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共迎挑战 共同发展


Work Together to Meet Challenges and Pursue Common Development Statement by at the General Debate of the 66th Seion of the UN General Aembly

中华人民共和国外交部长 杨洁篪

H.E.Yang Jiechi Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China


纽约 New York, 26 September 2011



I wish to begin by congratulating you on your election as president of the 66th Seion of the General Aembly.I am confident that, with your outstanding ability and rich experience, you will fulfill this lofty miion.I wish to thank Mr.Dei for his contribution as president of the last seion.I also wish to take this opportunity to extend warm congratulations to the Republic of South Sudan on joining the family of the United Nations as its193rd member.主席先生,女士们,先生们:

Mr.President, Ladies and Gentlemen,我们已经走过21世纪的第一个十年。回首过去的十年,世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展,国家间相互依存日趋加深,科技革命深刻地改变着人类社会的面貌。同时,各种传统、非传统安全威胁和全球性挑战相互交织,世界并不安宁。我们现正迈入新世纪第二个十年,世界的和平与发展经历着很不平凡的历史进程。国际形势继续深刻复杂变化,在总体和平的大背景下,各种不稳定、不确定因素增多,发展问题更加严重,实现共同发展比任何时候都更加重要,也更加紧迫。

The first decade of the 21st century is now behind us.During this decade, the trend towards a multipolar world and economic globalization gained momentum.Countries became increasingly interdependent.Revolution in science and technology brought about profound transformation of the human society.On the other hand, various traditional and non-traditional security threats and global challenges were intertwined, and the world was far from a peaceful place.As the second decade of the new century begins, the world has entered an extraordinary historical stage in its pursuit of peace and development, and it continues to undergo profound and complex changes.Factors of uncertainty and instability are increasing despite the generally peaceful international environment.Development is becoming an increasingly serious iue, and promoting common development has become a more important and preing task than ever before.当前,全球发展面临新的重要关口。世界经济复苏进程脆弱,国际金融市场动荡,可持续发展任务艰巨,世界经济面临“增长关”。西亚北非部分国家政局持续动荡,恐怖主义滋长蔓延,全球性挑战不断上升,国际形势面临“稳定关”。南北发展不平衡依然突出,国际金融危机导致全球极度贫困人口新增6400万,饥饿人口接近10亿,完成联合国千年发展目标任务急迫,各方亟待加强合作,帮助最不发达国家迈过“温饱关”。

Global development is now at a new critical juncture.Global recovery remains fragile, international financial markets are volatile and the pursuit of sustainable development faces daunting challenges.The world economy therefore has to meet the crucial test of maintaining growth.Some countries in west Asia and north Africa are in continual political turmoil.Terrorist threats are spreading, and global challenges are growing.The international community faces a critical test of maintaining stability.The gap in development between the South and the North is as wide as ever.The population living in absolute poverty has increased by 64 million due to the international financial crisis, and nearly one billion people suffer from starvation.Meeting the UN Millennium Development Goals calls for urgent actions.It is imperative to step up international cooperation to help the least developed countries(LDCs)meet the test of ensuring basic living needs of their people.在挑战面前,我们实现共同发展的使命重大,也面临难得的新机遇。经济全球化使各国利益融合更加紧密,以合作谋安全、以稳定促发展成为普遍共识;各国纷纷以创新思维应对发展难题,发达国家积极巩固财政,采取经济刺激措施,加快经济结构调整,努力摆脱危机困扰。广大发展中国家总体保持良好发展势头,尤其值得一提的是,一批新兴经济体国家加快发展,带动着世界经济的增长;全球经济治理机制改革稳步推进,各种区域合作机制蓬勃发展;各方加快发展绿色经济,探索可持续发展方式,为共同发展提供了新的动力和空间。

In the face of these challenges, we share an important miion to achieve common development, and we also have rare new opportunities.Economic globalization has made the interests of countries more closely interconnected.Ensuring security through cooperation and promoting development through stability has become our shared desire.Countries are addreing development challenges in innovative ways.To overcome crisis, developed countries have taken steps to improve their fiscal conditions, adopted stimulus measures and accelerated economic structural adjustment.Developing countries as a whole have maintained good momentum of growth.In particular, the rapid growth in some emerging economies has driven the growth of the world economy.Progre has been made in the reform of the global economic governance structure, and various regional cooperation mechanisms are growing.Efforts to accelerate the development of green economy and explore new modes of sustainable growth have created new momentum and space for common development.面对新的机遇和挑战,如何同舟共济、共克时艰,实现互利共赢和共同发展,这是历史赋予我们的共同责任和使命。为此:

Faced with both new opportunities and challenges, we should work as a team to overcome difficulties and pursue mutual benefit and common development.This is the responsibility and miion that history bestows upon all of us.And to fulfill our miion, we need to take the following steps:


We should foster sound momentum for global economic recovery.The underlying impact of the international financial crisis has yet to diipate, and economic recovery is still fragile and uneven.We should intensify consultation and coordination and send a strong meage of solidarity and win-win cooperation so as to strengthen international confidence in global recovery and growth.We should work for a fair, just, inclusive and orderly international monetary and financial system and increase the voice and representation of emerging markets and developing countries.China supports the transition of the G20 from a short-term crisis response mechanism to a long-term mechanism of economic governance.The G20 should play a bigger role in global economic governance and in promoting the full recovery and growth of the world economy.We support the efforts of emerging markets to explore new modes of international economic cooperation.We strongly oppose protectionism in all its forms and call for strengthening the multilateral trading regime.The concerns of the least developed countries should be addreed, and efforts should be made to make the Doha Round achieve its development objectives.我们要努力营造合作发展的政治基础。国家不分大小、强弱、贫富,都是国际社会平等一员,其平等发展的权利应切实得到保障。相互尊重、平等相待是国际关系的基本准则,也是实现共同发展的重要保障。当前形势下,坚持《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,维护联合国的权威和作用,切实遵守不干涉内政原则,推进国际关系民主化具有特别重要的现实意义。我们应尊重各国的主权和领土完整,一国内部事务只能由本国人民自己决定,反对以任何方式和借口干涉别国内政。世界的多样性是人类社会发展的宝贵财富,应被视为国家间取长补短、交流互鉴的有利条件,而不应成为国际关系中以大欺小、以富压贫的借口。我们应尊重各国自主选择发展道路的权利,尊重文明多样性,本着开放包容、求同存异的精神,在交流互鉴、取长补短中共同进步。





We should lay the political foundation for cooperative development.All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community, and their equal right to development should be protected.Mutual respect and equality are the basic norms governing international relations and constitute the important guarantee for common development.In the current context, it is of particular and practical importance to adhere to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, to uphold the authority and role of the United Nations, to observe in good faith the principle of non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, and to promote democracy in international relations.We should respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, and the internal affairs of a country should be decided by its own people.We oppose interference in other countries’ internal affairs by whatever means and under whatever pretext.Diversity of the world is a valuable aet for the development of human society.It should be seen as a positive factor for countries to learn from each other, and it should not be used as an excuse for the big to bully the small or the rich to ride roughshod over the poor in international relations.We should respect the right of each country to pursue the development path of its choice and respect diversity of civilizations.And we should seek common progre by drawing on each other’s strength with an open and inclusive mind and in a spirit of seeking common ground while reserving differences.We should foster a security environment conducive to stability and development.History has repeatedly shown that stability and development go hand in hand.Without stability, there can be no development;and without development, there can be no stability.In keeping with the requirement of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, we should always use peaceful means to settle international disputes and hotspot iues, oppose willful use or threat of force, oppose terrorism, separatism and extremism in all their forms, and uphold the common security of mankind.China respects the independent choice of the people of Sudan and South Sudan and hopes that the new-born country of South Sudan will enjoy stability and development.The international community should continue to give support to and encourage Sudan and South Sudan to properly resolve their outstanding iues through dialogue and consultation, pursue amicable relations and common development, and uphold regional peace and stability.China has encouraged Sudan and South Sudan to resolve their dispute through peaceful negotiation and has worked hard to advance the peace proce between them, and we support the proper settlement of the Darfur iue.We will continue to work with the international community and play a constructive role in pushing forward regional peace, stability and development.China consistently supports the just cause of establishing an independent Palestinian state and supports Palestine’s membership in the United Nations.We support efforts to achieve the “two-state solution” through political negotiation so as to establish, on the basis of the 1967 borders, an independent Palestinian state that enjoys full sovereignty with East Jerusalem as its capital.We believe that progre should be made in parallel in the peace talks between Syria and Israel and between Lebanon and Israel with a view to eventually achieving comprehensive, just and durable peace in the Middle East and peaceful coexistence between the Arab countries and Israel.We hope that the international community and parties concerned will make unremitting efforts toward this end and sustain the Middle East peace proce.China is greatly concerned about the turbulence in west Asia and north Africa.We stand for the principle of non-interference, respect and support countries in the region in independently handling their internal affairs, and respect the aspirations of the people in the region.We hope that the parties concerned in the countries of the region will resolve their differences through political dialogue and speedily restore stability and order in their respective countries.Libya has now entered into a critical transitional stage from war and turmoil to national reconstruction.China respects the choice of the Libyan people and recognizes the National Transitional Council(NTC)as the governing authorities of Libya and the representative of its people.We hope that under NTC’s leadership, the parties in Libya will set in motion an inclusive proce of political transition, maintain ethnic harmony and national unity, restore stability as soon as poible and begin economic reconstruction.China supports the United Nations in playing a leading role in Libya’s post-conflict reconstruction and supports the United Nations Support Miion in Libya(UNSMIL)in starting its miion as quickly as poible.China is also greatly concerned about the developments in Syria.We hope that parties in Syria will exercise restraint, avoid any form of violence or more bloodshed and conflict, and act quickly to ease tension.We believe that a Syria-led, inclusive political proce aimed at promoting reform and advanced through dialogue and consultation is the right way to resolve the current crisis in Syria.The international community should respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria, and handle the Syrian iue in a prudent way so as to prevent further turbulence in Syria and its repercuions on regional peace.中方欢迎朝鲜半岛局势出现的积极变化,认为对话协商是解决朝鲜半岛问题的唯一有效途径,六方会谈是推进半岛无核化、维护半岛和东北亚地区和平稳定的有效机制。中方一直积极劝和促谈,努力为缓和半岛紧张局势、维护半岛和平稳定发挥独特作用。近来朝韩、朝美重启对话,中方对此表示欢迎。希望有关各方抓住机遇,保持对话接触,争取早日重启六方会谈。

China welcomes the positive developments on the Korean Peninsula.We believe that dialogue and consultation are the only effective way to addre the iues of the Korean Peninsula and the Six Party Talks are an effective mechanism to advance the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and uphold peace and stability both on the Peninsula and in Northeast Asia.China has been working hard to promote peace through dialogue and has played a unique role in easing tension and maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.China welcomes the recent resumption of dialogue between the DPRK and the ROK and between the DPRK and the US.We hope that the parties concerned will seize the opportunity, remain engaged in dialogue and work for an early resumption of the Six Party Talks.我们要努力促进南北平衡发展。世界经济最大的不平衡是南北发展不平衡。没有平衡的发展,就很难有可持续的发展;没有欠发达国家摆脱贫困、实现经济发展,就没有世界的共同繁荣。当前,全球如期实现联合国千年发展目标时间紧迫、任务艰巨,发达国家应切实兑现官方发展援助承诺,开放市场、减免债务、加大对发展中国家的资金和技术支持;国际金融机构的资源应该优先用于帮助发展中国家尤其是最不发达国家。发展中国家应积极探索有利于实现发展、消除贫困的发展方式,实现更高水平发展。近来,粮食安全挑战十分突出,非洲之角发生了60年来最为严重的旱灾,引发大面积饥荒。国际社会应加大援助力度,稳定粮食等大宗商品价格,帮助发展中国家提高自主发展的能力,让共让发展的成果惠及所有国家和地区。

We should promote balanced development between the South and the North.The uneven development between the South and the North is the there can hardly be sustainable development.Unle underdeveloped countries shake off poverty and grow their economy, there can be no common prosperity of the world.To attain the Millennium Development Goals on a global scale on schedule is an urgent and arduous task.Developed countries should honor their commitment on official development aistance, open markets, reduce and cancel debts and step up financial and technological support to developing countries.International financial institutions should use their resources to help developing countries, and particularly the LDCs, on a priority basis.Developing countries, on their part, should explore growth models conducive to development and poverty alleviation in order to achieve development at a higher level.Food security has emerged as a major challenge.The Horn of Africa is suffering from maive famine triggered by the most severe drought in 60 years.The international community should scale up aistance, stabilize the prices of food and other commodities and help developing countries enhance capacity for self-development so that all countries and regions can enjoy the benefits of common development.主席先生:


The world witneed major development, major transformation and major adjustment in the first decade of the 21st century.During this decade, China enjoyed sustained and fast development and its relations with the outside world underwent profound changes.China’s development achievements and its future course have become a focus of international attention.十年来,中国人民经过艰苦不懈努力,实现了经济实力的进一步提升和人民生活水平的显著提高。中国己经成为世界第二大经济体、第一大出口国、第二大进口国和全球最大的新兴市场,解决了13亿人的温饱问题,大幅度减少了绝对贫困人口。但与此同时,中国发展所面对的困难也不容忽视,中国仍是一个发展中国家,人口多、底子薄,发展中的不平衡、不协调问题依然突出,中国要实现自身发展目标需要继续付出长期艰苦的努力。不久前,中国制定颁布了国民经济和社会发展“十二五”规划纲要,将以科学发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,推动科技创新,深化改革开放,促进经济长期平稳较快发展与社会和谐进步。一个发展更加持续、社会更加和谐、对外更加开放的中国将进一步展现在世人面前。

During the past decade, China’s economy grew further and people’s living standards rose markedly thanks to the hard work of the Chinese people.Today, China has become the second largest economy, largest exporter, second largest importer and largest emerging market in the world.The basic living needs of the 1.3 billion Chinese people are adequately met, and the number of people in absolute poverty is drastically reduced.On the other hand, the difficulties China faces in development should not be ignored.China remains a developing country with a large population, weak economic foundation and serious imbalance and lack of coordination in its development.China needs to make persistent and strenuous efforts to achieve its development goals.Guided by the recently adopted 12th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development, China will pursue scientific development, accelerate the shift of the growth model, advance scientific and technological innovation and deepen reform and opening-up to promote long-term, steady and fast economic development and social harmony and progre.The world will see a more open China with more sustainable development and greater social harmony.中国的发展在给中国人民带来实实在在利益的同时,也为世界的发展与繁荣做出了积极贡献。过去十年,中国年均进口近7500亿美元商品,相当于为相关国家和地区创造了1400多万个就业岗位。随着“十二五”规划的实施,2015年中国经济规模将达8.6万亿美元左右,预计今后五年将进口近10万亿美元的商品,将对世界经济增长起到更大的促进作用。未来中国的发展仍离不开世界,中国的发展也将继续为世界共同发展作出更大贡献。

China’s development has both brought real benefits to the Chinese people and contributed to global development and prosperity.During the past ten years, China imported close to US$750 billion of goods on average annually, creating over 14 million jobs for relevant countries and regions.At the end of the 12th five-year period in 2015,China’s total economic output will be around US$8.6 trillion.It is expected that China will import about US$10 trillion of goods in the next five years, and this will further boost world economic growth.China needs the world to continue to develop itself, and China’s development will in turn contribute more to the common development of the world.作为发展中国家的一员,中国致力于加强与发展中国家的平等互利合作,尽力提供各种支持和帮助。中国已免除50个重债穷国和最不发达国家债务380笔,逐步给予非洲同中国建交的最不发达国家95%的产品零关税待遇,认真完成为发展中国家援建学校、医院等2100多个成套项目,培训各类人才12万名。中国对非洲之角受灾国家和人民的困难感同身受,决定提供4.432亿元人民币的紧急粮食援助和粮援现汇,以帮助受灾国应对粮荒。中国为实现联合国千年发展目标作出的努力有目共睹,随着中国的进一步发展,中国必将为世界的和平、发展、合作带来更多的机遇。

As a developing country, China is committed to enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation based on equality with other developing countries, and it endeavors to provide aistance and support to them.China has canceled 380 debts incurred by 50 heavily indebted poor countries and LDCs and will phase in zero-tariff treatment to 95%of the exports from the LDCs in Africa that have diplomatic relations with China.We have completed over 2,100 projects, including schools and hospitals, in other developing countries, and trained 120,000 profeionals in various fields for them.Sharing the pain of the countries and people in the Horn of Africa hit by famine, China has decided to provide RMB443.2 million in emergency food aistance and cash for purchasing food to these countries to help them overcome the famine.China has made notable efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.As it continues to develop, China will create more opportunities for world peace, development and cooperation.为推动世界共同发展,我们必须创造良好的国际环境。长期以来,中国致力于争取和平的国际环境来发展自己,又以自己的发展促进世界的和平。中国积极承担力所能及的国际责任,推动和平解决热点问题,参与国际维和行动,已累计向28项联合国维和行动派出1.9万多人次,是安理会常任理事国中派出维和人员最多的国家。中国向发生地震、海啸等灾害的国家捐资捐物,并派遣救援队等赴当地实施人道救助,广泛参与打击海盗等国际合作,努力维护世界的和平与稳定。

To advance common development, we must foster a sound international environment.Over the years, China has been dedicated to creating a peaceful international environment in which to develop itself.At the same time, it has contributed its share to enhancing world peace through its own development.China has actively undertaken international responsibility as its ability permits and worked to promote peaceful settlement of hotspot iues.China takes an active part in international peacekeeping operations.Having sent over 19,000 personnel to 28 UN peacekeeping miions, China is the largest contributor of UN peacekeeping personnel among the permanent members of the Security Council.China has provided aistance in cash and kind to countries hit by earthquakes and tsunamis and sent rescue teams to carry out humanitarian relief operations in the affected areas.China is actively involved in the fight against piracy and in other areas of international cooperation.All these efforts have contributed to maintaining world peace and stability.主席先生:


The tide of history is surging forward.In the next decade, peace, development and cooperation will remain the trend of the times and China will not stop in its pursuit of development and progre.Peaceful development is a strategic choice China has made to build a modern, strong and prosperous country and contribute more to the progre of human civilization.China will stay on the path of peaceful development and pursue an independent foreign policy of peace and the win-win strategy of opening-up.We are committed to bring about a better life for the Chinese people and greater development and prosperity for all mankind.And we will achieve these objectives through hard work, reform and innovation, and by conducting long-term friendly exchanges and equality-based win-win cooperation with other countries.A prosperous, harmonious and stable China which lives up to its responsibilities will make greater contribution to the prosperity and stability of the world and the common development of mankind.Let us work together to deepen cooperation and achieve development by sharing opportunities and jointly meeting challenges and build a harmonious world of durable peace and common prosperity.谢谢大家!

Thank you.


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