福建土楼 故里南靖, 堪称”土楼王国”。这些土楼大小不一,形状各异,除常见的圆形、方形外,还有椭圆形,五凤形,半月形、扇形、交椅形、曲尺形、八卦形、围裙形、塔形、和自行、凸字形、前方后圆形、套筒形、雨伞形、方圆结合形、马蹄形等,并且拥有最大、最高、最古老、最奇特的土楼蔚为壮观、美不胜收。日本建筑学家茂木计一郎誉为是“天上掉下的飞碟,地上长出的蘑菇’,联合国科教文组织顾问史蒂文斯.安德烈称土楼是世界上独一无
Nanjing, the homeland of Fujian Tulou, is called “The kingdom of Tulou”.The tulou here have different sizes and shapes such as circular and squre, which er commonly see, and oval, fan-shaped, chair-shaped, carpenter’s aqure-shaped, Eight-Traigrams-shapes, apron-shaped, tower-shaped, T-shaped, sleeve-shapaed, umbrella-shaped, U-shaped and so on.It also has the largest, the highest, the oldest, the peculiarest Tulou, and the most magnificent and beautiful Tulou clusters here.A famous Japanese Architectural Giant praised Tulou as the UFOs from the sky and the mushroom out from the ground.Stevens, an official came from the UNESCO, called Tulou was the unique and the mythical country architecture pattern in the world.An American Expert, who came here to do the previous period research for the Tulou’s application for the world Cultural Heritage thought Tulou was the kind of folk houses which could be harmonious with the nature since he had ever seen.LuoZhewen, the official came from Chinese State Bureau of Cultural Relics and also an expert for the protection of the ancient architectures, said each Tulou had its own style though they looked the same, and Tulou was a miracle in the history of the architectures in the world.After his completion of The Surveying Picture Album of Nanjing Province, Lu Bingjie, a profeor of Tongji University in Shanghai, said if one had never been to Tianluokeng Tulou Cluster in Nanjing, then he/she could not say he/she had ever seen Tulou.Totally, there are four experts have ever evaluated the history and the value of Tulou.摘自《中国-福建土楼》宣传小册
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