
其他范文 时间:2020-02-29 04:22:26 收藏本文下载本文
【 - 其他范文】


我父亲生前是个农民 Well, my dad was a farmer.6 那时大家都以此为生

Um, like everybody else back then.7 当然 最初他并不干这行

Of course, he didn't start that way.8 电脑提示倾斜过度

Computer says you're too tight.9Nah, I got this.关闭发动机 库珀

-不要!No!11Shutting it all down.我还以为你是那幽灵呢

-我不是No.15 世界上没有幽灵 宝贝

There are no such things as ghosts, babe.16 外公说有幽灵的Grandpa says you can get ghosts.17 那是因为外公自己就快成幽灵了 回去睡觉

Maybe that's because Grandpa's close to being one himself.Back to bed.18 你又梦见那次坠机了吗? Were you dreaming about the crash? 19 快回去睡觉 墨菲 哈

Get your butt back in bed, Murph.Heh.20 麦子都枯死了

The wheat had died.21 遇上枯萎病 只能全烧了

The blight came and we had to burn it.22 我们还剩几亩地的玉米

And we still had corn.We had acres of corn.23 但最多的还是沙尘

But, uh, mostly we had dust.24 我无法描述它 那风就刮个没完

I gue I can't describe it.It was just constant.25 就持续不断地刮着...Just that steady blow...26 沙尘 of dirt.27 有时 我们用碎布...We wore, um, little strips of sheet...28 捂住口鼻...sometimes over our nose and mouth...29 以免吸入过多尘土

so that we wouldn't breathe so much of it.30 收拾餐桌时 我们总是把盘子...When we set the table, we always set the plate...31 倒扣着放 酒杯啊 水杯啊 不管是什么...upside-down.Glaes or cups, whatever it was...32 都倒扣着放 upside-down.33 快点!墨菲 赶紧过来!Shake a leg!Murph, get a move on!34 汤姆 下午四点去谷仓 我教你用除草剂

Tom, 4:00 today, you and me in the barn, Herbicide Resistance 101.35遵命Yes, sir.36 别放餐桌上 墨菲

Not at the table, Murph.37 爸 你能修好吗? Dad, can you fix this? 38 你对我的登月舱都...What the heck did you do...39不能怪我Wasn't me.40 让我猜猜 是幽灵干的? Let me gue.It was your ghost? 41 就是它撞的 它总把书撞下来

It knocked it off.It keeps knocking books off.42 根本没有幽灵 笨蛋

No such thing as ghosts, dumb-a.43I looked it up.It's called a poltergeist.44 爸 跟她讲讲理 Dad, tell her.45 这说法并不太科学 墨菲

Well, it's not very scientific, Murph.46 你说过 科学就是去确定未知的事物

You said science was about admitting what we don't know.47Hey.48 先看好我们的东西再说 Start looking after our stuff.49 库珀 Coop.50 好吧 墨菲 你想聊科学? All right, Murph, you want to talk science? 51 别只嚷嚷着怕幽灵 你得深入研究

Don't just tell me you're afraid of some ghost.No, you got to go further.52 你得记录现象 进行分析 查明因果...You got to record the facts, analyze, get to the how and the why...53 最后得出结论 好吗? then present your conclusions.Deal? 54Deal.上学愉快


-Have a good day at school.那不是沙尘暴吧


-That's not a dust storm.找准档位 笨蛋

-用力按!Grind it!72 闭嘴 汤姆!Shut it, Tom!73啊 她什么也没做

-What'd you do, Murph? 车胎爆了而已

-墨菲定律Murphy's Law.75 {an8}墨菲定律, 指如果事情有变糟的可能, 那无论可能性多小都会发生 这里是谐音 76 闭嘴!Shut up!77Grab the spare, Tom.我们跟丢了We lost it.它怎么飞得这么低? I don't know.121 也许被太阳烧坏了引擎 也许是在寻找东西

Maybe the sun cooked its brain or it was looking for something.122给我把大号的一字螺丝刀Give me a large flatblade.123 也许是某种信号? 我不知道

Maybe some kind of signal? I don't know.124 你打算拿它做什么? What are you gonna do with it? 125 让它尽点社会责任...I'm gonna give it something socially responsible to do...126 比如驱动联合收割机 like drive a combine.127 就不能放它走吗? Can't we just let it go? 128 它又没伤害别人

It wasn't hurting anybody.129 这东西也要与时俱进 墨菲...This thing needs to learn how to adapt, Murph...130 就像我们一样 like the rest of us.131 接下来如何? 你们要跟来吗? How's this work? You guys come with? 132 我还有课 I've got cla.133 至于这位 需要再等等 This one needs to wait.134你进去就知道了

-What did you do? 我会生气吗? Not with me.136Hey.Relax.137 交给我 I got this.138 有点迟啊 库珀 Little late, Coop.139 是啊 车胎爆了 Yeah, we had a flat.140 然后还逛了趟亚洲战斗机零售店

And I gue you had to stop off at the Asian fighter plane store.141 不 先生 那其实是架无人侦察机

No, actually, sir, that's a surveillance drone.142 配备超强续航的太阳能电池 印度产的 With outstanding solar cells.It's Indian.143 请坐

Take a seat.144 那么...So, uh...145 汤姆的成绩出来了

we got Tom's scores back.146 他会成为一个出色的农民

He's going to make an excellent farmer.147 是啊 他确实有那天赋 那大学呢? Yeah, he's got a knack for it.What about college? 148 大学只招收少量学生 教育资源不足以...The university only takes a handful.They don't have the resources to...149 我一直在纳税 I still pay my taxes.150 那些钱都去哪了? 现在已经没有军队了

Where's that money go? There's no more armies.151 反正没拨款给大学

Well, it doesn't go to the university.152 听着 库珀 你得现实一点

Look, Coop, you have to be realistic.153 你现在就要拒我儿子于大学门外? You're ruling my son out for college now? 154Tom's score simply isn't high enough.155 你的腰围多少? 32英寸吗? What's your waistline? About what, 32? 156我不懂你想说什么

-About a 33 inseam? 还是个飞行员


-And a trained pilot.像汤姆这样的-未受教育的农民Uneducated farmers.164 我们是守护家园的一代 库珀 情况会好转的We're a caretaker generation, Coop.And things are getting better.165 也许你的孙子有机会成为工程...Maybe your grandkids will get to be engin...166 完事了吗 先生? Are we done here, sir? 167 还没有 No.168 汉莉小姐还要谈谈墨菲 Mi Hanley's here to talk about Murph.169 墨菲是个好孩子 很聪明

Murph is a great kid.She's really bright.170 但她最近惹了些麻烦

But she's been having a little trouble lately.171 她带了这个给学生看 关于登月的那章

She brought this in to show the students.The section on the lunar landings.172 是啊 这是我的旧课本

Yeah, it's one of my old textbooks.173 她很喜欢里面的插图

She always loved the pictures.174 这是旧版的联邦教材 我们已经用修正版替换了

It's an old federal textbook.We've replaced them with the corrected versions.175 修正版? Corrected? 176 解释了伪造阿波罗计划 致使苏联破产的经过

Explaining how the Apollo miions were faked to bankrupt the Soviet Union.177 你不相信我们登过月? You don't believe we went to the moon'? 178 我相信那是一次绝妙的政治宣传

I believe it was a brilliant piece of propaganda.179 苏联的破产 就是因为将资源浪费在...The Soviets bankrupted themselves pouring resources...180 火箭和其他没用的机器上

into rockets and other usele machines.181 “没用的机器” “Usele machines.” 182 若我们不想重蹈二十世纪铺张浪费的覆辙 那么...If we don't want a repeat of the exce and wastefulne of the 20th century, then...183 就得教孩子认识这个星球 而不是如何离开它

we need to teach our kids about this planet, not tales of leaving it.184 他们过去造的“没用机器”里 有一种叫核磁共振仪

One of those usele machines they used to make was called an MRI.185 倘若有一台剩余 医生就能及时发现...If we had any of those left, the doctors would've been able to find...186 我妻子脑内的囊肿 而不至让她死去

the cyst in my wife's brain before she died instead of afterwards.187 那么来这里听讲的就会是她 而不是我...Then she'd have been the one listening to this instead of me...188 那样就好多了 因为她一直都...which would have been a good thing, because she was always...189 比我冷静

the calmer one.190 你妻子的事我很遗憾 库珀先生 I'm sorry about your wife, Mr.Cooper.191 但墨菲和几个同学打架 就因为争论这...But Murph got into a fistfight with several of her clamates over this...192 阿波罗的无稽之谈 Apollo nonsense.193 所以我们觉得最好找你沟通一下...So we thought it best to bring you in and see what ideas...194 看看你作为家长 有什么管教她的高招

you might have for dealing with her behavior on the home front.195 这样吧? 明晚有场球赛

Yeah, you know what? Um, there's a game tomorrow night.196 她最近挺迷棒球的She's going through a bit of a baseball phase.197 她最爱的球队参赛了 到时会有糖果和汽水...Her favorite team is playing.There's gonna be candy and soda and...198 我带她去看看吧

I think I'll take her to that.199 谈得如何? How'd it go? 200 我帮你申请停学了 I got you suspended.201 什么? What? 202 我是库珀 请讲 This is Cooper.Go.203 库珀 你改装的联合收割机出故障了

Coop, those combines you rebuilt went haywire.204 试试重置控制器

Just reset the controllers.205 我试过了 你得回来看一眼

I did that.Now you should come take a look.206 它们接连不断地离开田地 往这里跑

One by one they've been peeling off the fields and heading over.207 有东西在干扰指南针

Something's interfering with the compa.208 磁场之类的Magnetism or some such.209 书本身没什么特别

Nothing special about which book.210 像你说的 我一直在研究

I've been working on it, like you said.211I counted the spaces.用点和划来...I know what Morse code is, Murph.217 我只是不觉得你的书架想和你说话 I just don't think your bookshelf's trying to talk to you.218 重置了所有指南针时钟和定位系统 这才消除了异常

Had to reset every compa clock and GPS to offset for the anomaly.219还不清楚I don't know.220 若房子建在了磁性矿上

If the house was built on magnetic ore...221 最初发动时就该遇上这情况了

we'd have seen this the first time we switched on the tractor.222 听说你的家长会不太顺利

I hear your meeting at the school didn't go so well.223 你听说了? Heh.You heard? 224 我们似乎已经迷失了自我 唐纳德

It's like we've forgotten who we are, Donald.225 我们是探索者 是先驱 而不是守护者 Explorers, pioneers, not caretakers.226 我小的时候...When I was a kid...227 感觉每天都有新鲜事物诞生 新的 felt like they made something new every day.Some...228 玩意或想法 每天都像过圣诞

gadget or idea.Like every day was Christmas.229 但那时有六十亿人口...But six billion people...230 你想象一下吧

just try to imagine that.231 而每个人都想拥有一切

And every last one of them trying to have it all.232 这世界还不算太糟 This world isn't so bad.233 汤姆也会过得很好

And Tom will do just fine.234 你才是不合时宜的人 早生或晚生了四十年

You're the one who doesn't belong.Born 40 years too late, or 40 years too early.235 我女儿明白 上帝保佑她

My daughter knew it, God ble her.236 孩子们也明白 特别是墨菲

And your kids know it.Especially Murph.237 我们过去常常仰望星空 思考着...Well, we used to look up in the sky and wonder...238 自己在繁星中何去何从 at our place in the stars.239 如今我们只能俯视大地 担心自己在沙尘中无处立命

Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.240 库珀 你有你的长处...Cooper, you were good at something...241 却从未有机会施展

and you never got a chance to do anything with it.242 真是遗憾 I'm sorry.243 没人预料到...You didn't expect...244 哺育我们生长的土地...this dirt that was giving you this food...245 会如此背叛并毁灭我们

to turn on you like that and destroy you.246 我记得那天是四月...十五号吧

In April...I believe I'm right...Fifteenth of April, I think.247 大约一点半的时候 沙尘暴...This happened about 1:30 when that thing...248 从天而降 席卷了峡谷

came off the top of that canyon.249 我那会儿的球手才叫球手

In my day, we had real ballplayers.250 哪像这群笨蛋? Who are these bums? 251 在我那会儿 人们只顾着...In my day, people were too busy...252 抢食物 哪有闲工夫打棒球

fighting over food to even play baseball.253 看球赛吃爆米花多别扭 我想吃热狗

Popcorn at a ballgame is unnatural.I want a hot dog.254 学校说你会紧随我的脚步

School says you're gonna follow in my footsteps.255 我觉得很不错 I think that's great.256你讨厌种地 爸爸

-You think that's great? 汤姆? 墨菲? 戴好了? Tom? Murph? Check'? 啊!Aah!请别害怕

-啊!Aah!303 北美防空联合司令部 警告 304 你们怎么找到这地方的? How did you find this place? 305 我女儿在哪里? Where's my daughter? 306 你在地图上标记了此处的坐标 它是哪里来的? You had the coordinates for this facility marked on your map.Where did you get them? 307 我女儿在哪里? Where's my daughter? 308 别逼我再撂倒你 坐下!Don't make me take you down again.Sit down!309 你以为你还是海军陆战队的吗 伙计? Oh, you still think you're a Marine, pal? 310 海军陆战队早没了

Marines don't exist anymore.311 而你这种低等兵正适合帮我割草

And I got grunts like you mowing my gra.312 你从哪里得到这组坐标的? Where did you find those coordinates? 313 但你看着不大像割草机

But you don't look much like a lawnmower.314 还是浪费点儿 改成吸尘器好了

Think I'll turn you into an overqualified vacuum cleaner.315 你不会的 No, you won't.316 TARS 退下吧

TARS, back down, please.317 使用前军防设备是有风险的You know, you're taking a risk using ex-military security.318 它们又旧 控制元件又不稳定

They're old, and their control units are unpredictable.319 政府财政只够提供这些

It's what the government could spare.320 你是谁? Who are you? 321 布兰德博士 Dr.Brand.322 我曾经认识一位布兰德博士 他是个教授 I knew a Dr.Brand once.He was a profeor.323 凭什么断定我不是教授呢? What makes you think I'm not? 324 看着不像 也不够可爱 Wasn't near as cute, either.325 拜托了 布兰德博士 我不清楚现在什么状况 Please, Dr.Brand.I don't have any idea what this is.326 但我很担心我女儿 想让她来我身边

Now I'm scared for my daughter and want her by my side.327 你带她过来 我保证知无不言

You give me that, I'll tell you anything you want to know.328 麻烦带负责人和那女孩去会议室

Get the principals and the girl in the conference room, please.329 你女儿没事

Your daughter is fine.330 她很聪明 Bright kid.331 一定是遗传她母亲的Must have a very smart mother.332 很显然 你们不想有人到访

It's pretty clear you don't want any visitors.333 为何不放我们回围墙那儿? 我们会乖乖离开的 嗯? So why don't you just let us back up from your fence and we'll be on our way? Huh? 334Well, sure, it is.335 我根本不认识你 对这地方也一无所知

I don't know anything about you.I don't know anything about this place.336 不 你知道的 Yes, you do.337 爸爸!Dad!338 你好 库珀 Hello, Cooper.339 布兰德教授 Profeor Brand.340 解释一下你是如何找到这里的Explain to me how you found this facility.341 纯属意外 我们偶然发现的 当时正在收集废品...Kind of an accident.We sort of stumbled upon it.We were on a salvage run...342 你此刻身处全世界最隐蔽的地方

You're sitting in the best-kept secret in the world.343 没人偶然来这 也没人随意离开

Nobody stumbles in here.Nobody stumbles out.344 库珀 拜托 Cooper, please.345 积极配合这些人

Cooperate with these people.346 听着 Look.347 这事很难解释

It's kind of hard to explain.348 由于一次异常现象 我们找到了这组坐标 We learned these coordinates from an anomaly.349 什么异常现象? What sort of anomaly? 350 我不太想称之为超自然现象 但它绝对不科学

I hesitate to term it supernatural, but it definitely wasn't scientific.351 你得讲具体点 库珀先生 抓紧时间

You're going to have to be specific, Mr.Cooper.Right now.352 是重力

It was gravity.353 怎样的重力异常? 在哪发生的? Um, what sort of gravitational anomaly? Where was this? 354 我很高兴你们对重力感兴趣 但...Now, I'm real happy that you're excited about gravity, but...355 但不得到保证 我一个字也不会透露

but you're not getting any answers from us until I get aurances.356是的-Aurances? 航天局? NASA? 秘密地

-为什么要保密?Why secret? 370 因为舆论不允许政府投资宇宙探索

Because public opinion wouldn't allow spending on space exploration.371 至少不是在解决温饱之前

Not while you're struggling to put food on the table.372 枯萎病 Blight.373 七年前害死了小麦 今年是秋葵

Wheat seven years ago.Okra this year.374 现在只剩玉米了 Now there's just corn.375 而我们种得前所未有地多

And we're growing more than we ever have.376 但就像爱尔兰的土豆 俄克拉荷马尘暴区的小麦一样...But like the potatoes in Ireland and the wheat in the Dust Bowl...377 玉米迟早会消失 the corn will die.378 很快 Soon.379 我们会找到办法的 教授 总会有办法的 We'll find a way, profeor.We always have.380 就凭“地球属于我们”的坚定信念吗

Driven by the unshakable faith the Earth is ours.381 当然不全属于我们 Not just ours, no.382 但它是我们的家园 But it is our home.383 地球的大气层80%都是氮气

Earth's atmosphere is 80 percent nitrogen.384 我们呼吸不了氮气

We don't even breathe nitrogen.385 但枯萎病原菌可以 它越是肆虐 空气含氧量就越低

Blight does.And as it thrives, our air gets le and le oxygen.386 最后一批经历饥荒的人 将会率先面临窒息

The last people to starve will be the first to suffocate.387 你女儿这一代人...And your daughter's generation...388 会是活在地球上的最后一代 will be the last to survive on Earth.389 墨菲有点累了 能不能让她去我办公室小睡一会儿

Murph is tired.I was wondering if she could take a nap in my office.390 当然 谢谢你 Yeah.Thank you.391 好了...Okay...392 现在告诉我 你们打算怎么拯救这个世界

now you need to tell me what your plan is to save the world.393 我们不打算拯救世界 我们要逃离它

We're not meant to save the world.We're meant to leave it.394 漫游者 Rangers.395 这是仅存的在轨多功能舰船“永恒号”的最后组件

The last components of our one versatile ship in orbit, the Endurance.396 我们最后的远征 Our final expedition.397 你派了人去外太空寻找新家园? You sent people out there looking for a new home? 398 拉撒路行动

The Lazarus miions.399Lazarus came back from the dead.400 话是没错 但先得死了才能复生

Sure, but he had to die in the first place.401 整个太阳系没有一颗行星适合生存...There's not a planet in our solar system that could sustain life...402 去系外最近的恒星 也至少要飞一千年

and the nearest star's over a thousand years away.403 这连海底捞针都算不上

That doesn't even qualify as futile.404 你打算送他们去哪里? Where'd you send them? 405 库珀...Cooper...406 我暂时不能多说 除非你同意...I can't tell you anymore unle you agree...407 驾驶这艘飞船 to pilot this craft.408I barely left the stratosphere.409 这群人连模拟舱都没出过

This team never left the simulator.410 我们需要宇航员 这正是你当初受训的目标

We need a pilot, and this is the miion that you were trained for.411 某个我压根不知道的目标? Without even knowing it? 412 一小时前 你甚至不知道我还活着

An hour ago, you didn't even know I was alive.413 就算那样 行动依然照常 You were going anyway.414 我们本来别无选择 We had no choice.415 但冥冥之中 你来到了这里 But something sent you here.416They chose you.那是个虫洞吗? It appeared 48 years ago.432 {an8}虫洞 宇宙中可能存在的连接两个不同时空的狭窄隧道 433 它通向哪里? And it leads where? 434 另一个星系 Another galaxy.435 虫洞不是自然发生的现象

A wormhole's not a naturally occurring phenomenon.436 是有人把它放在那里的 Someone placed it there.437嗯Mm.438 不管他们是谁 他们似乎在留意着我们

And whoever they are, they appear to be looking out for us.439 这个虫洞能通向其他星系

That Wormhole lets us travel to other stars.440 它来的正是时候

It came along right as we needed it.441 他们把潜在的宜居世界 置于我们触手可及的地方

They've put potentially habitable worlds right within our reach.442 事实上 有十二个 这是我们初步探测的结果 Twelve, in fact, from our initial probes.443唔

-You sent probes into that? 然后呢? then what? 你研究得怎么样了? How far have you got? 一个字 知道是什么吗? One word.Know what it is?它说的是“留” 爸爸

-墨菲Murph.541 你不相信我You don't believe me.542 看看那些书!看看这个 它说“留” Look at the books!Look at this.It says, “Stay.” 543 为什么? 你没在听!它说“留!” Why...? You're not listening!It says, “Stay!” 544 不 我会回来的 No, I'm coming back.545 什么时候? When'? 546 一个给你 一个给我 One for you, one for me.547 当我在外太空深度休眠 或者...When I'm up there in hypersleep, or...548 以近光速航行 或者...traveling near the speed of light, or...549 接近黑洞时...near a black hole...550 我的时间会发生变化 会流逝得更慢些

time's gonna change for me.It's gonna run more slowly.551 等我们回来了...When we get back...552 我们来对比一下

we're gonna compare.553是的Yeah.554 等我回来时 你跟我 我们可能就同岁了

By the time I get back, we might even be the same age, you and me.555 “什么?” 想象一下!“What?” Imagine that!556 啊 墨菲...Aw, Murph...557 你不知道自己什么时候回来

You have no idea when you're coming back.558 根本不知道!No idea at all!559 墨菲 别...别让我就这么离开

Murph, don't...Don't make me leave like this.560 拜托 墨菲!Come on, Murph!561 别让我就这么离开 墨菲!Don't make me leave like this, Murph!562 嘿...Hey...563 我爱你 I love you.564 永远爱你 你听见了吗? Forever.You hear me? 565 我永远爱你 我会回来的I love you forever, and I'm coming back.566 我会回来的 I'm coming back.567还行Fine.568 还行吧 Just fine.569 我爱你 汤姆 I love you, Tom.570Yeah.571 替我照看我们的地方 好吗? You look after our place for me, all right? 572嗯

-All right? 爸爸!Dad!你的幽默参数是多少 TARS? What's your humor setting, TARS? 接手控制


-Taking control.自动测向器检查

-完毕Over.610 推进器减速 一至三号燃料舱检查

Pull thrusters back.Fuel cells one, two, three.611 燃料满舱

One hundred percent.612 一切正常 Ex-mites.613 丢下一切不容易啊

It's hard leaving everything.614 我的孩子 你的父亲 My kids.Your father.615 我们接下来要相处很长一段时间

We're going to be spending a lot of time together.616And when not to.617 实话实说而已 Just being honest.618 我觉得这种实话就不必说了

I don't think you need to be that honest.619 嘿 TARS 你的诚实参数是多少? Hey, TARS, what's your honesty parameter? 620哦 90%?Ninety percent? 621 和有情感的生物沟通 百分百诚实不见得最具策略...Absolute honesty isn't always the most diplomatic, nor the...622 也不一定最安全

safest form of communication with emotional beings.623 好吧 Okay.624 90%就够了 布兰德博士 Ninety percent it is, Dr.Brand.625 正在接近永恒号 还有12分钟

We are coming up on the Endurance.Twelve minutes out.626 好的 接手控制 Okay.Taking control.627 正在接近对接端口 还有500米

Approaching module port, 500 meters.628 交给你了 多伊尔 It's all you, Doyle.629 慢慢来 多伊尔 慢慢来

Nice and easy, Doyle.Nice and easy.630 感觉不错 I feel good.631 看你的了 Take us home.632Lock.干得好

-好了 带上头罩Okay, helmets on.634 做得好 Good job.635 门没接上电

Door's not charging.636 行了

Never mind.637 库珀 你应该可以进行控制了 Cooper, you should have control.638 正在控制 Control here.639 与环型舱的通讯已激活

Communication with ring module active.640 哦 哇 Oh, wow.641 这是个新成员 That's initiate.642等一下Just a sec.643你好 TARSHello, TARS.644 好了 我们准备就绪 All right, we're all set.645 好了 开始吧

All right, let's do it.646 哈 Heh.647 30%旋转速度

Thirty percent of spin.648 一倍重力 One G.649 重力作用下感觉如何? How's gravity treating you back there? 650 不错 Well.651 罗米呢? 嘿 你还好吗? Romilly? Hey, you okay? 652Yeah.嘿 布兰德? Hey, Brand? 多拿点


-Bring a lot.替我问候曼恩博士

-好的 爸爸

-Give my regards to Dr.Mann.好了吗? You good? 呃 沃尔夫•艾德蒙斯在这里

-跟我说说艾德蒙斯Tell me about Edmunds.690 哦 沃尔夫是个粒子物理学家 Oh, uh, Wolf's a particle physicist.691 他们都没有家人吗? None of them had families, huh? 692 没有 不能有牵挂 我爸爸坚持的No.No attachments.My father insisted.693 他们都明白再见到人类的机会很渺茫

They all knew the odds against ever seeing another human being again.694 我希望 我们至少能给他们三个带去惊喜

I'm hoping we can surprise at least three of them.695曼恩博士?Dr.Mann? 696 他很了不起 是我们之中最棒的 He's remarkable.He's the best of us.697 是他激励其余11人 一起踏上人类历史上最为孤独的旅程

He inspired 11 people to follow him on the loneliest journey in human history.698 科学家 探险家 Scientists, explorers.699 这正是我所爱的 在旅程中面对巨大风险

That's what I love.You know, out there we face great odds.700 甚至死亡 但...Death, but...701 不是邪恶 not evil.702 你认为自然不会是邪恶的? You don't think nature can be evil? 703 不会 有时残酷 有时恐怖 但...No.Formidable.Frightening.But...704 不是邪恶 no, not evil.705 狮子把羚羊撕碎 它邪恶吗? Is a lion evil because it rips a gazelle to shreds? 706 只是我们的本性

Just what we take with us, then.707 对 Yeah.708 这组人代表着最优秀的人类

This crew represents the best of humanity.709 我也算吗? Even me, huh? 710 这么说吧 我们90%同意

You know what? We agreed, 90 percent.711 好吧

There you go.712I'll be there in a minute.713 记住 库珀 你不休眠纯属浪费空气

Just remember, Coop, you are literally wasting your breath.714 嘿 TARS? 我们再检查一遍航行轨迹

Hey, TARS? Let's go over that trajectory one more time.715 八个月到达火星 Eight months to Mars.716 通过引力弹弓效应加速 十四个月到达土星

Counter-orbital slingshot around.Fourteen months to Saturn.717 {an8}引力弹弓效应, 指把行星当作“引力助推器”, 利用其重力场给飞行器加速 718 没什么变化

Nothing's changed on that.719 我问你个事儿

Just let me ask you something.720 布兰德博士和艾德蒙斯...Dr.Brand and Edmunds...721 你干嘛这么小声? 他们听不见的Why are you whispering? They can't hear you.722 布兰德博士和艾德蒙斯 他们很亲密吗? Dr.Brand and Edmunds.They close? 723 我哪知道

I wouldn't know.724 是90%的“不知道” 还是10%的“不知道”? Is that 90 percent “wouldn't know” or 10 percent “wouldn't know”? 725Aah.726 可惜是张扑克脸 你这滑头 But not a poker face, Slick.727 嘿 孩子们 Hey, guys.728 爸爸就要进行长期休眠了

Uh, Dad's about to go down for the long nap.729 我想跟你们汇报下最新进展 So I wanted to give you an update.730 呃...Uh...731 从这儿看到的地球美极了

The Earth looks amazing from here.732 看不见一丝尘埃

You can't see any of the dust.733 真希望你们一切都好

Um, I really hope you guys are doing great.734 我知道你们能收到 布兰德教授向我保证过 会把消息带给你们

I know you'll get this meage.Profeor Brand's aured me he'll get it to you.735 记住 我爱你们

Know that I love you.736不是的 墨菲

-ls it him? 他们在哪儿? Heading for Mars.749 等下次收到库珀的消息 他们就该接近土星了

The next time you hear from Cooper, they'll be coming up on Saturn.750 学校方面...As far as school goes...751 教务处让我重修植物病理学 糟透了

the administration wants me to repeat Plant Pathology.Which sucks.752 但他们说我可以提前一年修读高等农学

But they said I could start Advanced Agriculture a year early.753 好了 我该走了 爸爸 祝你平安

All right, I got to go, Dad.Hope you're safe up there.754 抱歉 库珀

Um, sorry, Coop.755 我想让墨菲来打个招呼 但她跟你一样固执

I asked Murph to say hi, but she's as stubborn as her old man.756 下次我再试试

I'll try again next time.757 你还好吗 罗米? You all right, Rom? 758 我受够这个了 库珀 This gets to me, Cooper.759 这个 这个 This.This.760 几毫米的铝板 没别的了...Millimeters of aluminum, that's it, and then nothing...761 没了它 我们在太空里瞬间就会没命

out there for millions of miles won't kill us in seconds.762 你知道吗...You know that some of the finest...763 许多世界顶尖的单人帆船运动员 其实并不会游泳? solo yachtsmen in the world don't know how to swim? 764 他们不会游泳 一旦翻船 就死定了

They don't know how.And if they go overboard, pt, they're done.765 我们是探险家 罗米 We're explorers, Rom.766 这就是我们的船 This is our boat.767 给 Here.768 这是探测器传过来的? This is from the, uh, relay probe? 769 从虫洞周围的轨道上传来的It was in orbit around the Wormhole.770 这是虫洞 每次探测器经过它...This is the Wormhole, and every time we'd come around...771 就会收到从外星系的另一端传来的图像

we would receive images from the other side of the foreign galaxy.772 对 就像左右摇摆的潜望镜

Oh, yeah.Like swinging a periscope around.773 没错 Exactly.774 所以我们很清楚在另一端会发现什么 对吧? So we got a pretty good idea what we're gonna find on the other side, huh? 775 航线角度来说 是的 Navigationally.776 各位 大约三小时后 我们将接近虫洞

Guys? We'll be approaching the Wormhole in about three hours.777 嘿 库珀? Hey, Coop? 778 我们能停止旋转吗? Can we stop the spinning? 779 为什么? Why? 780 因为我们已经近得可以看见它了? Because we're close enough to see it now? 781 好吧 All right.782 谢谢 Thanks.783 在那儿 就是它!那就是虫洞!There, that's it!That's the Wormhole!784 好好说话 别喷口水 罗米 Say it, don't spray it, Rom.785 是球状的 It's a sphere.786 当然了 难道你...你以为它只是个洞吗? Of course it is.What, you...? You thought it would just be a hole? 787 不 只是我见过的所有图解都是...No, it's just that all the illustrations I've ever seen, they...788 图解展示的是它的工作原理

In the illustrations, they're trying to show you how it works.789 譬如说 你想从这里到那里

So they say you want to go from here to there.790嗯Mm-hm.791 虫洞可以这样弯曲空间 让你走捷径...So a Wormhole bends space like this, so you can take a shortcut through...792 基于更高的维度 a higher dimension.793 好了 所以...Okay, so...794 为了解释这点 书上把三维空间

to show that, they've turned three-dimensional 795 转化为二维空间 into two dimensions...796 也就把虫洞变成了二维的一个圆

which turns a Wormhole into two dimensions, a circle.797 圆在三维中是什么? What's a circle in three dimensions? 798Exactly.799 一个球形的洞 A spherical hole.800 但谁把它放在那儿的? 我们要感谢的是谁? But who put it there? Who do we have to thank? 801 在我们完好无事地穿过去前 我谁也不谢 罗米

I'm not thanking anybody until we get out of here in one piece, Rom.802 这有什么诀窍吗 多伊尔? Any trick to this, Doyle? 803 没人知道

No one knows.804 其他人都过去了 对吗? The others made it, right? 805 至少有人过去了

At least some of them.806 大家准备好跟太阳系说再见了吗? Everybody ready to say goodbye to our solar system? 807 00:59:59,555--> 01:00:01,557 没准是银河系 To our galaxy.808 开始吧 Here we go.809 控制系统在这里不起作用 正在通过体宇宙

The controls won't work here.We're paing through the bulk.810 {an8}“体宇宙” 在超弦理论中指代比我们身处的四维“膜宇宙”更高维度的宇宙 影片中展现的是五维宇宙

811 这里是超过三维的空间 我们能做的只有记录和观察

It's space beyond our three dimensions.All you can do is record and observe.812 那是什么? What is that? 813 我觉得是“他们” I think it's them.814 时空畸变

Distorting space-time.815 别!不要!Don't!Don't!816 刚刚那是什么? What was that? 817 第一次握手

The first handshake.818 我们...We're...819 我们到了 We're here.820 之前丢失的通讯记录恢复了

So the lost communications came through.821缓存在这边的中继设备里了The relay on this side cached them.822 年复一年的基础数据 没什么特别的


星际迷航: 开启未来00:01:19 星舰凯尔文号,返回星舰基地 00:01:19 U.S.S.Kelvin, go for Starfleet Base.00:01:21 星舰基地,我们给你发了信息 收到了吗?00:01:21 Starfleet Ba......


过去的一个多世纪 我都秘密地活着 For over a century, I have lived in secret 藏身暗处 Hiding in the shadows, 独自一人 Alone in the world.直到现在 Until now.我是个......


《星际穿越》经典台词1、爱是永恒不变的力量,能够超越所有维度,当我归来,你已垂暮,我一次呼吸划过了你一辈子的岁月。2、我们救不了地球,我们应该离开它。3、多了年龄 也多了智慧......






