A bite of China2 was started on January 10th,2013 in Beijing.This documentary will be on from April 18th,2014 to June 6th,2014.Each Friday, audience can enjoy this documentary in CCTV1 at 21.pm, or CCTV9,22pm.In the meanwhile, it shows in IQIYI or Letv and other network platform.《舌尖上的中国》讲述了从远古时代赖以充饥的自然谷物到如今人们餐桌上丰盛的、让人垂涎欲滴的美食,一个异彩纷呈、变化多端的主食世界呈现在你面前。这部纪录片将着重描绘不同地域、不同民族、不同风貌的有关主食的故事,展现人们对主食的样貌、口感的追求,处理和加工主食的智慧,以及中国人对主食的深厚情感。据导演透露《舌尖上的中国2》将加重川菜的部分。
A bite of China describes food’s transition from ancient to nowadays.In ancient, humans just could solve the hunger , they could not eat delicious food.But now, there are various of food on people’s dinner-table.A colorful and changeable major food world emerges your eyes.This documentary pays most attention on describing the stories about major food in different areas, different races and features.It shows the intelligence about Chinese.They went after food’s features, tastes, solution and proce.Of course, it also reflects Chinese feelings.From the director, A bite of China will introduce the food of Sichuan most detail.《舌尖上的中国2》共分为《脚步》、《心传》、《时节》、《家常》、《秘境》、《相逢》、《三餐》,第八集则为拍摄花絮。每集50分钟
A bite of China covers 8 segments, including 《Steps》,《Heart inheriting》,《Seasons》,《The daily life of a family》,《Nulls》,《Meeting》,《Three meals》.The eighth part is tidbits.Each section lasts 50 minutes.第一集《脚步》
The first segment:《Steps》.【汗水中的苦辣酸甜】
Four tastes in sweat, bitter, hot, acid and sweet.“路菜”是先人保存食物的智慧,进而被演化成标志性的中国美食。味觉记忆的强大,往往让人们对故乡食物的迷恋十分牢固,甚至被赋予“乡愁”这样的文学语汇。舌尖第二季分集《脚步》,将跟随那些奔波在路上的人们,品尝辛劳与汗水中的苦辣酸甜。
“Lucai” is wisdom of Chinese ancestor which comes from food’s keeping.It has became a symbol of Chinese delicious food.The strong strength of gustation always make people reluctant to hometown’s food, even it are endowed with homesickne such literary words.《Steps》will follow people who is traveling on roads and tastes bitter, hot, acid and sweet in sweat.第二集《心传》
The second segment,《Heart inheriting》 【即将消失的美味】
Food will disappear soon.中国传统烹饪在手艺上无比神秘、繁复,它的传承和流变往往以家族或师徒的形式承载。《舌尖上的中国》第二季分集《心传》,引领我们再次面向民间,寻找那些消失的和即将消失的美味。
Chinese traditional cooking is mysterious and complex.It’s inherit and evolution always in family.Some skillful cook will teach a student who is talent.《Heart inheriting》 will lead us to face folk food and search food which will disappear soon.第三集《时节》
The third segment,《Seasons》.【中国人对自然的依赖与敬畏】
Depending and veneration to nature from Chinese “不时,不食”是中国人饮食最重要的特征。在四季分明的国度,不同的时节,呈现出千姿百态的美食。《舌尖上的中国》第二季分集《时节》,将通过捕捉节令美食,展现传统中国人对自然的依赖与敬畏,表达我们对气候变幻的敏锐感知。
“No season, No eating.” is the most important character in Chinese daily meals.In four seasons country, different season will emerge different food.《Seasons》will rely on season’s food to show depending and veneration to nature from traditional Chinese and expre our sensitive perception to the changeable weather.第四集《家常》
The fourth segment,《The daily life of a family》.【家中的甜酸苦辣】 Bitter, hot, acid and sweet in a family.古人说,治大国若烹小鲜。家常菜,在每日的煎炒烹煮中,蕴藏着中国人最平实质朴的生活期许与处世之道。《舌尖上的中国》第二季分集《家常》,将走进一户户平凡人家,与他们一同品味日常生活中的甜酸苦辣。
Ancestors ever said Managing a country just like cooking daily food, there are hiding Chinese common life anticipation and living styles in every day’s cooking.《The daily life of a family》will enter every common family and taste four kind flavor with them.第五集《秘境》
The fifth segment,《Nulls》.【隐秘美食】 Mysterious food.在幅员辽阔的中国,有许多奇异丰盛的美食隐匿在山野之间。《舌尖上的中国》第二季分集《秘境》,将目光聚焦于隐秘在人们视线之外的鲜活民间美食,以及这些独特食物背后的多样生活。
In wide China, many fantastic food hid in hills or fields.《Nulls》will focus on folk food beyond people’ slights and various life back these special food.第六集《相逢》
The sixth segment,《Meeting》.【食物与人的每次携手】
Each time that food meets people.生生不息的中国人用食物记录每一次聚散离合。《舌尖上的中国》第二季分集《相逢》,记录食物与人的每一次携手,呈现中国人的相聚别离背后藏匿着的深切情感。
Endle Chinese use food in recording each meeting and leaving.《Meeting》records each time that food meet people and emerges the deep emotion from Chinese after every time meeting and leaving.第七集《三餐》 The seventh segment,《Three meals》.【中国人的一粥一饭】 Every meal for Chinese.日食三餐,夜眠六尺。一日三餐,对于中国人来说蕴藏着人生的五味杂陈与酸甜苦辣。《舌尖上的中国》第二季分集《三餐》,细品中国人餐桌上的一粥一饭。
Three meals for a day, six inches sleeping for a night..To Chinese people, daily meals includes life’s different tastes.《Three meals》will analyze Chinese table’s dishes.
《舌尖上的中国2》4月18日开播 看韩媒怎么报道作者:沪江韩语整理来源:互联网 评论:5阅读:1041编辑点评:曾经风靡中国,牵动着无数人的味蕾与乡愁的《舌尖上的中国》在一众吃货的期......
舌尖上的中国从五十年代的三反五反运动,偌大的中国,时隔六十年,再次吹起了反浪费的嘹亮号角。 时下的中国,和五十年代相比,不知道要强多少。可是,即使是现在的中国,因为人口太多,每......
普通人视角的味觉审美——浅析纪录片《舌尖上的中国》王立影 西安城市建设职业学院 陕西省 西安市 710000 摘要:纪录片《舌尖上的中国》取得了良好的收视率,在国内众多关于美......