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世卫组织总干事第15届世界烟草或健康大会发言时间:2012-05-31 15:40来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1356次

Galvanizing global action towards a tobacco-free world

-Keynote addre at the 15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization Singapore 20 March 2012


——在第十五届世界烟草或健康大会上的主旨发言 世界卫生组织总干事 陈冯富珍博士 新加坡


Excellencies, honourable ministers, distinguished delegates, members of civil society, ladies and gentlemen,各位阁下、尊贵的各位部长、尊敬的代表们、民间社会的成员们、女士们、先生们:

I am pleased to speak at the opening of this 15th World Conference on Tobacco or Health.I thank Singapore’s Health Promotion Board for organizing this event, and am pleased that WHO has provided technical support.很高兴能够在第十五届世界烟草或健康大会开幕式上发表讲话。感谢新加坡健康促进委员会主办此次活动,很高兴世卫组织为其提供了技术支持。

This conference is being held at a time when we are at a croroads in our efforts to rid the world of a killing addiction.In principle, the balance is entirely in our favour.In a perfectly sane, reasonable, and rational world, with a level playing field, the anti-tobacco community would surely speak with the loudest voice and carry the biggest stick.本次会议召开之际,我们正处于使世界摆脱一项致命性成瘾嗜好的努力的十字路口。原则上,天平完全倾向于我们。在一个完全清醒、理智和合理的世界中,只要有公平的竞技场,禁烟者必定声音最响亮,力量最强大。

Evidence for the physical harm, and economic costs, of tobacco use keeps growing, and I am certain that this conference will expand the evidence base even further.烟草使用戕害身体,造成经济代价的证据不断增加,我坚信,本次会议也必将进一步扩展这一证据基础。

Tobacco use is the world’s number one preventable killer.We know this statistically, beyond a shadow of a doubt.In a world undergoing economic upheaval, with populations ageing, chronic diseases on the rise, and medical costs soaring, tackling a huge and entirely preventable cause of disease and death becomes all the more imperative.烟草使用是全世界头号可预防死因。统计数字告诉了我们这一点,没有什么疑问。在这样一个经济动荡、人口老龄化、慢性疾病不断增长和医疗费用扶摇直上的世界上,应对一项巨大并完全可预防的致病致死因素变得益发迫切。

We know that tobacco directly harms the user’s health in multiple ways.We know that tobacco products kill their consumers.我们知道,烟草以多种方式直接危害使用者的健康。我们知道,烟草制品会杀害其消费者。

We know that tobacco smoking, like a drive-by shooting, kills innocent bystanders who are forced to breathe air contaminated with hundreds of toxic chemicals.We know what tobacco exposure during pregnancy does to the fetus, another innocent, blamele, and entirely helple victim.我们知道,吸烟就像飞车枪击一样,伤及无辜路人,因为他们被迫吸入含有数百种有毒化学物质的空气。我们知道,妊娠期接触烟草暴露会对胎儿造成何种影响,他们是另一些无辜、没有过错却又完全无助的受害者。

We know that tobacco use is not a choice.It is a powerful addiction.The true choice is between tobacco or health.我们知道,烟草使用不是一项选择。它是一项强烈的成瘾。真正的选择在于要烟草还是要健康。

We have evidence, and we have instruments.As a tool for fighting back, we have the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, with 174 parties now committed to implementing the treaty’s articles and obligations.These parties govern nearly 90% of the world’s 7 billion people.If safety from tobacco lies in numbers, we have them.我们有证据,我们也有手段。我们有《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》作为反击手段,现已有174个缔约方承诺履行公约各项条款和义务。这些缔约方治理着全世界70亿人口中的近90%。如果烟草威胁下的安全倚赖于数量,那么我们已经拥有了数量。

But we also know that implementation falls short, for many reasons, in many countries.We have addreed this problem as well.We have a practical, cost-effective way to scale up implementation of provisions in the treaty on the ground.That is, the best-buy and good-buy measures for reducing tobacco use set out in the MPOWER package.但我们也知道,由于诸多原因,在许多国家,实施工作跟不上。我们处理了这一问题。我们掌握了具有成本效益的实际方法,用以加强条约条款的现场实施。即MPOWER系列政策中载明的用于减少烟草使用的各种最划算和美而不费的措施。

We have abundant country experiences that demonstrate the effectivene of these measures.Evidence also shows how these measures can have a value-added impact.在证明这些措施的效验方面,我们具有丰富的国家经验。证据还显示了这些措施如何具有增值效应。

For example, in a study published earlier this year, researchers demonstrated that smoke-free workplaces actually decrease smoking in homes.These findings soundly refute industry-sponsored propaganda.例如,在今年年初发表的一项研究报告中,研究人员表明,无烟工作场所实际上能够减少在家吸烟。这些发现充分驳斥了由烟草行业资助的宣传。

Just two weeks ago, another major study, involving more than 700,000 deliveries, found that smoking bans have significant health benefits for unborn babies.This proved true for women who smoke but also for women who have never consumed tobacco yet were exposed to second-hand smoke.就在两个星期前,另外一项涉及70多万次分娩的重大研究发现,禁烟对未出生婴儿有重大健康利益。这项结论无论对于吸烟的女性,还是从未使用过烟草但接触二手烟雾的女性而言,都被证明是正确的。

And we have an enemy, a ruthle and devious enemy, to unite us and ignite a paionate commitment to prevail.同时,我们还有一个敌人,一个无情而阴险的敌人,它把我们联合在一起,并激发我们高昂的必胜决心。

Unfortunately, this is where the balance no longer tips so strongly in our favour.The enemy, the tobacco industry, has changed its face and its tactics.The wolf is no longer in sheep’s clothing, and its teeth are bared.很不幸,正是这一点使天平不再如此强烈的偏向我们。我们的敌人——烟草行业已经变换面孔和策略。这匹狼不再披着羊皮,它已张开血盆大口。

Tactics aimed at undermining anti-tobacco campaigns, and subverting the Framework Convention, are no longer covert or cloaked by an image of corporate social responsibility.They are out in the open and they are extremely aggreive.旨在破坏禁烟活动,颠覆《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》的伎俩不再遮遮掩掩,也不再披上公司社会责任的外衣。它们公然跳出,极具攻击性。

The high-profile legal actions targeting Uruguay, Norway, Australia, and Turkey are deliberately designed to instil fear in countries wishing to introduce similarly tough tobacco control measures.那些针对乌拉圭、挪威、澳大利亚和土耳其的高调法律诉讼,是一些蓄意行为,目的是恐吓那些希望采用类似严格烟草控制措施的国家。

What the industry wants to see is a domino effect.When one country’s resolve falters under the preure of costly, drawn-out litigation and threats of billion-dollar settlements, others with similar intentions are likely to topple as well.这一行业希望看到的是多米诺效应。当费用高昂且旷日持久的诉讼压力以及数十亿美元的清算威胁动摇了一个国家的决心,其他有类似打算的国家很可能也会倒下。

Numerous other countries are being subjected to the same kind of aggreive scare tactics.It is hard for any country to bear the financial burden of this kind of litigation, but most especially so for small countries like Uruguay.This is not a sane, or reasonable, or rational situation in any sense.This is not a level playing field.许多其他国家都受制于此类咄咄逼人的恐吓策略。任何国家都难以承受此类诉讼的财政负担,对于乌拉圭等小国来说,情况尤其如此。从任何意义上讲,这都不是清醒、理智和合理的情况。这不是公平竞技。

Big Tobacco can afford to hire the best lawyers and PR firms that money can buy.Big Money can speak louder than any moral, ethical, or public health argument, and can trample even the most damning scientific evidence.We have seen this happen before.大型烟草公司有钱可花,能够买通大牌律师和公关公司。万贯金钱的发言权胜过任何道德、伦理或公共卫生论辩,还能够践踏最有力的科学证据。我们已经见识这些。

It is horrific to think that an industry known for its dirty tricks and dirty laundry could be allowed to trump what is clearly in the public’s best interest.想到竟然能够听任一个尽人皆知充斥肮脏伎俩和黑幕的行业压倒明显的最佳公共利益,这着实令人震惊。

And there are other tactics, some new, others just old butts in new ashtrays.还有其他伎俩,有些是新的,有些则是新烟缸中的旧烟蒂。

In some countries, the tobacco industry is pushing for joint government-industry committees to vet or screen all policy and legislative matters pertaining to tobacco control.Don’t fall into this trap.Doing so is just like appointing a committee of foxes to look after your chickens.在一些国家,烟草行业正在推动建立政府—行业联合委员会,审核或筛查所有与烟草控制相关的政策和立法事务。不要落入这个陷阱。这样做就如同委托狐狸组成的委员会去照料鸡雏。

More and more, investigations are uncovering the tobacco industry’s hand in court cases filed against tobacco control measures.调查越来越多地揭露了烟草业向法庭提起反对烟草控制措施的诉讼。

Paying people to use a country’s judicial system to challenge the legality of measures that protect the public is a flagrant abuse of the judicial system and a flagrant affront to national sovereignty.This is direct interference with a country’s internal affairs.花钱雇人利用一国的司法制度挑战保护公众的措施的合法性,是对司法制度的公然滥用,也是公然冒犯国家主权。这是对国家内政的直接干预。

Members of civil society,民间社会的成员们,We need you, now more than ever.我们比以往任何时候都更加需要你们。

Experience has shown that, when government political resolve falters or weakens under industry preure, coalitions of civil society can take up the slack and carry the day.We need this kind of outcry, this kind of rage.经验表明,当政府的政治决心在行业压力之下动摇或减弱时,民间社会联盟能够收拾残局,克敌制胜。我们需要这样的呐喊,这样的激情。

Shaping public opinion is vital.If tough tobacco legislation wins votes, politicians will back it, and fight back against industry.影响公共舆论至关重要。如果严苛的烟草立法能够拉来选票,政客们就会支持它,反击烟草业。

Last year’s high-level UN meeting on noncommunicable diseases adopted a political declaration.To reduce risk factors and create health-promoting environments, heads of state and government agreed on the need to accelerate implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.去年,联合国非传染性疾病高级别会议通过了一项政治宣言。为减少风险因素并创建促进健康的环境,国家元首和政府首脑同意需要加速实施《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》。

They recognized that substantially reducing tobacco consumption contributes to reducing NCDs and has considerable health benefits for individuals and countries.They also recognized the fundamental conflict of interest that exists between the tobacco industry and public health.他们承认,大幅度减少烟草消费可以减少非传染性疾病,并对个人和国家产生巨大的健康利益。他们还承认了烟草业与公共卫生之间存在根本性的利害冲突。

When I addreed that meeting, I reminded participants that full implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control would deliver the single biggest preventive blow to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and respiratory disease.I called on heads of state and government to stand rock-hard against the despicable efforts of the tobacco industry to subvert this treaty.我在那次会议上致词时,曾提醒与会者,全面实施《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》将成为预防心脏病、癌症、糖尿病和呼吸系统疾病的单一最大预防措施。我呼吁国家元首和政府首脑坚定各自立场,坚决反对烟草业颠覆这一公约的可耻行径。

Ladies and gentlemen,女士们,先生们:

I have a final comment.我还有最后一点评论。

I come from a culture that shows great respect for its elders.So let me say that some of the older people in this audience may recall the Virginia Slims marketing campaign that targeted young profeional women.我出身于一个极为尊重老年人的文化。因此,请允许我说,出席今天会议的某些老人可能还记得专门针对年轻职业女性的弗吉尼亚细长香烟的市场营销运动。

That campaign sought to hook teenaged girls and young women by portraying smoking as a symbol of emancipation and self-aertive freedom.Its slogan was memorable: “You’ve come a long way, baby.”


Let me turn that around, addreing my own personal marketing campaign to the tobacco industry.让我颠倒过来,向烟草业宣示我个人的市场营销运动。

“We’ve come a long way, bullies.We will not be fazed by your harament.Your products kill nearly 6 million people each year.You run a killing and intimidating industry, but not in a crush-proof box.Tobacco industry: the number and fortitude of your public health enemies will damage your health.”


Ladies and gentlemen,女士们,先生们:

I sincerely hope that this conference, including the high-level ministerial panel on countering tobacco industry interference, will again tip the balance entirely in our favour.我衷心希望,本次会议,包括有关对抗烟草行业干扰的高级别部长级小组会议,将会再次使天平完全倾向于我们一方。

This conference is our watershed event.I sincerely hope that this event further damages the health of an industry that aggreively sells a health-destroying addiction.本次会议是一次具有转折点意义的活动。我衷心希望,一个猖獗出售损毁健康的成瘾性的行业,其健康将因本次活动受到进一步打击。

We can, and must, stop this industry’s maive contribution to sickne and death, dead in its tracks.我们能够,并且必须阻止这一行业所导致的大量疾病和死亡,刻不容缓。

I wish you a most productive meeting.Thank you.我预祝这次会议卓有成效。谢谢。



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