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第五届国际健康养生节暨2014国际健康文化年-走出去特别活动 “丝绸之路”经济带考察团驱车于当地时间12点抵达匈牙利布达佩斯 “New Silk Road in Built” delegation arriving in Budapest, Hungary at 12:00

local time----“Stepping Out”, special events of the 5th International Health Regimen Festival and 2014

International Healthy Culture


The delegation of “New Silk Road in Built”, who reached Budapest, Hungary at 12:00 on October the 3rd local time, were entertained by Shu Chang, chairman of Oriental Group of Hungary, Wei Jinqiu, chairman of Wink Table Tennis Club and Feng Deqi, chairman of Sino-Hungarian Commercial Chamber of Europe.Together they visited the Hungarian Parliament of a splendid European style in the company of the Budapest Government.世界健康组织联盟主席朱万勇(中)、执行主席兼秘书长钱靖向匈牙利总理府外交经济总顾问拉斯洛(右)赠送亲笔书画作品。

Wan Yong(middle)and Qian Jing, separately chairman and presiding chairman & general secretary of the World Health Commonweal Aociation presenting László(right),general foreign economic counselor of Hungarian Chancellery Foreign with Wan Yong’s calligraphy


Then the delegation were greeted and entertained by the aistant minister of Hungary at 19:00 local time.At the feast, a detailed introduction to the historic miion of the cultural, economic, and trade delegation of “New Silk Road in Built” was given by Qian Jing in their five-nation tour.1.参观、拜见国会、使馆和相关政府部门及行业组织,携带中国的书画和民族特色产品,赠送五国高层政府要员及代表,进行文化交流。

1.Presenting gifts-Chinese paintings and calligraphy as well as products of ethnic characteristics and exchanging ideas in culture with the top government officials and agents during their visit to the parliament, embay and industrial organisations.2、与该五国国会议员、使节及相关代表,研讨“可否尝试在中欧自由贸易区,为中国企业和其他非中欧自由贸易区成员国的企业,提供创新服务,吸引各国企业一起参与双边、多边的贸易,为经济发展和民间往来提供便利,提高区域经济循环速度和质量,实现互利共赢。”

2.Discuing with the representatives of the parliaments and embaies of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria and Czech over an attempt to increase the speed and quality of economic flow, and attract both businees of China and out of the Sino-Euro free trade zone to bilateral or multilateral trade on the win-win basis with the innovated service in the zone.3、寻求五国政府的支持,加强商协会的交往与合作,共同筹建“新丝绸之路经济带协作论坛”,筹建论坛永久性会址和展销中心园区,共建“新丝绸之路经济带 国家网上博览园”,每年定期举办企业家协作论坛,邀请中欧企业及中欧自贸区企业的参与,呼吁更多丝绸之路途径国家的NGO组织协同企业家参与,参与方共同推举轮值主席,增进相互了解和友谊,为开展深度合作奠定基础和提供服务。

3.With the support of the governments of the five countries, enhancing the communication and cooperation with busine aociations and inviting Sino-Euro businees, their counterparts in the Sino-Euro free trade zone, more NGO and entrepreneurs along the “China Silk Road” to the exhibition centre in the site of “New Silk Road Cooperation Forum of Nations in the Economic Zone” and annual entrepreneur cooperation forum, where the “New Silk Road On-line Expo of Nations in the Economic Zone” was shared and the chairman was elected by all participants.Through such deeper understanding and friendship among the participants, further and broader cooperation can be achieved.4、了解此行拜访国家对华引资政策和优惠条件,落实到具体项目,邀请众多政府代表NGO组织,企业来华考察,对接项目与洽谈合作。与总理助理先生进行了交流。同时也介绍了世界健康组织联盟召开的第五届国际健康养生节闭幕式全部内容,并邀请了匈牙利总理助理先生组团参加。

4.Inviting more governmental delegates, NGO and businees to China for the cooperation in certain programmes and understanding the Chinese investment policy and corresponding preferential policies in order for a better practice of specific programmes.Through exchanges with the aistant minister, the delegation invited him to the Closing Ceremony of the 5th International Health Regimen Festival after its detailed introduction.世界健康组织联盟执行主席钱靖(左)与匈牙利总理府外交经济总顾问拉斯洛(右)合影留念。

Photo of Qian Jing(left), presiding chairman of the World Health Commonweal Aociation and László(right), general foreign economic counselor of Hungarian Chancellery Foreign


The Hungarian tour of the delegation ended with warm and active programme introductions and exchanges in the company of the leaders from various circles of Hungary.


