时间:2013-11-18 14:08来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:3234次
Welcome Addre by SMU President Profeor Arnoud De Meyer at the Inaugural SMU
China Forum
Mochtar Riady Auditorium, Level 5 SMU Administration Building 13 November 2013, Wednesday, 9.00am
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam Mr Ho Kwon Ping, SMU Chairman His Excellency Duan Jielong, China’s Ambaador to Singapore Our Keynote Speaker Profeor Justin Lin and panel members Ladies and gentlemen
尊敬的新加坡副总理兼财政部长尚达曼先生 尊敬的新加坡管理大学董事会主席何光平先生 尊敬的中华人民共和国驻新加坡共和国大使段洁龙阁下 尊敬的主讲人林毅夫先生和各位演讲者 各位演讲者和来宾,女士们、先生们,Good morning and a very warm welcome to the inaugural SMU China Forum.上午好!热烈欢迎各位参加新加坡管理大学(以下简称“新大”)首届中国论坛。
We are all aware that China’s emergence as a political heavyweight and an economic superpower has wide and far-reaching implications.It is a country with a long history and many different faces.Change in China is taking place at great speed.众所周知,作为政治大国和经济强国,中国的崛起会对未来世界产生广泛和长远的影响。中国拥有悠久的历史和多元性。中国正在经历着高速的变革。
The new leadership of China is faced with a myriad of complex challenges.These include rapid urbanisation, maintaining social stability, strengthening the social safety net, narrowing the income gap, an ageing population, and restructuring its economy to sustain growth.中国新的领导人面临着一系列复杂的挑战,包括快速的城镇化、维持社会稳定、加强社会安全、缩小贫富差距、人口老龄化、调整经济结构以保持可持续发展。
SMU China Forum
Against this backdrop, the SMU China Forum has been organised to provide busine leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers and researchers with a more comprehensive and integrated understanding of some of the influences and trends that are shaping China’s growth and development.It aims to enable participants of this Forum, as the theme suggests, to “Be China Ready,” by coming together to share, discu and debate ideas and iues about China that are current and relevant.在这种背景下,对于中国的成长与发展产生的影响和趋势,新大中国论坛会给商业领袖、企业家、政策决策者和研究人员一个更综合、完整的解读。如同论坛主题"透析中国,蓄势待发"所示,此论坛旨在让与会者在一起分享、讨论和辩论与中国现今发展相关的想法和问题。
The topics they will discu range from factors that have contributed to China's extraordinary growth, potential challenges and opportunities arising from its demographic trends, household income and consumption, social investment and ageing in China.他们讨论的话题包括造成中国飞速增长、潜在挑战的因素和人口发展趋势,家庭收入和消费带来的机遇,中国社会投资和人口老龄化。
SMU China Initiatives
This Forum is an integral part of SMU's China Initiatives which was established in the second quarter of 2012.The SMU China Initiatives aims to raise our profile in China as a research university in the broad field of social sciences.By doing so, we want to contribute to the Singapore-China collaboration in busine, government and civic society by nurturing China-ready and bicultural graduates who are able to function effectively in the busine and financial environment in China.We do so by providing many more opportunities for exchange and internships.The other major undertaking of the SMU China Initiatives is to actively drive and strengthen our collaboration with existing and new partner universities in research and postgraduate education.Our aim is to play a key role in creating and sharing knowledge and thought leadership that will benefit both Singapore and China.新大中国事务是2012年第二季度成立的,中国论坛是其重要的组成部分。新大是一所涵盖社会科学各领域的研究型大学。中国事务旨在提高其在中国的知名度。我们希望培养了解中国,有双语文化背景的毕业生,让他们能够在中国的贸易和金融环境中有效发挥他们的学识,为新中两国在经贸、政府和城市社会方面的合作做出贡献。我们会提供更多交换学习和实习的机会,来实现这一目标。中国事务的另一个主要任务是积极促进和加强在学术研究和研究生教育方面与中国相关大学现有的以及新的合作。我们的目标是在创造、分享知识和领导思想的过程中扮演重要角色,这将对新中两国均有裨益。
Our China Strategy
SMU's long-term strategy in China consists of four priorities:
First, and as I mentioned already, we want to raise the profile and reputation of SMU in China.This is part of our overall strategy to build the SMU brand and image internationally.We have strong collaborations in Europe and the US, and have started moving into China, India and ASEAN.In fact, SMU started our engagement with China back in 2007 when our Lee Kong Chian School of Busine began collaborating with Xiamen University on a Master of Applied Finance China programme.By raising our profile in China, SMU hopes to continue to attract high quality Chinese faculty and postgraduate students to undertake teaching, research and learning in a holistic environment at SMU.This will enable us to contribute to SMU’s miion to generate leading-edge research with global impact and produce broad-based, creative and entrepreneurial leaders for the knowledge-based economy.首先,我之前已经提到,我们想要提高新大在中国的知名度和声誉。这是我们建立新大国际品牌和形象的整体策略的一部分。我们和欧洲以及美国有很强的合作关系,现在开始进军中国、印度和东盟。实际上,新大开始和中国合作,可以追溯到2007年,我们的李光前商学院和厦门大学合作,开办应用金融中国项目的硕士。通过提高在中国的知名度,新大希望继续吸引高水准的中国教职员和研究生,在新大这个整体的环境中从事教学、研究和学习。这将使我们为以知识为基础的经济,产生影响全球的前沿研究和培养出有广泛基础、具有创造性的企业领袖,为完成新大的使命贡献力量。
Secondly, we aim to improve the quality of students from China admitted into SMU’s undergraduate, postgraduate and executive programmes.第二,我们致力于提高新大录取的来自中国的本科生、研究生和高层行政管理课程学生的素质。
Thirdly, we want to broaden the engagement between SMU faculty members and their counterparts at leading Chinese universities in joint research and PhD co-supervision.This is part of our strategic goal of developing SMU as an Asian Knowledge Hub.Our emphasis is on generating rigorous, high-impact, cro-disciplinary research that addrees Asian iues of global relevance, SMU is therefore constantly looking for opportunities to deepen the creation and transmiion of knowledge by working with like-minded partners, including our counterparts in China.I am sure the unique insights of China generated from this research will be useful to our students, the academia, governments, and businees.第三,我们希望拓展新大和中国其它顶尖大学的教师之间的研究合作和博士生联合培养。这是使新大成为亚洲知识枢纽的一个重要战略组成部分。我们的发展重点是推进严肃的、高强度的、跨学科的研究课题。这些课题是亚洲的课题,但却具有全球影响力。因此,新大将持续不断的寻求与具有同样目标的合作机构,包括中国的合作机构,加深知识的创造与变革。我相信从些研究中产生的对中国的独特见解,将使我们的学生,学者,政府官员和商业人士受益。
Our fourth priority is to enhance student exchange programmes and internships in China for SMU students.At SMU, one of the ways we promote multicultural learning is by giving our students global exposure.We believe this will help broaden our students’ view of the world, and develop their cro-cultural knowledge and competencies which are critical in the world we live in.As many of you will already know, our aim is to have 100% of our students experience some form of global exposure.In 2011 to 2012, we registered a 77% participation rate which has since seen an increase to 84% for this year's graduating cohort.At the same time, we have hosted the largest number of international exchange students-834 students from 168 university partners spanning 43 countries.China, which has a number of leading universities and numerous world-renowned companies, will be invaluable in enhancing our students’ learning experiences and broadening their understanding of the country.第四,我们希望推进新大学生去中国的学生交换项目和实习机会。在新大,我们推崇多元文化的学习,其中一个重要途径就是为我们的学生提供全球视野。我们相信这将帮助我们的学生拓宽他们的世界观,发展他们跨文化的知识和能力,这些能力在现今的世界和时代非常关键。正如你们其中大部分人都知道的,我们的目标是使所有学生都具有国际经验。在2011年至2012年间,我们77%的学生参与国际交换项目。这一比例在今年的这届毕业生中提高到84%。同时,我们也今年迎来了最大数目的国际交换学生——来自全世界43个国家的168所大学的834名学生。中国拥有众多的顶尖大学和享誉世界的企业,这对加强我们学生的学习经验和扩展他们对中国的理解,具有宝贵的价值。
Conclusion 结论
What I have just shared demonstrates a commitment by SMU to broaden and deepen our ties with China to encompa more areas of collaboration as we develop new strengths in research and education.We believe this will help contribute to knowledge creation and talent development for both Singapore and China.正如我刚才与各位分享的,新大致力于拓宽与加深同中国的联系、推进多领域合作,这将是我们研究与教学的新优势。我们相信,这无论对于新加坡还是中国,都有助于知识的创新与人才的发展。
Today's Forum is the first of what we hope would be many to be organised in the years to come.We plan to have such an annual gathering of minds, alternating between Singapore and China, and to discu topical iues about China which are of interest and relevance.We hope that by working with our academic and corporate partners through the China Forum, research collaboration, exchange programmes, as well as training and development, SMU will be able to develop linkages, expertise and knowledge on China and Asia so that we become a partner of choice for universities, institutions and the busine industry.今天的论坛是个开始,在未来我们希望举办更多的这样的论坛。我们计划将中国论坛办成一年一度的,汇聚思想的,在新中两国轮流举办的,探讨中国相关话题的论坛。我们希望通过中国论坛与我们的学术与商业伙伴一起推进研究合作,交换项目,实习和发展计划。新大将发展连结中国和亚洲的专业和知识,使我们成为更多大学、机构和商业界的选择。
On behalf of SMU, I would like to thank our Guest-of-Honour DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Profeor Justin Lin and the panel members for taking the time from their busy schedules to join us this morning in their strong support of SMU's efforts.我谨代表新大感谢我们的贵宾尚达曼副总理,林毅夫教授和各位演讲嘉宾,感谢他们抽取宝贵时间参加今早的中国论坛,为新大的努力提供强大的支持。
Thank you.谢谢。
WWW.SLL.CN新加坡管理大学 (Singapore Management University),简称新大(SMU),是新加坡四所公立大学之一,是亚洲顶级的财经类院校。与美国精英大学相同,新加坡管理大学采用了美......
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