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1经济全球化加剧了世界经济的不平衡,使贫富差距拉大economic globalization intensifies the world economic imbalances, makes the wealth gaps wider 经济全球化首先带来的是对发展中国家民族经济的冲击,而且这种冲击是建立在不平等关系基础之上的。一方面,国际经济组织(世界贸易组织、国际货币基金组织、世界银行等)都掌握在发达国家手中,为世界经济运转所制定的各种原则、制度和秩序都是由他们制定的。另一方面,西方发达国家所拥有的经济、技术和管理优势,是发展中国家远不可及的。因而经济全球化中获益最大的当然是社会生产力高度发展的发达国家,而经济和技术相对落后的发展中国家尽管具有一定的中长期利益,但在近期或较长的时间内,是很少或很难受益的,甚至可能受到很大的损害和冲击,如许多民族企业亏损或倒闭等。
Economic globalization brought shock to national economy of developing country, and the impact of this is built on inequal relationship basics.On the one hand, international economic organizations(the world trade organisation, international monetary fund, the world bank, etc.)are mastered by developed countries, they enacts various principles, systems and orders for economy running.On the other hand, the western developed countries have advantages on economy, technology and management, in which the developing country is left far behind.So the economic globalization benefited the social productivity high developed countries , while despite the certain long-term interests,the economic and technical relatively backward developing countries is seldom or difficult to be benefited in the near future or longer time.they even may suffer a lot of damages such as many national enterprise was bankrupt.,竞争,创造高效率的同时,必然导致财富越来越向少数国家或利益集团集中,导致贫富差距的扩大。据世界银行统计,1983年高收入发达国家的人均GDP是低收入发展中国家的43倍,到了1994年变为62倍,社会分配更加不公平。造成这种差距扩大的具体原因是多方面的,有两个因素是显而易见的: competition creates high efficiency ,while at the same time, it inevitably leads to a few countries more and more wealther enlarges the wealth gaps between the rich and poor.According to the world bank, in1983, GDP in developed countries is 43 times higher than that of the developing countries , by 1994 it increased into 62 times.two factors causing this are obvious:
First, interests distribution of economic globalization is imbalanced.As developed countries is always in owner of capital and advanced technology, they has obvious advantages in competition.This position makes them rely on dominant right of the price to acquire more benefits when exchanging with developing countries.Current global rules of economic operation is not rational, most conducive to the developed countries.Especially non-tariff measures, such as green trade barriers, technical barriers, etc, these formulate trade standards intentionally made by developed countries is difficult to achieve for developing countries.Therefore, the present benefits brought by economic globalization for the world economy is based on the great lo of developing country..第二,是市场竞争使一些社会政策面临挑战。众所周知,竞争是市场经济的动力,由竞争带来的不平衡要靠社会政策来修补。各个国家都有各自的福利政策,通过劳资妥协来保持社会稳定。但全球化破坏了这一社会契约,以出口和直接投资为主要内容的激烈的跨国竞争,正在影响工资和就业状况, 社会政策在平抑差距方面显得苍白无力。经济全球化为以发达国家为主的国际资本开拓了寻求更高利润的地域和空间,在发达国家和发展中国家经济实力相差甚大的背景下,经济全球化使发达国家与发展中国家收入差距拉大。
Second, the market competition makes some social policies face a challenge.As is known to all, competition is the market economy power, while the imbalances brought by the competition should rely on social policy to fix it.Each country has its own welfare policy, which maintains social stability through labor compromise.But globalisation breached the social contract, with the fierce competition of multinational company affecting the wage and employment status.social policy are pale in suppreing the gap.Economic globalization broadened space for developed countries seeking higher profits.in the background that developed countries and the developing countries differs a lot in economic strength , economic globalization make the income gap between developed countries and the developing countries wider.2、经济全球化使世界经济不稳定性加强。
经济全球化使各国之间的经济联系越来越密切,相互的依赖越来越强,而有效的全球经济协调机制却没有建立起来,这就使爆发全球经济危机的风险不断增大。发展中国家市场发育不够充分,经济结构比较脆弱,更容易受到外部不利因素的冲击;而且由于发展中国家立机法不全,便于投机;发生在 1994年底的墨西哥金融危机和1997年的东南亚金融危机已充分说明这一点。最好的例证就是目前起源于华尔街的全球经济危机。
2, economic globalization makes the world economy more instable.Economic globalization makes economic relations between states more and more close, and mutual dependence more and more strong, and the effective global economic measure is not established, this makes the risk of the global financial crisis erupted continuously increasing.Developing countries’ market development are insufficient, and its economic structure is weak, thus more vulnerable to external unfavorable factors.financial crisis Occurred at the end of 1994 in Mexico and the southeast Asian financial crisis in 1997 has eloquently illustrate this point.The best example is current global economic crisis originated in Wall Street.4经济全球化还可能导致发展中国家生态环境遭到破坏。
例如,日益蔓延的荒漠化,土地的侵蚀,动植物物种的灭绝,海洋与河流道的污染等问题。其中发达国家往往出于本国战略利益的考虑,为了保护本国的生态环境不受污染,而把大量的污染源工业都建立在海外,既消耗了他国的资源,还污染了他国的环境。据有关资料统计,美国将60% 以上的污染企业建立在海外。
4, economic globalization could cause environmental damage in developing countries.For example, widespread land desertification , the erosion, extinction of plant and animal species, pollution of rivers and Marine, etc.,In order to protect ecological environment of their own ,developed countries tend to send a lot of seriously polluting industry to other countries, which not only consumes foreign resources, but also pollutes the environment of other countries.According to a statistics, the United States establish more than 60% of polluting enterprises overseas.5、经济全球化必然对民族文化带来一定的冲击。
这将使得各个民族的文化特质消长不等、凸显不一。这种现象,不利于文化的发展,更不符合百花齐放、百家争鸣的文化演进原则。文化的形态是多种多样的,有商品文化、制度文化、价值文化、语言文化、科技文化、艺术文化等。随着经济全球化趋势的加快,妨碍资本、技术和产品跨国界流通的障碍一个接一个地被拆除,继之而来的是不同文化、不同价值观、不同生活方式、不同信念的流入。有些在相互冲突和撞击中形成了新质——世界大文化,有些则会改变本民族的生活方式、价值观念和文化特性。5, globalization brings certain impact for national culture necearily.This will allow each nation's cultural traits changing and highlighting differently.This kind of phenomenon, is not conducive to cultural development,nor is accord with diversification cultural evolution principle.Cultural morphology is varied, having various culture, value , language science ,and technology, etc.With the trend of globalization , hinder capital, the barrier technology and product trans-border circulationwas removed one by one , then the different cultures, different values, different life styles, different beliefs inflows.Some in formed new world culture through conflict and crash, others will change the nation's lifestyle, values and cultural characteristics.总结
在经济全球化浪潮中,发展中国家由于在企业规模、效率、技术水平和研究开发能力方面都无法与发达国家相竞争,因而造成跨国公司的品牌和产品充斥国内市场,导致民族品牌消失;跨国公司操纵和控制了众多发展中国家的支柱产业和市场,抑制了民族工业的自主发展;发展中国家大量引进外资,造成国内通货膨胀压力增大并面临汇率风险和偿债风险;全球化还会导致发展中国家人才外流,特别是熟练人才和高级技术人才,发展中国家遭受教育经费支出和不能使用已培养人才的双重损失。summary Economic globalization makes the developing countries pay a huge cost.In the economic globalization tide, developing countries’ enterprise are unable to compete with the developed countries in the scale, efficiency, the technical level and the research and development capability, thus causing multinational companies’
brand and product to fill the domestic market, and the disappearance of national brand.Multinational companies control many developing countries’ pillar industry and market, stoping the national industry developing independently;Developing countries introduce large amounts of foreign capital, causing domestic inflation preure increasing and facing debt risk, Globalization also lead to developing countries’ brain drain, especially the skilled personnel and senior technical personnel, developing countrie suffer dual lo
education expenditure and unuse eady cultivate talents.全球化可能导致一体化
Globalization may cause identical culture, thus lose some of the traditional culture of some nation,which may caused cultural crisis.
经济全球化弊端1经济全球化加剧了世界经济的不平衡,使贫富差距拉大1 economic globalization intensifies the world economic imbalances, makes the wealth gaps wider 国......
金融全球化的弊端姓名翁雪娥学号09095007 班级09192011年9月1日 金融全球化弊端之个人见解摘要:随着世界经济全球化的快速发展进程,不仅给各国带来了经济腾飞的大好机会,但同时......