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【英文摘要】With the brought forward of the Basel AgreementⅢ,the transitional period of Commercial Banks has come.How to give consideration to both safety and efficiency has been an emergent problem to commercial banks.As everyone knows, the improvement of procees can help enterprises solve this problem.In fact, early in Oct.24,2005, Minkang Liu, the chairman of the CBRC(China Banking Regulatory Commiion), has proposed the concept of “Proce Bank”.Since then, nearly all banks, no matter how large, are making efforts toward “Proce Bank”.In nowadays, the phenomenon of everybody mentioning proce arises in domestic commercial banks, but there are few people really understanding “proce” and having the consciousne of improving.To some degree, the

practice of proceing bank once normalized the running of domestic commercial banks and improved the efficiency of the domestic banks.However, “proce bank” never played an ideal role in our country, the phenomenon of queuing, customer complaining and ineffective work of the bank clerks can be seen everywhere.It is obvious that the practice of “proce bank” in domestic commercial banks need to be profoundly considered and improved.In the past few years, foreign banks poured into China, the advanced management methods, diversified products and the high quality of services bring a tremendous impact on domestic commercial banks.Though domestic commercial banks carry financial innovation, but the result is bad.Domestic customers seems like to be uninterested in these innovative financial products, the loan is still the main profit source.For this reason, the efficiency of corporate credit proce is of great importance to commercial banks.This paper takes commercial bank G as an example to analyze the corporate credit busine proce.Firstly, the paper introduces the theories of the early busine proce, busine proce reengineering(BPR), proce management theory(BPM), bank reengineering theory and methods of proce diagnosis and analysis.Basic Statistics, time value analysis and customer satisfaction are

applied to quantitative analyze the present situation of the corporate credit proce.The paper analyzes the original proce qualitatively from demand of customers, proce consumption, bottlenecks, internal controls, proce stability and proce flexibility.Then, the paper uses brainstorming, Delphi technique, benchmarking comparison method to design an improvement proce of corporate credit this bank.Finally, the paper explains other measures related.This paper aims to provide an improvement proce scheme which is suitable and feasible for the present situation to commercial bank G.Because bank G is the typical bank of China, the others may learn a lot from this scheme.【关键词】流程改善 流程设计 商业银行 对公信贷业务 【英文关键词】Busine Proce Improvement Proce Design Commercial Bank Corporate Credit 【目录】G商业银行对公信贷业务流程改善分析8-9ABSTRACT9-10

第一章 绪论11-161.2 研究意义12-13


1.1 研1.3 研究背景与问题提出11-12究创新点13-14内容15-16

1.4 研究方法14-151.5 研究框架与

2.1 早

第二章 相关理论与方法综述16-28

2.2 业务流程再造(BPR)理论期业务流程理论16-1717-182.3 流程管理(BPM)理论18-202.4 流程诊断与


2.5 银行再造理论与实践

2.6.1 流程描述方法2.6.3 流程设计方2.6 流程改善方法23-282.6.2 流程诊断方法24-26第三章 G商业银行对公信贷业务流程现状描述及诊3.1 G商业银行对公信贷业务流程现状描述3.1.1 业务办理总流程29-31

3.1.3 其他基础流程33-36

3.1.2 授信与审

3.1.4 G商业批流程31-33银行对公信贷业务办理实例36流程定量诊断36-4536-38析44-45

3.2 G商业银行对公信贷业务

3.2.1 客户满意度分析

3.2.3 时间价值分3.3 G商业银行对公3.2.2 流程周期分析38-443.2.4 定量诊断结论45信贷业务流程定性诊断45-48务流程改善方案48-62设计思路49流程50-57计流程52-55审批流程57-58程60-62

第四章 G商业银行对公信贷业

4.2 主要

4.1 设计原则48-49

4.3 总体流程49-504.4 客户营销与管理

4.4.2 产品设4.5 授信与4.7 合同管理流5.1 企业文化

5.3 5.5 员参考文

4.4.1 客户开发流程51-524.4.3 客户管理流程55-574.6 用印流程58-60第五章 相关配套措施62-66中”流程思想”建设62信息系统建设63-64工培训与激励65-66献67-69

5.2 组织结构优化62-635.4 现场管理改善64-65第六章 结论与展望66-67










题库保证业务单选题 1,保证是建设银行根据申请人的要求,以出具(a)的形式,向受益人承诺,当申请人不履行合同约定的义务或承诺的事项时,由建设银行按照约定履行债务或承担责任的一项......




