1×100t/d HLM型双梁式气烧石灰窑
1×100t/d HLM Type Double-beam Vertical Shaft Kiln(天然气Natural Gas)技术文件
Technical Document 石家庄市新华工业炉有限公司
Shijiazhuang Xinhua Industrial Furnace CO.,LTD 2012年3月9日 9th March 2012 双梁式竖窑投标文件目 录 1.总论General introduction„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 2.生产规模及产品方案Scale of construction and product solution„„„„„„„„10 2.1生产规模Scale of construction„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10 2.2产品方案Product solution„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10 2.3外部条件External condition„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 10 3.工艺部分Production technology part„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„17 3.1工艺流程图Proce flow chart„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„17 3.2工艺流程简述Description of the production proce„„„„„„„„„„„„21 3.3主要技术经济指标Main technical and economic target„„„„„„„„„„„32 4.热工部分Thermotechnical part„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„34 4.1生产规模Scale of construction„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„34 4.2热工流程简述Brief description of thermotechnical proce„„„„„„„„„„34 4.3热工设备的规格和技术参数Specifications of thermal equipment„„„„„„„35 4.4窑体结构组成Structure of kiln body„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„35 4.5竖窑管道参数Parameter of pipelines„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„38 5.电仪及控制系统Instructment and control system„„„„„„„„„„„„„„39 5.1概述Overview„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„39 5.2传动及其控制Transmiion and control„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„39 5.3电气控制室Electrical control room„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„39 5.4控制仪表Control instrument„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„40 5.5 控制系统Control system„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„44 5.6 控制系统描述Discription of control system„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„52 6.给排水Water supply and drainage„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„64 6.1循环水
Circulating water„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„64 6.2 生活水Domestic water„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„65 6.3排水Drainage„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„65 7.土建Civil Engineering„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„66 8.总图运输Layout for Road and Transportation„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„72 8.1总平面图布置General layout„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„72 双梁式竖窑投标文件8.2运输Transportation„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„72 8.3总图运输技术经济指General transportation technological and economic indicator 73 9.环保、劳动安全卫生、消防Enviromental, labour safety and fire protection„„„„74 9.1环境保护和综合利用Environment Protection and comprehensive utilization„„„74 9.2 劳动安全卫生 Labour safety and sanitation„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„77 9.3 消防 Fire protection„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„81 9.4 节能措施 Energy saving„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„83 9.5 绿化Virescence Rebuild„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„84 9.6 除尘系统平衡表dust removal system balance sheet„„„„„„„„„„„„84 10.优化设计点Optimized design„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„86 11.竖窑生产劳动定员表Quota of Staff for Shaft Kiln„„„„„„„„„„„„„87 12.工程设计 Engineering design„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„88 13.建设周期表 Construction Periodic Table„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„89 14.设备表Equipment list„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„90 双梁式竖窑投标文件1 总 论
1.1 概述 本工程新建1座日产100吨双梁式气烧石灰窑及配套工程,年产石灰约3.3万吨。原料采用优质石灰石,燃料使用天然气,生产高品质活性石灰。It is a technical plan for a 1*100t/d lime kiln project and its matching construction, which has annual output of 33,000 tons.Fine quality limestone and natural gas will be used to produce high activity lime.石灰工程由1座日产100吨双梁式气烧石灰窑以及相关公辅设施组成,包括原料储运筛分、双梁式气烧石灰竖窑(包括烟气净化)、原料除尘、成品储运系统等。The project is composed of a 1*100t/d lime kiln and supporting facilities including from raw materials screening, two-beam gas-burn lime kiln(gas cleaning facilities included), dedusting to transportation and storage system for finished products.1.2设计依据Design basis(1)国家相关的法律法规规定及技术规范。(1)Based on all the national laws and regulations 1.3设计原则Design philosophy(1)双梁式气烧石灰窑生产线设计应充分体现“高效、清洁、环保、节能、安全”的设计思路,以实现清洁工厂、绿色工厂的目标;
(4)工程范围内的公辅设施,在满足生产的前提下,力求从简设计,严格控制基建投资。(1)” Effectivene, cleanne, eco-friendline, energy-saving and safety” will be reflected in the design of double-beam gas-burn lime kiln production line, taking “Clean Factory” and ”Green Factory” as purpose.双梁式竖窑投标文件(2)Under the premise of meeting the requirements of the design, easy operation and convenient maintenance is what we strive for.(3)The proce and technical equipment are advanced, practical, economical and reliable.(4)The design of infrastructure in the scope of project will be as simple as poible to lower the investment on infrastructure, under the premise of achieving the requirements for production activity.1.4 设计说明Designing description(1)双梁式气烧石灰窑采用天然气作为燃料;(2)双梁式气烧石灰窑每年生产3.3万吨活性石灰;(3)本工程生产用氮气、压缩空气、蒸汽、工业水、生活水、净循环水、消防水及电源取自管网并接入各用户;(4)双梁式气烧石灰窑装备采用先进、可靠的国产设备;(5)电气、仪表采用同一种类控制器,实现三电一体化控制;(6)在保证正常、安全、稳定生产的条件下,本工程要做到尽量节约投资、降低成本。(7)严格执行国家、地方的有关节能、环保、安全、工业卫生、消防和抗震等有关规定。(1)Double-beam gas-burn lime kiln takes natural gas as fuel;(2)Double-beam gas-burn lime kiln can produce 33,000 tons of active lime every year.(3)The nitrogen, compreed air, industrial water, living water, clean circulating water, fire-fighting water and power for this project will be taken all from pipe network and then sent to the users.(4)The equipment in double-beam gas-burn lime kiln are all of advanced and reliable national brand.(5)Power and meters are controlled by the controllers of the same kind to realized triple-electricity integration control;(6)The investment and cost will be minimized, but under the condition of safety, normality and stablene of the production activity.双梁式竖窑投标文件(7)The work of the project conforms to the rules of the national and local laws on energy-saving, environment protection, security, industrial sanitation, firefighting and earthquake proof, etc.1.5设计范围Design Scope 从石灰石原料受料坑起到石灰成品仓下落料口止。本工程设计包括工艺、设备、传动、三电、公辅、土建、防雷接地等设计。The design scope is from the raw material receiving pit to the feeding hopper under the product lime warehouse.(Receiving pit includes screening and dedusting system)This project design includes the design of proce, equipment, transmiion, power supply, telecommunication, broadcast television facility, infrastructure, civil work, ground connection system for lightening protection, etc.1.6我公司双梁式石灰窑主要技术特点 Main
Technical Characteristics for Double-Beam Lime Kiln ◆生产规模10-500t/d圆型窑或准矩型窑。◆窑操作弹性大,从70-100%任意调节,均能实现稳定生产。◆适用多种燃料如焦炉煤气、电石炉气、转炉煤气、天然气、煤粉、混合气、高炉煤气(热值≥700 kcal/m3)或固液、固气混合燃料。◆热耗低,热能利用合理,燃料完全燃烧,热值充分利用,能耗800-1000 kcal/kg。◆竖窑采用全负压操作。◆根据工艺要求对空气、煤气进行预热,提高了能源的利用效率。◆燃烧系统控制精确,每个烧嘴都负责煅烧自己的单元并能独立调控,使燃气充分完全燃烧,达到理想的“蓝达”指数。◆窑型为单筒竖窑结构简单、耐火材料无异型砖,相对于其它窑型此窑施工方便砌筑简单。燃烧采用梁式烧嘴系统,石灰产品质量稳定,活性度高,能耗低,适用于多种燃料,设备简单,操作弹性大,占地面积小,投资相对与其它窑型较低,被用户益为“无故障”窑型。
◆ Scale of Production 10-500t/d Circular Kiln or quasi-Rectangles Kiln.◆ Kiln has high operational flexibility from 70% to 100% in order to realize stable 双梁式竖窑投标文件operation.◆ Be suitable for many fuel, such as: coke oven gas, converter gas, natural gas, pulverized coal, gas mixture, blast-furnace gas(calorific value≥700 kcal/m3)or solid-liquid, solid-gas combination fuel.◆ Low heat rate, optimal use for heat, fuel is complete combustion, calorific value is made the best, the energy consumption is 800-1000 kcal/kg.◆ The shaft kiln adopts full negative preure operation.◆ Air and gas would be preheated to promote efficiency of energy utilization according to the proce.◆ The combustion control system is precise.Each nozzle, which can be controlled separately, is in charge of the calcinations of its own unit for complete combustion of fuel gas to achieve complete combustion.◆ The type of Kiln is simple structure of monocular and shaft kiln and there is no special-shaped brick in refractor.Thus, this kiln is easily operated compared with other kiln types.The beam type nozzle system is used in the burning, the lime has stable quality and high activity which is suitable for several kinds of fuel.The equipment is easy to operate with high operational flexibility and has small floor space, relatively lower investment and is named trouble-free kiln type by user.◆窑体结构特点:The Characteristic of Kiln Structure 1)窑体呈准矩形,窑体设置上下两层燃烧梁及周边烧嘴,窑体上部设置上吸气梁。吸气梁以上为石灰石储料带。上吸气梁至上层燃烧梁之间为预热带,利用高温煅烧后的窑气预热石灰石至煅烧温度。上层燃烧梁至下层燃烧梁之间区域为煅烧带,石灰石被均匀煅烧成活性石灰。下层燃烧梁以下为冷却带。
The kiln is quasi-rectangles kiln, which has bilevel suction beam and periphery burners.Upper suction beam is equipped in the upper part of the kiln and the lower
suction beam and cooler are 双梁式竖窑投标文件equipped in the lower part of the kiln.The area over suction beam is limestone storage zone.The area between upper suction beam and upper burning beam is preheating zone, where the kiln gas after high-temperature calcination preheats the limestone to calcinations temperature.The area between upper burning beam and lower burning beam is calcination zone, where limestone is calcinated into active lime.The area below the lower burning beam is cooling zone, where lime is cooled rapidly but remains highly active.2)当一定量石灰石通过窑顶受料装置进入储料带,均匀分配于窑截面上,窑顶受料装置有两道加料门自动密闭阻止空气在加料时进入窑内,确保窑内工况的稳定。石灰石加入窑内缓慢经四个区域往下移动,煅烧分解成产品—活性石灰。2)When the limestone gets into the storage zone through receiving device at the kiln top, the limestone will be distributed uniformly in kiln section.The kiln-top receiving device is equipped with two gallery ports which are automatically airtight to prevent the air from the kiln while charging to keep the working condition stable in the kiln.The limestone in the kiln moves down slowly through the four areas.The limestone will be calcinated and decomposed into active lime.3)采用两层燃烧梁是该窑的技术诀窍和核心部分,燃烧梁采用导热油夹套冷却,梁内设置若干个特殊烧嘴,使燃烧梁两侧(下部)的加热点均匀分布到窑截面上,通过调节各烧嘴的分配比与梁端引入的助燃空气均匀混合燃烧,保证窑内加热均匀,从而保证了石灰低生过烧率和高活性度。3)The technical know-how and hard core of the kiln is bilevel burning beam, which adopts conduction oil jacket cooling.There are several special nozzles in burning beam to ensure the uniform distribution from both sides of burning beam in the section of kiln.The distribution of the nozzles can be regulated.The combustion air from both ends of the beams will be mixed with the fuel gas from the nozzles for combustion to ensure the uniform heating in the kiln to achieve low LOI rate and high activity.4)窑上层设一层上吸气梁,其下侧设有与窑内截面阻力相对匹配的开口,窑气通过上吸气梁的开口抽出,保证窑内整个截面的负压分布均匀,使该窑保持最佳燃烧效果和最
双梁式竖窑投标文件低燃料消耗,在窑体的冷却带设置窑下冷却器,经过窑下冷却器吸入的冷空气对煅烧完成的石灰进行冷却,达到正常的出灰温度,冷风得到预热上行至煅烧带作为二次空气参与燃烧。4)The upper layer of kiln has upper suction beam, the lower layer has the scuttle which matches with section resistance in the kiln.The kiln gas is drawn out by scuttle of upper suction beam to ensure that the whole negative preure of the section is in uniform distribution in the kiln and keep the best combustion effect and the lowest fuel consumption.The cooler under the kiln in cooling zone cools down the calcinated lime to the normal lime discharging temperature by the cold air inhaled by the cooler.The cooling air after preheating in cooling area will be sent to calcination zone for combustion as secondary air.5)该窑型的窑体除横贯一层上吸气梁、二层燃烧梁、一层窑下冷却器和出灰机构外无其他内件,耐火材料表面垂
5)The kiln has only these internals: one layer of upper suction beam, two layers of burning beam, a cooler under the kiln and lime discharging device.The refractory surface is vertical and neat without special shape.Thus the structure of the kiln is simple and the usages of steel structure and refractory are small.6)炉窑操作配置PLC控制操作系统,整个操作控制系统可靠、简单、易掌握。6)PLC system is adopted to control the furnace.The PLC system is reliable, simple and easy-handling.◆双梁式竖窑的煅烧原理: 双梁式竖窑的煅烧特点是根据窑的产量即截面积大小,将燃烧梁均匀分布在窑的截面上,使梁式烧嘴产生的高温气体均匀的充满整个煅烧带,保证了窑体煅烧带的温度均匀。
The feature of double-beam shaft kiln is to distribute the burning beam homogeneously on kiln section according to the capacity of the kiln, that is, kiln section area.It can ensure the uniform distribution of the beam nozzles acro the whole section for uniform temperature in calcinations zone of kiln body.双梁式竖窑投标文件
2、生产规模及产品方案Production Scale and Product solution 2.1 生产规模Production Scale 根据生产需求,拟建设年产3.3万吨活性石灰的竖窑工程,拟建设100t/d梁式石灰竖窑1座。每座石灰竖窑设计产量100t/d。According to the production requirements, it is planned to build a shaft kiln project with annual capacity of 33,000 tons.In this project, one beam-type shaft kiln with designed daily capacity of 100t/d will be built.2.2 产品方案Production solution 建设1座100t/d双梁式气烧石灰窑,产品为活性石灰,设计产能为3.3万吨/年。在保证原料燃料质量、流量、热值、压力等正常稳定操作的条件下,可保证13.3万吨/年产能。Will build a 100t/d double-beam natural gas lime kiln;active lime will be the products;the planned capacity is 33,000tons/year.On the condition of guaranteeing the fuel quality, flow rate, heat value, preure being operated stably, The capacity is 33,000tons/year can be promised.性能保证值: Performance guarantee value 产能capacity: 3.3万吨/年 活性度activity≥320ml 采用PS530及以上石灰石adopt lime stone above PS530.生过烧率LOI≤4%(灼减法burning subtraction)采用PS530及以上石灰石adopt lime stone above PS530.2.3 外部条件External Condition(1)原料 生产工业石灰,原料是一种天然的碳酸钙(俗称石灰石),由于石灰石组成及物理机械性能不尽相同,所以一般采用的石灰石CaO含量大于53%、MgO含量不大于3%,SiO、P、S等有害杂质尽可能低。石灰石在矿山开采破碎后,经水洗或筛分,合格料运到石灰竖窑料场堆存。本工程采用石灰石原料要求40~80㎜(40mm以下的≤5%,80mm以上的≤5%),经原料场筛分后
双梁式竖窑投标文件(1)Raw Material The raw material for industrial lime manufacture is a kind of natural calcium carbonate.Because of different compositions, physical and mechanical properties of the different limestone, the limestone with CaO more than 53%, MgO le than 3% and the minimum detrimental impurity such as SiO, P,S are preferred.After the mining and crushing of limestone, the water-washed and screened eligible limestone will be transported to the stockpile of shaft kiln.This project requires the limestone of 40~80㎜(Le than 40mm ≤5%,over 80mm≤5%).The material after screened in material storage yard will be directly sent to pre-kiln receiving bin which is around 260,000 tons of limestones annul consumption.石灰石理化指标The limestone physical and chemical indexes(YB/T5279-2005)类别 牌号
Chemical composition(质量分数),% CaO CaO +Mg0 Mg0 SiO2 P S 不 小 于more than 不 大 于no more than 普 通 石 灰 石 PS540 54.0---3.0 1.5 0.005 0.025 PS530 53.0 1.5 0.010 0.035 PS520 52.0 2.2 0.015 0.060 PS510 51.0
3.0 0.030 0.100 PS500 50.0 3.5 0.040 0.150 附注:冶金石灰理化指标(YB/T042-2004)CaO% CaO +Mg0% Mg0% SiO2% S 酌减% 活性度ml 普 通 石 灰 石 特级 ≥92.0---<5.0 ≤_
≥80.0 ≤5.0 ≤0.100 ≤9 ≥180 双梁式竖窑投标文件(2)燃料fuel 石灰竖窑使用的燃气为天然气气。燃气的具体要求如下: 天然气: 热值 ~8200Kcal/Nm3 额定流量 ~2060Nm3/h.座 含尘量 ≤50mg/Nm3 窑前压力 17±1Kpa The fuel gas of the shaft is natural gas.The specific requirements on fuel gas are as follows: Natural Gas: Calorific Value ~8200Kcal/Nm3 Rated Flow ~2060Nm3/h.per kiln Dust Content ≤50mg/Nm3 Pre-kiln Preure 17±1Kpa(3)压缩空气、氮气Compreed Air, Nitrogen 压缩空气(主要作为除尘器吹扫和气缸控制用气)压力 ≥0.6MPa 温度 常温 露点 ≤-40℃ 无油 无尘 流量 ≥600 Nm3/h 氮气 压力 ≥0.6MPa 温度 常温 露点 ≤-40℃ 纯度 ≥99.5% 燃气置换用量 ~300 Nm3 /次.座.h Compreed Air(For dust removal sweeping and air cylinder control)Preure ≥0.6MPa Temperature Normal Temperature 双梁式竖窑投标文件Dew Point ≤-40℃ Oil Free Dust Free Flow ≥600 Nm3/h Nitrogen Preure ≥0.6MPa Temperature Normal Temperature Dew Point ≤-40℃ Purity: ≥99.5% Gas Displacement Volume: ~300 Nm3 /kiln.H(4)设备冷却水 甲方提供设备冷却水(风机、油泵)设备冷却水(循环水)入口压力 0.2~0.4MPa 入口温度:不超过36℃(冬季高于15℃)水 质: 符合HG/T20690-2000标准 循环流量: 6~10m3/ h(循环量,非消耗量)Party A provides equipment cooling water(draught fan and oil pump)Equipment Cooling Water(Circulating Water)Entrance Preure 0.2~0.4MPa Entrance Temperature: Le than 36℃(Over 15℃ in Winter)Water Quality: HG/T20690-2000 Standard Circulating Flow6~10m3/ h(Circulating Volume, Not Consumption)(5)电源 电源供电(导热油系统设保安电源)低压 380V/220V±5% 交流三相四线制,中心接地(5)Power Power Supply(conduction oil system is equipped with emergency power supply)Low Preure 380V/220V±5% 双梁式竖窑投标文件AC three-phase four-wire system, Central Ground Connection(6)能源介质节点 1)、饱和蒸汽、设备冷却水、氮气、压缩空气提供到石灰窑设备厂房外1米
1)、The Saturated Vapor, equipment cooling water, nitrogen and compreed air are provided at one meter outside the battery limit of lime kiln plant(Different nodes for equipment cooling water, nitrogen, compreed air).The specific coordinate points and elevation will be aured after negotiation.2)、石灰窑设置变压器室、低压配电室,甲方负责电源(380V/220V)引至乙方进线柜上桩头,保安电源节点为联络柜上桩头。2)、The lime kiln is equipped with transformer room, low-voltage switchhouse.Party A is in charge of power(380V/220V)introduced to Party B’s connector post on the inlet wire, and the emergency power nod is the connector post on contact cabinet.3)、燃气总管路引至石灰窑设备厂房外1米(具体节点双方协商确定)。3)、Main gas pipeline induced to one meter outside lime kiln equipment and plant battery limit and the specific nod will be aured after negotiation.4)、通讯节点:数据预留以太网接口;电信节点引至石灰窑主控室交换机接口。4)Communication Node: Obligate Ethernet port for data;telecommunication nod induced to exchange port in master-control room3、工艺部分 3.1工艺流程 工艺流程图
原料筛分 主引风机 烟囱
石灰石料场 筛分楼
双梁式竖窑投标文件Proce Flow Diagram 上料系统 受料装置 400t/d 双梁竖窑 废气布袋除尘 空气换热器 出灰斗
电磁振动给料机 称量装置 储灰斗 天然气 上吸气梁 窑下冷却器 窑下冷却风机 助燃风机 大倾角皮带 振动给料机
燃烧梁 成品仓 斗提机 破碎机 粉仓 下吸气梁 旋风除尘器 空气换热器 布袋除尘器 除尘风机 烟囱
Raw Material Screening material loading system Bag-Type Waste Gas Filter Main induced draft fan chimney Limestone Stock Ground screening building 双梁式竖窑投标文件material receiving device 400t/d Vertical shaft kiln air heat exchanger Discharging hopper Electromagnetic Vibrator Feeder weighing device ash hopper natural gas Upper air suction beam Under kiln cooler Under kiln cooler fan Combustion fan wider-inclined belt vibrating feeder Burning beam Finished product wharehouse hoist conveyor smasher lime bin Lower beam cyclone dust collector
air heat exchanger Bag type dust collector dust removal draft fan chimney Under kiln induced draft fan under kiln dust collection system 双梁式竖窑投标文件如下图:(示意图不代表方案图)
sketch drawing does not represent schematic drawing 双梁式竖窑投标文件3.2 工艺流程简述General Introduction on Proce Flow(1)原料筛分单元Raw Material Screening Unit 原料堆场的石灰石由轮式装载机经隔网送入2个受料仓,每个料仓容积60m3(受料仓位于地下,原料可由翻斗车直接送至受料仓),石灰石由振动给料机送到60°输送皮带(皮带通廊采用钢结构)再运送到筛分楼。在筛分楼处设有高效重型单层振动筛,原料在此处进行筛分。筛上料(>30mm)通过皮带机进入窑前料仓(存储量可供石灰窑4小时使用),筛下料(30mm)enters pre-kiln storage bin(whose storage quantity for four hours’ use of kiln), while undersize(
① Receiving System: when the top-kiln level gage indicates the material shortage,the electromechanical vibrating feeder at the bottom of the pre-kiln storage bins begins loading into the charging car,30~90 seconds delayed(adjustable).When electromechanical vibrating feeder 双梁式竖窑投标文件stops working, 2~5 seconds delayed(adjustable), the winch will start working automatically.The charging car will be pulled up by winch along skew bridge.When the charging car arrives at the kiln top, the raw material will be put into kiln by material receiving device at the top-kiln.The kiln-top material receiving device is automatic static material distributor applying four-point material distributing to ensure the uniform material level in the kiln.The double-stage air-tight is applied, that is, the two stages will be alternately opened to prevent the air outside the kiln from getting in.② 煅烧系统:物料进入窑内均匀下落,依次经过储料带、预热带、煅烧带和冷却带,煅烧好的活性石灰冷却后进入出灰储运工序。② Calcination System: After getting into the kiln, the materials fall uniformly through storing zone, preheating zone, calcinating zone and cooling zone.The well-calcinated active lime will be sent into procedures of product discharging, storage and transportation after cooled down.在储料带设置有1层3根上吸气梁,上吸气梁横贯于窑截面,并设有与窑内截面阻力相匹配的吸气口,以保证整个截面的负压分布均匀,使窑截面的气流分布均匀,有效降低了窑壁效应,保持最佳燃烧效果和最低燃料消耗。
In storage zone, ONE layer of three upper suction beams acro the kiln section.Moreover, the 双梁式竖窑投标文件air inlet matched with section resistance is also set to ensure the uniform negative preure distribution on the whole section to realize the uniform distribution of air currency on kiln section so as to lower the influence of “Kiln Wall Effect” for the best combustion effect and lowest combustion lo.煅烧系统由上4下3两层燃烧梁错位布置并设有周边烧嘴。每个烧嘴根据窑的截面均匀分布,使燃烧的高温气体均匀充满整个煅烧带,从而保证了石灰的生过烧率和活性度。燃料和助燃风通过各自阀门进行调解,保证燃烧温度均匀,提高煅烧效率。煅烧带采用负压操作,有利于燃气操作的安全性,有利于竖窑的环保性,更有效加速了石灰石的分解,得到高品质的活性石灰。The calcination system is equipped with upper layer of 4beams and lower layer of 3beams.The two layers are staggered.Several nozzles are equipped on burning beam.Every nozzle is distributed uniformly referring to kiln section to make sure that the burnt high-temperature gas can be distributed uniformly in the whole calcinations zone to achieve ideal LOI rate and activity.Fuel and combustion air can be adjusted by their special valves for uniform combustion temperature and high calcinations efficiency.The calcinations zone is in negative preure operation for safety of gas manipulation , eco-friendline of the shaft.Moreover, it accelerates the decomposition of limestone to get active lime of high quality.石灰石在煅烧带经过900-1200℃的高温煅烧后进入冷却带,由窑下冷却风机鼓入的冷却风对石灰进行冷却,该冷却风被预热后向上进入煅烧区作为二次
After calcinated under high temperature of 900~1200℃ in calcinating zone, the limestone will be sent into the cooling zone, cooled down by cooling wind from the cooling fan under the kiln.The preheated cooling wind will be sent to the calcination zone above as secondary combustion air.After the combustion air from the combustion fan flows through air heat exchanger for heat exchange with the waste gas at the top of the kiln, the temperature of the 双梁式竖窑投标文件combustion air gets high up to about 230℃.The combustion air will get into the kiln through burning beam for direct combustion.The waste gas after the combustion will be discharged out of the kiln through upper suction beam and exchanges its heat with air heat exchanger.Cooled down under 180℃, the waste gas will enter master dust removal device and then be discharged into atmosphere through main induced draft fan.③ 冷却系统:煅烧好的石灰进入冷却带,由窑下冷却系统将成品灰冷却到100℃左右出窑。窑下冷却系统由窑下冷却风机、窑下冷却器等设备组成。③ Cooling System: the well-calcinated lime gets into the cooling zone, cooled by kiln-bottom cooling system down to about 100℃ before discharged from the kiln.The kiln-bottom cooling system consists of kiln-bottom cooling fan, cooling fan, etc.④ 导热油系统:Conduction Oil System 在整个系统中,导热油系统是石灰窑的一个关键组成部分,它担负着对燃烧梁和下吸气梁的冷却任务,保证设备的安全正常使用。In the whole system, conduction oil system is an important part of the limekiln.It is in charge of the cooling miions of burning beam and lower suction beam to ensure the safety and normality of the equipment.双梁式竖窑投标文件导热油系统的主要设备有储油罐、电动加油泵、散热器、过滤器、离心油泵组、膨胀罐。导热油系统使用的介质油是导热油。导热油系统工作流程:电动加油泵将导热油从储油罐(容量4000L)注入循环系统。启动循环油泵(一用一备),负责冷却上燃烧梁和下燃烧梁。导热油顺着进油管进入上、下燃烧梁,将设备冷却下来,顺着回油管回到散热器,导热油降温以后进入过滤器,从过滤器再回到循环油泵。导热油散热器上装有六套轴流风机,每台风机满负荷风量45000m3/h。在上位机上可以对导热油的出口温度进行设定,设定范围在150℃~190℃,轴流风机的运行通过燃烧梁出口油温进行控制。这样就实现了燃烧梁恒温冷却及导热油系统的自动运行,避免了以往导热油温度波动太大对燃烧梁寿命造成不利影响,同时降低了石灰石煅烧的热耗。The main equipment of conduction oil system are oil tank, electric oil pump, radiator, filter, centrifugal oil pump group and swell can.The conduction oil is the medium oil in conduction oil system.The workflow of conduction oil system: electric oil pump pour the conduction oil from the oil tank
(Volume: 4000 L)to circulation system;circulating oil pump(two pumps: one for use, another one for spare)is started to cool upper and lower burning beams;the conduction oil flows into upper and lower burning beams along oil inlet to cool down the equipment, then flows back to radiator along oil return pipe, then the conduction oil gets into the filter after cooled down in radiator;finally, the conduction oil flows back to circulating oil pump from the filter.The conduction oil radiator is equipped with six sets of six-axis flow fan and every flow fan’s maximum blowing rate is 68524m3/h.The outlet temperature of the conduction oil can be set from 150℃ to 190℃ at upper computer and the operation of the axial flow fan is control by the oil temperature at the outlet of the burning beam.Then, it realizes the automated operation of fixed temperature cooling and heat transfer system and avoids the shortening of burning beam’s useful life caused by the great fluctuation of the oil temperature.Meanwhile, it can reduce the heat lo of limestone calcinating.导热油系统装有热电阻、流量传感器、压力传感器等仪表设备,能够对导热油系统参数实施监测控制。当导热油泵出现问题,备用油泵自动启动,确保导热油系统正常工作;同时导热油系统还设有保安电源,保证供电意外停电情况下该系统还能正常运转。
双梁式竖窑投标文件The heat transfer system is equipped with hot resistance, flow sensor, preure transducer, etc.These equipments are able to supervise and control the conduction oil system parameters.When some problems occur to one conduction oil pump, the spare pump will start automatically to ensure its normal operation.Moreover, the emergency power is set in heat transfer system in case of the accidental power failure.(3)出灰储运系统lime storage and transport system 煅烧好的成品灰通过窑底均匀布置的6个出灰斗卸料。在每个出灰斗下面设有电磁振动给料机(处理量50t/h,耐高温300℃)及气动自动称量装置(每次称量50kg),此处连锁控制,能够保证每个出灰口的出灰量满足工艺要求,防止出现偏窑现象。石灰经称重计量后进入储灰斗,短暂储存后(储存1小时的量),由电机振动给料机(给料能力100t/h,耐高温150℃)卸至窑下大倾角皮带(设置高温阻燃皮带输送机),送往成品仓。在出灰系统扬尘点均设有除尘装置,以保证环境清洁。出灰储运系统还设置有石灰窑开窑期间生料旁路输送系统。The well-calcinated lime is discharged from the kiln through 6 uniformly distributed discharging hoppers.Every hopper is equipped with electromagnetic vibrating feeder(handling capacity 50t/h, withstanding the high temperature of 300℃)and pneumatic automated weighter(Maximum Capacity: 50 kg).This part is under coordinated control to ensure that the lime discharging quantity of every hopper can meet proce requirements to prevent the phenomenon of ununiform calcination.After weighted, the lime enters the storage hoppers.After the storage of a short time(Storage Quantity of an Hour), the lime will get down from motor vibrating feeder(Feeding Capacity 100t/h.Withstanding High Temperature of 150℃)onto steep angle belt conveyor(High Temperature Resistant & Flame Retardant)at the bottom of the kiln, finally sent to the finished product warehouse.All the lime-discharging points are equipped
with dust collector to protect the environment.This system is also equipped with bypa transportation of the raw material at the kiln ignition period.双梁式竖窑投标文件(4)成品储运系统The Lime Discharging, Storage and Transportation System 煅烧好的成品灰通过窑底均匀布置的6个出灰斗卸料。在每个出灰斗下面设有电磁振动给料机(处理量45t/h,耐高温300℃)及气动自动称量装置(每次称量50kg),此处连锁控制,能够保证每个出灰口的出灰量满足工艺要求,防止出现偏窑现象。石灰经称重计量后进入储灰斗,短暂储存后(储存1小时的量),由电机振动给料机(给料能力100t/h,耐高温150℃)卸至窑下大倾角皮带,送往成品仓。在出灰系统扬尘点均设有除尘装置,以保证环境清洁。The well-calcinated lime is discharged from the kiln through 6 uniformly distributed discharging hoppers.Every hopper is equipped with electromagnetic vibrating feeder(handling capacity 45t/h, withstanding the high temperature of 300℃)and pneumatic automated weighter(Maximum Capacity: 50 kg).This part is under coordinated control to ensure that the lime discharging quantity of every hopper can meet proce requirements to prevent the phenomenon of ununiform calcination.After weighted, the lime enters the storage hoppers.After the storage of a short time(Storage Quantity of an Hour), the lime will get down from motor vibrating feeder(Feeding Capacity 100t/h.Withstanding High Temperature of 150℃)onto steep angle belt conveyor(High Temperature Resistant & Flame Retardant)at the bottom of the kiln, finally sent to the finished product warehouse.All the lime-discharging points are equipped with dust collector to protect the environment.出灰储运系统还设置有石灰窑开窑期间生料旁路输送系统。
This system is also equipped with bypa transportation of the raw material at the kiln ignition period.(5)空气和废气及燃气系统(4)Air, waste gas and gas system 1)空气和废气air and waste gas 助燃风是由助燃风机提供,助燃风经空气换热器与窑顶废气换热后,空气被预热到230℃左右,由燃烧梁进入窑内作为助燃风直接参与燃烧。
双梁式竖窑投标文件Combustion air is provided by combustion fan.The combustion air flows through air heat exchanger for heat exchange with the waste gas at the top of the kiln, the temperature of the combustion air gets high up to about 230℃.The combustion air will get into the kiln through burning beam for direct combustion.废气经上吸气梁排出窑外,通过与空气换热器进行热交换,废气温度冷却到180℃以下,进入主除尘器除尘后经主引风机排入大气。The waste gas is discharged out of the kiln through upper suction beam and exchanges its heat with air heat exchanger.Cooled down under 180℃, the waste gas will enter main dust removal device and then be discharged into atmosphere through main induced draft fan.2)燃气(天然气)Fuel
Gas(Natural Gas)天然气进入窑前燃气管道的压力为17±1kPa,燃气管道上都装有电动密闭蝶阀、电动盲板阀、电动调节阀,可对燃气起到可靠切断及流量调节;在燃气管道装有氮气吹扫、人孔及放散装置,以实现燃气的置换排空;在窑前燃气管道上装有流量计,用来调整燃气的总量,进梁燃气支管上装有调节阀用来精确调整进入燃烧梁各烧嘴的燃气量,以符合煅烧工艺要求;管道上设有膨胀节以实现管路伸缩的有效补偿;该系统还设有电液动煤气快切阀及氮气接口,以保证系统出现故障时紧急快速切断,同时氮气充气阀自动打开。
The preure of the natural gas entering pre-kiln gas pipeline is 17±1Kpa.Every gas pipe is equipped with electric air-tight butterfly valve, electric blind flange valve, and electric regulating valve to cut the gas supply so as to regulate the gas flux.The natural gas pipes are equipped with nitrogen sweeping, manhole and discharging devices to realize natural gas displacement and draining and are also equipped with flow meters.The pre-kiln gas pipe is equipped with a flow meter to adjust the total amount of the gas.The gas branch pipe for beam entrance is equipped with control valve to adjust the volume of the fuel gas which enters the nozzles on the burning beam precisely to satisfy the calcinations proce requirements.Expansion joints are equipped on the pipe to deal with the problem of expansion by heat and contraction by cold.The system is equipped with electro-hydraulic coal-gas quick-cut valve and nitrogen supply pipe.When the faults happen to the system, the system can be cut off and 双梁式竖窑投标文件nitrogen charging valve will be opened automatically.在窑前燃气管道上装有热值分析仪及流量调节阀,可根据天然气热值的变化自动调整其供应量,以保证窑内热量均衡,有利于提高活性石灰的品质并节约天然气用量。The heat-value analytic instrument and flow regulating valve are installed on the gas pipe, which can regulate its gas supply as the heat value of the gas changes by itself, to ensure the uniform heat in the kiln in favor of the promotion of the lime’s quality and natural gas saving.为保证燃气系统的安全,该系统采取以下安保措施: ①、在燃气管道上装有泄爆阀及燃气放散装置。②、燃气管道采取防静电措施。③、燃气管道及其金属支架均应焊接成通路,与接地网连接。④、在窑上煤气快切阀后的煤气环管上装有氮气保护装置,当系统意外停煤气,在快切阀切断的同时,保护氮气自动通入,以保持管内的压力,防止外界空气进入环管引起爆炸。For the safety of the gas system, the following security measurements will be adopted: ①、Lose-burst check valve and gas discharging device are equipped on the gas pipe.②、Anti-static measurements are adopted for gas pipe.③、The gas pipe and metallic support will all be welded into a complete circuit, connecting with grounding grid.④、Nitrogen protection device is equipped on coal gas ring pipe behind the coal gas Quick-Cut Valve at the top of the kiln.When the coal gas is cut off by Quick-Cut Valve accidentally, the nitrogen will flow into the gas pipe to keep the air preure in the pipe to prevent explosion caused by the outside air getting into the ring pipe.(6)除尘系统 除尘系统包括:原料筛分除尘、窑下出灰除尘、废气除尘、成品储
双梁式竖窑投标文件Dust Removal System includes: raw material screening dust removal, under-kiln lime discharging dust removal, waste gas dust removal, finished product storage dust removal, finished product transportation dust removal, finished-product breaking dust removal and dust collecting.①、原料筛分除尘是将受料坑中各扬尘点的粉尘、原料输送皮带机头、原料振动筛及上料小车等扬尘点的粉尘进行收集。在此选择了低压反吹脉冲袋式除尘器,过滤面积556m2,可以保证工程的环保要求。
raw material screening dust removal system collects dust from dust points in receiving pits, raw material transport belt conveyor’s head, raw material vibrating screen and feeding trolley.Here we use Low preure counter blowing pulse bag dust collector with filtering area of 556m2, which is able meet the environmental demand of the project.②、窑下出灰除尘是指石灰经出料斗到储料斗再到窑下出灰皮带的整个过程中粉尘进行收集和下吸气梁引出的窑底废气的除尘。在此选择了低压反吹脉冲袋式除尘器,过滤面积833m2,可以保证工程的环保要求。
Bottom kiln lime discharging dust removal indicates the dust collection of the whole proce from lime in discharge hopper to lime in bottom kiln discharge belt;and the dust removal of bottom kiln off-gas from the lower gas suction beam.Here we use Low preure counter blowing pulse bag dust collector with filtering area of 883m2, which is able meet the environmental demand of the project.③、废气除尘是指从窑顶抽出的废气经过主除尘器除去废气中的颗粒及灰尘,在此采用离线式低压反吹脉冲袋式除尘器,过滤面积1600m2,保证工程的环保要求。
Waste gas dust removal is to remove the particles and dust in waste gas drawn out of the kiln-top when the waste gas paes through main dust collector.Here, off-line low-preure blow-back impulse bag-type dust collector, filter area of 1000m2, can meet the environment protection requirements.双梁式竖窑投标文件④、成品储运除尘是指成品石灰在运输及筛分过程中粉尘进行收集。在此选择了低压反吹脉冲袋式除尘器(过滤面积556m2),可以保证工程的环保要求。The dust removal of finished products’ storage and transportation means that finished lime collects dust generated from transport proce and screening.Here we use Low preure counter blowing pulse bag dust collector with filtering area of 556m2, which is able meet the environmental demand of the project.⑤、粉尘收集
粉尘收集是把灰尘收集到固定的容器里,囤积一定量后再经干灰散装机卸入指定的车辆,以便定时拉运。collecting is to collect all the dust into a fixed veel.The dust would be loaded into designated vehicles by dry lime bulk machine and then carried away regularly when the dust in the veel is accumulated to a certain amount.双梁式竖窑投标文件
3.3技术经济指标technological and economic specification 竖窑主要技术经济指标 注: 以上参数以正式施工资料为准。The above parameters is subject to formal construction material 序 号 名称name 数值parameter 备 注 1 竖窑型式vertical shaft kiln HLM型双梁式气烧竖窑 HLM style double beam natural gas vertical shaft kiln 2 竖窑座数quantity 1 kiln 3 日产能daily output 100t/d 4 竖窑有效截面积 Net section area ~7m2 以实际设计为准 5 竖窑有效高度effective height ~19m 以实际设计为准 6 竖窑有效容积effective volume ~110m3 以实际设计为准 7 烟尘排放浓度concentration of dust emiion ≤50mg/m3 8 年产量annual output 3.34t 9 燃料fuel 天然气natural gas 天然气HG 窑前压力 17±1kPa
双梁式竖窑投标文件preure in front kiln 热值heat value ~8200kcal/m3 流量flow rate ~2060Nm3/h.座 10 生过烧率LOI 灼减法≦5% PS530及以上石灰石 11 年作业时间annual operational time 335days 12 产品粒度products’ granularity 10~40㎜ 13 活性度activity ≥320ml PS530及以上石灰石 14 石灰石消耗limestone consumption 1.8t limestone/t lime 15 竖窑大修周期major repair period 5 years 结构
4、热工部分Thermal Technical 4.1生产规模Scale of Production 生产规模确定为年产3.3万吨石灰,主要煅烧设备为1座日产400t双梁竖窑,年工作日335天,四班三运转,8小时作业。生产能力计算: 小时产量:4.17t 日产量:4.17t×24h=100t 年产量:100t×335d=3.3万t The production scale is 33,000 tons per year.The main calcinated equipment is a 100t/d double-beam shaft kiln, which works 335 days every year, four shifts, eight hours every day.The calculation on productive capacity: Capacity per hour: 4.17t Daily Capacity: 4.17t×24h=100t Annual Capacity: 100t×335d=33,000t 4.2热工流程简述 通过窑顶静态布料器将石料均匀分布在窑内,在预热带,高温气体将石灰石预热,高温气体到达窑顶时温度逐渐下降到300℃以下,同时石灰石也被预热到分解前的温度,充分利用余热,降低能耗;在煅烧带,上燃烧梁和下燃烧梁喷出的燃气迅速和空气混合并燃烧,煅烧温度达到900℃~1200℃,石灰石得到充分的分解。整个石灰石分解过程采用全负压操
作,有利于石灰石的分解及确保生产安全、环境的清洁。The limestone is uniformly distributed in the kiln by static material distributor at the top of the kiln.In preheating zone, high-temperature air preheats the limestone.The high-temperature air would cool down to under 300℃.At the same time, limestone is preheated to the temperature before decomposition.In this proce, the waste heat is fully taken advantage to lower the energy consumption.In calcinating zone, the fuel gas from upper and lower burning beams is mixed with air and then burnt rapidly.The calcinations temperature is high up to 900℃~1200℃, under which the limestone can be decomposed completely.The whole proce of the limestone decomposition is under negative preure operation in favor of the limestone decomposition, production security and eco-friendline.双梁式竖窑投标文件成品石灰落入冷却带冷却后,定时经6个出灰斗、气动称量装置和电磁振动给料机,进入储料斗,经电机振动给料机落入窑下大倾角皮带输送机。
The product lime paes regularly through 6 discharging hoppers, electromagnetic vibrating feeder and pneumatic automated weighter, then enters the storage hopper, finally gets onto steep angle belt conveyor at the bottom of the kiln through motor vibrating feeder.4.3热工设备的规格和设计参数Thermal Equipments’ specification and design parameter 窑壳总高kiln shell height ~ 24m 竖窑有效高度shaft kiln’s effective height ~21m 竖窑有效截面shaft kiln’s effective section area ~21m2 竖窑有效容积shaft kiln’s effective volume 441m3 煅烧温度calcination temperature 900~1200℃ 4.4 窑体结构组成Structure and Constitute of Kiln 4.4.1竖窑窑壳结构Shaft Kiln Shell Structure 竖窑窑壳选用钢结构Steel structure is selected for shaft kiln shell.功能:function: ◆保证竖窑窑衬砌体牢固可靠; ◆保证窑体的密封性; ◆支撑窑体上的各种载荷; ◆保证燃烧过程的正常进行; Ensuring the shaft-kiln lining brickwork strong and reliable;◆Ensuring the air-tight of the kiln body;◆Supporting various kinds of loads on kiln body;◆Ensuring the normal combustion proce;竖窑结构合理与否直接影响到石灰的质量、产量和竖窑的使用寿命。窑壳选用12mm钢板焊成,为确保窑壳强度和可靠密封性,在横向焊缝处增加一圈12㎜厚的箍筋板,内壁增加一圈12㎜厚的水平隔板,为消除四角处内应力,在四角内壁焊有纵向角形筋
双梁式竖窑投标文件板,这样设计就保证在煅烧过程中,窑温上升、砌筑材料膨胀和石料分解生成的气体向外膨胀时,窑体不会胀裂和开焊。Whether the shaft structure is reasonable or not will influence the quality, quantity of lime and useful life of shaft kiln.12 mm-width steel plates are welded into kiln shell to ensure the shell’s strength and air-tightne.A round of 12mm-width stirrup blade is added at horizontal commiure
and a round of 12mm-thickne horizontal plate is added in inner wall.To eliminate the internal stre at the corners, vertical angle rib plates are welded at the inner corners.This design ensures that the kiln body would not expand to crack and open weld when kiln temperature rises up, the constructional material expand and the gas from limestone decomposition swells up.为了施工和使用检修方便,在不同高度设有人孔和检修门。Manholes and acce doors are set in different heights in favor of the convenience of the work and reparation.4.4.2竖窑窑衬Shaft Kiln Lining 窑衬的作用是形成窑型,维持窑温,保护窑壳等装备不受高温影响,砌筑炉衬的耐火材料应具有耐高温,抵抗下降石料的机械摩擦及化学侵蚀,抵抗上升气流冲刷的能力,并且有保温隔热作用。窑衬材料直接关系到竖窑的寿命。The kiln lining’s function is to form the kiln, keep the kiln temperature and protect the equipment(such as kiln shell)from high temperature.The refractory for furnace lining must withstand high temperature, mechanical friction, chemical erosion, rising airstream and be able to preserve the heat.The kiln lining material is directly related to the useful life of shaft kiln.砌砖方案: 窑衬厚度约为694mm;预热带从内到外一层65%高铝砖230×114×65、一层粘土质耐火砖230×114×65、一层粘土质隔热耐火砖230×114×65、一层硅钙板厚40mm、二层硅酸铝纤维粘60mm;煅烧带从内到外一层75%高铝砖230×114×65、一层65%高铝砖230×114×65、一层粘土质隔热耐火砖230×114×65、一层硅钙板厚40mm、二层硅酸铝纤维粘
双梁式竖窑投标文件60mm;冷却带从内到外一层65%高铝砖230×114×65、一层粘土质耐火砖230×114×65、一层粘土质隔热耐火砖230×114×65、一层硅钙板厚40mm、二层硅酸铝纤维粘60mm;砖缝1.5~2mm;砌筑高铝砖用磷酸盐结合高铝耐火泥,砌筑粘土质耐火砖、粘土质隔热耐火砖用粘土耐火泥。针对天然气的燃烧特点,我们在局部采用了新型的砌筑方法及新型耐火材料。Brickwork Design: The kiln lining is about 694 mm of width;In preheating zone, a layer of 65% high-alumina bricks 230×114×65, a layer of clay refractory bricks 230×114×65, a layer of clay insulating refractory bricks 230×114×65, a layer of calcium silicate board(thickne: 40mm), two layers of aluminium silicate fibrofelt(thickne: 60mm)from inside to outside;in calcinating zone, a layer of 75% high-alumina bricks 230×114×65, a layer of 65% high-alumina bricks 230×114×65, a layer of clay insulating refractory bricks(thickne: 40 mm), a layer of calcium silicate board(thickne: 40mm), two layers of aluminium silicate fibrofelt(thickne: 60mm)from inside to outside;in cooling zone, a layer of 65% high-alumina bricks 230×114×65, a layer of clay refractory bricks 230×114×65, a layer of clay insulating refractory bricks 230×114×65, a layer of calcium silicate board(thickne: 40mm), two layers of aluminium silicate fibrofelt(thickne: 60mm)from inside to outside;brickwork joint 1.5~2mm;High-alumina brick is made from phosphate and high-alumina refractory clay, clay refractory brick and clay heat-insulating refractory brick are made from fire clay.In view of the combustion character of natural gas, new construction method and refractory material will be adopted partially.4.4.3竖窑窑盖Kiln Cover 窑盖是窑体顶部的支撑
部件和密封设施,它承受窑顶加料设备的载荷及密封,所以窑盖应具有一定的强度、耐热能力及保温能力。The cover at the kiln top is for supporting and air-tightne.The kiln cover bears the material charging equipment at the top and seals the kiln, so it should be of high strength, heatproof and heat-preserving.钢结构窑盖由钢板、不锈钢铆固件、模块式耐热纤维毡、不锈钢网组成。该结构窑盖
双梁式竖窑投标文件制作安装方便,密封性和保温效果好。Steel structure kiln cover consists of steel plate, stainle riverting firmware, modular heatproof fibro felt, stainle steel wire.This structure kiln cover is easy to produce and install, air-tight and heat-preserving.4.5竖窑管道参数Shaft Kiln Pipe Parameters(1)废气管道Waste Gas Pipe 炉窑集气箱至换热器废气管道公称通径:主管DN1200,支管DN700 换热器至除尘器管道公称通径:DN1200 废气烟囱公称通径: DN1400 The nominal diameter of waste gas pipe from gas collection tank to heat exchanger: Main pipe DN1200,branch DN700 The nominal diameter of the pipe from heat exchanger to dust removal device: DN1200 The nominal diameter of waste gas chimney: DN400(2)助燃风管道Combustion Air Pipe 管道公称通径: DN600(3)冷却风管道Cooling Air Pipe 管道公称通径: DN500(4)燃气管道Gas pipe 管道公称通径: DN200 双梁式竖窑投标文件5.电仪及控制系统Instrument and Control System 5.1概述General Introduction 5.1.1 此系统包括电气、仪表、电讯控制系统的有关设施。
5.1.1 This system includes the related equipment of electricity, instruments and telecommunication control system.5.1.2 The designed shaft kiln consists of material delivery, shaft kiln and finished product control.5.2传动及其控制Transmiion System and Control 随着现代交流调速技术的成熟,交流调速系统已经广泛应用于各类生产过程中。本工程的主引风机、助燃风机、冷却风机、卷扬机、导热油轴流风机电机采用低压变频控制。其它功率大于55kW的电机选用雷诺尔软启动方式。一般传动系统采用普通交流电机的MCC控制系统。As the maturity of AC speed governor technologies.The AC speed governor system has been adopted into various production activities.Low-preure frequency-conversion control system is adopted in main induced draft fan, combustion fan, cooling fan, winch, conduction oil axial flow fan motor in this project.Renle Soft starting mode is adopted to the other electric
machine over 55kW。MCC control system of common AC machine is adopted for common transmiion system.5.3电气控制室 The Electrical Control Room 根据本工程主要生产设备及辅助设施的设置:中央控制室、低压配电室 各电气室的相对湿度要求不大于85%,无结露。各电气室的温度要求一般为5~35℃,其中PLC室的温度为15~25℃。According to the main production equipment and auxiliary facilities: central control room and low-voltage switch house Relative Humidity of every electrical control room is required not over 85%, non condensing.The temperature of every electrical control room is required 5~35℃ and PLC room 15~
双梁式竖窑投标文件25℃.5.4检测仪表Detecting Instrument 5.4.1检测仪表的选择 流量装置根据现场和工艺要求选用适当流量计;其它检测仪器选用品牌制造厂家的,能满足性能要求的产品。The choice of flow meter is according to the requirements of the site and proce;the other detecting instruments are from brand manufacturer.5.4.2石灰竖窑检测点列表 测量系统 工艺测点 介质
显示方式 上 料 窑顶料位 石灰石
远传(1×1)卷扬机电流 远传(1×1)出灰 系统
1#~6#出灰斗灰温度 石灰
1#~6#口出灰重量 石灰
就地(6×1)、远传(6×1)储灰斗灰温度 石灰
远传(1×1)导 热 油 主管流量 导热油
主管出口压力 导热油
就地(1×1)、远传(1×1)燃烧梁出口压力 导热油
就地(7×1)、远传(7×1)燃烧梁出口温度 导热油
就地(7×1)、远传(7×1)缓冲管压力 导热油
就地(4×1)缓冲管温度 导热油
就地(4×1)散热器入口温度 导热油
就地(1×1)、远传(1×1)散热器出口温度 导热油
就地(1×1)、远传(1×1)油泵前主管压力 导热油
就地(1×1)、远传(1×1)油泵后主管压力 导热油
双梁式竖窑投标文件膨胀罐液位 导热油
就地(1×1)膨胀罐液位控制 导热油
下燃烧梁窑内压力 远传(1×1)
上燃烧梁窑内温度 远传(10×1)下燃烧梁窑内温度 远传(8×1)
远传(1×1)燃 气 燃气流量 燃气
燃气总管流量调节阀 燃气
远传(1×1)燃气调节后压力 燃气
就地(1×1)、远传(1×1)窑前燃气压力 燃气
就地(1×1),远传(1×1)助 燃 风 助燃风压力 空气
就地(1×1)、远传(1×1)助燃风流量 空气
助燃风预热后温度 空气
就地(1×1)、远传(1×1)冷却风压力 空气
就地(1×1)、远传(1×1)冷却风流量 空气
远传(1×1)废气换热后温度 废气
就地(1×1)、远传(1×1)除尘器差压 废气
远传(1×1)风机轴承温度 远传(2×1)公 共 工 程 冷却水入口压力 水
就地(1×1)压缩空气压力 压缩空气
双梁式竖窑投标文件Lime Shaft Kiln Monitoring points List Measuring System Monitoring Point Medium Display Mode Material Charging Kiln-Top Level Limestone Remote(1×1)
Winch Currency Remote(1×1)出灰系统
Lime Temperature at 1#~6# Discharging Lime Remote(6×1)
Discharging Weight at Outlet 1#~6# Lime On-the-Spot(6×1)、Remote(6×1)
Lime Temperature in Storage Hopper Lime Remote(1×1)
Conduction Oil
Main Pipe Flow Conduction Oil Remote(1×1)
Main Pipe Outlet Preure Conduction Oil On-the-Spot(1×1)、Remote(1×1)
Burning Beam Outlet Preure Conduction Oil On-the-Spot(7×1)、Remote(7×1)
Burning Beam Outlet Temperature Conduction Oil On-the-Spot(7×1)、Remote(7×1)
Separator Tube Preure Conduction Oil On-the-Spot(4×1)
Separator Tube Temperature Conduction Oil On-the-Spot(4×1)
Radiator Inlet Temperature Conduction Oil On-the-Spot(1×1)、Remote(1×1)
Radiator Outlet Temperature Conduction Oil On-the-Spot(1×1)、Remote(1×1)
双梁式竖窑投标文件Pre-Oil-Pump Main Pipe Preure
Conduction Oil On-the-Spot(1×1), Remote(1×1)
Behind-Oil-Pump Main Pipe Preure Conduction Oil On-the-Spot(1×1), Remote(1×1)
Expansion Pipe Liquid Level Conduction Oil On-the-Spot(1×1)
Liquid Level Control of Expansion Pipe Conduction Oil Remote(1×1)
Kiln Body Kiln Top Preure Remote(1×1)
Kiln Preure at Lower Burning Beam Remote(1×1)
Kiln Preure at Upper Burning Beam Remote(10×1)
Kiln Temperature at Lower Burning Beam Remote(8×1)
Kiln-Top Temperature Remote(1×1)
Fuel Gas Fuel Gas Flow Fuel Gas Remote(3×1)
Flow Regulating Valve for Fuel Gas Main Pipe
Fuel Gas Remote(1×1)
Fuel Gas Preure after Regulation Fuel Gas On-the-Spot(1×1)、Remote(1×1)
Pre-Kiln Fuel Gas Preure Fuel Gas On-the-Spot(1×1),Remote(1×1)
Combustion Air Combustion Air Preure Fuel Gas On-the-Spot(1×1)、Remote(1×1)
双梁式竖窑投标文件Flow of Combustion Air Fuel Gas Remote(1×1)
Combustion Air Temperature after Preheating Fuel Gas On-the-Spot(1×1)、Remote(1×1)
Cooling Air Preure Fuel Gas On-the-Spot(1×1)、Remote(1×1)
Cooling Air Flow Fuel Gas Remote(1×1)
Waste Gas Temperature after Heat Exchange
Waste gas On-the-Spot(1×1)、Remote(1×1)
Dust Removal Device Differential Preure Waste gas Remote(1×1)
Fan Bearing Temperature Remote(2×1)
Public Work Inlet Preure of Cooling Water water On-the-Spot(1×1)
Outlet Preure of Cooling Water water On-the-Spot(1×1)
Compreed Air Preure Compreed Air On-the-Spot(2×1)
5.5控制系统Control System 5.5.1 控制概述General Introduction 本工程的数字量和模拟量输入PLC,通过编程,PLC输出控制设备,实现自动控制。
双梁式竖窑投标文件主要设备分三种控制: Digital quantity and analog quantity in this project are input into PLC through programming and PLC output control equipment, to achieve auto control finally.(1)现场操作箱控制。
(3)集中控制自动控制,设备处于“自动”模式,计算机画面上点击运行,依照设定的程序,相应设备自动运行。Three controls for main equipment:(1)Operation box(2)Centralized control & manual control: computer controls the start and stop of single equipment.(3)Centralized control & automated control: Equipment in automatic mode, computer controls according to the set programs and equipment operate automatically.首先介绍现场操作箱控制: 现场控制箱上有个转换开关,分三档,“手动”、“0”和 “自动”。当开关在“手动”位置,操作箱上启动或停止按钮,开、关相应设备,目的是调试设备、检修试车或异常情况的操作;当开关在“自动”位置,计算机控制设备;当开关在“0” 位置,设备停止运行,此时计算机、现场都不能开启设备,目的是处理设备故障或现场人员发现紧急、异常情况的操作。Operational Box Control: There is a change-over switch on the operational box, including “manual”,”0” and “auto”.“Manual” means that preing START or STOP buttons to have related equipment to equipment debug, commiion , trial or dealing with abnormal conditions;“AUTO” means computer control;“0” means all equipment bring to rest which cannot be started digitally or manually for the purpose of dealing with abnormal conditions.双梁式竖窑投标文件无论什么状态,“手动”模式下,均可实现现场设备人工操作。此时其他系统设备仍处自控状态,自控连锁仍起作用。计算机画面显示该设备运行状态、开关处 “手动”位置。同时画面也呈现其它设备状态。On “AUTO”, the operational box can still be operated manually.However, all other equipment would still be “AUTO” situation;computer will indicate different situations on screens respectively.其次集中控制手动控制: 在主控室内,计算机控制画面主要包括:
6、助燃风、废气、除尘器画面。Centralized control: In main control room, computer interface includes1、Lime kiln main pictures2、Loading system pictures3、Conduction oil system pictures4、Temperature of upper beam of Lime kiln5、Temperature of lower beam of Lime kiln6、Burner blower, gases, dust-collecting pictures 计算机画面上,鼠标点击操作窗口设备启动或停止按钮,实现手动操作。具体操作方法,将操作箱转换开关打在“自动”位置,计算机画面处于手动窗口,此时用鼠标点击设备运行或停止按钮,启动或停止设备,同时电气连锁和系统联锁仍发挥作用。
双梁式竖窑投标文件作人员,检查设备。处理完毕,点击该设备复位按钮,消除报警,恢复设备正常运行。仪表信号实时跟踪,比如,热电偶、流量计、压差计、压力表、风门开口度调节仪、尾气阀门开口度调节仪等,计算机画面显示仪表的运行数据,并且有不少于六个月历史运行曲线,超过六个月的历史数据,可以自动删除,保留最新记录。再者集中控制自动控制: 系统设备处于“自动”模式,计算机画面上点击系统运行,则相应系统设备,按照程序设定方式自动运行。比如,将计算机画面转到上料系统,此时显示上料系统画面,操作人员首先确认系统的每一台设备是否处在原始位置,系统无报警。一旦系统正常,鼠标点击自动系统启动按钮,此时系统就进入自动运行状态,根据料位指示,运行或停止设备。On the
computer screen, the manual operation is realized by clicking the “Start” and “Stop” buttons on operational windows.The specific operational procedures: turn the Operation box switch on “Automation”, the computer screen will show manual windows.At this time, click “Start” or ”Stop” button to start or stop the equipment by mouse.Meanwhile, the electrical interlock and systematic interlock will function.For important equipment, the screens show “overload” alarm, motor current, frequency and so on.As soon as the equipment are overloaded, there will be a red sparkling alarming speaker and “XX Overloaded” on screen to remind the operators to check out equipment.Preing reset button after dealing with problems.Tracking signal of meters at RT, for example, thermocouple, flowmeter, differential preure gauge, preure gage, accommodometer of ventilation door openne, accommodometer of tail gas valves openne.There is no le than six months’ operating data indicated on Computer’s screen.After six month the data can be deleted automatically.Centralized control & auto control: In “AUTO” mode, computer controlling, all equipment operate according to preprogrammed setting.For instance, in loading system, operators confirm all equipment on original settings with no alarms;clicking “auto” button, the equipment would continue to operate or stop 双梁式竖窑投标文件automatically according to the volume of materials.5.5.2系统配置System Configuration 石灰石竖窑控制系统: 检测与控制系统:上位机+PLC +检测元件组成。控制系统采用手动控制与集中控制方式,简便、可靠和经济。手动控制在现场,集中控制在主控室。竖窑控制系统配置:2台上位机,一个主站,几个从站。上位机采用研祥产品,下位机采用西门子产品。上位机之间以及上位机与主站之间采用工业以太网通讯;下位机主站与从站,采用PROFIFBUS-DP方式通讯。上位机主要功能: 系统参数设定:包括用户权限、工艺参数、系统参数、报警参数等 打印输出:报警信息、生产日报、工艺曲线等 通信:将工艺参数的设定值传给下位机,并采集下位机信息,用于报表和显示。
System Configuration Limestone Shaft Kiln Control System: Monitoring and Control Systems: Upper computer + PLC+ Selecting element The control system adopts manual control and centralized control modes, convenient, trustworthy and economical.Manual control is on spot and centralized control is in master-control room.Shaft Control System Configuration: two upper computer, a master station with many slave stations.The upper computer uses the products of Advantech and the lower computer uses the product of SIEMENS.Industrial Ether Device connects the upper computers or between the upper computers and 双梁式竖窑投标文件
master station.The Function of Upper Computer: System parameters set, including user rights, proce parameter, system parameter, alarm parameter and so on.Print Output: Alarm Information, Production Daily Report, Craft Curves etc.Communication: Paing the set value of proce parameters to lower computer and collecting the information of lower computer for report and display.石灰窑网络图
系统配置UPS,供上位机及PLC,停电后可保证有电15-30分钟。5.5.3 Power Configurations: UPS for power supply of 15-30 minutes to upper computer and PLC in case of power failure.5.5.4配电柜、控制柜、电缆及控制线的选择
5.5.4 Power Distribution Cabinet, Control Cabinet and Control Line(1)Modified GGD type for electrical control cabinet, KG235 for PLC cabinet based on 10# U-channel steel.(2)Power line and control line in flame retardant type in different crane span structures to avoid mutual interference.5.5.5防雷接地系统Lightening Protection System(1)接地采用TN-C-S系统,与变压器接地装置相连,接地电阻不大于4欧姆;仪表接地独立设置,且与电气接地相距5米以上,接地电阻不大于1欧姆。(2)等电位系统:信号回路接地和屏蔽接地汇接到总接地,实现等电位联接;即各现场仪表盘、箱、电缆桥架、各种金属管线相互连接构成统一的等电位系统,接到公共接地体上。(1)TN-C-S system for ground connection is connected with transformer ground connection device and the electrical resistance of ground connection is no more than 4 ohm;the ground connection of meter is set alone, more than 5 meters away from electrical ground connection, and the electrical resistance of ground connection is no le than 1 ohm.(2)Equipotential system: signal circuit grounding and shield grounding are joined to main grounding to realize equipotential connection, that is, to connect the uniform equipotential system, formed by the interconnection among instrument panels, boxes, cable bridges and metal pipes on pipe, to the public grounding body.双梁式竖窑投标文件5.5.6电信设施(甲方负责)
配备自动电话系统、生产扩音指令对讲系统。(1)行政电话 在办公室、主控室配备自动电话系统,供日常公务通信联系用。(2)调度电话 为及时组织、协调生产作业计划和指挥生产提供通信联系,本工程在车间办公室、主控室设置调度生产扩音指令对讲系统。
5.5.6 Telecom Facility(In the Charge of the Party A)Dial telephone system;intercom system(1)administrative telephone The telephone system is equipped in office and master control room for communication on office routines.(2)dispatching telephone Intercom system for organization and coordinate working.5.5.7工业监视系统
5.5.7 Industry Monitoring 双梁式竖窑投标文件Industry television system guarantees product quality, regular production, equipment protection and personal safety.By installing the fixed monitoring probe(MP)for the charging system, receiving bin, discharging and end-product warehouse.A、receiving pit(1 set)for power-up viborator feeder and belt operation B、raw material screen(1 set)for raw material viborator feeder operation C、skip car(2 set)skip charging car and winch operation D、receving parts on top of kiln(1 set)for the charging system E、(4 set)for kiln body, lower layer of burning beam and charging bell… F、discharging system(1 set)for six viborator feeders and weighting devices..G、finished lime storage and transportation(1 set)for belt under the kiln.H、finished lime screen(1 set)for viborator feeders operation Twelve MPs are set in all.Every monitory point is supervised through multiple-picture monitor(upper computer)with DVR of 2T.5.6 控制系统描述 Control System Introduction 石灰窑控制系统可以分为上料系统、出灰系统、导热油系统、窑体系统、设备厂房系统、燃气系统、燃烧系统等。Lime kiln control system consists of charging system, discharging system, conduction oil system, kiln body system and combustion system, etc.双梁式竖窑投标文件第一部分 上料系统 Section One Charging System 上料系统主要作用是将原料通过上料设备输送到窑体进行煅烧。上料系统的设备包括振动给料机、卷扬机、受料装置,具体参见图1。The function of charging system is to take the raw
material into the kiln body for calcinating through charging equipment.The equipment of charging system includes vibrating feeder, winch, receiving device.Please refer to Diagram Ⅰ: 上料系统控制Charging System Control: 上料系统是一种顺序控制。Charging system is in sequential control.图 1 上料系统界面
Diagram Ⅰ Interface for Charging System 双梁式竖窑投标文件启动:料位检测 电机振动给料机 小车上升 料钟打开 翻板动作 小车下降 卷扬机停止
Start: Material Level Monitoring Motor Vibrating Feeder Charging Car Rising Charging Bell Opening Material Separation Valve Charging Car Descending Winch Stopping 第二部分 出灰系统 Section Two Discharging System 出灰系统控制Discharging System Control 在出灰系统界面设有称重斗开、关门、重量等信号。具体参见图2。出灰系统是一种循环控制。
启动:电磁振动给料机工作 石灰称重 料斗打开 延时
料斗关闭 下一循环开始 The interface of discharging system is equipped with the signal of opening and closing weighing hopper, weight, etc.Please refer to the Diagram Ⅱ.Discharging system is in cycle control.Start: Electromagnetic Vibrating Feeder Lime Weighing Lime Hopper Opening Time Delay Lime Hopper Closing Next Cycle 第三部分 导热油系统
I:Operation I:overload I:AUTO/manual Q:start/ stop PLC模块 modules 图 2 出灰系统界面
双梁式竖窑投标文件Section Three Conduction Oil System 1.导热油系统控制 导热油系统是冷却上、下燃烧梁和下吸气梁,该系统十分重要,如果导热油系统出现故障,将导致燃烧梁的损坏。具体见图3所示。1.Conduction Oil Control CV system is
very important.If this system breaks down, the burning beam would be broken.Please refer to the diagram Ⅲ.从图3中可知道,导热油系统是由导热油泵组(包括1#、2#导热油泵)、散热系统(包括1#、2#、3#导热油冷却风扇)、补油系统(包括膨胀罐、补油泵)组成。
It can be seen in diagram Ⅲ that conduction oil system consists of conduction oil pumps group(including 1# and 2# conduction oil pump), radiator system(including 1#, 2#, 3# conduction oil cooling fan)、oil filling system(including expansion tank, oil filling pump.导热油泵的作用是为导热油提供动力使其在系统中循环,实现燃烧梁及下吸气梁的冷
图 3 导热油系统界面 Diagram Ⅲ The Interface of Conduction Oil System 双梁式竖窑投标文件却。导热油泵的启停和联锁是根据导热油总管压力来决定的即。导热油泵采用一用一备(即1#油泵和2#油泵)形式,两者互为联锁,后者是在紧急状态下提供一定时间稳定的导热油总管压力,从而保证在短时间内油压的稳定以便处理紧急事故。
Conduction oil pump provides driving force to conduction oil so that the conduction oil circulates in the system to cool the burning beams and lower suction beam.The start, stop and interlock of the conduction oil pumps are decided by the preure at the main conduction oil pipe, that is,.Two conduction oil pumps, one for use and another one for spare(that is 1# oil pump and 2# oil pump), are interlocked;the spare pump provides stable preure for main conduction oil pipe for a short time in emergent state to ensure that the oil preure is stable in a short time so as to deal with the accident.当导热油系统自动启动后,首先判断现场油泵启动情况,以便判断油压不够时启动备用泵。如果1#油泵启动,当某路供油管压力低于油压设定时,将启动2#备用泵,同时该油泵报故障,延时一段时间(3S)后停止该油泵,并通知维修人员对该油泵进行检修。
After conduction oil system starts automatically, judge the start situation of the oil pumps at site so as to decide whether to start spare pump.When 1# pump is at work and preure of some oil provision pipe is lower than set oil preure, the 2# spare pump will be started.At the same time, the 1# pump would stop three seconds after the faults are reported to the reparation personnel.联锁程序Interlock Program 首先判断油泵启动情况
2、冷却风扇Cooling Fan 冷却风扇轴流风机的作用是冷却循环过来的热导热
油。Cooling fan cools the circulated conduction oil.工艺要求:燃烧梁的入口温度设为160℃ 通过变频轴流风机实现导热油的恒温控制。Proce Requirements: Inlet Temperature of Burning Beam is set at 160℃ Frequency Conversion Axial Flow Fan for Fixed Temperature Control to the Conduction Oil.3、补油泵的作用是为导热油系统补充油量,补油泵的启停是由膨胀罐液位的高低来
双梁式竖窑投标文件决定。即Wincc画面中“newsupply oil.PDL” 当补油泵的膨胀罐油位 ≤启动补油泵液位设定时,启动补油,给膨胀罐注油; 当补油泵的膨胀罐油位≥ 停止补油泵液位设定时,停止补油。3、Oil filling pump supply oil for conduction oil system.Whether the oil filling pump needs to be started or not is decided by liquid level of the swell can, that is, in Wincc picture“new supply oil.PDL” When oil level in swell can ≤ set level for oil filling pump starting, the oil filling pump will inject the oil into swell can;when oil level in swell can≥ set level for stopping the oil filling pump, the oil filling pump will stop.第四部分 联锁报警系统 1.导热油温度高于230℃立即关闭燃气阀门,燃气调节阀FV701立即关闭,同时快速切断阀切断,顺序停止冷却风机、助燃风机,引风机保持运行状态并且自动减低运行频率(15Hz); 1.When conduction oil is over 230℃, the fuel gas valve will be stopped soon.Gas control will be closed immediately and, at the same time, Quick-Cut Valve will cut down.The cooling fan, combustion fan will be stopped in sequence and induced draft fan keeps working but automatically turning into low operation frequency(15Hz);2.当助燃风机故障停机,燃气调节阀FV701立即关闭,同时,快速切断阀切断,停止冷却风机,引风机保持运行状态并且自动减低运行频率(15Hz); When combustion fan does not work because of faults, gas control valve FV701 will be closed soon.At the same time, Quick-Cut Valve will cut down and cooling fan will stop working.Induced draft fan keeps working but automatically turning into low operation frequency(15Hz);3.当引风机故障停机,燃气调节阀FV701立即关闭,同时,快速切断阀切断,助燃风机则相应停止,导热油系统继续运行。
3.When induced draft fan does not work out of faults, gas control valve FV701 will be stopped 双梁式竖窑投标文件immediately.At the same time, Quick-Cut Valve cwill cut down and combustion fan will stop working.Conduction oil continue working.4.当燃气压力3KPa(可调)时,竖窑停止生产,见图4。4.When fuel gas preure reaches 3KPa(adjustable), shaft kiln stops working.Please refer to Diagram Ⅳ: 图4 联锁报警值设定画面 Diagram Ⅳ Interface of Interlock Alarm Level 联锁条件:
燃烧梁出口温度高 两台导热油泵停止运行
燃气压力低 主引风机停止 助燃风机停止 Condition for Interlock: High Temperature of Burning Beam Outlet Two Conduction Oil Pump Out of Service 将导致联锁切窑
双梁式竖窑投标文件Low Fuel Gas Preure Main Induced Draft Fan Stopping Combustion Fan Out of Service 第五部分 燃烧系统 Section Five Combustion System 上层燃烧梁区域均匀布置10个检测点,编号为TE411-TE420,一次传感器为热电偶,经模块转换为4-20mA信号后送上位机显示。下层燃烧梁区域均匀布置8个检测点,编号为:TE411-TE418,一次传感器为热电偶,经模块转换为4-20mA信号后送上位机显示,详见图5。There are ten monitoring points uniformly distributed in upper layers of burning beam area.The number of the upper burning beam is TE411-TE420.The primary transducer is thermocouple, sent to upper computer for display after transformed into 4-20mA signal by module.There are eight monitoring points uniformly distributed in lower layers of burning beam area.The number is TE411-TE418.The primary transducer is thermocouple, sent to upper computer for display after transformed into 4-20mA signal by module.Please refer to Diagram Ⅴ: Interlock Kiln Cut 双梁式竖窑投标文件第六部分 废气系统 Section Six Waste Gas System 窑顶废气温度TE701、TE702,经过空气换热器换热以后的温度TE703;风机轴承座温度变送器2个分别是TE1-
1、TE1-2,分别表示各自风机的轴承座两端的温度(根据风机型号确定)。The waste gas at the kiln top is TE701 and TE702,the temperature through air heat exchanger is TE703;the two temperature transmitters of fan bearing seating are TE1-1 and TE1-2, which represent the temperatures at both sides of respective fan bearing seating(according to the fan type)除尘器设出入口差压(用于显示除尘器箱体的压力差)1点,传感器为差压变送器PT810。除尘器设有废气进口、出口及旁通3个电磁阀,编号为EV811、EV812和EV813,与之配套显示阀门“开”和“关”的接近开关6个。
The differential preure(to display the preure difference of the dust collector’s box)is set 图 5 燃烧系统界面
双梁式竖窑投标文件between inlet and outlet of dust collector and the sensor is differential preure transmitter PT810.The dust collector has waste gas inlet and outlet and three bypa electromagnetic valves whose numbers are EV811、EV812 and EV813.The valves are equipped with six approach switches which display open and close of the valves.第七部分 原料系统 Section Seven Raw Material System 石灰石经振动给料机M901—M902送至原料输送皮带,再由原料输送皮带送到筛分楼筛分,合
格料进入窑前料仓,筛下料进入碎料仓内,见图7。Limestone is sent to raw material conveyor belt through vibrating feeder M901—M902, then to screening building.The qualified material will be sent to pre-kiln material bin while the undersize will be sent to the fine material bin.Please refer to Diagram Ⅶ: 图 6 废气系统界面
双梁式竖窑投标文件图7 原料系统界面 6.给排水(甲方负责)Water Supply and Draining(In the Charge of Party A)6.1循环水:风机和油泵设备冷却水。Circulating Water: Cooling water for Flow Fan and Oil Pump 水 质 符合HG/T20690-2000标准 压 力 0.2~0.4MPa 进水温度 不超过36℃(冬季高于15℃)回水温度 ≤40℃ 流量 5~10m3/h 用水制度 连续 Water Quality HG/T20690-2000 Standard 双梁式竖窑投标文件Preure 0.2~0.4MPa Water Inlet Temperature Not over 36℃(In winter, over 15℃)Return Water Temperature ≤40℃ Flow Rate 5~8m3/h Water System Continuous 6.2 生活及辅助生产用水:主要为生活、绿化、道路洒水及冲洗场坪等 压力 0.3MPa 用量 ~6t/d 来源 厂区内总管网提供
6.2 Living water and Production Water: Used Mainly for living, greening, road sprinkling and yard washing, etc.Preure 0.3MPa Consumption ~6t/d Origin From main pipeline network in the plant 6.3排水Water Draining 厂区排水采用生产生活不完全合流制。雨水、雪水及地坪冲洗用水就近排入边沟边渠; 生活用水主要为冲洗厕所及洗涤用水,有机物含量较高,经化粪池预处理后排入厂区的排水管网; 生产用水为循环水,不产生废水,只是少量的蒸发,可定时补给。The living water and production water do not drain in the same flow.Rain water, snow water and terrace washing water are drained in to the nearest sideditch;Living water is for washing toilets and clothes, etc.The waste water is highly organic, so it will be drained to the pipe network for draining water in the factory;双梁式竖窑投标文件Production water is circulating water, and it does not make any waste water.Only a little water vaporized requires to be compensated.7、土建Civil Engineering7、土建 Civil Engineering 7.1 厂址概况 General Introduction on Factory Site(1)厂址地理位置(略)(2)气象条件(略)(3)地震烈度 本工程地震烈度设防为 度。(4)厂区工程地质和水文地质 地质情况和水文地质均以详勘资料为准。(1)Location(2)Meteorological Condition(3)Earthquake Intensity The earthquake intensity of this project is.(4)Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology The data in
the detailed survey taken on geological and hydrogeological situations is taken as final.(5)设计要求Design 1)门窗、墙体 Door, Windows and Wall 厂房高处窗为中悬窗。变压器室采用钢百页门窗并设金属纱窗,同时考虑冬季保温;门根据使用要求,外门采用塑钢门,内门为镶板门或胶合板门,封闭楼梯间采用乙级防火门。
Central-pivoted window is for the height of the plant.Transformer cabin is equipped with steel blinds windows, metal screen window.The heat preservation in the winter is also taken 双梁式竖窑投标文件into consideration.According to the requirements, outer door is plastic steel door and the inner door is panel door or plywood door.Enclosed staircase uses B-Grade fire door.排架结构的建筑物墙体材料采用240厚承重多孔砖,框架结构的建筑物填充墙材料外墙采用250厚轻质砌块,建筑内部墙体采用200厚轻质砌块。The material for the wall of bent structure is 240mm-width bearing perforated bricks, the infilled wall material for frame structure is 250mm-width lightweight blocks and the material for internal wall of the construction is 200mm-width lightweight blocks.2)装修Decoration 内外墙装修:所有生产车间内墙抹灰喷白;休息室、控制室、化验室、配电室、等办公生活设施抹灰刮白,外墙抹灰、刮腻子、刷涂料。The decoration for inner and outer wall: inner wall plastered and painted into white;the walls of the office area and domestic facilities are plastered, painted into white such as restroom, control room, laboratory, switchhouse;outer wall plastered, puttying and coated.主厂房内墙面采用混合砂浆刷水性水泥漆涂料,低压配电及控制厂房采用混合砂浆面刷乳胶漆;外墙面采用混合砂浆刷丙烯酸外墙涂料。Mix mortar painted with water cement paint for internal wall of main plants, mix mortar coated with emulsion paint on the surface for low-voltage power distribution and control plant and mix mortar painted with crylic acid outer-wall paint for outer wall 顶棚一般为刷白色内墙涂料。Usually white inner-wall paint for ceiling 主厂房刷白色涂料。低压配电及控制厂房刷白色涂料。Buildings and Floor: Usually concrete floor, cement mortar floor, partially non-sparking cement floor, anti-static open floor, marble for part of the terrace 楼、地面:
双梁式竖窑投标文件用架空防静电地板;部分地坪采用大理石地面。3)屋面Roof 屋面防水层采用SBS防水卷材及刚性防水屋面,卷材防水等级为二级;屋面保温层为1:10沥青膨胀珍珠岩,雨水管采用UPVC管。SBS waterproof coiled material and rigid waterproof roof are used as waterproof layer of the roof.The waterproof grade of the coiled material is the second grade, and the heat preservation layer is 1:10 asphalt expanded perlite and the rain pipe is UPVC pipe.钢结构及部分混凝土结构屋面采用复合压型钢板屋面或单层压型钢板屋面。Steel structures and some part of the concrete structure roofs are composite profiled steel sheet or single-layer profiled steel sheet roof.4)室外工程Outdoor Project 直接受大气影响的地面(如室外地坪,散水、踏步及门坡等),当采用混凝土垫层时宜在垫层下垫碎石土、中粗砂等水稳性较好的材料,厚度不应小于300mm。For the ground under direct influence of atmosphere,(such as, outdoor ground, steps),when concrete cushion is adopted, the material of high water stability should be filled under the cushion, such as gravelly soil, medium-coarse sand.The thickne should be no le than 300mm.散水坡宽度一般不小于1000mm,坡度5%散水沿长度方向每12m及与外墙面交接处留伸缩缝,缝宽20mm,内填沥青胶泥。The apron slope should be no shorter than 1000mm in width, gradient 12m.Expansion joints, 20mm in width, is made at every 12m on the apron slope and its boundary with outer wall, filled with bituminous grout.室外台阶踏步高为150mm,宽度大于等于300mm。Every outdoor step is 150mm in height and 300mm in width.石灰石料厂地面硬化三七灰土厚度300mm,C25混凝土220mm。For the hardened 37 lime earth and C25 concrete, the thicknees 300mm and 220mm.双梁式竖窑投标文件(6)结构方案Structure Design 1)建筑物室内外高差300mm。The difference between indoor and outdoor height is 300mm.2)本工程建筑物共6项。如下:Six buildings for this project: 电气控制室 原料筛分楼 设备厂房 竖窑底座及围护 受料坑 成品仓 Electrical Control Room Raw Material Screening Building Equipment Workshop Shaft Kiln Foundation and Envelop Enclosure Receiving Pit Finished Product Warehouse 3)建筑结构:Building Construction: 主控室、低压配电室为钢砼框架、基础为独立基础,混凝土C35,钢筋为一级钢或二级钢,砌体为M5砂浆加气混凝土砌块。分料皮带通廊采用轻型钢结构,彩色涂层压型钢板封闭,基础独立基础 竖窑底座基础为钢筋混凝土框架结构,满堂筏板基础 受料坑采用框剪结构,满堂筏板基础 窑前料仓筛分楼采用框架混凝土结构,独立基础 设备厂房采用框架混凝土结构,独立基础 Master control room and low-voltage power distribution rooms: reinforced concrete frame, single foundation, concrete C35, first cla or second cla steel as rebar and M5 mortar air-added concrete building blocks.Segregation Belt Vestibule: Light Section Steel Structure, color coating channeled steel 双梁式竖窑投标文件plates for sealing and single foundation Footing Foundation of Shaft Kiln: reinforced concrete frame structure, mat foundation Receiving Pit: frame-shear structure, mat foundation Pre-kiln Storage Bin and Screening Building: frame concrete structure, single foundation Equipment Workshop: frame concrete structure, single foundation(7)土建设计采用以下规范、标准:Based on National laws and regulations 1)国家规范 NATIONAL LAWS 《房屋建筑制图统一标准》《Unified Standard for Building Drawing》 GB/T 50001-2001 《石油化工企业设计防火规范》(1999版)GB 500160-1992 《Fire Prevention Code of Petrochemical Enterprise Design》(1999 Version)GB 500160-1992 《建筑设计防火规范》(2001版)GBJ16一1987 《Specifications for the Design Fire Prevention》(2001 Version)GBJ16-1987 《工业建筑防腐设计规范》 GB 50046-1995 《Code for Anticorrosion Design of Industrial Constructions》 GB 50046-1995 《化工建筑涂装设计规定》 HG/T 20587-1996
《Specification for Coating Design of Chemical Industrial Construction》HG/T 20587-1996 《建筑采光设计标准》 GB/T 50033-2001 《Standard for Daylighting Design of Buildings》 GB/T 50033-2001 《建筑灭火器配置设计规范》 GBJ 140 《Code for Design of Extinguisher Distribution in Buildings》 GBJ 140 《10KV以下变电所设计规范》 GBJ 50053-1994 《Code for Design of 10KV & Under Electric Substation》 GBJ 50053-1994 《建筑抗震设计规范》 GB50011-2001 《Code for Seismic Design of Buildings》
GB50011-2001 2)全国通用标准图集 National General Standard Altlas 《外墙保温建筑构造》 02JI 21一1 《内隔墙建筑构造》 Jlll一114 《楼地面建筑构造》 01J304 《地沟及盖板》 02J331 双梁式竖窑投标文件《钢筋混凝土过梁》 03G322-1 《钢梯》 02J401 《室外工程》 02J003 《平屋面建筑构造》 99J201-1 《压型钢板、夹心板屋面及墙体建筑构造》 01J925-1 3)设计标准和规范 GB/T 50105-2001 建筑结构制图标准Standard for Structural Drawing GB 50009-2001 建筑结构荷载规范Loading Code for Design of Building Structures GB 50011-2001 建筑抗震设计规范 Code for Seismic Design of Buildings GB 50007-2002 建筑地基基础设计规范 Code for Design of Building Foundation GB 50010-2002 混凝土结构设计规范 Code for Design of Concrete Structures GB 50003-2001 砌体结构设计规范 Code for Design of Masonry Structures GB 50017-2003 钢结构设计规范 Code for Design of Steel Structures JGJ94-94 建筑桩基技术规范 Technical Specification for Building Pile Foundations GB50191-93 构筑物抗震设计规范 Design Code for Antiseismic of Special Structures JGJ79-2002、J220-2002 建筑地基处理技术规范 Technical Code for Ground Treatment of Building JGJ81-20002 建筑钢结构焊接规程 Technical Specification for Welding of Steel Structure of Building GB50204-2002 混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范 Code for Acceptance of Constructional Quality of Concrete Structures GB50205-2001 钢结构工程施工质量验收规范 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structure 03G101 混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图 Cartographic Convention and Constructional Detail for the Plane Integration Expreion Method of Concrete Structure Working Drawing 双梁式竖窑投标文件
8、总图运输Site-Plan 8.1 总平面图布置Site-Plan(1)主要建筑物构成Main buildings 本工程包括原料受料坑、筛分楼及窑前料仓、竖窑底座、主控室、电气控制室、成品仓和设备基础等。This project includes raw material receiving pit, screening building, pre-kiln material warehouse, shaft kiln foundation, master control room, electrical control room, finished product warehouse and equipment foundation, etc.总平面图布置及其特点 Site-Plan and Features 总平面布置的原则:根据总体
规划,石灰窑在已确定的位置上进行布置,本着工艺流程合理,物流顺畅,布置紧凑,远近合理,满足安全、卫生、放火和施工要求等原则进行总平面布置,而且还在布置中考虑了各种工程管线。厂区用地和拆迁:活性石灰竖窑厂是利用空场地。工程用地范围内的地上与地下的建、构筑物均需拆除或迁移。总平面布置的特点:总体布局合理,充分利用了现有的地形,体现了节约用地、合理用地的原则。Principle: according to the overall planning, the lime kiln has been layout on certain location.According to the principle of reasonable proce, smooth logistics, compact layout, reasonable arrangement, safety, hygiene, arson, fire and construction requirements, the site plan is made and various engineering pipelines are taken into consideration.Site Land and Remove: the active lime shaft kiln uses vacant ground and the constructions on, under and acro this land all need to be removed.Features: overall layout is rational, makes full of existing terrain and shows the principles of optimal land utilization and rational land use.8.2 运输Transportation(1)厂外运输Off-Site Transport 生产石灰的主要原料是石灰石,该厂每年需要运入石灰石约26万吨,厂外全部采用汽运。
双梁式竖窑投标文件The major raw material of lime production is limestone.The plant needs limestone about 110000 tons.The limestone is transported from outside the site by trucks.(2)厂内运输
厂内设有石灰料场,厂内采用汽车运输方式,道路路面宽9米,路面结构为水泥路面厚22厘米。The major raw material of lime production is limestone.The plant needs limestone about 110000 tons.The limestone is transported from outside the site by trucks.8.3 总图运输技术经济指标
工程名称 单 位 数 量 备 注 1 2 3 占地面积 厂外运输量 其中:石灰石运入 生石灰运输 定员 m2 万t/a 万t/a 万t/a 约6500 约40 26 13.3 见后表 Number Project Name Unit Number Remark 1 2 3
Floor Area Off-Site Traffic Volume Thereinto: Limestone Input Quicklime Transportation Fixed Number m2 ten thousand t/a ten thousand t/a ten thousand t/a About 6500 About 40 About 26 About 13.3 Please Refer to the form thereafter 双梁式竖窑投标文件
9、环保、劳动安全卫生、消防 9.1 环境保护和综合利用 本工程环境保护设计依据: 中华人民共和国环境保护法(2008.4)中华人民共和国大气污染防治法(2000.4)中华人民共和国水污染防治法(2008.2)中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法(2005.4)中华人民共和国噪声污染防治法(1996.10)中华人民共和国国务院令第253号《建设项目环境保护管理条例》(1998.11)中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法(2002.10)《清洁生产标准 钢铁行业(铁合金)》HJ470-2009 《环境空气质量标准》GB3095-1996 《地表水环境质量标准》GB3838-2002 《工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准》GB12348-2008 《声环境质量标准》GB3096-2008 《工业窑炉大气污染物排放标准》GB9078-1996 《大气污染物综合排放标准》GB16297-1996 《钢铁工业水污染物排放标准》(铁合金)GB13456—92 《污水综合排放标准》GB 8978-1996 《一般工业固体废物贮存、处置场污染控制标准》GB18599-不2001 《建筑施工场界噪声标准》GB12523-90 中华人民共和国环境保护法The Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China(2008.4)
中华人民共和国大气污染防治法The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution(2000.4)中华人民共和国水污染防治法Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution(2008.2)中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法 Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution(2005.4)
双梁式竖窑投标文件中华人民共和国噪声污染防治法Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Pollution from Environmental Noise(1996.10)中华人民共和国国务院令第253号《建设项目环境保护管理条例》 Decree No.253 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China---Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection(1998.11)
中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法Cleaner Production Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China(2002.10)《清洁生产标准 钢铁行业(铁合金)》Cleaner Production Standard Ferroalloy Industry HJ470-2009 《环境空气质量标准》Ambient Air Quality Standard GB3095-1996 《地表水环境质量标准》 Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water GB3838-2002 《工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准》Emiion Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary GB12348-2008 《声环境质量标准》 Environmental Quality Standards for Noise GB3096-2008 《工业窑炉大气污染物排放标准》 Emiion Standard of Air Pollutants for Industrial Kiln and Furnace GB9078-1996
《大气污染物综合排放标准》Integrated Emiion Standard of Air Pollutants GB16297-1996 《钢铁工业水污染物排放标准》(铁合金)Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Iron and Steel Industry--Ferroalloy Industry GB13456—92 《污水综合排放标准》Comprehensive Sewage Discharge Standard GB 8978-1996 《一般工业固体废物贮存、处置场污染控制标准》Standard for Pollution Control on the Storage and Disposal Site for General Industrial Solid Wastes GB18599-2001 《建筑施工场界噪声限值》 Noise Limits for Construction Site GB12523-90(1)废气 石灰工程主要大气污染源为:原料筛分系统、双梁式气烧竖窑煅烧系统、物料输送系统中各胶带机转运点、振动筛、各物料仓产生的粉尘以及煅烧段的双梁式气烧竖窑产生的含尘废气。
双梁式竖窑投标文件(1)Waste Gas The main air pollution origin of the lime project are material screening system, calcination zone, every turning point of the belt conveyor, vibrating feeder, dust from every material bin and waste gas with dust from calcinations of double-beam gas-burn shaft kiln.(2)废水 本项目产生的废水: ① 助生产废水:厂区内冲洗地坪排水; ② 生活污水:冲洗厕所及洗涤用水。
(2)Waste Water Waste water from the project: [1] Production waste water: Water for terrace washing [2] Domestic waste water: Washing water and toilet washing.(3)噪声 噪声主要产生在窑顶、小车加料、风机房、振动筛等区域。(3)Noise Noise origin is kiln-top, charging car, flow fan room, vibrating screen, etc.(4)固体废物 石灰工程产生的固体废物主要是除尘系统收集的粉尘。(4)Solid Waste The dust collected by dust removal device.(5)治理措施 针对石灰生产中双梁式气烧竖窑产生的废气,采用一套烟气净化除尘设施,经过治理,除尘系统粉尘排放浓度≤50mg/Nm3。(5)Regulation Measurements A set of gas cleaning and dust removal facilities are for the waste gas。The dust emiion concentration after regulation is no more than 50mg/Nm3。
双梁式竖窑投标文件全厂污水总管。The production waste water is discharged directly to industrial waste water drainage pipe network;domestic waste water is drained to waste water main pipe after pretreated in septic tank.噪声治理措施:对窑顶、原料仓下部振动给料机下料处、振动筛等噪声区域采用厂房封闭方式;在上料小车及窑顶料斗内部安装聚氨脂缓冲衬板以降低噪音,根据生产厂家提供的实验数据,安装10mm聚氨酯板相对吸音系数为35%,可有效控制噪声;功率在75KW及以上的露天风机出口设消声器;主引风机、助燃风机出口设消声器。石灰工程产生的各类固体废物均可以做到综合利用,利用率可以达到100%。Noise regulation measurements: Enclosure mode is adopted at the kiln-top, discharging point of vibrating feed at the
bottom of the material bin;PU backing is equipped at the inner side of the charging car and kiln-top material hopper to lower the noise.10mm PU board , whose relative sound absorption coefficient is 35%, according to the experiment data from manufacturer;Open air flow fans over 75KW are equipped with silencer at the outlets;silencers are also equipped at the outlets of main induced draft fan, combustion fan.All the solid waste in this lime project can be comprehensively taken advantage.The utilization rate is 100%.9.2 劳动安全卫生(1)本工程劳动安全卫生设计依据: 中华人民共和国劳动法(1994年7月5日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第八次会议通过)中华人民共和国安全生产法(2002年6月29日第九届全国人大常委会第二十八次会议审议通过)中华人民共和国职业病防治法(2001年10月27日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议通过)建设项目(工程)劳动安全卫生监察规定(原劳动部令第3号,1996年10月)地震安全性评价管理条例(国务院令第323号)
双梁式竖窑投标文件压力容器安全技术监察规程(原国家质量技术监督局质技监局锅发[1999]154号)特种设备安全技术监察规程(GB/T12801-)压力管道安全管理与监察规定(劳部发[1996]140号)工业企业煤气安全规程 GB6222-2005 建筑设计防火规范 GBJ16-2001 工业企业设计卫生标准 GBZ1-2002 工作场所有害因素职业接触限值 GBZ2-2002 生产过程安全卫生要求总则 GB/T12801-2008 生产性粉尘作业危害程度分级 GB5817-1986 高温作业分级 GB/T4200-2008 固定式钢直梯安全技术条件 GB4053.1-93 固定式钢斜梯安全技术条件 GB4053.2-93 固定式工业防护栏杆安全技术条件 GB4053.3-93 职业性接触毒物危害程度分级 GB5044-85 构筑物抗震设计规范 GB50191-93 建筑灭火器配置设计规范 GB50140-2005 爆炸和火灾危险环境电力装置设计规范 GB50058-1992 火灾自动报警系统设计规范 GB50116-98 建筑采光设计标准 GB/T50033-2001 工业企业照明设计标准 GB50034—92 根据以上有关规定、规范和规程,充分贯彻了国家“安全第一、预防为主”的方针,采取了防火、防爆、防机械伤害、防雷、防尘、防毒、防热辐射、防噪声等一系列劳动安全卫生的防范措施,从而使劳动安全和工业卫生的水平与大型化、现代化的生产工艺水平相适应,在严格执行操作规程并正常生产条件下,可以保障生产安全和工人的身体健康。
A serious of security and sanitation measurements is adopted according to the our related national law and specifications to reflect the principle of “Safety First, Prevention First”, such as fireproof, anti-explosion, mechanical injury resistance, lightening protection, dustproof, poison protection, heat radiation protection, noise proof.Then, the labor safety and industrial sanitation levels of the project can match the large-scale, modern production proce.The workers’ health and safety can be ensuring under the condition of the strict execution of 双梁式竖窑投标文件specifications and normal production conditions.(2)生产中主要不安全因素分析 根据车间生产工艺流程,存在不安全因素有:(2)Analysis on Unsafe Factors in the Production According to the production proce in the workshop, the unsafe
factors are: [1]火灾、爆炸隐患Fire and Explosion 存在火灾、爆炸的危险场所:主控室、配电室、电缆沟以及燃气泄漏。Places with hidden danger of fire and explosion: master control room, power distribution room, cable duct and fuel gas leakage.[2]设备事故 竖窑车间设备主要有风机、卷扬机、导热油冷却风扇等,若操作不当易引起事故。Equipment Accident The main workshop equipment for shaft kiln are winch, flow fan, conduction oil cooling fan, etc.The accident will happen if the equipment are in wrong operation.[3]机械伤害和人体坠落事故 裸露的传动设备容易造成机械伤害事故,起重检修等高空作业区以及地面井、坑、沟等也容易造成人体坠落事故。Mechanical Injury and Falling of People Mechanical injuries happen more poibly on bare transport equipment.Falling accident of people happens more poibly in the high workings and the wells, pits, ditches on the ground.(3)安全与工业卫生防范措施 Precautionary Measurements on Safety and Industrial Sanitation ① 防燃气泄漏,燃气管道设有紧急放散阀,阀门组处设可燃气体报警仪,并有紧急快速切断阀。气源装置、紧急停车装置、主控室、电气设备根据防爆区域选用防爆型。配电室配有轴流风机或排气扇等满足通风系统要求。
① To prevent fuel gas leakage, the fuel gas pipes are equipped with emergency relief valve, valves group is equipped with combustible gas alarm instrument and emergency Quick-Cut 双梁式竖窑投标文件Valve.For air supply devices, emergency shutdown devices, master control rooms and the electrical equipment, different anti-explosion types are selected in different anti-explosion areas.Power distribution room is equipped with axial flow fan or exhaust fan to satisfy the requirements on ventilation.② 防设备事故、机械伤害和人体坠落 所有传动设备的传动件设保护罩;振动筛、给料机设有密封罩,同时设有联锁装置,防止误操作引起设备事故;皮带机都有拉绳开关及现场警铃;竖窑检修和在高空作业区的操作平台、梯子、沟、孔设防护栏杆,车间危险区如燃气区域设置隔离栏杆,并有警示标志及安全标志,安全栏杆设计执行安全规范。
② Precautionary Measurements on Equipment Accident, Mechanical Injury and Falling of People All the transport parts in the transport equipment are equipped with shelters;Vibrating screen and feeders are equipped with seal cover, at the same time, interlock device is equipped to prevent the accident caused by wrong operation;pull switch and alarm bell are set at the conveyor belt;examination and reparation of the shat kiln and the operation platform of the high workings, ladders, ditches and holes are equipped with barriers and the hazardous areas of the workshop(such as fuel gas area)are equipped with side rail, safety signs and warning signs are also equipped;the design of the bars conforms is done according to the safety specifications.③ 防雷、防静电
竖窑及烟囱、燃气管网等高大建筑物按《建筑防雷设计规范》中要求考虑防雷接地网的保护,电气设备操作台及所有电气设备不带电的金属外壳采用接地保护,以防止触电事故。Lightening Protection and Anti-Static
The lightening protection ground connection is considered according to “Code for Design of Lightning Protection of Buildings” at the tall buildings, such as shaft kiln, chimney, fuel gas pipe network, etc.The operation platforms of the electrical equipment and all the metal shells of 双梁式竖窑投标文件the electrical equipment without electricity are all in ground connection to prevent electric shock accident.9.3 消防(甲方负责)(1)电气消防 在爆炸和火灾危险场所严格按照环境的危险类别选用相应的电气设备和灯具。电缆与电气柜相接处采用防火涂料刷涂,电缆过墙、穿管后管口两端采用防火堵料进行封堵。电气室按国家相关规范放置手提式灭火器。油浸式变压器单独设置室内变压器室。变压器室之间用防火墙分隔,并在每个变压器处考虑导油管,可将漏油引至室外统一设置的集油坑。(1)Electric Fire Control The corresponding lamps and electric equipment are selected strictly according to the cla of risk of the places with hidden dangerous of explosion and fire disaster.Fire retardant coating is painted at the joint of cable and electric cabin, the two ends of cable are sealed by retardant fire blocking material after going through the wall and packed into plastic pipe.The portable fire extinguishers are posed in the electric room according to related national specifications.The indoor transformer room is set exclusively for oil immersed type transformer.The transformer rooms are separated by firewall, and the oil conduit, which can draw the leak oil to the outdoor oil sump, is set at every transformer.(2)建筑消防 石灰工程原料及筛分生产的火灾危险性类别为:戊类;耐火等级为:二级。原料称量室及热值分析仪室生产的火灾危险性类别为:丁类;耐火等级为:二级。主控室生产的火灾危险性类别为:丙类;耐火等级为:二级。风机房及卷扬机室生产的火灾危险性类别为:丙类;耐火等级为:二级;变压器室、柴油机房生产的火灾危险性类别为:丙类;耐火等级为:一级;其余房间生产的火灾危险性类别为:戊类;耐火等级为:二级。风机房及卷扬机室、变压器室、柴油机房与相邻房间的墙为防火墙,满足《建筑设计防火规范》要求。本工程安全疏散出入口均满足防火规范要求。(2)Structural Fire Protection The fire risk cla of the raw material of lime project and screening is E cla, the fire resistance cla is the second cla.The fire risk cla of the material weighing room and heat 双梁式竖窑投标文件value analyzer is D cla, the fire resistance is the second cla.The fire risk cla of the master control room is C cla and the fire resistance cla is the second cla.The fire risk cla of the flow fan room and winch room is C cla and the fire resistance cla is the second cla.The fire risk cla of transformer room and diesel engine room is C type, and the fire resistance cla is the first cla.The fire risk of the other rooms is E type and the fire resistance cla is the second cla.The flow fan room, winch room, transformer room, diesel engine room are all separated from the neighbor rooms by fire wall, which meets the requirements of “Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings”.Note: According to “Code for Fire Protection Design
of Building”, fire risk is divided into five claes(A cla is the highest and E cla is the lowest)and fire resistance cla is divided into four claes(the first cla is the highest and the second cla is the lowest).The entrances and exits for safe escape all conform to the fire safety rules.(3)水消防及灭火器配置 在电气室、风机房、各皮带通廊及竖窑煅烧区域平台按规定设置手提式灭火器,室外设置消火栓。(3)Water Fire Fighting and Fire Extinguisher The portable fire extinguishers are posed at the electric room, flow fan room, every belt conveyor vestibule and the platforms in the calcination zone of the shaft kiln.Fire hydrants are set outside the rooms.(4)消防车道及防火间距 本工程室外消防设施依托神木县柠条塔工业园区的消防站,厂区仅在道路一侧设置消火栓。道路环型布置与主干道环通,厂区道路兼作消防车道,车道宽度不小于4m,最小转弯半径不小于6m,道路最小净空高度不小于6m,均能满足消防要求。(4)Fire Land and Fire Separation The fire fighting facilities outdoor are near from the fire station at the Ningtiao Tower Industrial Park in Shenmu County and only on one side of the roads in the factory are set the fire hydrants.The roads are in annular, connected with main road;the roads in the factory can serve as fire lane.The width of the road is no narrower than 4m, minimum 双梁式竖窑投标文件turning radius no narrower than 6m, the minimum headroom no lower than 6 m.All these designs can meet the requirements for firefighting.本工程防火间距执行《建筑设计防火规范》GBJ16-87(2001版),厂房间距不小于4m。The fire separation in this project is done according to “Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings”GBJ16-87(2001 version), the distance between the workshops is no shorter 4m.(5)火灾报警及联动控制系统 在石灰综合楼中控室内设置一套火灾报警控制器,该系统由火灾报警及消防联动控制主机、智能型感烟探测器、缆式线型感温探测器、手动报警按钮、声光报警器、消防电话插孔及消防电话分机等设备组成,并通过网络接口与全厂管理控制中心的消防控制中心报警系统联网。(5)Fire Alarm and Gang Control System A fire alarm control unit is set in lime multiple-use building.This unit consists of fire alarm and integrated fire control computer, intelligent smoke detector, cable thermal detector, manual fire alarm call point, combine aural and visual alarm, fire prevention telephone jack and fire telephone extension set, etc, connected with alarm system of fire control centre at the Admin Control Center of the whole factory through network port.9.4 节能措施Energy-Saving Measurements 本工程引进的双梁式气烧竖窑其煅烧工艺先进合理,内部结构巧妙,极大程度利用了热量,具体表现如下:(1)煅烧废气经预热带预热石灰石。(2)导热油系统采用恒温控制,热量损失小。(3)主引风机、助燃风机、冷却风机、卷扬机均采用变频调速,不仅保证双梁式气烧竖窑煅烧的灵活调节,而且有利于降低电耗。(4)在燃气管道上装有热值分析仪及自动调节流量的调节阀,燃烧系统可根据天然气热值的变化动态调整其供应量,保证输入窑内热量均衡有利于煅烧高品质活性石灰,同时更能有效节约天然气用量。(5)出灰系统采用封闭式,在保证除尘要求的情况下,除尘风机运行功率大幅度降低。