Topic: The Benefits of Failure
Questions for reference: 1.Most people hate failure, what do you think of it? 2.Have you ever failed in something? If yes, think about what you have got from your failure.3.What is the right attitude toward failure?
You may get some ideas from the two paages below.What is succe? Some people seem to sail easily through life, overcoming every obstacle they encounter with ease.Then there are those who manage to avoid most difficulties, by limiting their experience to what‟s familiar and easy, and never trying anything new.Are these people succeful? The texts you’re going to read takes a different approach to succe and failure.J.K.Rowling Talks about the 1)Fringe Benefits of Failure
英式发音 适合精听 听2说1读3写3词
President Faust, members of the Harvard 2)Corporation and the Board of 3)Overseers, members of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates.The first thing I would like to say is “thank you.” Not only has Harvard given me an extraordinary honour, but the weeks of fear and 4)nausea I have endured at the thought of giving this 5)commencement addre have made me lose weight.A win-win situation!Now all I have to do is take deep breaths, 6)squint at the red banners and convince myself that I am at the world‟s largest 7)Gryffindor reunion.Actually, I have wracked my mind and heart for what I ought to say to you today.I have asked myself what I wish I had known at my own graduation, and what important leons I have learned in the 21 years that has expired between that day and this.On this wonderful day when we are gathered together to celebrate your academic succe, I have decided to talk to you about the benefits of failure.Half my lifetime ago, I was striking an uneasy balance between the ambition I had for myself, and what those closest to me expected of me.I was convinced that the only thing I wanted to do, ever, was to write novels.However, my parents, both of whom came from 8)impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing personal 9)quirk that could never pay a 10)mortgage, or secure a 11)pension.I cannot remember telling my parents that I was studying Claics;they might well have found out for the first time on graduation day.I would like to make it clear, in 12)parenthesis, that I do not blame my parents for their point of view.There is an 13)expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction;the moment you are old enough to 14)take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.What is more, I cannot criticise my parents for hoping that I would never experience poverty.They had been poor themselves, and I have since been poor, and I quite agree with them that it is not an 15)ennobling experience.Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts, that is something on which to pride yourself, but poverty itself is romanticised only by fools.Now, I am not going to stand here and tell you that failure is fun.That period of my life was a dark one, and I had no idea that there was going to be what the pre has since represented as a kind of fairy tale 16)resolution.So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the 17)ineential.I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me.Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena where I believed I truly belonged.I was set free, because my greatest fear had been realised, and I was still alive, and I still had a daughter whom I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea.And so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.Failure gave me an inner security that I had never attained by paing examinations.Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way.I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had suspected;I also found out that I had friends whose value was truly above the price of rubies.The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive.Life is difficult, and complicated, and beyond anyone‟s total control, and the humility to know that will enable you to survive its 18)viciitudes.浮士德主席,哈佛大学校务委员会和监察委员会的各位成员,全体教员,自豪的父母们,最重要的,还有今天的主角——所有的毕业生们。首先我想说的是“谢谢”。哈佛不仅给了我非比寻常的荣誉,还赠予了我数周因要作毕业演讲而产生的恐惧和恶心,使得我因此减肥成功。好一个双赢的局面!现在我需要做的就是深呼吸,眯着眼睛看着红色的横幅,然后令自己相信正身处在世界上最大的格兰芬多学院聚会中。
1)fringe [frIndV] a.额外的。Fringe benefits 附加福利。2)corporation [7kC:pE5reIFEn] n.(大学的)校务委员会 3)overseer [5EJvE5si:E] n.督学;监工 4)nausea [5nC:sjE] n.反胃, 恶心
5)commencement [kE5mensmEnt] n.毕业典礼 6)squint [skwInt] v.半眯着眼睛看 7)Gryffindor 格兰芬多,《哈利.波特》系列中主人公就读的霍格沃茨魔法学校中四个学院之一。
8)impoverished [Im5pɒvErIFt] a.贫困的 9)quirk [kw:k] n.奇想;怪癖
10)mortgage [5mC:^IdV] n.抵押(借款)11)pension [5penFEn] n.养老金
12)parenthesis [pE5renWIsIs] n.插入语;附带
13)expiry date 有效期
14)take the wheel 掌控方向盘;主宰
15)ennoble [I5nEJbl] v.使高贵;使受尊敬 16)resolution [7rezE5lju:FEn] n.解决,结局 17)ineential [5InI5senFEl] a.无关紧要的18)viciitude [vI5sIsItju:d] n.变迁兴衰,常作复数。
Life Bar
Three Steps to Get Out from the Failure 三步走出失败的阴霾
Step 1
There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction.Step 2
Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts, that is something on which to pride yourself, but poverty itself is romanticised only by fools.Step 3
Failure meant a stripping away of the ineential.Turning Failure into Succe
Fredelle Maynard Vicky — beautiful, talented, very bright, voted “Most Likely to Succeed” in college — got a promising job with a large company after graduation.Then, after two years without promotions, she was fired.She suffered a complete nervous breakdown.“It was panic,” she told me later.“Everything had always gone so well for me that I had no experience in coping with rejection.I felt I was a failure.” Vicky‟s reaction is an extreme example of a common phenomenon.2 Our society places so much emphasis on “making it” that we aume that any 1 failure is bad.What we don‟t always recognize is that what looks like failure may, in the long run, prove beneficial.When Vicky was able to think coolly about why she was fired, for example, she realized that she was simply not suited for a job dealing with people all the time.In her new position as a copy editor, she works independently, is happy and once again “succeful.”People are generally prone to what language expert S.I.Hayakawa calls “the two-valued orientation”.We talk about seeing both sides of a question as if every question had only two sides.We aume that everyone is either a succe or a failure when, in fact, infinite degrees of both are poible.As Hayakawa points out, there‟s a world of difference between “I have failed three times” and “I am a failure.” Indeed, the words failure and succe cannot be reasonably applied to a complex, living, changing human being.They can only describe the situation at a particular time and place.4 Obviously no one can be brilliant at everything.In fact, succe in one area often precludes succe in another.A famous politician once told me that his career had practically destroyed his marriage.“I have no time for my family,” he explained.“I travel a lot.And even when I‟m home, I hardly see my wife and kids.I‟ve got power, money, prestige —
but as a husband and father, I‟m a flop.” Certain kinds of succe can indeed be destructive.The danger of too early succe is particularly acute.I recall from my childhood a girl whose skill on ice skates marked her as “Olympic material”.While the rest of us were playing, bicycling, reading and just loafing, this girl skated — every day after school and all weekend.Her picture often appeared in the papers, and the rest of us envied her glamorous life.Years later, however, she spoke bitterly of those early triumphs.“I never prepared myself for anything but the ice,” she said.“I peaked at 17 — and it‟s been downhill ever since.”
Succe that comes too easily is also damaging.The child who wins a prize for a carelely-written eay, the adult who distinguishes himself at a first job by lucky accident faces probable disappointment when real challenges arise.Succe is also bad when it‟s achieved at the cost of the total quality of an experience.Succeful students sometimes become so obseed with grades that they never enjoy their school years.They never branch out into tempting new areas, because they don‟t want to risk their grade-point average.8
Why are so many people so afraid of failure? Simply because no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes a growing experience.We forget that failure is part of the human condition and that “every person has the right to fail.”Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or shielding their children from the knowledge that they have failed.One way is to lower standards.A mother describes her child‟s hastily made table as “perfect!” even though it‟s clumsy and unsteady.Another way is to shift blame.If John fails math, his teacher is unfair or stupid.The trouble with failure-prevention devices is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world.The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything, no one can win all the time — and that it‟s poible to enjoy a game even when you don‟t win.A child who‟s not invited to a birthday party, who doesn‟t make the honor roll or the baseball team feels terrible, of course.But parents should not offer a quick consolation prize or say, “It doesn‟t matter,” because it does.The youngster should be allowed to experience disappointment — and then be helped to master it.11 Failure is never pleasant.It hurts adults and children alike.But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it.Step one is to ask, “Why did I fail?” Resist the natural impulse to blame someone else.Ask yourself what you did wrong, how you can improve.If someone else can help, don‟t be shy about inquiring.12 When I was a teenager and failed to get a job I‟d counted on, I telephoned the interviewer to ask why.“Because you came ten minutes late,” I was told.“We can‟t afford employees who waste other people‟s time.” The explanation was reauring(I hadn‟t been rejected as a person)and helpful, too.I don‟t think I‟ve been late for anything since.13 Succe, which encourages repetition of old behavior, is not nearly as good a teacher as failure.You can learn from a disastrous party how to give a good one, from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second.Even a failure that seems total can prompt fresh thinking, a change of direction.14 A friend of mine, after 12 years of studying ballet, did not succeed in becoming a dancer.She was turned down by the ballet master, who said, “You will never be a dancer.You haven‟t the body for it.” In such cases, the way to use failure is to take stock courageously, asking, “What have I left? What else can I do?” My friend put away her toe shoes and moved into dance therapy, a field where she‟s both competent and useful.15
Though we may envy the aurance that comes with succe, most of us are attracted by courage in defeat.There is what might be called the noble failure — the special heroism of aiming high, doing your best and then, when that proves not enough, moving bravely on.As Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “A man‟s succe is made up of failures, because he experiments and ventures every day, and the more falls he gets, moves faster on...I have heard that in horsemanship — a man will never be a good rider until he is thrown;then he will not be haunted any longer by the terror that he shall tumble, and will ride whither he is bound.”
Failure? No!Just Temporary Setbacks
Dottie Walters If you could come to my office in California to visit with me today, you would see that one side of the room is occupied by a beautiful old-fashioned soda fountain with nine leather-covered seats.Unusual? Yes.But if that soda fountain could speak, it would tell you a story about the day I almost lost hope and gave up.It was a receion period after World War II and jobs were scarce.My husband had purchased a small dry cleaning busine with borrowed money.We had two darling babies, a tract house, a car and all the usual monthly payments.Then the bottom fell out.There was no money for the house payments or anything else.3 I felt that I had no special talent, no training, no college education.I didn‟t think much of myself.But I remembered someone in my past who had thought I had a little ability — my high school English teacher.She had inspired me to take a course in journalism and named me advertising manager and feature editor of the school paper.I thought, “Now if I could write a „shoppers Column‟ for the small weekly newspaper in our rural town, maybe I could earn that house payment.4 I had no car and no one to look after my two children.So I took them with me to the newspaper office, pushing them before me in an old broken-down baby stroller with a big pillow tied in the back.The wheel kept coming off, but I hit it back on with the heel of my shoe and kept going.I was determined that my children would not lose their home as I often had as a child.But at the newspaper office, there were no jobs available.Receion.So I got an idea.I asked if I might buy advertising space at wholesale and sell it at retail as a “shoppers Column.” They agreed.The newspaper column idea worked.I made enough money for the house payment and to buy an old used car.Then I hired a high school girl to look after my children from three to five each afternoon.When the clock struck three, I grabbed my advertising samples and flew out of the door to drive to my appointments.7 But on one dark rainy afternoon every advertising prospect I had worked on turned me down when I went to pick up their ads.8 “Why?” I asked.They said they had noticed that Ruben Ahlman, the president of the Chamber of Commerce and the owner of a big drugstore, didn‟t advertise with me.His store was the most popular in town.They respected his judgment.“There must be something wrong with your advertising,” they explained.My heart sank.Those four ads would have been enough for the monthly house payment.Then I thought, I‟ll try to speak with Mr.Ahlman one more time.Everyone loves and respects him.Surely he‟ll listen.Every time I‟d tried to approach him in the past, he had refused to see me.But I knew that if he advertised with me, the other merchants in town would follow his lead.10 As I walked into Mr.Ahlman‟s drugstore, he was there at the prescription counter.I smiled my best smile and said, “Everyone respects your opinion, Mr.Ahlman.Would you just look at my work for a moment so that I can tell the other merchants what you think?”
Without saying a word he firmly shook his head “no”.Suddenly all of my enthusiasm left me.I made it as far as the beautiful old soda fountain at the front of the drugstore, feeling that I didn‟t have the strength to drive home.I didn‟t want to sit at the soda fountain without buying something, so I ordered a Coke.I wondered desperately what to do.Would my babies lose their home as I had so many times when I was growing up? Was my English teacher wrong? My eyes filled with tears.A soft voice beside me said, “What‟s the matter, dear?” I looked up into the sympathetic face of a lovely gray-haired lady.I poured out my story to her, ending it with, “But Mr.Ahlman, who everyone respects so much, refuses to look at my work.” 14 “Let me see that Shoppers Column,” she said.She took my marked iue of the newspaper in her hands and carefully read my column all the way through.Then she stood up, looked back at the prescription counter and in a commanding voice, said, ”Ruben Ahlman, come here!” The lady was Mrs.Ahlman!She told Ruben to buy some advertising from me.His mouth turned up in a big grin.Then she asked me for the names of the four merchants who had turned me down.She went to the phone and called each one.She gave me a hug and told me they were waiting for me.Ruben and Vivian Ahlman became our dear friends, as well as steady advertising customers.I learned that Ruben was a darling man who bought from everyone.He had promised Vivian not to buy any more advertising, and in turning me down he was just trying to keep his word to her.If I had only asked others in town, I might have learned that I should have been talking to Mrs.Ahlman from the beginning.That conversation at the soda fountain was the turning point.My advertising busine thrived and grew into four offices, with 285 employees serving 4,000 businees.17 Later when Mr.Ahlman modernized the old drug store and removed the soda fountain, my husband bought it and installed it in my office.If you were here, we‟d sit at the soda fountain together.I‟d pour you a Coke and remind you to never give up, to remember that help is always closer than we know.Then I would tell you that if you can‟t communicate with a key person, search for more information.Try another path.Look for someone who can communicate for you.And, finally, I would offer you the sparkling, refreshing words of Bill Marriott of the Marriott Hotels: “Failure? I‟ve never encountered it.All I ever met were temporary setbacks.”
罗琳蔚2012年4月1日 星期 天 天气 晴 心情∩_∩三月,再见;四月,你好今天是四月一日,也就是说四月已经来临,而三月却匆匆离开了。也许并不是着急离开,而是自然法则,每一个季的掌管者......