When is(节日)?
New year’s day is January first.Spring festival is in January or February.International workers’day is May first.Children’s day is June first.Teachers’day is September tenth.National day is October first.What day is it?今天星期几?
What day is tomorrow?
What day was yesterday?
How’s the weather today?
It’s(rainy下雨的sunny晴朗的cloudy多云的windy有风的 snowy下雪的)Leon6
What time is it? It’s(6:00......)./It’s time for lunch/supper.When is school? At 8:00 in the morning.When is lunch? At 12:00.When is supper? At 6:30 in the evening.What’s the date? It’s February seventeenth.Leon9
This is a yellow marker.This is a red apple.Here are two blue chairs.What colour is it?
How old are you? I’m ten years old.When is you birthday? My birthday is December seventeenth.Leon10
How tall are you? How tall is Kim?
I’m 1.5 metres tall.She is......Leon12
This is a house.This is an apartment.Where do you live? I live in an apartment near school.I live in a house.Is it near school? No,it’s far from school,it’s near the park.Leon13
What’s your addre? My addre is 135 the Ninth Avenue.Leon14
How do you go to school?
By(car小汽车/bus公共汽车/taxi c出租车/bicycle自行车/truck卡车)
I walk.airplane飞机train火车
We live in China.We speak Chinese.Beijing is the capital city of China.Leon19
This country is Canada.They speak English and French in Canada.The capital city of Canada is Ottawa.Leon20
In the U.S,they speak English.The capital city is Washington,D.C.Leon21
It’s the United Kingdom or U.K.London is the capital city of the U.K.Leon22
The capital city of Australia is Canberra.They speak English in Australia.Leon26
May I go on a trip to Beijing? May I go shopping?
Yes ,you may.No,you may not.Leon28
One hundredtwo hundredthree hundredfour hundred
Seven thousandeight thousandnine thousandten thousand
How far is it from Chain to Canada?About eight thousand five hundred kilometres.Leon29
This is an airplane.An airplane is fast.This is a bus.A bus is slow.This is a train.A train is faster than a bus but slower than an airplane.What is the capital city of China/Canada/The U.S/The U.K/Australia?
It’s Beijing/Ottawa/Washington, D.C/London/Canberra.What do they speak in China/Canada/The U.S/The U.K/Australia?
They speak......反义词:left-rightyoung-oldtall-shorteast-westsouth-northhot-coldfar-nearabove-belowleave-arrivego-come
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