Xuchang Tobacco Machinery CO., LTD
许昌烟草机械有限责任公司(以下简称公司)于 1958 年建厂,1965 年开始涉足烟草机械领域,是中国烟草总公司直属的最早从事烟草机械产品研发与制造的企业之一,2002 年改制为有限责任公司,成为中国烟草机械集团有限责任公司的四大控股企业之一,为中国烟草行业的发展提供支撑和保障。
公司现由南、北两个厂区和一个仓储下料组成,总占地面积 12.2 万平方米,总建筑面积约6.85 万平方米,其中生产厂区面积约 4.7 万平方米。公司内部采用职能型的组织结构,下设20 个职能部门,4 个制造分厂和 1 个负责备件供应的全资子公司。现有在岗员工 1200 人,其中各类专业技术人员 453 人,高级工程师 14 人,工程师 126 人,硕士学位 38 人。
目前公司主要的核心业务是 ZL26 B、ZL27、ZL22 D、YL43 滤棒成型类设备,YF17、ZF12、YF172、YF63、YF611、ZF15 辅联物流类设备及 Z J19B、ZJ15、ZJ114 烟支卷接类设备等三类产品,可以为卷烟工业企业提供完整的滤棒成型、卷接生产及卷接包物流解决方案。公司通过实施“整机、大修理、零配件”三分天下市场战略,形成了整机、大修、零配件协调发展的良好格局,公司近年保持科学稳定发展态势,产品几乎覆盖国内 所有卷烟工业企业,并远销加拿大、韩国、印度、印尼、伊朗等国家。公司近三年已连续保持销售收入 6 亿元以上,利润超过 1 亿元。截至 2010 年底,公司总资产为 6.95 亿元、净资产为 4.54 亿元。
公司长期以来秉承“专注执着,创新无限”的科技理念,一直将新产品自主研发及技术引进作为企业生存发展的 首要核心任务,1984 年成立了国内首家烟草机械研究所;1993 年被认定为河南省首批高新技术企业;2008 年被评为“国家级高新技术企业”;公司先后成功引进、消化吸收英国 MOLINS 公司 MK8、SUPER9、PASSIM7K 以及德国 HAUNI 公司 PROTOS70、COMFLEX 等技术。公司获得专利授权 18 项,其中实用新型专利 16 项,发明专利 2 项;近年公司技术创新成果显著,不断有新产品通过验收: 2008 年鉴定验收 3 个新产品,2009 年鉴定验收 3 个新产品,2010 年鉴定验收 4 个新产品。
经过“九五”、“十五”、“十一五”持续的技术改造,公司生产工艺布局不断优化整合,拥有主要加工检测设 备近百套,其中引进德国、瑞士、奥地利、英国、美国等国家的先进机械加工设备 35 台。信息化技术已涵盖产品研发、工艺设计、生产计划、仓储管理、营销管理、财务管理、人力资源及办公自动化等各个领域,成为企业进行技术创新、营销创新、管理创新的重要工具和平台,CAD、CAPP、CAM、CO-PLAN、PDM 等先进的技术手段被广泛应用于产品设计与制造。依托先进的数控加工与检测设备、完善的工艺控制手段和质量保证体系、科学的 ERP 管理系统和精益生产管理方法,公司的核心制造能力处于国内领先水平。
按照国家烟草专卖局和中烟机械集团公司“十二五”总体战略和产品专业化分工战略,许昌烟机公司“十二五” 期间将努力打造具有国际一流水平的滤棒成型、辅联物流类设备制造基地 , 主要承担滤棒成型和辅联物流类设备的生产制造、基础试验、新产品试制、行业技能培训等方面的任务,为行业发展提供强有力的技术装备支撑与保障。
目前,许昌烟机公司围绕“成为世界一流的烟草设备制造企业”的愿景目标以及“提供高品质的烟草设备和服 务”的发展使命,启动了易地技改项目 , 计划新征建设用地 400 亩,投资 4.73 亿元,新建联合生产厂房、科技楼等 8 万多平方米,2012 年底一座集科研、生产和现代化管理于一体的数字化烟机制造工厂将拔地而起,2015 年公司产值规模和产能将达到 11.5 亿元。届时公司将实现厂区的集中整合,生产工艺流程进一步优化,技术装备水平和信息化水平显著提高,形成柔性高效的生产系统,将企业全面打造成为能够代表 中国烟草行业制造业最高水平的烟机制造 基地。
Company Profile
Xchang Tobacco Machinery Co.Ltd(XTMC for short), founded in the 1960s, is located in Xuchang City, Henan province, China.As one of the four basic subsidiaries under China Tobacco Machinery Group Corp.Ltd, XTMC is the backbone to develop and manufacture cigarette-making machines, filter rod making machines, and logistics systems.We have always been devoted to providing cigarette enterprises with good service and high quality cigarette machinery.Nowadays, XTMC covers an area of over 130,000 square-meter, with 1,201 staff members.We have also succefully widened the international market, and exported a series of tobacco machines to America, Canada, German, Czech, Estonia, South Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Zimbabwe and so on.We are qualified at technical development and mechanical production of tobacco machinery for a long history.We have been constantly developing new products, which would satisfy diverse customers' needs.We have products such as the ZJ114, ZJ19B cigarette-making and plug aembling combination, with the speed from 5,000 cig/min to 8,000cig/min;YF17, YF12 cigarette storing and transferring system;ZL22D Fiber Filter Rod Making Combination, YL43 Multi Filter Plug Tube Combining Machine and so on.These products sustain many cigarette factories effectively.Our profeional rebuilt and overhaul work is able to rebuild and develop many kinds of combination, such as MK9, PASSIM7000, PASSIM8000 and SUPER9 combination etc.By providing quality products, highly efficient after-sales service and timely spare parts, we have built a good and long-term relationship with many customers.许昌远东传动轴股份有限公司
Xuchang Yuandong Driver Shaft CO., LTD
Xuchang Yuandong Drive Shaft Company Limited Company Snapshot Busine Description: Xuchang Yuandong Drive Shaft CO., principally engaged in the research, development, manufacture and distribution of non-constant velocity drive shafts and related spare parts.The Company provides four series of products: light series, which are applied in the manufacture of light trucks, pick-up trucks, sports utility vehicles(SUVs)and multi-purpose vehicles(MPVs);medium series, which are applied in the manufacture of medium trucks and paenger buses;heavy series, which are applied in the manufacture of heavy trucks and specialty vehicles, as well as industrial machinery series, which are applied in the manufacture of loaders, cranes and land scrapers, among others.The Company distributes its products primarily in domestic market.许昌恒丰实业有限公司 Xuchang Hengfeng
Welcome to visit our website and surf in the cool international head beauty charming Ocean!!,Belong to a wholesale manufacturer for industry profeionals-XUCHANG SHIYAN INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD.We are dedicated to producing the best quality human hair extensions and profeional tools and acceories related to head beauty for many years.As a profeional export-oriented enterprise, we specialize in supporting and serving best for the bigger wholesales on hair extension busine and head beauty area almost all over the world.we give the best suggestion for sales ,technique and all details during the cooperation with our customers.they love our high quality hair and our custom services.主营业务:Our Main products : 1...I tip(stick)hair and loop ring hair extensions ,mircro ring(falt inner,screw inner,silicone coated inner);plier(micro ring opener/colser);Needles(plastic/wooden/metal holder),bead loader,clips(metal,plastic).2...Nail hair ,V-tip hair , Flat tip hair ,fusion adhesive glue stick/Glue Pellets,fusion glue hot pot,fusion hair connector ,heat protect shield ,Finger protector,loop brush,glue gun,Keratin glue chips, related:Dying plastic glove;hair straighter(Solid ceramic,Tourmaline,Titanium),Hair Curler Iron,Triple Hair Waver,Hair Extension Iron(USA/UK PLUG),constant/Temperture controlled hair extension iron,Ultrasonic connector,Hair Dryer,Profeional hair sciors,combs(wooden/plastic).All of our products depend on the profeional and practical design, the modern and elegant style, the excellent quality and reasonable price, are exported to many countries and regions, such as America , Canada , Germany , Mexico ,UK, Sweden,Denmark,Turkey and Middle East Asia etc.We also do custom orders if you provide the design details or clear picture ,various talented technicians here will copy for you exactly very quickly.Please Tell us freely what you need on head beauty acceories ,etc.许继集团有限公司 XJ Group Corporation
因为有追求,人类步入文明的世界;因为有许继,世界一定会更加美好!Meage from the president 130 years ago, Edison invented the electric light, which made the human civilization take a crucial step;nowadays, XJ is working diligently and tirelely for human civilization to take off.The modern human uses electricity to support the running of the whole society and XJ Group Corporation is known throughout the world for conquering the difficulties of electric equipments.However, the pure tackling of scientific and technological problems is not the aim of our existence, but undertaking the responsibilities of electric equipments for the development of human is the value manifestation from our understanding.At present, global warming brings a series of subsistence crisis, industrial expansion brings a succeion of energy crisis, and the human suddenly finds that its subsistence orbit greatly deviates.Whereas, XJ has focused on the development of green energy equipments and produced a series of low-carbon highly efficient energy devices through unremitting efforts and struggle, creating bright living space for the human future.Because of the pursuit, the human entered the civilized world and because of XJ, the world will be even more beautiful!
President of XJ Group Corporation 许继简介 [大] [中] [小]
许继集团有着四十年的发展历史,拼搏精神是我们立足于世的基础,创新基因是我们毅然挺立的源泉——并以此成就了许继强大的产品配套和集成能力、灵活的管理机制、优秀的人才队伍、完善的质量保证体系、遍布全球的营销和客服体系。在美洲、欧洲、澳洲、非洲、中东、南洋,在电力、石化、煤炭、水利、环 保、航天、轨道交通、海运,都有我们的产品为人类文明进步熠熠生辉。
举世闻名的三峡工程,秦山核电、西电东送、南水北调、奥运鸟巢等工程,均有许继提供的优良血液——关键的成套设备在完美运行。也就是在对这些世 界级重大科研项目开发和重大工程设备制造的同时,许继集团荣获了多项世界第一。这不但为加快我国重大装备国产化进程、推动国家能源战略实施、提升电力工业 的整体运行水平做出了重要贡献,而且为人类电力建设历史增添了辉煌的一笔。
许继集团拥有1家上市公司、两家行业归口研究所、两家国家级产品检测中心、两家金融机构、8家中外合资公司。目前各类专业技术人员3268人,具有硕士、博士学位人员320人,国家级突出贡献专家24名。可以提供包括绿色环保能源发电、电力系统、工业配用电及轨道交通领域的全方位解决方案,产品 覆盖发电、输电、配用电等电力系统各环节,横跨一次及二次、交流及直流装备领域。
我们致力于提供清洁能源设备,为人类缔造美好的家园!Brief introduction Struggle and innovation ran through the forty-year development of XJ, which exerts itself to the utmost to build the production base of clean energy equipments for human beings—Central Plains Electric Valley of the world cla.XJ has forty-year development history, with striving spirit and innovation gene as its existence foundation.XJ has powerful product matching and integrated capacity, flexible administration mechanism, excellent talents, perfect quality guarantee system and global sales and service system.In the Americas, Europe, Australia, Africa, Middle East and South China Sea, XJ’ s products play an important role in the fields such as power system, petrochemistry, coal, water conservancy, environmental protection, aviation, rail transportation and sea transportation, etc.XJ supplies complete devices for the world famous projects, such as Three Gorges Project, Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, West-East Electricity Transmiion Project, South-to-North Water Diversion Project, Olympic Bird’ s Nest Project etc.Besides that, XJ contributes a lot to the localization proce of major equipments, strategy implementation of national energy resources, and improvement of operation level of power industry.XJ has one listed company, two industrial research institutes, two national products inspection centers, two financial institutes and eight Chinese-foreign joint venture companies;4358 employees, including 3268 profeional and technical personnel, 320 masters and doctors and 24 experts with national distinguished contributions.XJ is able to supply hi-tech solutions for fields including green energy power generation, electric network system, industrial power distribution and rail transportation, and the products cover power generation, transmiion and distribution and such other power systems, croing primary and secondary equipments, AC & DC equipments fields.Under the administration of XJ Group, there are 29 subsidiary or shareholding companies, with XJ International Engineering Corp.(XJIEC)and Central-South China Transmiion & Distribution Equipment Corp.(CTDEC)dedicating to the global marketing, power project contracting and implementation.♦ XJ International Engineering Corporation(XJIEC)♦ XJ Electric Corporation(Public Co.)♦ Fuzhou Tianyu Electric Co., Ltd.(Public Co.)♦ XJ Power Co., Ltd.♦ XJ Changnan Communication Equipment Co., Ltd.♦ Henan XJ Industrial Control System Co., Ltd.♦ XJ Electric Equipment Co., Ltd.♦ Shanghai XJ Electric Co., Ltd.♦ Harbin XJ Electrical Instrumentation Co., Ltd.♦ XJ Transformer Co., Ltd.♦ XJ Metering Co., Ltd.♦ XJ Parking System Co., Ltd.♦ Shenzhen XJ Fortunestar Parking Co., Ltd.♦ XJ Elevator Co., Ltd.♦ Henan Changway Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.♦ XJ Changxing Electric Equipment Co., Ltd.♦ XJ Superlift Electrical & Mechanical Equipment Co., Ltd.♦ Liaoning XJ Fuji Cable Co., Ltd.♦ Central-south China Transmiion & Distribution Equipment Corporation(CTDEC)♦ XJ Lianhua International Environmental Co., Ltd.♦ Shandong XJ Tongda Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd.♦ Henan Aerospace Jinsui Electronic Co., Ltd.♦ Henan XJ Information Co., Ltd.♦ China Machinery-electricity YiWan E-Commerce & Network Co., Ltd.♦ Central China Securities Holdings Co., Ltd.♦ Shanghai Rongchang Aet Management Co., Ltd.♦ Xuchang Relay Research Institute ♦ Harbin Research Institute of Electrical Instruments ♦ Electromechanical Design Institute of Henan Province We bend ourselves to provide clean energy equipments to create beautiful homes for human beings!打造“高度务实、负责、诚信和受人尊敬的许继”,是许继集团的终极追求目标!并因此更新出许继新精神:团结!奉献!拼搏!创新!亦创造出了许继新 价值观:即由“牢记使命的责任观、价值创造的业绩观、追求多赢的合作观”三个方面完美构建。其中尤以牢记使命的责任观作为指导工作的主要原则:
许继集团的企业文化从建厂之初的“边建设,边生产,当年不吃基建饭”,到八十年代“理想、纪律、勤奋、向上”的许继精神和“质量第一、用户至 上”的企业宗旨,到20世纪末的“许继使命宣言”,以及21世纪的“合力文化”,直至许继新价值观的诞生,可谓在长期发展的过程中形成了独具特色、内涵丰 富的特点。特别是许继新价值观务求形成以员工共同价值观、共同精神理念为基础的整体文化氛围,成为促进许继集团持续、健康发展的生命之泉,也是企业的核心 驱动力,更是一流企业应具备的内在素养——一流的企业文化,从而为许继集团在经济效益、技术水平、人员素质等方面走在全国同行业前列提供了充足动力,创造 了经济建设和文化建设相互推动、交相辉映的可喜局面。
Culture To be highly pragmatic, faithful and respected is XJ’s terminal objective;united, contributive, struggling and innovative is the new spirit;the sense of obligation of remembering well the miion, the sense of accomplishment of creating value and the sense of cooperation of pursuing multi-win are the three central factors of XJ’ s value system.Especially the sense of obligation of remembering well the miion is the main principle to guide work.First, satisfy employees.Employees’ satisfaction is the base of all responsibilities.Only provide busine platform, create good working conditions, and offer reasonable pay for them are truly responsible for them.Second, satisfy customers.Provide world-cla products and service for customers;regard initiative and high efficiency as the service target.Third, satisfy stockholders.Without the investment of stockholders, there is no enterprise development.Enterprise shall be loyal to stockholders and reciprocate them.Fourth, satisfy society.Enterprise shall not only pay duties according to the regulations, but also be enthusiastic about good works, making contribution to the social development, because the social approval is the vast fortune for the enterprise.During the long-term development, XJ forms its unique features.And the new value system forms entire cultural atmosphere on the basis of the common value system and spirit of the staff, which is the life stream for continuous and healthy development, and the core motivation for the enterprise.许继荣誉 [大] [中] [小]
♦ 荣获建国以来工业领域最高奖——首届“中国工业大奖”,是全国获奖的九家企业之一;
♦ 被科技部、国务院国资委、中华全国总工会联合授予“创新型企业”称号;
♦ 连续多年跻身“中国企业500强”;
♦ 连续多年跻身“中国重大装备制造业100强”;
♦ 连续四年跻身“全国电子信息百强”;
♦ 被科技部认定为“国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业”;
♦ 国家认定的重大技术装备国产化基地、国家级企业技术中心;
♦ 荣获首届“中国机械十大杰出企业”和“机械工业管理示范企业”;
♦ “许继”商标被国家工商总局认定为“中国驰名商标”;
♦ 许继软件公司连续五年被认定为国家规划布局内重点软件企业;
♦ 许继电力监控自动化设备和干式变压器被评为中国名牌产品; Honors During many years’ development, XJ receives innumerable prizes, which are the testimonies of its painstaking efforts, the approval from the state and society, and the unremitting motivation to inspirit itself.♦ Win the first industrial top prize “China Grand Awards for Industry” with other eight corporations.♦ Be honored with “Innovative Enterprise” by the Ministry of Science and Technology, State Property Management Commiion of the State Council and All-China Federation of Trade Unions together.♦ Rank among “Enterprise Top 500 in China” for years
♦ Rank among “Top 100 Enterprises in Major Equipment Manufacturing Industry in China” for years
♦ Rank among “Top 100 Electronic Information Enterprises in China” for four years in succeion.♦ Be granted as “National Important Hi-tech Enterprise Listed in Torch Program” by the Ministry of Science and Technology
♦ Be granted as “State Base of Important Technical Equipments and “National Enterprise Technical Center”
♦ Win the first “Top 10 Mechanical Enterprises in China” and “Model Enterprise in Mechanical Industry Management”
♦ The trademark of “XJ” is honored “Top China Brand”
♦ XJ Software Company is granted as one of the 50 key software companies.Social responsibility As a public enterprise, XJ knows well the social responsibility it takes, and for forty years, XJ bends itself to the return for society and supply of products which are helpful for advancing human development.According to the incomplete statistic, products of XJ influence the power supply of 1/3 of Shanghai, 1/5 of Guangdong, 1/3 of Shenzhen, etc;the domestic seven high-speed railway projects, nuclear power and Olympic project and so on all use the products of XJ and the operation of these projects mean much to the economic society of our country.Let’ s take GuiGuang Ⅱ DC transmiion project for example.It can bring bright to the poverty-stricken districts of three provinces and the application of XJ’ s energy-saving facilities can reduce 75% of power lo of one power line, thus saving a great deal of arable lands.Social commonweal:Reward the society with benevolence.XJ regards contribution to society as the social responsibility.It actively organizes and attends socially useful activities, such as donations for disaster areas in Southern snow storms and Wenchuan earthquake and etc.Production aurance:Quality first and requite the society with honesty and integrity.XJ offers customers with high quality products and service through modern managing approach and complete quality guarantee system;at the same time, as a public listed company, only high quality products can bring it larger economic benefit and thus returns the stockholders.Green & environmental protection:Repay the human with green and continuous development.XJ provides clean and energy-saving technologies and equipments and is dedicated to the research and development of low-carbon high-efficient clean energy devices, undertaking responsible for the harmonic development of economy and environment.XJ’s products in the fields of hydropower, nuclear power, and wind power directly advance the transformation of energy industry to green energy.Besides, the breakthrough in UHV DC transmiion and digital transformer substation not only improves the operation level of the national power system, but also saves construction and maintenance cost for users, especially largely saves land and such other society resources.Technical progre:Cooperation promotes development and competition is also cooperation.XJ thinks that it is directly bound up with society, government, customers, cooperative partners and competitors, so they shall be treated well, especially the suppliers and competitors.In the era of economic globalization and fierce competition, we shall seek co-win with generous affection and fine attitude.XJ adheres to the combination of “production, learning, research and application” all along and broadly cooperates with home and abroad enterprises and research institutes based on independent research & development to promote the progre of technology and society together.许昌正发源发制品有限公司位于中国最大的发制品生产、加工、贸易中心——中国许昌.公司拥有现代化的厂房,生产车间占地面积13340平方米,成立于 2000年11月,公司性质属于有限责任公司,位于许昌市魏都民营经济园区,地理位置优越,交通便利,具有雄厚的技术力量和先进的生产设备.本公司主要致力于发制品的开发设计、生产加工和出口贸易.公司拥有多种款式的人发制品,同时,公司还可根据客商的要求进行生产,承接来样加工,为 客商提供特定款式的产品.本公司主要以人发制品为主.我公司产品用料纯正一致,产品种类齐全,做工精细,畅销美、韩、以及欧、非等其他十几个国家和地区, 赢得了世界各国客商的信赖和赞誉....公司介绍:
Zhengfayuan Hair Products Co., located in Xuchang City, Henan Province--the largest human hair production center in China.We are one of the biggest hair producers sellers in China with about ten years manufacturing history.Our products are in high level with 100% Chinese or Indian human hair.Our main goods are: human hair, synthetic hair, straight weave hair, deep wave hair, free wave hair, water wave hair, Yaky hair, weft bulk hair, pre-bonded hair, micro ring extensions, clip-in hair, hair extensions, toupees, front wigs, full laces, training heads more.Not only the quality, but also the styles colors are popular with customers.We can also produce products according to your samples or color rings.Our company sticks to the principle of “high quality, reasonable price timely delivery”.We sincerely hope to establish good cooperative relationships with our new old busine partners from all parts of the world.We hope to work with you serve you with our excellent goods services.许昌市对外贸易有限公司是一家综合性进出口贸易公司,成立于1993年,具有独立法人地位,注册资金3000万人民币,年进出口总额2900万美元。公司 位于河南省许昌市东城区网通综合楼21楼(莲城大道与魏文路交叉口东南角),临近京珠高速公路,距新郑国际机场40公里。
Established in 1993,Xuchang Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.(XCFT)is a comprehensive import &export trade company, with independent legal person, registered capital of RMB30 million and annual import & export volume amounts to USD25 million.It is located in No.12 Liuyi Road, Xuchang, Henan Province ,close to Jingzhu Highway,40km from Xinzheng International Airport.XCFT is composed of 3 branches :Ningbo branch, Xiamen branch, Guangzhou.I.B.S.国际商业有限公司成立于2006年3月, 是许昌市对外贸易有限公司独资控股的法人子公司,注册资金100万美元。它位于尼日利亚拉各斯市布洛德街160/162号(160/162 Broad Street Balogun, Lagos, Nigeria)。它的英文名称是〔I.B.S.INTERNATIONAL MERCHANT LTD.〕
I.B.S.国际商业有限公司是许昌市对外贸易有限公司在国外设立的控股子公司之一。主要在海外进行发制品系列产品的直接销售及服务。“LOVINA”为 本产品的注册商标。I.B.S.国际商业有限公司借助于许昌市对外贸易有限公司的平台、快速发展,客户遍及欧、美、亚、非的十几个国家。总经理:孙磊峰
地 址:尼日利亚拉各斯市布洛德街160/162号(160/162 Broad Street Balogun, Lagos, Nigeria)。
电 话:00234-803-0803025 803-5246818
I.B.S.International Merchant Ltd.was set up in March 2006.As a subsidiary company solely owned by Xuchang Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.the holding and registered company, its registration capital is one million U.S.dollars.It is located in 160/162 Broad Street Balogun, Lagos, Nigeria.Its English name is I.B.S.International Merchant Ltd.I.B.S.International Merchant Co., one of holding subsidiary company of Xuchang Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.It mainly sales series of hair products and provides the relevant services.“LOVINA” is the registered trade mark of the above products.I I.B.S.International Merchant Ltd.Develops very quickly by means of the platform of Xuchang Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.Its customers are distributed in over ten countries in Europe, America, Asia and Africa.General Manager: Sun Leifeng Addre: 160/162 Broad Street Balogun, Lagos, Nigeria
佳信国际贸易(尼日利亚)有限公司成立于2006年3月,是许昌市对外贸易有限公司独资控股的法人子公司,注册资金80万美元。它位于尼日利亚拉各斯市 Simpson大街Sura市场12号(SHOP 12 SURA SHUPPING COMPLEX SIMPSON STREET,LAGOS,NIGERIA)它的英文名称是(JUSTIN HAPPY INTERNATIONAL NIGERIA CO.LED.)
Justin Happy International Trade(Nigeria)Co.Ltd.was set up in March 2006.As a subsidiary company solely owned by Xuchang Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.the hoding and registered company.Its registration capital is eight hundred thousand U.S.dollars.It is located in Shop 12 Sura Shopping Complex Simpson Street, Lagos, Nigeria.Its English name is Justin Happy International Nigeria CO.LTD.Justin Happy International Nigeria one of abroad subsidiary company solely owned by Xuchang Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.It mainly sales series of “HAPPY” brand stoneware dishware products.At present, “HAPPY” brand stoneware dishware products have earned high honor and been welcomed in Nigeria and all around market.General Manager: Zhu Zengxun Addre: Shop 12 Sura Shopping Complex Simpson Street, Lagos, Nigeria.许昌倍特发饰有限公司是由加拿大柯瑞斯.特纳先生个人出资筹建的独资企业。2006年6月该企业股权的53%转让给了许昌市对外贸易有限公司,改为中外合资经营企业。该公司是生产研发和销售系列发制品的生产型企业,总投资为1000万人民币,注册资本为100万美元,占地面积1.2万平方米。设计年生产能力为:工艺发条300万条,年创汇1500万美元,年实现利税1156万元人民币。
地 址:许昌市文峰路南段
电 话:0374-5123979
传 真:0374-5122399
Xuchang Bett Hair Co.Ltd.solely owned by Mr.Kores Tena from Canada.Till June 2006 he transferred fifty three percent of the stock right to Xuchang Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.So Xuchang Bett Hair Co.Ltd.becomes a joint venture now.Its scope of management is to produce, develop and sale the series of hair products.With total investment of ten million RMB and registration capital of one million U.S.dollars, it occupies the area of twelve thousand square meters.With designed annual output of three million pieces hair goods, it realizes profit in foreign exchange of fifteen million U.S.dollars , profit and tax of eleven million five hundred and sixty thousand RMB.General Manager: Wang Junmin Addre: South Sector of Wenfeng Road, Xuchang City Tel: 0374-5123979 Fax: 0374-5122399
许昌格罗科实业有限公司是许昌新区(东城区)首家外向型工贸一体化企业,主要加工生产人发制品、机电产品、陶瓷制品及其进出口贸易,年出口创汇500万美元,同欧洲、美洲、亚洲、非洲等国家和地区的20多家公司保持贸易关系。法 人:史书彬
地 址:许昌市新兴路(东城区管委会附属楼204号)电 话:0374-2960769 传 真:0374-2962888 Xuchang Glocal Industry Co., Ltd.was set up in July 2006.It’s a emphasis enterprise to make profit in foreign exchange.As a subsidiary company solely owned by Xuchang Foreign Trade(Group)Co.Ltd.the holding and registered company, its registration capital is eight million RMB.Xuchang Glocal Industry Co., the first open industry and trade enterprise in new area of Xuchang(Xuchang East Area).It mainly produces or procees human hair goods, electrical machine, stoneware products, also does import & export trade.Its annual profit in foreign exchange is five million U.S.dollars.It keeps trade relationship with over twenty companies in Europe, America, Asia and Africa.General Manager: Guo Qingrong Addre: No.12 Liuyi Road, Xuchang City(the Second Floor of Xuchang Commerce Burea)Tel:(0374)2625342 2333417 2661775-3602 Fax:(0374)2622469 Xuchang Glocal Realty Co., Ltd.was set up in Sep.2006.It’s a realty joint venture enterprise owned by Xuchang Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.and Custom Marketing Int’l.Its registration capital is six million two hundred and fifty thousand U.S.dollars.Xuchang Foreign Trade Co.Ltd.Controls fifty two percent of its stocks and earned the first grade right of developing real estate.It will develop the project of “Internal Trade City”, a synthesis project of synthesis writing building, open busine logistic centre and Australia style commerce house building which is located in the advantage sector of Xuchang East Area: the joint of Qianjin Road and Weiwu Broadway.“Internal Trade City” occupies over fifty thousand square meters, with layout building area of about one hundred thousand square meters.It will provide a commerce platform of upgrading competence and doing the best choice for trade and logistic enterprises and provide a warm house for busine men and the other people.Living in “Internal Trade City”, realizing your realty dream!General Manager: Han Shengli Addre: No.12 Liuyi Road, Xuchang City(the Second Floor of Xuchang Commerce Burea)Tel:(0374)2625342 2333417 2661775-3609 Fax:(0374)2622469
电话:0574-87269808 87283617 传真:0574-87268116 Ningbo branch was established in Jan 1999,it was one of the domestic branch of Xuchang Foreign Trade Co.,Ltd.The buine scope of Ningbo branch mainly importing&exporting human hair products、Machinery&Electric products.It has a long-time trade relationship with Europe、America、Asia、Africa and other area of 40 companies.Manager:Huo ruimin ADD:9F-A9 No.138 Zhongshan Time Square north of jiefang road ,Ningbo Tel:0574-87269808 87283617 Fax:0574-87268116
Xiamen branch was established in Nov 2003,it was one of the domestic branch of Xuchang Foreign Trade Co.,Ltd.The buine scope of Xiamen branch mainly importing&exporting Machinery&Electric products,clothes.It has a long-time trade relationship with Europe、America、Asia、Africa and other area of 30 companies.Manager:Xue zhanfeng ADD:803 room Luhui building No.65 haitian road Huli district,Xiamen Tel:0592-5623436 5623435 Fax:0592-5623435
电话:020-38461427 38478665
传真:020-38461383 38477750 Guangzhou branch was established in May 2003,it was one of the domestic branch of Xuchang Foreign Trade Co.,Ltd.The buine scope of Guangzhou branch mainly exporting Machinery&Electric products,ceramics, ore.It has a long-time trade relationship with Europe、Asia、Africa and other area of 70 companies.Manager:Wang jianfa
ADD:3302 room D1 floorNo.577 Xiehe New world the north of tianhe road,Guangzhou Tel:020-38461427 38478665 Fax:020-38461383
经理:杨 杰
电话:0579-85549979 传真:0579-85556703 许昌豪丰化学科技有限公司 地址:许昌精细化工产业聚集区 电话:0374-5695198 传真:0374-5695198 手机:***
本 公司拥有一支优秀的经营管理团队和一批高素质的专业研发人才,并与国内著名科研院所和大专院校有着广泛的联系和横向合作。现已建成400平方米的研发实验 室和1000平方米的中试车间,可以为客户提供从克级到公斤级的产品定制合成。另有两个5000平方米的放大车间将于2011年...Xuchang HaoFeng Chemical Co., Ltd.Addre: Fine Chemical Industrial Cluster of Xuchang Phone: 0374-5695198 Fax: 0374-5695198 Mobile:***
Xuchang Haofeng Chemical Co., Ltd.Is situated in Fine Chemical Industry Cluster of Xuchang.The company is engaged in special custom chemicals and research, production, sales, trade of chemicals etc.We are a private company specializing in technology development as well as manufacturing and trading.We always insist the aim “Quality first, customer first”, with our top quality, competitive prices and best service, we wish to be your most trustful partner around the world.Xuchang Hengyuan Hair Products Co., Ltd.许昌恒源发制品有限公司是一家专业从事发制品生产销售及配套服务的中外合资企业。自1999年成立至今,已发展到占地面积25000平方米,年产值近2 亿元。产品注册商标“lady star”已被美国、非洲、欧洲等八个国家和部分国外消费者所认识和认可,是业内“重合同、守信用”的优秀企业,连续五年被许昌市政府评为“出口创汇先进 单位”及“优秀企业”等称号。
本公司座落在许昌经济技术开发区阳光大道中段,在107国道西旁,东临京珠高速4公里。近段有华中国际大酒店、双龙湖广场,与开发区政府毗邻。在湖北、山 东、安徽、河北四省交界处,同少林寺、白马寺、龙门石窟等旅游景点相距极近。公司交通非常便利,30分钟之内可达新郑国际机场,通讯设备全部采用国际、国 内程控,可办理航空快件业务,公司现有1000W配电能力,生活用水和工业用水均用自来水供应正常。
公司现有员工2000人,其中管理人员120人,专业技术人员27人,与成立时的总计80人,在七年的成长历程中,人员增长25倍。企业下设 宇美发制品和惠多利发制品二个分公司,设有企业战略发展部、营销运营中心、物资采购中心、财务运营中心、生产部、质检部、技术开发部等9个部门和15个车 间。公司生产设备先进、技术优良、管理卓越。公司发扬“以市场为导向,以创新为力量”的企业精神,坚持“以人为本,以科技为动力,创世界名牌,以客户利益 为主点,走专业化、集团化、国际化的发展道路”的经营宗旨。
公司主要研制、生产各种型号和规格的工艺发条STW、YW、BW、JC、SB、SPWW;化纤发条Braiding Kinkcy ;化纤头套有黑人头套、白人假发;人发头套有高档头套、中档发套;特种发有Nayil hair、skin weft、hand tied weft等。产品种类齐全,工艺精湛,质量可靠,畅销美、日、韩、东南亚、非洲、欧洲等国家和地区。目前,公司产量、效益及出口创汇等各项指标在国内同行 业均处于领先地位。
许昌恒源发制品有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体化的发制品专业股份企业制合资企业。公司成立于1999年,经过9年创新发展,公司占 地面积达到10万平方米,建筑面积8万平方米,拥有各类员工3000多人,年产值3亿多元,是中国发制品行业中的优秀企业之一。
公司位于许昌市经济技术开发区阳光大道中段,西接107国道,东临京珠高速,北靠新郑国际机场,交通极其便利。公司依托雄厚的经济和科研实力,汇 集一批行业内的优秀技术人才,建立了以市场为导向的新产品研发中心。公司生产设备先进、技术优良、管理规范,现设有总经办、营销中心、财务中心、人力资源 中心、研发中心、生产中心、质控中心和物流中心等8大中心和20个生产车间。所生产的产品主要包括各种型号和规格的工艺发条、男装发块、女装发块、教习 头、化纤假发等系列发制品800多种色样和品种;月产工艺发条50万条,教习头7万个,化纤佩饰发16万个,化纤发条20万条,化纤头套3万个,人发头套 2万个,男装发块5000个。产品种类齐全,工艺精湛,质量上乘,畅销美国、日本、韩国、东南亚、非洲和欧洲等国家和地区。目前,公司在产量、效益及出口 创汇等各项指标方面均处于国内同行业领先地位。
“真诚、信誉、进取、共赢”是公司在9年发展历程中形成的文化精髓和价值理念。公司在迈向集团化、国际化的进程中,始终秉承“以市场为导向,以创 新为力量”的企业精神;坚持贯彻“以人为本,以科技为动力,创世界名牌,以客户利益为主点”的经营宗旨。近年来,公司多次在业内被评为“重合同、守信用” 的优秀企业,连续七年被许昌市政府评为“出口创汇先进单位”及“优秀企业”等称号。
Company Overview Xuchang Hengyuan Hair Products Co., Ltd.engages in the research and development, production, marketing, and service of hair products in China and internationally.It offers human and synthetic hair series, such as weavings, wigs, and draw strings;hand and machine tied, and skin wefts;and stick and pre-bonded hair extensions.The company also provides remy and colored hair, mannequin wigs, hairdreing tools, and nursing products.Xuchang Hengyuan Hair Products Co., Ltd.was formerly known as Yuzhou HengYuan Hair Products Co., Ltd.and changed its name in January 2001.The company was founded in 1999 and is based in Xuchang, China.Xuchang Hengyuan Hair Products Co., Ltd.does not have any Key Executives recorded.Xuchang Economic and Technological Development Zone Weidu District Xuchang, 461000 China Founded in 2001 董事长致辞
经 历了十九年市场经济的风风雨雨,瑞贝卡公司从手工作坊到中国最大的发制品专业公司,再到中国发制品第一股,从专事人发原料买卖加工到五大系列数千种发制品 出口世界30多个国家,我们真的努力了!抚今追昔,我由衷地感谢一直关心、支持瑞贝卡发展的各级领导和社会各界朋友,由衷地感谢和瑞贝卡合作共赢的国内外 各界人士,也由衷地感谢创造奇迹的瑞贝卡大军---一支被我尊称为“最可爱的人”组成的硬骨头团队!创业容易守业难,再上新台阶更艰难。瑞贝卡公司要建成拥有自主知识产权和自主知名品牌的国际化公司,并非轻易而举,然而任何艰难险阻都挡不住瑞贝卡人前进的步伐,“说了就干,干则必成”。让我们张开双臂,拥抱瑞贝卡公司更加光辉灿烂的明天!河南瑞贝卡发制品股份有限公司,崛起于中原腹地,坐落于许昌瑞贝卡大道,2003年7月10 日瑞贝卡股票在上海证券交易所上市,成为国内发制品行业第一股。公司现拥有各类员工11000余人,技术人员900余人,其中高级技术人员500余人。资 产总值21亿元,占地面积50多万平方米,建筑面积20多万平方米,是一家集研制、开发、生产、销售于一体的发制品专业公司,“瑞贝卡”牌工艺发、女装假发、化纤发、教习头、男装发块等五大系列数千种产品,畅销北美、西欧、亚洲、非洲的30多个国家和地区,倍受国内外消费者所青 睐。
十多年来,瑞贝卡公司严格遵守国家的法律法规,认真贯彻落实科学发展观,大力弘扬“精诚、创新、发展”的企业精神,坚持实施“人才、科技、品牌”三大战 略,充分利用行业优势,以市场为导向,以经济效益为中心,以技术进步和提高全员素质为动力,提高自主创新和自主研发能力,加大资本运营力度,积极推进民主 与法制化进程,以现代管理为手段,努力打造拥有自主知识产权和自主知名品牌的国际化企业集团。
公司坚持“质量第一,从头做起”的质量方针,率先在国内发制品行业中通过ISO9001 :2000国际标准质量体系认证、ISO14001 :2004国际标准环境体系认证和OHSAS18001 :2001标准职业健康安全体系认证、IQNet(国际认证联盟)质量体系认证的企业。“瑞贝卡牌”发制品分别于2005、2006、2007、2008 年被评为“河南省名牌产品”和“河南出口名牌”,2009年瑞贝卡商标被认定为“中国驰名商标”。
几年来,公司坚持科技投入,不断促进技术进步,相继组建了发制品工程中心、企业技术中心、国家级示范生产力促进中心、博士后科研工作站,承担了自主创新示 范项目,起草编写了国家发制品行业标准,完成了多项科研成果和技术专利,有效促进了公司的产品结构调整和产业升级,为建设国际化企业集团起到了积极的促进 作用。
瑞贝卡公司开拓创新,与时俱进,业绩显著,各项经济指标年年居全国同行业首位。2006年实现出口创汇14633万美元,纳税8876万元,2007年实 现出口创汇16819万美元,纳税11583万元,2008年实现出口创汇1.81亿美元,纳税15284万元,为地方经济和社会发展做出了应有贡献。
瑞贝卡公司不断进取,先后获得“河南省行业利税二十强企业”、“河南省优秀民营科技企业”、“河南省民营企业出口创汇状元”、“河南省民营企业纳税百 强”、“河南省明星民营企业”、“河南省民营企业百强”、“河南省质量管理先进企业”、“河南省守合同重信用企业”、“河南省诚信纳税大户”、“中国轻工 业500强”等荣誉称号。并被确定为“国家级高新技术企业”、“国家星火外向型企业”、“中国工业旅游示范点”。贾庆林、李长春、李克强、回良玉、刘云 山、曹刚川、贾春旺、张思卿、陈奎元、侯宗宾、徐光春、李成玉、郭庚茂等党和国家、省委省政府领导同志都到公司进行过视察。瑞贝卡
Henan Rebecca Hair Products located on Rebecca Road, Xuchang, which is also in the heart of middle part of China.It went through three development stages, starting from a small hair factory of Xuchang County to the general hair factory, and later became a Sino-US joint venture named Henan Rebecca Hair Co., Ltd.It was reshuffled in October, 1999 and established as a shareholding company in November, the same year.Henan Rebecca was officially listed at Shanghai Stock Exchange and staged its debut as the first shareholding hair company in the industry in China.At present, the company has more than 9600 employees, and more than 900 technicians, including more than 500 senior technicians, with fixed aets of 1.34 billion and net aets of 0.96 billion, covering an area of 0.5 million square meters with a floor space of 0.2 million square meters.Henan Rebecca Hair Products Inc.has become a profeional hair product manufacturer with its own design centers, production lines and sales network.As the famous ?brand hair product, Rebecca’s 5 series of products, including human hair weavings, wigs, mannequin wigs, synthetic hairpieces and toupees, totally thousand of different varieties, enjoys a good market reputation in more than 30 countries and regions such as North America, West Europe, Africa and Asia.Famed as Fashion of Hair, hair product is an important export product with high added-value and has been the concern of people with economic and strategic senses for more than 100 years.For more than 10 years, Henan Rebecca has performed strictly with government policies, pushed forward the enterprise’s spirit of Sincerity, Creation and Development, and carried out 3 strategies of prosper with “Technology, Brand and Talents personnel”.Being market-oriented, economic returns centered, and technology and staff quality motivated, Henan Rebecca Hair Products Inc.fully utilizes its advantages to raise the capacity of initiative and research.With the modern management, Henan Rebecca accomplished the historical Three Transitions: from a small factory of raw material manual proce to a manufacturer of finished product;from a single productive company to a modern company which operates and exports independently and bears solely its independent profits and loes;from a company with family administrative methods to a company with modern busine administration and finally to the one of social public shareholding.The ultimate goal is to build Rebecca into an international group of well-known brand with initiative and independent intellectual property rights The company maintains the sense of “Best Quality from Start”, they putting the management and control of the quality of the products in the first place.Ensuring the quality of the export products, the company carries the quality management according to the international customs practice and national standard request seriously.At present, the company is the first hair products company in our country and also the only one which was authenticated by ISO 9001:2000 International Standard Quality System, ISO14001:1996 International standard Environment System and OHSAS18001:2001 Standard Profeion Health Safety System, and the Quality System Confirmation of the company proved by IQ Net(International Confirmation Union).“REBECCA” hair products have been awarded as” Famous Brand Products of Henan Province” and “Henan Export Brand Name” in 2005 and 2006.The label “Rebecca” has been acknowledges as “Famous Brand” in Henan Province in 2006.In the past few years, the company has strengthen the initiative, and it has gained the outstanding achievement, after that, the quality standard of Rebecca products have been improved as Henan Province quality standards in this trade(filling the blank of this trade), “Technology Research Centre of Hair Products project” in Henan province, “National Hair Products Standard Technology Committee and Secretariat” have been entered the company one after another.The company becomes the unit which can draft the hair products trade standards.And “Post-doctorate Scientific Research Work Station” was established in the company by ratify of national personnel department in 10th September, 2006.HENAN REBECCA economical index are always in the first of this trade every year, The company contributes lots of things for the local economy and social development.Besides consolidating North American market, Henan Rebecca Hair Products Inc.has also energetically developed the African market centers on Lagos, Nigeria and the European market centers on London, UK and has built Rebecca a fairly well-know brand.After the opening of the Rebecca Fashion Company in Lagos, 2003, it created NOBLE which enjoys popularity and reputation in Africa through the analysis and practice of market, and seizes the market of medium and high-cla products in Africa with the broader prospect.Consistently improving itself, Henan Rebecca Hair Products Inc.has gathered attention from the society and was honored succeively “ TOP 20 Enterprises of Henan Profeional Profits Tax”, “Excellent Technology Private Enterprise”, “ Champion Exporter of Private Enterprise”, “ Star Private Enterprise”, “Advanced Enterprise of Quality Management in Henan”, “Enterprise Values Contract and Integrity in Henan”, “Reliable Big Taxpayer in Henan”, “Henan well-known Export Enterprise”, “Top 500 Enterprises in Light Industry in China” and was confirmed “National Spark Export-oriented Enterprise”, “Demonstration Pilot Project of China’s Industrial Trip”, “ Technology Center of Enterprise in Henan”, and “ Henan Engineering Research Center of Hair Products”.Many government officials have inspected the company succeively.Ma media such as People’s Daily, Economic Daily, Henan Daily, Agencia EFE, ASAHI News and the National TV stations of Ruia and Thailand have interviewed and covered the company.
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