长治久安long-term stability
道德建设development of civic morality
低碳经济low-carbon economy
反腐倡廉to combat corruption and to promote clean government
扶贫项目poverty-relief project
服务外包service outsourcing
服务性政府service-oriented government
高层次和高技能人才high-level and highly skilled personnel
高端设备制造high-end equipment manufacturing
构建和谐劳动关系to build harmonious labor relation
公益性文化事业nonprofit cultural undertaking
鼓励自主创业to encourage people to start their own busine
加强价格监管to strengthen oversight and supervision of prices
加强战略思维s(版权声明:本文转载自学子网(),版权归原作者所有。)trengthen strategic thinking
假冒伪劣产品counterfeit or substandard goods
坚持科学发展to steadfastly undertake scientific development
坚决取缔非法收入to resolutely prohibit illicit income
精神文化需求intellectual and cultural demands
科学发展观Scientific Outlook on Development
民族凝聚力和创造力national cohesivene and creativity
全民健身活动national fitne program
社区卫生服务中心community health service center
调整优化产业结构to adjust and optimize the industrial structure
推广节能技术to popularize energy-conserving technology
医疗纠纷medical dispute
以权谋私to abuse power for personal gains
以人为本to put people first
有序推进to proceed in an orderly manner
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