
其他范文 时间:2020-02-25 20:12:08 收藏本文下载本文
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As the old saying goes, to people, food is all-important.2.食品安全问题似乎从来没有离开过人们的视线,从“瘦肉精”到“塑化剂”,从“致癌净水器”到“黑心地沟油”。

Food safety scandals never fade out of our sight, such as “lean meat powder”, “industrial plasticizer“, ”carcinogenic water purifiers“ and ”recycled cooking oil“.3.全国人大常委会通过了新的食品安全法,旨在加强对生产企业的监管,加大对生产问题产品的企业的处罚力度。

Chinese lawmakers paed new food-safety legislation meant to tighten supervision of manufacturers and impose tougher penalties on those who make bad products.4.中国“杂乱无章”的方法和依靠多个地方和中央政府机构来监管食品供应的做法是造成食品安全问题的原因之一。

China's “disjointed” approach and reliance on a patchwork of various local and national government agencies to police the food supply had contributed to troubles.5.食品安全危机背后最大的一个问题在于某些不法 商人受利益的驱使而不择手段地赚钱。

One of the biggest iues is the drive to make a buck at any cost.6.中国在国际市场的信誉因美国对中国食品安全的恐慌而岌岌可危。China's credibility in international markets had been threatened by a spate of health scares in the U.S.about Chinese food products.7.卫生计生委是食品安全问题的主要监管机构,但国家工商行政管理总局、国家食品药品监督管理局和农业部也参与监管。机构繁多,体制复杂,就容易形成尾大不掉的局面。

National Health and Family Planning Commiion is the lead agency on food safety iues, but the State Administration for Industry and Commerce is also involved, as are the State Food and Drug Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture The bureaucratic system is 100 big to function.8.我们面临着很多体制上的不足,如技术不足、检测不足、人员不足等等。

We’re confronted by many inadequacies in our system, such as inadequate technologies, inadequate inspection practices and inadequate staffing.9.经过多年的起草和修订,全国人大常委会通过了新的食品安全法,建立了问题产品召回机制,并批准从允许使用的添加剂到营养成分的标识等各方面执行全国统一标准。

The new food-safety legislation approved by the standing committee of the National People's Congre after years of drafting and revision sets up a system to recall problem products and authorizes the enforcement of uniform nationwide standards for everything from allowable additives to nutritional labeling.10.在未来,食品药品监督局在处理食品安全问题上将有一个新的转变,那就是从被动应对食品安全突发事件到从源头主动防止食品污染。There will be a fundamental shift in the FDA's approach to food safety, from reacting to foodborne illne outbreak to preventing contamination in the first place.11.Fonterra finds traces of a harmful bacterium in some products, 恒天然在一些产品中发现有害细菌。12.Chinese health officials ordered a recall of some milk shipments from Fonterra.中国卫生部官员下令召回部分恒天然出口到中国的奶粉。

13.A series of food scares has left Chinese consumers sensitive over food safety.一系列的食品恐慌让中国消费者对食品安全非常敏感。

14.Foreign food groups cannot afford to have their reputations tainted in China.外国食品公司无法承受其企业声誉在中国受损。15.A poultry safety scare came to light last December.鸡肉安全问题去年12月被曝光。

16.We know that major illne outbreaks and contamination incidents damage consumer confidence in a particular commodity or sector.我们知道重大的疾病爆发以及食品污染事件会损害消费者对某一一特定产品或产业领域的信心。

17.Breakdowns of preventive controls are inevitable.预防控制措施的失灵是不可避免的。

18.We should detect the problem early, minimize its scope, and act swiftly to protect consumers.必须尽早发现问题,将其规模最小化,并迅速采取行动以保护消费者。19.We should set the standards that define acceptable levels of food safety performance and create a level playing field for industry.“我们应该设立标准,为食品产业创造一个公平竞争的环境。20.A breakdown at any point on the farm-to-table chain can introduce a hazard, allow a pathogen to grow, or mi an opportunity to eliminate or reduce the hazard.从农场到餐桌这链条上的任意一个环节出问题,滋生病原体,或是错过消除或减弱危险的机会。



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