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1、作者认为a lot of profeors 是怎样的:

(1)忘了(2)change minds with students(3)XXX students’ growth(4)help students achieve their goals2、忘了 考 pick themselves up 等 这句话的意思 benefit for one’s all lifetime3、词汇题,应选A Dull,意为这种叫兽是麻木性的,容易被学生忘记



原文:It is easier to get divorced today than in times past, but it is no le painful.Studies have shown that both men and women suffer significant stre at two key points: before the decision to divorce and at the time of the final separation.Poor health, difficulty in sleeping and working, loneline, depreion, anxiety, lowered self-esteem, and impaired memory are all aociated with the divorce proce.In their study of 252 men and women currently undergoing a divorce, David A.Chiriboga and Loraine Cutler found that They found that men were more vulnerable to stre than women.At the same time, close to 50 percent of both men and women reported that they felt some relief as a result of having initiated the divorce proce.The children of a couple planning to divorce also share in the pain, especially immediately following the separation.In their study of family breakup, Judith S.Wallerstein and Joan B.Kelly found that parents rarely prepare their children for the coming crisis, nor do they privide them with the neceary aurances that they will be cared for.Preoccupied by their personal problems, the parents are often insensitive to their children's anger, fear or perplexity.When divorce neceitates that the mother go to work, the child may be placed in unfamiliar child care arrangements, and both mother and father become substantially le available.The first year following a divorce is typically the most streful for the parents and for the child.In the long run, however, divorce is not necearily psychologically damaging to children, particularly when both parents remain acceible and loving.Whatever the pain that divorce inflicts, it does not seem to sour people on the institution of marriage.A fourth of the people who get divorced are remarried within the year, and 75 percent remarry within nine years of divorce.About five of every six divorced men and three of every four divorced women marry again.One reason that men are more likely to remarry than women is that men typically marry younger women.When we consider that by age twenty-seven women begin outnumbering men, we can see how middle-aged and older men have a larger pool of potential partners from which to choose than do women.In sum,while marriage may be difficult to sustain, it is certainly not going out of style.31.According to the paage, women suffer significant stre when ____.A.they are forced to leave their children

B.the property is divided

C.making up their mind to get a divorce

D.going to a court

32.According to the paage, one who is getting a divorce can suffer all the pains except ____.A.impaired memory

B.weight lost

C.lowered self-esteem


33.According to the paage, all have a share in the proce of adivorce except ____.A.husband




34.The paage implies that in the first year after a divorce children may suffer ____.A.psychological stre

B.physiological stre

C.physical stre


35.According to the paage, the percentage of remarrying man is higher than that of the women by ____.A.25 %

B.75 %

C.8 %











What Is Fashion

Fashion is something we deal with every day.Even people who say they don‘t care what they wear choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them an

d how they feel that day.One certain thing in the fashion world is change.We are constantly being showered with new fashion ideas from music, videos, books, and television.Movies also have a big impact on what people wear.Ray-Ban sold more sunglaes after the movie Men in Black.Sometimes a trend is worldwide.Back in the 1950s, teenagers everywhere dreed like Elvis Presley.Fashion and styles reveal what groups people are in, but they also create stereotypes and distance between groups.For instance, a busineman might look at a boy with green hair and multiple piercings(耳环孔)as an outsider.But to another person, the boy behaves strictly suitably.He drees a certain way to deliver the meage of rebellion(叛逆)and separation, but within that group, the look is uniform.Acceptance or rejection of a style is a reaction to the society we live in.Fashion is a language which tells a story about the person who wears it.―Clothes create a wordle means of communication that we all understand,‖ according to Katherine Hamnett, a top British fashion designer.Hamnett became popular when her T-shirts with large meages like ―Choose Life‖ were worn by several rock bands.Fashion is an endle popularity contest.High fashion is the style of a small group of men and women with a certain taste and authority in the fashion world.People of wealth and position, buyers for major department stores, editors and writers for fashion magazines are all part of High Fashion.Some of these expensive and often artistic fashions may triumph and become the fashion for the larger majority.Most stay on the runway.Popular fashions are close to impoible to trace.No one can tell how the short skirts and boots worn by teenagers in England in 1960 made it to the runways of Paris, or how blue jeans became so popular in the U.S., or how hip-hop made it from the streets of the Bronx to the fashion shows of London and Milan.―In the perspective of costume history, it is plain that the dre of any given period is exactly suited to the actual climate of the time.‖ according to James Laver, a noted English costume historian.How did bell-bottom jeans fade into the designer jeans and boots look of the 1980s into the baggy look of the 1990s? Nobody really knows.Choose the best answers to the following questions.1.According to the second paragraph, the example that teenagers everywhere dreed like Elvis Presley in the 1950s shows that.A.there is constant change in the fashion world

B.stars set world-wide trends in fashion

C.fashion is something we deal with every day

D.teenagers can show themselves off by means of means of what they are wearing

2.A boy with green hair and multiple piercings.A.might well look up to a busineman

B.delivers the meage of rebellion and separation from everybody

C.manages to reveal that his style unique

D.will be accepted by some people in the society

3.Which of the following types is not mentioned in the article?

A.short boots B.baggy skirts C.xxxx jeans D.Hip-Hop

4.Which of the following is not true of fashion according to this paage?

A.People can get to know a person by the fashion he wears.B.Most of expensive and artistic fashion fail to be popular with common people.C.The fashion world is characterized by constant change.D.It is easy to unearth the reasons why a fashion becomes popular.注:其中1、2、4题为官方题,官方正确答案为

1、B2、D4、D,第三题为考试中替换的题,大概就是如此,根据群友意见,一般选择为B,综合来看正确 答案为BDBD,其中第三题非官方答案。


Before the mid1860’s, the impact of the railroads in the United States was limited, in the sense that the tracks ended at this Miouri River, approximately the center of the country.At the point the trains turned their freight, mail, and paengers over to steamboats, wagons, and stagecoaches.This meant that wagon freighting, stagecoaching, and steamboating did not come to an end when the first train appeared;rather they became supplements or feeders.Each new “endoftrack” became a center for animaldrawn or waterborne transportation.The major effect of the railroad was to shorten the distance that had to be covered by the older, slower, and more costly means.Wagon freighters continued operating throughout the 1870’s and 1880’s and into the 1890’s.Although over constantly shrinking routes, and coaches and wagons continued to cricro the West wherever the rails had not yet been laid.The beginning of a major change was foreshadowed in the later 1860’s, when the Union Pacific Railroad at last began to build westward from the Central Plains city of Omaha to meet the Central Pacific Railroad advancing eastward from California through the formidable barrier of the Sierra Nevada.Although President Abraham Lincoln signed the original Pacific Railroad bill in 1862 and a revised, financially much more generous version in 1864, little construction was completed until 1865 on the Central Pacific and 1866 on the Union Pacific.The primary reason was skepticism that a Railroad built through so challenging and thinly settled a stretch of desert, mountain, and semiarid plain could pay a profit.In the words of an economist, this was a case of “premature enterprise”, where not only the cost of construction but also the very high risk deterred private investment.In discuing the Pacific Railroad bill, the chair of the congreional committee bluntly stated that without government subsidy no one would undertake so unpromising a venture;yet it was a national neceity to link East and West together.16.The author refers to the impact of railroads before the late 1860’s as “limited” because ____

A.the track did not take the direct route from one city to the next

B.paengers and freight had to transfer to other modes of transportation to reach western destinations

C.paengers preferred stagecoaches

D.railroad travel was quite expensive

17.What can be inferred about coaches and wagon freighters as the railroad expanded?

A.They developed competing routes.B.Their drivers refused to work for the railroads.C.They began to specialize in private investment.D.There were insufficient numbers of trained people to operate them.18.Why does the author mention the Sierra Nevada in line 17?

A.To argue that a more direct route to the West could have been taken.B.To identify a historically significant mountain range in the West.C.To point out the location of a serious train accident.D.To give an example of an obstacle faced by the central pacific.注:第四题考试中已被更换。此题源于老托福,后被其他网络辅导机构使用,第一题的官方答案存在争议。争议在AB之间,另外根据我的回忆第一题的B选项跟原文有所不同。





a.good term b.somewhat unsettledcdtricky3、如何描述黑客

innovateunconventionalout of date4、黑客的宗旨是什么

devote to their craftfree acce



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