Ⅰ)one, two , three ,four ,five ,six ,seven ,eight ,nine ,ten , red, blue, green, yellow , white, black, apple ,boy, cat, a book, a pen, a pencil, a pencil case, a book bag, a ruler, dog, elephant, family, girl, hand , insect, father, mother, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, juice, kite ,lemon ,mouse , nose ,octopus, short, tall, cake, chicken, bread, ice cream ,water ,milk ,pizza ,queen ,rabbit , snake ,teacher ,umbrella ,swim, rollerblade, climb, ride a bike, sing ,dance ,van, window, fox, yo-yo, zebra ,finished, big-small, short –tall(long)easy-hard, hungry, thirsty,shirt, easy—hard.Back-forward Ⅱ)eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, a kite, a computer game,a toy car, a comic book, a ball, a CD, apple, boy, cat, dog, elephant, family, girl, hand, insect, juice, kite, lemon, mouse, nose, octopus, pizza, queen, rabbit, snake, teacher, umbrella, van, window, fox, yo-yo, zebra, a desk, a chair, a blackboard, door, a tap recorder, an eraser, a notebook, a marker, a book bag, cat, fat, mad, sad, van, man,kitchen , living room, bathroom, bedroom, a telephone, a TV, a computer, a CD player, bed, red, pet, wet, dre, me, sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, baseball, soccer, basketball, badminton, hop, stop, box, fox, hot, pot, a box, a bag, a trash can, a table, brown, pink, orange, purple, bug, hug, fun, sun, hit, sit, big, dig, new--old , clean--mey, wrong---right fun OK, Ⅲ)ten , twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred, happy, sad, surprised, tired, sick, scared, color: red ,white ,brown ,black, yellow, gray, pink, purple ,green
orange, apple ,bed ,cat ,desk ,elephant ,fox ,girl ,hit ,insect ,jacket ,kite , lemon, man ,notebook ,octopus ,pot ,queen ,red ,sun ,table , umbrella, van ,wet ,box ,yo-yo, zebra.flower ,tree ,frog , bird , bus ,car ,spaceship ,bike ,slow ,fast ,paint ,game , gray, breakfast, lunch, dinner(supper),a snack ,rice ,noodles ,soup ,fruit , pa, dish-dishes, hot—cold, rose-rope-nose , coat-boat-goat,row--yellow-window, stork,hat-hats postcard-postcards T-shirt—T-shirts sticker-stickers, store ,restaurant , move theater , restroom, cheap—expensive ,like-kite, pie-tie ,my-sky ,bug drawing ,playing sports ,studying English ,playing the guitar, riding a bike , art cla , gym cla, English cla ,music cla, favorite,loud-quiet, eat—read, tree-see , blue-glue , fruit-suit, slow-fast, cheap-expensive, hot-cold, loud-quiet.Halloween
a witch , a ghost , a black cat, a mummy ,a spider ,a vampire, Moon Festival ,moon cakes , lanterns ,bananas , story(stories), ⅣSunday(Sun)
Monday(Mon)Tuesday(Tue)Wednesday(Wed)Thursday(Thu)Friday(Fir)Saturday(Sat){on Sunday }
January(Jan.JAN.), February(FEB.Feb.)March(MAR.Mar.)April(APR.Apr.)May(MAY May)June(JUN.Jun.)July(JUL.Jul.)August(AUG.Aug.)
morning afternoon evening night(at night), 9o’clock grandpa just minute wake zoo playground beach park raincoat sweater shorts pants great idea, sunny rainy cloudy windy brush comb dre wear maybe ship shirt short fish chair cheese chicken lunch piano leons, kung fu leons,math leons, Chinese leons, computer leons, swimming leons, ear eye mouth nose hand stomach arm leg head body happen busy wrong worry help hurt turn lift bend knee slowly--quickly thick--thin math teeth this-that mother brother fun like sign trash flower water earth tree make beautiful really nice tap singer reporter police officer,doctor Canada Australia,the USA,the UK, cheese happy scared sad surprised tired cheer, outer space kind polite funny hard-working, writing a postcard , reading a book, talking to friends , shopping, mi care them interesting visit goodbye doctor house difficult & hard-easy coin point mouse modern sweet dumplings riddle gue prize lantern display win hurray beautiful modern busy--relaxing exciting—boring [u:] food spoon zoo boots school noodles too noon, [u] cook foot look good book , 二,短语:
Stand up.Open your book.Take out your book.(拿出)
Put away your book.(放进)
Write ABC.Touch your eyes.Eat the bread.Cut the cake.Take off your jacket.Take off your cap.Give a present.Sing ―Happy Birthday‖.Read a book.Listen to the tape.Do your homework.Sit down.Close your book.Take off your jacket.Draw a circle.Touch your mouth.Touch your ears..Drink the water.Clean up.Put on your shirt.Put on your shoes.Take a present.Count the candles.Look at the picture.Watch TV.Wash your face.Go to bed.Sit down.Eat the cake.Jump 5 times.Throw the ball.Walk slowly.Run quickly.Fold the paper.Draw a line.(picture)
Write your name.Color the paper.Put on your jacket.Take off your cap.Look around.Wave to your friend.Come here.Look right.Set the table.Pour the water.Go to the store.Buy the T-shirt.Check your work.Line up.Wake up.Take a bath.Cut the paper.Run fast.Be quiet.Shake hands.Take a picture.Look left.Cro the street.Eat your dinner.Wash the dishes.Pick up the T-shirt.Hand out the paper.Clap your hands.Go to school.Go to bad.Wash your face.Eat your dinner.Watch TV.Brush your teeth.Comb your hair.Get dreed.Look for your jacket.Pick up the T-shirt.Put on your shoes.Turn your head.Lift your arms.Bend your knees.Shake your body.Jump 5 times.Walk slowly.Run quickly.Make a sign.Pick up the trash.Turn off the tap.Plant a tree.Smell the flowers.Check the time.Look at the map.Ask for help.Cheer!
Look left.Look right.Cro the street.Pack your bag.Call your friend.Visit your friend.Say goodbye.Give a present.Take a picture.Wave to your friends.Eat sweet dumplings.Hang lanterns.(挂灯笼)Gue riddles.(猜谜语)
Win prizes.(获奖 Go to a lantern display.(逛灯展)
一、基本情况三年级的学生聪明活泼、勤奋好学,这些学生基本上都未曾接触过英语,他们对英语感到好奇,对英语都 有着十分浓厚的兴趣。二、教材分析本册是小学开设英语的第一学年......
一、基本情况三年级的学生聪明活泼、勤奋好学,这些学生基本上都未曾接触过英语,他们对英语感到好奇,对英语都 有着十分浓厚的兴趣。二、教材分析本册是小学开设英语的第一学年......
三、四年级英语2012.9-2013.1)工 作 总 结李云珍 2013年1月8日(转眼间,我在四屯镇中心小学已经工作1年了。回顾这学年来的工作,本人积极投身于教育事业,服从领导分工。本学年担任......