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一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)

1.Being somewhat short-sighted, she had the habit of ## at people.A.glancing B.peering C.gazing D.scanning 正确答案:

2.In the army, soldiers are divided according to their().A.position B.height C.skills D.rank 正确答案:

3.They sent him to hospital as soon as he()out on the ground.A.paed B.fell C.dropped D.dragged 正确答案:

4.The great()to living on a main road is the noise A.advantage B.weak C.drawback D.strength 正确答案:

5.There's so much variety of goods in the shops that you don't have to()the sencond best.A.choose B.make with C.do with D.make do with 正确答案:

6.If human beings continue to abuse the earth like this, the result is hard to().A.believe B.imagine C.get D.reach 正确答案:

7.This()your first composition, I'll ask you to write a short one.A.is B.will be C.was D.being 正确答案:

8.The best way to()your vocabulary is to read widely.A.spread B.extend C.expand D.enrich 正确答案:

9.Li Lei trained him very hard as he wants to become the new()in the competition.A.player B.contestant C.record D.champion 正确答案:

10.Henry Adams felt so hungry that he ordered a double()of fish.A.part B.piece C.section D.portion 正确答案:

11.There are several()of movies, such as thrillers, romance, action movies and so on.A.divisions B.separations C.categories D.recognition 正确答案:

12.He worked hard on the construction site with a view()some experience.A.to gain B.to gaining C.for gaining D.to be gaining 正确答案:

13.A()arose among union members about the terms of the new contract.A.negotiation B.discuion C.dispute D.hatred 正确答案:

14.The committee board appointed William to()the plan for the coming expo.A.draft B.make up C.think D.get 正确答案:

15.The government has()this application.A.agree with B.approved C.approved of D.accepted 正确答案:

16.I'm sorry I have made so many mistakes.I wish I().A.didn't B.hadn't C.wouldn't D.won't 正确答案:

17.It is suggested that children should()the problems of real life as soon as poible.A.tackle with B.compromisebe exposed to C.encounter 正确答案:

18.It rained heavily last night;()the land was flooded.A.in other words B.consequently C.in addition D.besides 正确答案:

19.During his stay in Japan, he()some Japanese habits.A.learned B.earned C.had D.picked up 正确答案:

20.The American culture highly esteems().A.individuals B.individualistic C.individualism D.individualists 正确答案:



二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)

1.What are the reasons for urban population growth? A.Modern medicine and new methods of food production allow adults to live longer.B.Better medical condition enables a higher birthrate and survival of babies.C.More job vacancies are available in cities.D.Cities are more pleasant in air and natural view.正确答案:

2.In Leon Nacson’s view, air and water are our Number One priorities for the following reasons except().A.he cannot understand why people are polluting air and water B.there will definitely be no fresh air and clean water for future generations C.we would run out of air and water if we didn’t stop polluting them D.air and water polluting are the current and futu 正确答案:

3.Who is most probably a typical candidate for a prenuptial agreement? A.A man who has accumulated considerable wealth and has already been stung once.B.A person who has been injured before and wants to reduce his exposure to future problems.C.A na?ve and wealthy person.D.An ambitious and miserly guy.正确答案:

4.What is the author’s feeling when she puts on the volunteer uniform? A.She was part of something important.B.This could be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.C.She bonded with others in the same uniform.D.It is beautiful in her.正确答案:

5.Which is not the reason for the startling of the visiting teacher in an Asian country? A.The students were too noisy and naughty.B.The art teacher was too strict.C.The teaching methods were very different from the ways of teaching in her own country.D.She feels uncomfortable in the new place.正确答案:

6.What are the functions of buddies? A.They defend you from loneline and boredom.B.They call you up and listen to your complaints.C.They celebrate your succees and curse your misfortunes.D.They expect to repay them back with the same warmth.正确答案:

7.The Relative Friend().A.may be your cousin, brother, or even your aunt B.confirms with your memories of things that happened a long time ago C.requires obligations D.is not trustworthy 正确答案:

8.Which of the following cannot explain the usefulne of a computer? A.pupils can ask questions using computers B.computers can check pupils’ learning progre C.computers can ask questions for pupils to answer D.computers can take the place of teachers 正确答案:

9.What might happen if parents decided to clone a child in order to harvest organs? A.It would be psychologically harmful for the cloned child.B.Experts will strongly oppose this and sue the parents.C.Cloning would increase the chances for a tiue match.D.It is easier to contract a disease.正确答案:

10.How do they end up? A.They live in a large and comfortable house of their own.B.There is enough food for their family.C.They end up in overcrowded refugee camps in terrible conditions.D.They are still haunted by poverty.正确答案:



三、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)

1.Love can be described as a restle horse which would in the end overturns the carriage.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

2.A conversation with your faraway friend is usele.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

3.It is impoible for the computers to perform every task as well as people do now.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

4.When the Olympics finished, all the volunteers were invited to take part in a parade through the streets of Canberra.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

5.Most of us see everything as independent from one another, which is the reality.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

6.The volunteers just greeted each other on the first and ignored each other for the rest days.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

7.Each educational system is a mirror that reflects the culture of the society.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

8.If the roots of the refugee problem are man-made, the key to the solution is the improvement of nature.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

9.Millions of people in many countries are moving to cities because they need to find work.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

10.At the moment there are vast numbers of things a computer cannot do.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:



一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)

1.The energy gained from the sun can then be used during the night to enable the neceary chemical reactions to()in his body.A.conduct B.proceed C.progre D.practice 正确答案:

2.Teachers warn students that()to computer games is dangerous.A.liking B.addiction C.preference D.playing 正确答案:

3.Lily felt gloomy after her()scolded her for the poor preparation for the research paper.A.mother B.father C.clamate D.supervisor 正确答案:

4.Their paionate verbal fight at the conference is the()of the quarrel yesterday.A.result B.spark C.start D.beginning 正确答案:

5.The leader insisted()the accompany of the bodyguards.A.in B.on C.at D.of 正确答案:

6.The boring lecture()me off.A.got B.turned C.let D.made 正确答案:

7.All I can do now is nothing().A.but waiting B.but wait C.except waiting D.only to wait 正确答案:

8.Although cats cannot see in complete darkne, their eyes are much more()to light than are human eyes.A.glowing B.brilliant C.sensitive D.gloomy 正确答案:

9.The old man’s()craftsmanship has amazed all the students.A.poor B.old C.outdated D.marvelous 正确答案:

10.Newspapers vary greatly in their()to the government.A.opinion B.attitude C.bias D.comment 正确答案:

11.All the local governments should follow the()made by the central government.A.order B.guidelines C.plans D.blueprints 正确答案:

12.Did you say that there was no exception()this rule? A.of B.to C.from D.with 正确答案:

13.May likes()life.She quitted her job when she became a mother and devoted herself to the baby.A.internal B.domestic C.ordinary D.popular 正确答案:

14.Li Lei trained him very hard as he wants to become the new()in the competition.A.player B.contestant C.record D.champion 正确答案:

15.Wild ducks always fly in a definite().A.figure B.formula C.shape D.formation 正确答案:

16.We have to adjust ourselves()all kinds of situations.A.on B.to C.in D.towards 正确答案:

17.Call me when you get()ane I'll pick you up at your work place.A.off B.from C.down D.over 正确答案:

18.This()your first composition, I'll ask you to write a short one.A.is B.will be C.was D.being 正确答案:

19.We should()high standard for our kids.A.set B.settle C.put D.place 正确答案:

20.Parents and teachers should work together to()students' lives.A.effect B.make C.influence D.shape 正确答案:



二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)

1.Which of the following cannot be concluded from the paage? A.foils fuels are the only cause of global warming B.trees play an important role in avoiding global warming C.the interview is held in Australia D.experts do not have a solution to the environmental crisis.正确答案:

2.What are the reasons for urban population growth? A.Modern medicine and new methods of food production allow adults to live longer.B.Better medical condition enables a higher birthrate and survival of babies.C.More job vacancies are available in cities.D.Cities are more pleasant in air and natural view.正确答案:

3.A New Friend().A.makes your life interesting B.is a tonic C.can freshen your insights D.ignores your opinions 正确答案:

4.What might happen if parents decided to clone a child in order to harvest organs? A.It would be psychologically harmful for the cloned child.B.Experts will strongly oppose this and sue the parents.C.Cloning would increase the chances for a tiue match.D.It is easier to contract a disease.正确答案:

5.Which of the following cannot explain the usefulne of a computer? A.pupils can ask questions using computers B.computers can check pupils’ learning progre C.computers can ask questions for pupils to answer D.computers can take the place of teachers 正确答案:

6.In which situations computers do not perform better than the human mind? A.performing an operation B.docking a big ship C.playing backgammon D.doing the work of a postal clerk 正确答案:

7.Why is there no natural reason for famine? A.We now have technology to preserve and keep food.B.We can transport food over long distances.C.The government can import food and distribute it to its people.D.Nature can never create any disasters for human beings.正确答案:

8.The intuitive learning style().A.values independent thinking and creative ideas B.is a theory-to-practice method of learning C.is not practical D.is le productive 正确答案:

9.If you want a prenuptial agreement to be effective, which of the following things you should not do? A.follow proper guidelines B.ask a lawyer to write it C.read it before you sign it D.know what countries you and your future partner are living in 正确答案:

10.What are the efforts made by people on computers? A.Some people are trying to program computers to think like people.B.Some computer programs can play che much better than the average player C.They made computers think like human brains.D.They turned computer programs to be automatic.正确答案:



三、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)

1.Dolly is able to breed like the normal sheep.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

2.It is time for each of us to open our eyes and see the world as a complete one.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

3.They may have health problems from their inability to relax.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

4.Nor Paul Wylie believed that goals can be reached no matter how many obstacles and botched attempts lie in the way.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

5.Overcrowding in many cities is creating terrible problems.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

6.Twins separated at birth do sometimes share personality characteristics.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

7.Population experts tell us that by the year 2025, the population in cities in developing nations will increase to five times its present size.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

8.Now people seem to be more eager to rush into marriage than go out of it.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

9.Global warming results from the release if greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, resulting in the burning of foil fuels, such as petroleum products.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

10.Millions of people in many countries are moving to cities because they need to find work.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:



一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)

1.People should break away from the stereotype that women like(), spread around rumors.A.bragging B.talking C.goiping D.laughing 正确答案:

2.Larry cannot find anyone to()his words before the judges.A.witne B.verify C.evidence D.testify 正确答案:

3.Her white shirt is()with yellow flowers.A.tinged B.colored C.matched D.designed 正确答案:

4.You should ask your son to()from bad company.A.work B.run C.keep D.manage 正确答案:

5.The 2008 Olympic Games have gathered many()college students from all over the country.A.free B.volunteer C.working D.idle 正确答案:

6.The magazines and newspapers were()with stories about her private life.A.flooded B.packed C.stuffed D.loaded 正确答案:

7.Although cats cannot see in complete darkne, their eyes are much more()to light than are human eyes.A.glowing B.brilliant C.sensitive D.gloomy 正确答案:

8.The old buildings blend with the new ones in perfect(), so a walk along Huai Hai Road is an enjoyable discovery.A.harmony B.order C.control D.action 正确答案:

9.Henry Adams felt so hungry that he ordered a double()of fish.A.part B.piece C.section D.portion 正确答案:

10.The husband’s()on her made Helen finally decide to get a divorce.A.fight B.betrayal C.go D.waste 正确答案:

11.The leader insisted()the accompany of the bodyguards.A.in B.on C.at D.of 正确答案:

12.This is the()piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.A.true B.original C.real D.genius 正确答案:

13.()on students’ part is crucial to the succe of a cla.A.Initiative B.Action C.Active D.Energetic 正确答案:

14.The best way to()your vocabulary is to read widely.A.spread B.extend C.expand D.enrich 正确答案:

15.Those who lost their husbands during World War II were()war widows.A.called as B.named C.referred to D.spoken of as 正确答案:

16.Lucy is often()by her brother into doing homework for him.A.helped B.convinced C.deceived D.advised 正确答案: 17.Parents and teachers should work together to()students' lives.A.effect B.make C.influence D.shape 正确答案:

18.The new bridge will be designed in()with the international standards.A.relation B.line C.addition D.degree 正确答案:

19.It was()the driver's carelene that the accident happened.A.through B.for C.because D.with 正确答案:

20.We would like to()you in this research project.A.draw B.call on C.involve D.call at 正确答案:



二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)

1.Which of the following cannot explain the usefulne of a computer? A.pupils can ask questions using computers B.computers can check pupils’ learning progre C.computers can ask questions for pupils to answer D.computers can take the place of teachers 正确答案:

2.What is true about prenups? A.They lay bare all one’s finances.B.It can sometimes save a couple from a terrible marriage.C.It sheds light on iues which could later widen and result in divorce.D.It is often signed on free will.正确答案:

3.Why is there no natural reason for famine? A.We now have technology to preserve and keep food.B.We can transport food over long distances.C.The government can import food and distribute it to its people.D.Nature can never create any disasters for human beings.正确答案:

4.What are the changes in the Japanese attitude to work and life? A.Businemen often discu busine at nightclubs, where they eat and drink and have a good time.B.People can talk about busine while doing some sports such as golf.C.They hate work now.D.They think work is not neceary.正确答案:

5.Which invention has generated difficult puzzles for scientists, politicians, and philosophers? A.Theory of Relativity B.the splitting of the atom C.the first space flight D.Dolly's appearance 正确答案:

6.Why do experts say twins are more alike than clones would be? A.They have at least shared the same environment within the mother.B.They have the same genes.C.They are usually raised in the same family.D.They have the same interests.正确答案:

7.Recent studies have shown that air inside many homes, office buildings, and schools is full of pollutants such as().A.chemicals B.smoke C.bacteria D.perfume 正确答案:

8.Why do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? A.It provides people with paychecks.B.It offers more than financial security.C.It provides people with self-confidence.D.People can get a feeling of satisfaction.正确答案:

9.What is the old situation in Chinese communities? A.Unmarried men and women enjoyed advantages in many ways.B.Women were in a more difficult position than men.C.Men often led an unpleasant or uncomfortable life as they did have a wife to do the house chores for them.D.Men and women were equal in marriage c 正确答案:

10.What cannot be learned from the paage? A.computers will take the place of nurses in the future B.it is not likely that computers can plan their own moves in che games C.it is not likely that computers can perform tasks as well as people do D.some programs have been written to give the computers i 正确答案:



三、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)

1.Global warming results from the release if greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, resulting in the burning of foil fuels, such as petroleum products.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

2.At the moment there are vast numbers of things a computer cannot do.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

3.Only famous people want to sign the premarital agreements.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

4.Companies are trying to alter the pig's genetic code to prevent pig organs from being attacked by humans.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

5.Students listen to the teacher and memorize information and rules in America.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

6.It is also found that the old have a big share of divorce.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

7.It is time for each of us to open our eyes and see the world as a complete one.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

8.Each child draws a different picture in western schools.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

9.The simplest way to help the environment is not to make it worse.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:

10.The Japanese educational system prepares students for a society that values discipline and cooperation.A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:


东北师范大学东师古汉语基础(二)16秋在线作业1一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。) 1. 从本义发展衍生出来的词义是一个词的 A.引申义 B.假借义 C.转义 D.变义 正确答案:2. 在“......


东北师范大学东师儿童文学16秋在线作业2一、单选题(共 4 道试题,共 4 分。) 1. 一般认为世界最早的书面记录下来的童话是印度的寓言童话集(),大约成书在公元前1世纪。A.《逃家小兔......


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