Itinerary of Conference
10月25日 会议报到
Oct.25 Register at the conference.10月26日 客人开会
Oct.26 Guests are in conference.10月27日 客人开会,晚饭前安排观看独特的户外演出“印象西湖”
Oct.27 Guests are in conference.Enjoy a unique outdoor performance named “Impreion West Lake” before dinner.10月28日 上午8时从杭州乘车约3小时,抵达黄山市区屯溪,屯溪用中餐,入住徽商国际大酒店。下午游览华山谜窟、西递。
Oct.28 Take nearly 3 hours to reach Tunxi of Huangshan City by bus, check in Huishang International Hotel after lunch.Visit Huashan Mysterious Grottos and Xidi Village in the afternoon.10月29日 乘车前往黄山风景区,云谷索道上山,徒步游览始信峰、梦笔生花、狮子峰之北海景观、中餐后游览西海排云亭、经飞来石上光明顶,云谷索道下山,返回屯溪,续住徽商国际大酒店。晚餐后在黄山香茗大剧院观看多媒体歌舞表演“徽韵”。
Oct.29 Bus to Huangshan Scenic Area, reach to the mountaintop by Yungu Cable, Go hiking and sight-seeing over Begin-to-believe Peak, writing brush and Lion Peak in Bihar Area.Lunch at a hotel, then enjoy the Xihai view at Cloud-dispelling Pavilion, ascend Huangshan Second highestA glorious memorial archway in honor of a native, Hu Wen guang, who was a prefectural governor in Ming Dynasty.Houses in Xidi enjoy fine wood-carving, brick-carving and so on, reflect profound local culture and customs.It is called “the Land of Peach Bloom” or “Home in Wonderland” for its beauty and tranquility.It is also called “a treasure house of ancient resident architecture” for its well-preserved ancient houses and archways in Ming and Qing dynasties.As a historical and cultural site, Xidi Village was added to the list of World Heritage by UNESCO in 2000.花山谜窟
Huashan Mysterious Grottoskm to Tunxi, Huashan Mysterious Grottos were opened to tourists in 2000.In a small hilly area, 36 big or small artificial caves were discovered.A few of them(Cave No.35, No.2 and No.24)have been developed into the tourist sites for excursions.But there are still lots of questions and mysteries toward the origin and purpose of creating these huge artificial caves, as there isn't any historic record about it.After the exploration, every tourist will have his or her own opinions in the mind.It is calculated by experts from the deposit height of the stalactites in the grottoes that the grottoes were chiseled before Jin Dynasty.It has at least been 1700 years old.Who on earth did this? And for what? For troops shelters or food shelters? For stone quarry or the Emperors tombs? Maybe an unfinished “MoGao Grottoes” in Anhui? If it is a shelter for troops and food or a place where the ancient people lived, it is really a secret and safe place.However, How to get rid of it dampne? If it is for stone quarry, why not do it in the open air? Up to now, the proceed stone material without being carried away has still left in the grottos.It is very difficult for such stone material weighed several tons to be transported out of the grottoes.These questions make the grottos a mystery which is really difficult for people to understand.
人大工作调研行程安排月日(星期)14:00 前往X调研。(行程1小时30分钟。X 陪同人员15:10在x大桥迎接调研组) 15:30 抵达x乡,调研人大工作。(调研时间30分钟, x乡主席负责点上材料,点上汇......