PAMELA EVANS 145 Tahquitz Canyon?Palm Springs, California92262?760-555-1212
PROFILE Award-winning, multilingual Busine Student with extensive profeional and entrepreneurial experience.Awarded 2001 Student Leader for exemplar, service in student government.Received 2001 Service Award for outstanding contributions to campus activities.Fluency in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.Technically proficient in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint;programming in Visual Basic and HTML;Web design.EXPERIENCE TRANSLATOR, Orange County, California Private Contractor …… 4/00-Present
Team with two secretarial aistants to provide conversation-based translation and mediation services to non-English speaking busine owners and employees.Accomplishment:
Awarded Hispanic Busine Community recognition for aisting immigrants.RRMXV, LLC.Santa Ana, California Foreign Currency Trade, Intern …… 12/013/00
Aided management and coached students for educational preparation institute.Accomplishment:
Boosted student enrollment;won Employee of the Month Award.SEDA Y FIBRAS, S.R.L, Hernandarias, Alto Parana, Paraguay Aistant Busine Translator …… 2/97Spanish-Portuguese translations of busine document and person-to-person conversations for global textile exporter
EDUCATION & ACTIVITIES CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE, lrvine, California Busine Administration Major, 2000-Present
4.00GPA, President's List, Alpha Gamma Sigma, Phi Alpha Mu, Mu Alpha Theta.2001 Aociated Board of Trustees Member.Student Representative to Academic Senate, Spring 2001.Student Representative to Transfer Advisory Board, Spring 2001.Student Advisor to Busine Club, Fall 2001
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个人信息姓名:目前所在地: 无锡民族: 汉族户口所在地: 河南省身材: 172 cm 60 kg婚姻状况: 未婚年龄: 23岁求职意向及工作经历人才类型: 往届毕业生应聘职位: 物流类:仓管 物流 ......