《小王子》英语读书报告Book Report about the Little Prince_小王子英语读书报告

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《小王子》英语读书报告Book Report about the Little Prince由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“小王子英语读书报告”。

Book Report__The Little Prince

SUKI(Foreign Language School)

1.Introduction towards the author the The little prince written by Antoine de Saint, who hailed from France, is a masterpiece renowned worldwide.Antoine de Saint(1900-1944), a pilot, took part in the 1st and 2nd world war, who was a famous writer, his representative works such as Southern Mail《南方邮航》(1928)、Vol de Nuit, 《夜航》(1931), etc.In 1944, he piloted a plane and never came back.The flight recorder had it as: Did not return.He disappeared, but his Little Prince made him alive forever.2.Introduction towards the book’s content The Little Price is so readable suitable for people from 8 to 88 that has been translated into more than 150 languages, which has been known as the best readable book for our human beings and published more than 200 million versions till now, the number just next to the Bible.The Little Price told us a beautiful but sad story, which occurred in a boundle, dreaming like desert ___Sahara.Here a charming, mysterious blond boy came to the life of the pilot(or me).The Little prince who was a depreed, crystal pure boy hailed from a planet, or more accurate from Asteroid B-612(in chapter 5).He was fond of asking questions, never let a question go once he had asked it, but unwilling to respond others’ questions.He asked me to draw him a sheep, but since I was a child, I never learned to draw anything, except boas from the outside and the inside.In the first four days I knew all that his life from the sheep: I knew there is a kind of plant named as baobabs which could destroy his whole planet if he doesn’t pull them up immediately.Once a lazy man who had neglected three little such bushes resulted into a catastrophe: all his planet was occupied by the three huge baobabs.On the fifth day, it seemed that everything came to light about my Little Prince.He escaped from his planet because of affection-involvement with his flower, a proud rose.Before his departure, he carefully cleaned his volcanoes, pulled up the last little baobabs.All the task seemed so precious to him.When he watered the flowers he was very close to tears.But finally he left as he had decided to go away.He visited all his neighborhood planets.The first one was dwelt by a wise king, who want him to be a Minister of Justice.The little prince replied: to judge who, as there was no subjects to judge ? The king answered: to judge yourself and continued: “that is the most difficult thing of all.It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others.If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom.”

This visit made him feel the grown-ups are so strange.The second one was resided by a conceited man who always asked to appreciate him, and when receiving admire, he raised his hat in a modest salute, which action made the little prince feel the grown-ups so odd.A tippler who lived in the third planet indulged himself into drinking, sitting silently in front of a collection of empty bottles and also a collection of full bottles.The tippler just made himself without feelings, so that he wouldn’t be shamed of drinking.The little prince thought a weird guy again and continued his journey.A busineman owned the fourth planet, who kept counting when said “Good morning to the little prince.The busineman who was concerned with matter of consequence just had three times being interrupted since he lived in the planet fifty-four years ago, so he disliked to be disturbed.He just counted the little stars which discovered by him first and belonged to him accordingly.The little prince was puzzled what good it do the busineman to own the stars and found owning a flower may be just enough for him.The fifth planet which was the smallest of all, just had enough room for a street lamp and lamplighter.In the eye of the little prince it may be absurd, as where there was nothing else, except the street lamp and the lamplighter.But it was not as ridiculous as the king, the conceited man, the tippler, the busine man.For at least the lamplighter’s job to some extent had some meaning to light the star.So the little prince respectfully saluted the lamplighter when he arrived on the planet.The sixth planet which was ten times larger than the last one dwelt an old gentleman who was a geographer and had written a ma volume of books.the old geographer only concerned about matter of consequence, such as the ocean, the mountain, and will never recorded a flower which just the little prince mattered.Just the old gentleman recommend the little prince to visit the planet of the earth and the little boy left thinking of his flowers.Then he came to the Earth, where is so big with 111 kings, 7,500,000 tipplers, 900,000 businemen, and 7,000 geographers.He arrived in Africa, first he met a snake, then a fox, a switchman, a merchant, and the pilot(me).Just on the earth where made the little prince mied his flower, his volcanoes, he made a decision to return to his planet at last.3.The comments about this magic book(1)People who will find its meaningful and time worthy to read this book

I spent some time to think about why this book is so popular is because of the wisdom between the lines which is suitable for adults and children as well.Here I would like to catalog the reader into two groups: one is story-interested group who may just be absorbed by the great imagination, the other is wisdom-oriented who just want to seek virtue of wisdom.I belong to the later.(2)the virtues suggested by the book After reading, I just not only feel fun, but the more I get is the spiritual wise hints included in the lines: eg.the story of three baobobs, which told us little thing can cause consequence, so be careful with every thing.And the king’s words have made a great impreion on me too, who let us clear why some dictator finally fell down;here are the wise principles said by the king: “One must require from each other on the duty which each one can perform;accepted authority rests first of all on reason(被接受的权威首先建立在理智上.).I have the right to require obedience because my orders are reasonable.”

(3)characters analyzing

The little prince had a great affection with his flower, maybe I think just the author is a lonely, but full of feeling man.The little prince is so crystal pure as the shining stars in the sky which compared the ridiculous human beings who are hustling and bustling everyday to pursue fame and rank, which made the little prince confused, and feel odd towards the grown-ups.From the book I think we should let our children be children, never intend to kill their imagination, don’t drive them into the world of adult feelings, just because they are naive which is a great treasure of our human beings.And adults should change the role before judging the kids.To make a long story short, the eential of the book is its love in the lines, just as the little prince loved his flower.If you fill in love with a flower, you would feel so sweet at night in a planet where has nothing but you and the flower.I hope we would live as the stars, pure, and crystal clean.黄 绪 平

Guizhou University of Finance and Economics

Oct.2016 3


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