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Recommended Books on Extensive Reading for English Majors


China Daily 中国日报


21st Century 二十一世纪报

---News;Campus Life;Language Cla;Education;Viewpoints;Entertainment… USA Today: Asia & Pacific edition

---USA home and abroad;Politics;Economy;Forum;Science & Tech;Sports… Magazines:

Time: The Weekly Newsmagazine

---Asia;The World;United States;Busine;Science & Tech;The Arts…

Newsweek: The International Newsmagazine

---Asia;Europe;U.S.Affairs;World Affairs;Busine;Society & the Arts…

U.S.News & World Report(weekly)

---U.S.News;World Report;Busine & Technology;Culture & Ideas;News You Can Use…

New Yorker(weekly)

---about Town;The Critics;Fiction;Poems;Ads…

National Geographic(monthly)


Literary Cavalvade: scholastic's monthly magazine of contemporary literature & student writing

Scientific American(monthly)

---News and Analysis [in scientific field];Science and the Citizen;Technology and Busine;Aviation;Health;Medicine…

Beijing Review 中国新闻周刊:北京周报

---events/trends;world affairs;national report;tourism;busine/trade;culture/science;society/people…

College English 大学英语(月刊)


English Coaching 英语辅导(双月刊)


English Language Learning 英语学习(月刊)

---Non-fiction;Fiction;学习与辅导;Easy Readings…

The Knowledge of English 英语知识(月刊)

---环球揽胜;译海拾贝;语法知识;词语天地;成语典故;阅读园地;大学英语等 The World of English 英语世界(月刊)




A Step-by-step Reading List for English Majors


Anna Karenina(by Leo Tolstoy)

A Tale of Two Cities(by Charles Dickens)David Copperfield(by Charles Dickens)Emma(by Jane Austen)

Far from the Madding Crowd(by Thomas Hardy)Frenchman’s Creek(by Charles Dickens)Great Expectations(by Charles Dickens)Gulliver’s Travels(by Jonathan Swift)Jane Eyre(by Charlotte Bronte)Jaws(by Peter Benchley)Lucky Jim(by Kinsley Amis)

Nicholas Nickleby(by Charles Dickens)Mary Barton(by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell)Monte Cristo(by Alexandre Dumas)Oliver Twist(by Charles Dickens)Pride and Prejudice(by Jane Austen)Rebecca(by Daphne Du Maurier)Silas Marner(by George Eliot)

Te of the D’ubervilles(by Thomas Hardy)The Green Years(by A.Cronin)

The Hunckback of Notre Dame(by Victor Hugo)The Mayor of Casterbridge(by Thomas Hardy)The Three Musketeers(by Alexandre Dumas)

安娜•卡列尼娜 双城记

大卫•考伯菲尔德 爱玛 远离尘嚣 法国人的小港湾 远大前程 格利佛游记 简爱 大白鲨 幸运的吉姆 尼古拉斯•尼克尔贝玛丽•巴顿 基度山伯爵 雾都孤儿 傲慢与偏见 蝴蝶梦 塞拉斯•马纳 德伯家的苔丝 青春的岁月 巴黎圣母院 卡斯特桥市长 三个火枪手

Treasure Island(by R.L.Steveson)Vanity Fair(by W.M.Thackeray)Woman in White(by Wilkie Collins)Wuthering Heights(by Emily Bronte)



Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland(by Lewis Carrol)Child’s History of England(by Charles Dickens)Good-bye, Mr.Chips(by James Hilton)INTERPOL(by Peter G.Lee)Robinson Crusoe(by Daniel Defoe)The Gadfly(by E.L.Voynich)The Story of the Bible(by Van Loon)

The Story of Mankind(by H.William Van Loon)The Great Road(by Agnes Smedley)一般原著:

An Inspector Calls(by J.B.Priestley)An Invisible Man(by H.G.Wells)

A Tale of Two Cities(by Charles Dickens)David Copperfield(by Charles Dickens)Emma(by Jane Austen)

Gone with the Wind(by Margaret Mitchell)Gulliver’s Travels(by Jonathan Swift)Hotel(by Arthur Hailey)

Oliver Twist(by Charles Dickens)Pride and Prejudice(by Jane Austen)Pygmalion(by Bernald Shaw)

金银岛 名利场 白衣女人 呼啸山庄

艾丽斯漫游记 儿童英国史 再会,契普斯先生 国际警察组织 鲁滨逊漂流记 牛虻 圣经的故事 人类的故事 伟大的道路

罪恶之家 隐身人 双城记

大卫•考伯菲尔德 爱玛 飘

格利佛游记 旅馆 雾都孤儿 傲慢与偏见 茶花女

Red Star over China(by Edgar Snow)Roots(by Alex Haley)

Selected Readings from D.H.Lawrence

The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin(by mark Twain)The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(by Mark Twain)The Jungle(by Upton Sinclair)

The Old Man and The Sea(by Ernest Hemingway)The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists(by Robert Treell)

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich(by William L.Shirer)

Uncle Tom’s Cabin(by H.Beecher Stowe)Winds of War(by Herman Woul)较难原著:

A Farewell to Arms(by Ernest Hemingway)Airport(by Arthur Hailey)

A Tale of Two Cities(by Charles Dickens)Financier(by Theodore Dreiser)Grapes of Wrath(by J.Steinbeck)Jane Eyre(by Charlotte Bronte)Jude the Obscure(by Thomas Hardy)

Lady Chatterley’s Lover(by D.H.Lawrence)Martin Eden(by Jack London)

Pride and Prejudice(by Jane Austen)Sense and Sensibility(by Jane Austen)Sister Carrie(by Theodore Dreiser)Sons and Lovers(by D.H.Lawrence)

Te of the D’ubervilles(by Thomas Hardy)

西行漫记 根


哈克•贝里芬历险记 汤姆•索亚历险记 丛林 老人与海


第三帝国的兴亡 汤姆叔叔的小屋 战争风云

永别了武器 航空港 双城记 财政家 愤怒的葡萄 简爱 无名的裘德 查泰莱夫人德情人 马丁•伊登 傲慢与偏见 理智与情感 嘉丽妹妹 儿子和情人 德伯家的苔丝

The American Tragedy(by Theodore Dreiser)The Final Diagnosis(by Arthur Hailey)The God Father(by Mario Puzo)

The Great Gatsby(by F.Scott Fitzgerald)The Hunckback of Notre Dame(by Victor Hugo)The Moneychangers(by Arthur Hailey)The Rainbow(by D.H.Lawrence)The Red and The Black(by Stendhal)The Return to the Native(by Thomas Hardy)The Scarlet Letter(by Nathaniel Hawthorne)The Sun Also Rises(by Ernest Hemingway)The Thorn Birds(by Colleen Mccullough)The Three Musketeers(by Alexandre Dumas)Vanity Fair(by W.M.Thackeray)

Wives and Daughters(by Elizabeth Gaskell)Wuthering Heights(by Emily Bronte)

美国的悲剧 最后的诊断 教父

了不起的盖茨比 巴黎圣母院 钱商 虹 红与黑 还乡 红字

太阳照样升起 荆棘鸟 三个火枪手 名利场 妻子与女儿 呼啸山庄


最浅近的简易读物Charles Darwin (by Carla Greene) 查尔斯•达尔文John F.Kennedy (by Charles P.Graves) 约翰•肯尼迪King Arthur and His Knights (by William Kottmeye......


第一阶段(0-2岁)“An I Can Read Book” Level 1:每本约32~64页,每页1~3句话,每句话平均6、7个单词。04.The big snowball幽默05.Benny’s Big Bubble01.Happy Birthday, Danny......


汪培珽英语书单汪培珽第一阶段英文书单:书标头An I can read book (level 1),此系列有level1、2、3,每个level有40本以上不同主题的书,尤其level 3,每本都值得阅读,此书单只列出我有......


A1、阿西莫夫作品(全18册)阿西莫夫 机器人短篇全集+银河帝国基地七部曲+神们自己+永恒的终结+帝国三部曲+机器人五部曲2、安徒生童话3、爱丽丝漫游仙境B1、巴巴央和魔法星作者......


1.草房子 2.守护者3.胡安的国度 4.旷野迷踪5.当世界年纪还小的时候 6.我家的宠物是条龙 7.你睡不着吗8.来自无人地带的明信片 9.碧婆婆贝婆婆10.通向特拉比西亚的桥 11.隔离......



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