
其他工作总结 时间:2020-02-29 09:02:56 收藏本文下载本文
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物流部门工作总结 Logistics branch work summary 时光荏苒,2011年很快就要过去,回首过去一年,内心不禁感慨万千。

Time flies, 2011 will soon be past, looking back at the past one year, the heart can be filled with a thousand regrets.我部门在今年是重新组建的部门,半年来,顺利的完成了全年采购计划、发送货任务和工程分包任务,这和全部门员工的努力配合密切相关。

I departments in this year is the reorganization of the Department, the first half, the succeful completion of the annual procurement plans, the delivery tasks subcontract projects and tasks, this and all the staff work with closely related.部门主要工作内容 负责公司货物的日常采购、投标询价、供应商的开发和评估、采购合同的签订、请款。货物的保管以及入库、出库管理。工程分包的招标工作以及对工程分包价格的审核和工程合同的签订。负责公司销售货物的发送运输工作。

Department is mainly responsible for the company 's daily purchasing goods, tender inquiry, supplier development and aement, procurement contract, request.Cargo storage and warehousing, warehousing management.Project subcontracting bidding work as well as to the project subcontract price auditing and engineering contract.The company responsible for the sales of goods sent transport work.在日常的工作中我们还有许多做的不足的地方,商务对部份产品性能、规格不熟悉,所订购的货物拿不到较好的折扣和价格。这些都需要在今后的工作中加强个人专业知识学习和向公司技术部、客户部同事学习相关产品来不断提高部门整体水平。配合公司其它部门资金回拢,使资金周转加快。工程分包还在起步阶段,工程队伍只有11家,但能满足项目经理要求的却很少,有些价格高、有些技术能力不够,在今后我们还会不断地增加新的施工队伍,让施工队伍加入到我们的技术专业培训中来,不断提高他们的施工水平,以满足项目经理需求。In their daily work, we still have a lot to do the insufficient place, commerce on the part of product performance, specifications are not familiar with, order goods to get good discounts and price.These are needed in future work to strengthen the profeional knowledge learning and to the company technical department, customer department colleagues learning related products to continuously improve the level of.Cooperate with other departments of the company funds back together, so that the capital turnover speed.Engineering Subcontract is still in the initial stage, the project team is only 11, but it can meet the requirement of project manager are few, some high prices, some technical ability, in the future we will continue to add new construction team, so that the construction team to join our technical training, improve their level of construction, in order to meet the needs of project manager.2012年部门工作展望: 2012 department job prospects: 1.目标决定未来,追求永无止境。target decided the future, the pursuit of world without end.我看过这样一个调查,如果有一种完全没有目标的生活,一个人能够忍受多久?结果在各个行业里找到的那些孜孜成就的人,无论年轻年老、中国人还是外国人,绝大部分都立刻回答说,不可以,一秒钟都不可以。

I have seen such a survey, if there is a complete absence of the goal of life, a person can endure? Results in various industries to find those who diligently achievement people, young or old, Chinese or foreigners, most of them answered at once, can't, can't just one second.这让我愈加坚信,目标是这世界上最不可缺少的一份氧气。

It makes me more firmly believe that, the target is the world's most indispensable a oxygen.2.新的一年,我部门的工作目标如下

In 2 the new year, I department goals are as follows


Goal 1: out of storage and accurate control, the backlog of inventory, accelerate the capital turnover


Goal 2: the procurement of goods to achieve high quality and low price, to meet customer needs, to reduce procurement cost


Goal 3: shorten the purchase cycle, to avoid air cargo, logistics cost control


Goal 4: project divides packet of team increase, more quotations, fair competition, reduce package cost


Goal 5: continuous learning logistics procurement profeional knowledge, strengthen the training, to participate in the relevant technical training 俗话说“活到老,学到老”,学无止境。来年将不断在日常的工作中向技术工程师学习专业产品知识,积极参加公司组织的各项培训活动,寻找外部采供物流专业培训机会,使每一位部门员工都能成为一名专业的采供物流师。

As the saying goes “live, learn, knowledge has no limit.”.The coming year will continue in the day-to-day work of the technical engineer to learn profeional knowledge, and actively participate in the organization of training activities, looking for external supply logistics profeional training opportunities, so that every employee can become a profeional mining for the logistics division.3.目标是企业利润活力的源泉。

The 3 goal is the enterprise profit source of vitality.配合各部门完成公司目标,同时完成部门目标,只有公司目标和部门目标达成完美重合的时候,崩发出来的创造力就有如排山倒海。让我们为来年的目标而努力吧!

With various departments to complete the objectives of the company, at the same time to complete the target, only the company goals and department objectives to achieve a perfect coincidence of time, blasted creativity is like topple the mountains and overturn the seas.Let us for the next year's goals!












