions, enhancing mutual understanding and building mutual trust in our relations.Recently, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai was in DC for the bilateral political consultation.Larry Summers, Director of the National Economic Council, and Tom Donilon, Deputy National Security Advisor jointly visited China.The two sides had effective discuions on iues of crucial importance to the bilateral relations.This kind of in-depth exchange of views has proved to be positive and constructive.Next week, Premier Wen Jiabao will meet with President Obama in New York when he comes to the US for the UN General Aembly.President Hu Jintao has accepted the invitation from President Obama to visit the United States.The two presidents also have opportunities to meet during the G20 Summit in Seoul and the APEC Economic Leader's Meeting in Japan in November.We are working with the US side to well prepare for all these important events.三是妥善处理分歧与摩擦。中美两国之间存在这样那样的差异,双方难免出现意见分歧。经贸问题就是经贸问题,不能政治化。中国正在进一步推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,增强人民币汇率弹性。人民币汇率问题不应被美国某些人用做实现国内政治目的的工具。外部施压只能适得其反。最好的办法就是本着平等和相互尊重的精神,进行对话与磋商。
3.To addre differences and disputes in a proper manner.Of course, because of the differences that exist between our two countries, it is natural that we do not always see eye to eye with each other.The best approach to solve disputes is to conduct quiet dialogue and consultation with mutual respect rather than making public accusations.Trade and economic iues should be viewed and handled as trade and economic iues.They should not be politicized.China is proceeding further with reform of the RMB exchange rate regime and enhancing the RMB exchange rate flexibility.The RMB exchange rate should not be used to serve domestic political purposes in this country.在结束演讲之前,我还想告诉大家,我对中美关系的未来充满信心。因为我们两国关系的基本面是好的,对话与合作继续是中美关系的主流。而且,下阶段中美关系面临重要发展机遇。只要双方能够以理解和信任的心态看待彼此的政策意图,采取措施加强对话与合作,就能够不断减少分歧,增进互信,推动中美关系健康稳定发展。我衷心希望在座各位继续为此作出积极努力。
Finally, let me say that I am optimistic about the future of our relationship.The fundamentals in China-US relations are good and solid.Dialogue and cooperation remain the mainstream.And there are many important opportunities.As long as we perceive each other's policy intentions with understanding and trust and take concrete action to advance dialogue and cooperation, we will be able to reduce differences, increase mutual trust and promote the stable and sound growth of China-US relations.And I count on your continued support in performing my duties.谢谢大家。
Thank you very much.
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