What is college for由刀豆文库小编整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“whatisit这是什么”。
What is college for Hello everyone, it is my honor to stand here and share my opinions with you.Today my topic is What is college for.Since we have been in BUPT and taken its education for about one semester, we must all have our purposes of attending college in our mind.Here is my answer.College is for learning knowledge and skills in the field you or your parents have chosen, as well as improving yourselves as better human beings.Since our education before college is just general education, few of us have enough knowledge and skills to take a job in one field.So, if we don’t want to only use our muscle to make money, we should attend college, to get a better job in the future, so that we can life a better life.But this is not the only reason for attending college, or your college will be too boring.The second reason is to become a better human being.This may hear unpractical, but as important as the first reason.Ask yourselves how much you know about the life, universe and everything as well as your true selves? Almost nothing, isn’t it? If you know almost nothing about everything, then you are not a holonomic human being.How could you know how to live happily? To become better human beings, there is really so much we should get out of our college.For example, how to keep relationship with others, how to improve your quality of everyday life without spending more money, as well as the ability to discover the beauty of art and literature.All these things can be learned in college, a small society containing excellent people about your age.If you arrange your life properly in the next 3 and a half years, you can become a person who is easy to adapt into the society, always knows how to keep joyful and has good senses on art and literature, which is a better human being.This is my opinion, and I will carry it on.Thank you everyone.