Agent Engagement of Accounting
Party A:编号:
Party B:Shanghai THOTH Consulting Co., Ltd.委托事由Recitals
Party A wishes to entrust Party B as its accounting and tax agent.2.乙方接受甲方的委托,根据《企业会计准则》、《中华人民共和国外商投资企业会计制度》、《中华人民
共和国会计法》及财政、税务等有关法律、法规的规定,为甲方公司提供代理记账、财税咨询和税务申报 代理服务。
Party B agrees to act as Party A’s accounting and tax agent to provide bookkeeping, finance consulting and tax agency services to Party A in according with the terms and conditions set out in this Agent Engagement(hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”)under Accounting Law of P.R.China and relevant rules and regulations.1.权限申明Authority and Jurisdiction
1.1 甲方委托并授权乙方完成下述协议条款2中所规定内容(以下称“委托项目”);
Party A entrusts and authorizes Party B to act as its agent to accomplish the items set out in Article 2 below(hereinafter referred to as “entrusted items”).1.2 以上条款规定的委托和授权任何时候都不被视为是本协议双方的合伙关系;
The entrustment and authorization as stated in Article 1.1 above should not at any time be regarded as the partnership relationship between the parties of this Agreement.1.3 本协议的条款、作用和解释,因本协议引发争议的解决和本协议的执行受中华人民共和国法律约束。
Any articles, effect and interpretation of this Agreement and the settlement of disputes arising from this Agreement or its performance shall be governed by the law of the People’s Republic of China.2.责任范围和委托项目Responsibilities and Commitments
2.1甲方责任范围Party A
To constitute integrated internal control system to ensure the integrality of account of company aets.2)向乙方提供合法、真实、准确、完整的原始凭证,进行分类编号后交给乙方;
To provide legal, true, exact and whole original vouchers to Party B which have been sorted and numbered.3)配备专人负责日常货币的收支和管理并编制货币收支流水账;
To manage the daily income and expenses and make monetary income and expenditure account by appointed cashier.4)负责原始凭证审核;
To responsible for audit of its original vouchers.5)每月(逢节假日提前)向乙方提供公司记账所需资料;
To provide all the required documents to Party B for bookkeeping by the third date of the month.(The deadline will be advanced accordingly if the date is a national holiday.)
To fully cooperate with Party B’s appointed accountant;all the relevant documents should be checked and accepted by Party B.7)按本协议的规定及时足额交纳代理费;
To pay agent fee to Party B according to the time frame stated in this Agreement.8)按时足额缴存纳税款项;
To pay tax according to the time frame stated by tax authority.9)妥善保管所有原始凭证、财务报表及经税务机关审核后的纳税申报表等资料。
To preserve all the original vouchers, finance statements and taxation sheets.2.2乙方责任范围Party B
To collect and take back the required original vouchers for bookkeeping by Party B’s appointed accountant.2)复核甲方所提供原始凭证的合规性,并向甲方提供合法、合理性建议;
To check Party B’s original vouchers and provide legitimate and suitable suggestion.3)根据甲方提供的原始凭证按照中华人民共和国财政部制定的《企业会计准则》和《中华人民共和国外商
To provide bookkeeping agency services according to & have been promulgated by the Ministry of Finance of China and relevant laws and policies.To make accounting
vouchers, accounting books and accounting statements to ensure the consistency of the accounting
treatment and the original vouchers.4)在税务机关规定期限内及时完成各类纳税申报表并在税务机关指定的工作日前完成税务申报工作;
To prepare all the required tax sheets within stated term and report to tax authority according to tax authority’s requirement in time.5)在财政和税务部门规定的期限内编制和上交《企业年度会计报表》和《企业所得税年度申报表》及其附表;
To prepare and hand in the , etc.which have been aigned by financial and tax authorities within the stated term.6)年度终了,将甲方该年度的各类账簿、会计月报和税务月报装订成册退还甲方保管
At the end of the year, Party B will give back all the bound accounting books, accounting statements and tax sheets to Party A for filing.7)协助甲方完成税务机关检查事宜;
To aist Party A in finishing the tax inspection with the tax authority.8)协助甲方完成企业工商年检手续。
To aist Party A in finishing foreign investment company’s annual union inspection and renewal.2.3乙方免费服务事项Party B’s Free Services
To provide consulting and guidance of accounting, taxation, human resources and social security in daily work.2)及时将国家税务机关颁布的涉及到甲方各项税务事宜的法规政策反馈给甲方,并提供咨询和辅导;
To update Party A with the newest laws and policies in terms of taxation promulgated by tax authority in time, and providing relevant consultant and guidance.3.费用及付费方式Profeional Fees
1)在甲方获得增值税一般纳税人之前,甲方应每月支付代理费人民币3000元(大写人民币整),代理费按 年收取,每个年初支付下年度的代理费;
Before Party A obtains normal tax payer(VAT)qualification, Party A agrees to pay Party B 3000 RMB/month for accounting and taxation agency services, it shall be paid for each year.2)在甲方取得一般纳税人资格批准后,甲方应每月支付代理费人民币元(大写人民币陆千元
整),代理费按季收取,每个季末支付下季度的代理费; for its accounting and taxation agency services, it shall be paid at the end of every quarterly.4. 委托期限及终止Period of Engagement and Termination
1)本协议有效期自年年月, 合计个月;
This Agreement shall come into effect fromto, total ismonths.The relationship between Party A and Party B shall continue within the term of the Agreement.2)如果甲方委托乙方代理申请一般纳税人资格,甲方承诺自获得一般纳税人资格批准之月起,继续维持与乙方的会计委托代理至少一年。如因甲方原因终止合同,乙方有权要求甲方需继续支付代理费直至合同到期。If Party A entrusts Party B to apply for the VAT qualification, Party A must guarantee engagement with Party B more than 1 year(beginning when Party A obtains the approval of VAT qualification).Party B requests Party A to pay the full engagement service fee to Party B even if Party A terminates this reement.3)本协议签订后,任何一方如需终止本协议,必须提前30天以书面形式通知对方;
After signed the Agreement, either party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice ahead of 30 days.4)如甲方已经向乙方支付费用用于完成或部分完成任何委托项目后,需要终止本协议的执行,乙方没有义
Should Party A terminate this Agreement after making payment to Party B for completion or part
completion of any of the entrusted items, Party B is under no obligation to return any of these payments to Party A.5)如甲方终止本协议的执行,乙方有权要求甲方支付所有完成或部分完成的委托项目的政府规费和代理费;
Party B has the right to request Party A to pay Party B for all governmental charges and its profeional fees for those entrusted items fully or partly completed by Party B ifParty A terminates this Agreement;
In the event that Party B fails to complete any of the entrusted items due to its own fault or negligence, Party A shall not be required to make any further payment to Party B as stipulated in Article 3 and previous payment made by Party A shall be returned to Party A accordingly.7)在代理过程中,如果由于中国政府相关部门改变法律或公布新的法规,致使委托项目办理延迟或不能完
Party B shall not be held liable if during the proce of agency services, amendments to the law or new regulations are promulgated by the Chinese authorities, causing delay or non-completion of the items of entrustments laid out in Article 2.2.8)协议期将近届满时,如需续约,双方应于协议到期前30天内,就甲方的实际经营状况及实际需要,适当
While the expire date of this Agreement is approaching, if Party A needs to renew the engagement, both parties can negotiate and adjust entrusted items and agent fee based on Party A’s busine status, and then sign a new Agreement in 30 days advance.5.违约责任Breach liability
Any liabilities arising as result of breach of responsibility described in Article 2, should be owned by the party responsible for the breach.2)乙方并不承担以上免费服务事项的任何责任。
Party B shall not be responsible for any consequential liabilities for its free services stated in Article 2.3 incase Party A acted contrary to the advice given by Party B.6.保密条款Confidentiality
Party B should keep confidential all of Party A’s busine status, company information and busine secret which have been known during the proce of agent services.Party B can not leak Party A’s busine secret to the third party without Party A’s written approval, unle otherwise stated by Chinese laws.This article is always effective if this Agreement is terminated because of some reasons.7.争议Dispute Resolution
Any unresolved disputes arising from or incidental to this Agreement shall be submitted to the Shanghai Municipal Arbitration Commiion for arbitration in accordance with its rules of procedure.8.协议真实性Authenticity of Agreement
This Agreement contains two original copies;these copies are held by both parties.Both the signed copies of this Agreement are legally bounding and equally authentic.Party A: Party B: 上海托特财务咨询有限公司 Add:Add:Tel:Tel:Authorized Signature Authorized Signature:Date: Date:
山西坤正税务师事务所有限公司业务约定书合同编号:_________公司名称(甲方): 公司名称(乙方): 法人或经办人(签章): 法人或经办人(签章): 身份证号码: 身份证号码:通讯地址: 通讯地址: 电话:......
甲方:上海_______ 有限公司 (以下简称甲方) 签定时间:乙方:上海欧斯商务有限公司 (以下简称乙方) 签定地点:甲乙双方经友好协商,甲方委托乙方代理记帐事宜:一、代理记帐范围1、根据甲......