(二)、造成交通事故的主要原因还是由于驾驶员无视交通法造成的,其中以饮酒后驾车最为严重。所谓“饮酒后”,一是指不论饮量多少,只要饮用了含有酒精的酒,包括白酒、啤酒或果酒等,时间在八小时以内的,均为饮酒后;二是酒精检测器检测,看血液中是否含有酒精成分,含有酒精成分的则为“酒后”。那么,为什么规定酒后不准驾驶机动车呢?因为机动车是一种速度快、冲力大的交通工具,它要求驾驶员行车时,对于道路上瞬息万变的交通情况,要在0.75秒内做出迅速的判断,并采取恰当的技术措施,才能保证交通安全。饮酒后,酒会对人的中枢神经起麻醉抑制作用。实验证明,饮酒者每100毫升血液中含酒精50毫克时,反应能力即有所下降,达到100毫克时,下降约35%,达到150毫克时,下降50%,并使人动作失调,手脚失控。驾驶员在没有饮酒的情况下行车,发现前方危险情况,从视觉感知到踩制动踏板的动作之间的反应时间一般为0.75秒。饮酒后一是驾驶员会出现远视,视物的立体感上发生误差;二是反应时间要增大二至三倍。所以,我国《道路交通法》中规定禁止酒后开车。可有人误认为禁酒只限于白酒,实际上凡是酒类都含有酒精成分,如啤酒含3%至5%,葡萄酒含10%至15%,白酒含50%至60%。据统计,驾驶员酒后开车,其发生交通事故的比率为没有饮酒情况下的16倍。由于酒后开车,对交通秩序和交通安全危害极大,因此,我国把酒后开车按严重违章论处。(a), a day after a few “dangerous period” we drive, should pay attention to the driver:
1, at noon
About 1122.In this period of time is usually a period of high incidence oftraffic accidents at night.Because now people's night life rich and colorful, in addition to the general dinner, dancing,singing Cara OK and other recreational activities, at this time, whether pedestrians or drivers are very tired, safety awarene is weak, prone to traffic accidents.3, midnight
About 23-3, all sounds are still.At this time, everything is in “sleep mode”,there was little traffic, the driver is easy to produce psychological paralysis, in addition, this time for a temperature minimum time, easy to cause brain unresponsive, lower blood preure, blood veels and nerves, and stiff paralysis.These have increased the probability of traffic accident.(two), the main cause of traffic accidents or the driver ignored the traffic law caused, among which the most serious driving after drinking.The so-called“drinking”, refers to whether drinking much, as long as the drink contains alcohol liquor, including liquor, beer or wine, time in le than eight hours,were drinking;two is the alcohol detector, to see whether the blood alcohol content, alcohol content is “drunk”.So, why not drive a motor vehicle after drinking the provisions? Because the motor is a kind of fast speed, momentum big vehicles, it requires the driver when driving on the road, the traffic situation vary from minute to minute, to make a quick judgment in 0.75 seconds, and to take appropriate technical measures, in order to guarantee the traffic safety.After drinking, the reception of the central nervous system of anesthetic inhibition.Experiments show that, alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood alcohol containing 50 mg, reaction ability is decreased, reaching 100 mg, fell about 35%, up to 150 mg, fell 50%, and the movement disorder, hands out of control.The driver in the case without drinking driving, found in front of a dangerous situation, from visual perception to the reaction time between the brake pedal action is generally 0.75 seconds.After drinking a driver will appear hyperopia, errors occur depending on the material of the three-dimensional sense;the two is the reaction time to increase two to three times.Therefore, China's “road traffic law” provisions against drunk driving.Some people mistakenly believe that abstinence only liquor, in fact all wines contain alcohol component, such as beer containing 3% to 5%, with 10% to 15% wine,liquor containing 50% to 60%.According to statistics, the driver drunk driving,the traffic accident rate is not drinking 16 times in the case.Because of drunk driving, traffic and transportation safety hazards greatly, therefore, the drunk driving by serious illegal punished.