
其他工作总结 时间:2020-02-29 01:33:22 收藏本文下载本文
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1.Being d(runk)is dangerous drivers

2.It is realy D(emanding)to be a teacher

3.A good student should have varied i(ntrests)and abilities

4.Tolive without l(ove)is miserable

5.Red is aociated with a strong f(eeling)

6.Man have gathered information and c(onveyed)ideas to other men

7.Biological clocks of plants and animals f(unction)ideas to other men

8.Prices drop when there is o(versuply)

9.A(dvertisers)'survey to gauge consumer demand

10.D(ifferences)between dogs and cats

11.I witneed an a(ccident)

12.It's good to l(ive)in the city

13.Science and technology help us understand d(iseases)

14.Man could r(duce)natural disaters

15.There exist a range of s(tlys)in the use of english

16.U(nderstatement)is another form of euphemism

17.Only by writing between the lines can you do the most e(fficient)kind of reading

18.Predators live on the h(ost)body

19.The biggest p(roblem)to life in Antarctica is wind

20.Learn to a(ccept)a person

21.D(istorted)life of drug addicts

22.It is d(ifficulty)for students to find jobs

23.A good biography is v(ivid)

24.Earthquake is r(esponsible)for vast amount of destruction

25.Make time for f(un)

26.Be a p(articipant)

27.Create a quiet s(cene)

28.Ways for r(elaxation)

29.Lecture system needs to be c(hange)

30.Example to show i(mportance)of body image on boys

31.Suggestions for curbing n(egative)

32.D(ifficuly)for robot playing baseball

33.Robot's s(ystem)for playing baseball

34.A p(rospective)result from space experiment

35.An e(xperiment)for new drugs against diseases

36.New e(xperiment)on water treatment

37.Two methods for water t(reatment)with solar energy

38.A reading t(echnique)

39.The t(ypes)of safety testing

40.The brief introduction of a m(usician)

41.Cholera a f(atal)diease

42.Miiippi River f(loods)in Upper midwest

43.Madonna's c(oncert)tour begins in June

44.P(revention)against th USoutbreak of foot and outh disease

45.The boy's g(rief)on his father's leaving

46.A new t(itle)for Muhammad Ali

47.The ideal body i(mage)of American women in the 18th century

48.Unbalanced s(ituation)for the world population nowdays

49.Market s(ystem)in socialist countries

50.Brief i(troduction)about Yale University

51.The e(xpansion)of Yale

52.G(enetically)engineered food

53.The h(elp)of microcredit agencies

54.The d(istribution)of polio

55.How to deal with a(nger)

56.How to r(educe)one's anger

57.Knowing yourself well to a(void)anger

58.One d(idadvantage)of online chatting

59.How pain maya(ffect)dreams

60.F(ortell)dreams in the future

61.C(heaper)busine online

62.The r(elationship)beteen cats and man

63.Eary Egyptian b(lief)and practices concerning cats

64.The h(istory)and early methodsof preserving food

65.Future and a(lternative)sources of energy

66.Be y(ourself)

67.Have vocal v(arity)

68.The b(enefits)of caring poor children

69.More restricted o(pinions)about child care

70.Use of f(irst)personin writing

71.A(dvertages)of technology in teaching

72.I(ncreasing)numbers of children inchild care centers

73.Agreement about what c(onsitute)quality child care

74.Cognitive and language d(evelopment)in children

75.C(ases)of reseanable killing

It is really d(emanding)to be a teacher.77 A good student should have varied i(nteresting)and abilities.78 Dogs are expected to be d(ifferent)when trained.79 The ill e(ffects)of monopoly.80 A c(harge)against Microsoft.81 The v(icious)nature of terrorists.82 P(opularity)of baseball outside the United States.83 The boys g(rief)on his father`s leaving.84 D(ecline)of plant species.85 L(ink)of TV viewing to adult violence.86 Being d(runk)is dangerous for drivers.87 Men have gathered information and c(onveyed)ideas to other men.88 It is good to l(ive)in the city.89 There exist a range of s(tyled)in the use of English.90 Two v(iew-points)are different from each other.91 Our personalities and behavior patterns d(epend)on biological factors.92 S(urroundings)are more important than instincts.93 The e(nergy)is crisis.94 Finding new sources of energy will need t(ime).95 Intelligence is an aumptive p(roduct).96 Intelligence test is a rough measure of child`s a(bility).97 The v(alue)of intelligence lies in its providing a satisfactorv basis for prediction.98 There is d(ifference)between a scientist and an ordinary person..99 S(cientists)work by means of induction and deduction.100 P(sychological)outcome from perception of body image.101 Examples to show i(mportance)of body image on boys.102 P(opularity)of baseball outside the united States.103 An e(xperiment)for new drugs against disees.104 Earthquake activity p(attern)determined by fault system geometry.105 The brief introduction of a m(usician).106 Cholera , a f(atal)致命的disease..107 Miiippi River f(loods)in Upper Midwest.108 Madonna`sc(oncert)tour begins in June.109 P(revention)against the U.S.outbreak of foot-and mouth disease.110 Market s(ystem)in socialist countries.111 Brief i(ntroduction)about Yale University.112 The e(xpansion)of Yale.113 G(enetically)engineered foods.114 The h(elp)of microcredit agencies.115 The improper evaluation of older people`s c(ontribution).116 Earlier r(etirement)of people.117 The urgent n(eed)of care for the oldest old.118 The h(istory)and early methods of preserving food.119 Future and a(lternative)sources of energy.120 P(roved)advantages of reading aloud.121 I(nfluence)of television to resding.122 P(rofound)impact of reading.123 The b(enefits)of caring poor children.124 More restricted o(oinions)about child care.125Intelligence test is a rough measure of child`s a(bility).126 The brief introduction of a m(usicion)

It is good to l(ive)in the city.128 The b(enefits)of caring poor children.129 S(urroundings)are more important than instincts.130Intelligence is an aumptive p(roduct).131 Using language p(roperly)within its culture.132 C(hange)is inevitable.133 Richard Wagner had some emotional p(roblems).134 The a(rt)of praising.135 The p(urpose)of education.136The vicious c(ircle)of wasting time.137 A way to d(evelop)a child`s memory.138 How to d(eal)with a bad mood.139 Willpower can be n(urtured).140R(easons)for going abroad.141 What can be r(ealized)at “online branches”.142 The o(region)of banknotes.143 I(ntroduction)ofPop Art.144The c(ost)of housing in the U.s today is very high.145 Expert w(arns)against environmental tobacco smoke.146 R(elation)between dehydration and person`s ability to work and think.147 Germany adopted new s(trategy)in hard situation.148The tata group is involved in v(arious)industries.149 How one should h(andle)anxiety.150 People b(enefit)from electronic mails a lot.151O(region)of the political them „Grit”.152 A(ge)difference plays a crucial role in sibling rivalry.153 Few people became r(ich)in the Klondike gold rush.154College d(ropouts)face difficult financial situations.155C(hanges)in extreme weather patterns.156 Women are genetically more c(omplex)than men.157 L(inks)were found between TV watching and high blood preure in children.158 A s(hift)for the better in the eating habits of American children.159 S(ucce)of a government program.160Reasons why active people tend to be h(ealthier).161 Negative c(onceptions)of body image caused by media.162 I(mpact)of appearance judged by social conventions.163 P(sychological)outcome from perception of body image.164I(ntention)to create American nationalism.165Baseball t(ransformed)to a profeional sport.166Situation in absence of g(ravity).167Problems for astronauts to o(vercome)when traveling to space.168A(dvantage)from absence of weight in space.169B(enefit)from space-based instruments.170,Earthquake activity p(attern)determined by fault system geometry.171 v(ision)about future earthquake forecast.172 To hold a c(ompetition).173 To j(udje)directions by the sun.174 To have a b(iological)clock.175 To p(rove)an idea.176 To have a p(articular)way of sensing direction.177To practice s(tealling).178 To act s(lyly).179 To be f(ond)of the pillow.180 A(chievements)made during Bill Clintons administration.181 Rapid d(evelopment)of computer and information technology.182 Things you can o(btain)on the Internet.183 Great p(otential)for Internet growth.184 The improper evaluation of older people`s c(ontribution).185 E(arlier)r(etirement)of people.186 The urgent n(eed)of care for the oldest old.187 The role of technologies in l(engthening)working lives.188Older workers‟ need of h(elp)to solve difficulties.189A favorable e(nvironment)to ensure older people‟s participation in society.190 P(roved)advantages of reading aloud.191 P(rofound)inpact of reading.192 Computer‟s b(enefits)to students.193 Computer‟s d(emerits)to students

194 Multimedia‟s a(ppeal)for children.195The d(anger)of guns in juvenile hands.196 The worsening c(ondition)of raising children.197 The need of p(arental)supervision.198The urgency of immediate a(ction).199 The c(hallenge)to dealing with future youth violence.200The f(ailure)of the threat of the criminal justice system.201Online experts are not very t(rustworth).202 Online college graduates are not p(opular)yet.203A good student should have varied i(nterests)and abilities.204 The ill e(ffects)of monopoly.205 A c(harge)against Microsoft.206 The v(icious)nature of terrorists.207The boy‟s g(rief)on his father‟s leaving.208 D(ecline)of plant species.209 L(ink)of TV viewing to adult violence.




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